The mothers of fairies; their existence still a mystery to many gods, but that was no longer the case for Athenia. In her limited knowledge, she'd felt the presence of yet another deity, one far stronger than herself and yet bound by an inseparable power. Had the matter of the witch hunter not taken precedence, she would've dug into the matter more, but for now, her probing of Nerva's body was forced to a halt.
'Fairies, huh?' Even so, staring at Will-O and the others resting inside the dead god's church, she couldn't help but wonder whose power the fairy used to teleport the entire party away from the Inn.
Not even Raven who'd seen the mother fae with own eyes understood the nature of the mystic creatures, and although Umbra was in his mind the mother of all dark fae, reconciling it with reality wasn't an easy task.
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