Note: Few more chapters to tie loose ends and then we'll be in Athenia! Lewdness awaits XD
To make love to a goddess, few were granted such a blessing. Wars were waged, kingdoms fell, and the saints would turn to lap dogs wagging their dicks like tails. But the arrogance of beauty wasn't just a tale for the goddess knew what they had and loved to hook their followers with promise as if it were a carrot on a stick. Blindly the people followed, some snared by lust, the others simple hope, but such was not the case for the goddess of good and evil.
Stern she may have been but unfair she was not. She treated angels no different than devils for her very nature was that of balance. The impartial judge in a sense, had that name not belonged to the demon king.
"Asvaaa~" However, even the fairest of the fair had some devilish secrets.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: