
The Turmoil of The Heart - Part 3

The pews inside the church had been to the side to make room for a greater gathering of the islanders. But as of now at night, it was being used to rest by the Djinn sisters and by Liliyana to calm Amedith. Sitting away from the priestess who was watching over the girls, the warrior had his eyes piercing a hole in Erika's back, all the while, Liliyana tried to comfort him into sleeping.

"Will you give it up already?" Complained the priestess, tired of being gawked at for a mistake that she didn't really consider a mistake. Turning slightly to the back, she stared back at Amedith and shot back. "At least you now know she cared enough to save you, I don't even know why my parents abandoned me!"

"That doesn–"

"Enough, you two!" Before Amedith could respond, Liliyana cut him off and even moved her hand between the two and turned it gigantic to prevent them from looking at each other. "Just sleep it off for one day, okay? Please?"


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