
A Brief Respite(Skipable)

It was the first night in their travels to reach the elven territory, and the party had decided to set up camp. Even so, making sure to leave Amedith and Liliyana seemingly vulnerable, the rest of the party set camp slightly further back. Keeping watch on the duo from the shadows, the members rotated through the night to make sure someone was always watching over the ex-hero and his lover.

After hours and hours of doing so, it left nearly everyone tired except for Aria, Raven, and the monster girls awake for the night. Having just finished his shift of watching over the duo, Raven lay in a field of tall grass with Amelia, Maine, and Mino, all three of them lying right beside him.

Although tired, none of them could sleep as at a moment's notice they might have to follow Amedith and Liliyana after they'd been kidnapped. Despite that, the starry night and the distant hint of a green aurora in the sky–made up for being awake so late at night.


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