
Monster Girl's Trip To The Farmhouse!

With Raven's date with Tanya coming to an end, he was finally back at the mansion. The place hasn't changed much, except for the number of its inhabitants. Amedith, Mel, and Liliyana had still not returned and Aria was off to training while Erika was breathing down Reina's neck to get the idol of the goddess done as quickly as possible, leaving just the monster girls and Maria still staying at the accursed place. 

"The Raven flew its way back home," Arche playfully mocked, watching as Raven walked in the direction of the monster girls.

Having gotten used to staying in the garden, the girls were provided many luxuries, from benches, chairs, and even an open fire grill. Yet approaching them, despite being gone for nearly two days, Raven knew that they hadn't sat once on the chair or the benches and had only used the grill as it was still being fought over by Mino and Maine.


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