
Leaving The Islands - Part 1

Three days had passed and Raven had finally decided to approach the people of Aranuvia–the only ones left without any knowledge of what had happened to their king. Standing before the idolized angel at a fork in the path leading to the farms, he curiously glanced her up and down. Reminded of his time in the dream and meeting her, he was greatly curious about her purpose on the island, however, with things moving so quickly, it was finally time for him to teleport and join Regalia, Linkle, and the injured fox girl on the ship.

Closing his eyes, he gripped the necklace and let it work its magic, and as he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing on a ship just a few miles away from land that was visible in front of him. 

"You're here? I've been waiting for you," Regalia whispered, leaning onto the ship's railings with her eyes set on the island. "Thought it'd be best to go in a group of four, three's a crowd but a four's a company, isn't that right?"


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