In the heart of an elven forest lived a couple expecting a child. The mother stayed home nurturing her baby while the father headed outdoors to join the hunt. The clan itself was their family and the both of them, its greatest warriors–however, being expectant, the mother was bed-bound and the father far too busy trying to cover the responsibilities of his wife.
And that's when it happened, in the dead of the night. It started with a battalion of dark elves slaughtering the sparse guards left in the village. They knew that the hunt had nearly everyone away and that gave them time to prepare their traps. The women were taken prisoners inside their homes and the men slaughtered in places where the returning elves wouldn't notice the hint of their blood. As for the kids, they suffered the worst fate of them all–being cooked alive or used as toys while the dark elves waited.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: