Land at last, yet nobody was pleased. A fleet of pirates have been drowned, a pair of mother and daughter killed, and what did the party have to show for it? The culprits behind it all, still breathing alongside them. It was only a matter of time before Amedith and Liliyana returned to the shore and revealed everything that had happened at the lighthouse and then, it would fall onto Raven to change his mind about keeping the culprits alive.
"That was quite a show mister!" But for now, there was something else entirely that the party had to deal with. A fleet of young children crowded them as they got off the rowboat, every single smug one of whom was a criminal in the making. "How did you do that? Those tentacles from under the ships!"
Having seen through the facade of innocence, however, Raven as well as the others expected to be robbed by their guileful techniques, but to their surprise, the pack of children appeared to be genuinely curious.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: