
While Her Chosen Awakens

Left in a state of unrest inside her prison, Athenia didn't know what to expect to happen next. Now aware of the presence inside of Choux and the soon-to-be-revealed secret of Amedith's parentage, was bound to bring a flood–one that could once again wash away the faith the party had in her. 

"Maybe it's time to tell the truth, after all?" Whispered her clone standing right beside her.

"What are you talking about?" Turning around to face the goddess and her clone, Cassiopeia glanced between the two, all the while Athenia was far too busy trying to see through the possible futures.

As present in the present, the past and the future, the goddess of mockery wanted the best possible outcome to be drawn from the sticky situation. Thus, looking far into the future and following the many branches of possibility, she stumbled on a few answers but the only one that stuck out to her was exactly what her clone had suggested.


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