
The Bond Of Brother And Sister

A race of many beginnings and ends, none the same and yet a perfect balance; demi-humans–neither day nor night, but the equator line, cast half in the sun's rays and the other moonlight. However, no stranger to the extremes like a raging centaur obsessed with killing or a half-bunny human who excelled at sorcery, they held exceptions and not just in the extremes.

"What are you doing?" And one such demi was now being bothered by one-half of her blood. 

"Helping you, what does it look like?" Responding to his sister, Monty picked up a scrub and began cleaning the dishes that the two had left dirty last night.

Suspicious about her brother's sudden change in behavior, Lincy glared at him, unsure what to make of the situation. But then it hit her.


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