"Let me go! I didn't- I didn't!" After seeing Milo and Viola, the inevitable came to be in Roswald's eyes, and so began his pleading. "IT WAS ALL THE QUEEN'S IDEA! SHE WANTED ME TO DO THIS! SHE WANTS ME TO FOOL YOU AND SLOWLY TAKE CONTROL I NEVER WOULD'VE DONE IT OTHERW–"
His words, however, were cut quickly short as Maria walked out from the very back of Raven's group. Letting down her mask, she glared at Roswald as if he were filth. She was partially responsible for what was happening, sure–but in no way were their plans, hers and hers alone.
"You bastard!" Rushing up to him, Maria kicked Roswald right in his chin.
"AUGGHH!" Feeling a few teeth chipping off as well as his jaw dislocating, he slammed his head against the ground and screeched like a pig rolling in the muck. "AAAAAGHH!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: