
(A)(C) Pure Hatred

As I flew through the sky's as the smile just didn't leave my face as what I was about to do to that Douchebag that I call father.

To those who viewed me from the ground I looked just like a shooting star, streaming right across the morning sky as I approached my destination.


Meanwhile in a cozy house on the outskirts of Los Angeles proper, two people could be seen sleeping peacefully in their shared bed.

But in a mere instant one of them woke up with a fright as they felt a malevolent presence approaching at a rapid pace.

"No fucking way…." I muttered as my eyes widened as I knew that feeling very clearly and I knew who was approaching me which freaked me out as I wasn't expecting this at all to happen.

"Lute! LUTE! Wake the Fuck Up!" I shout out as I shake my naked girlfriend into waking up quickly.

"Huh?! What?! What's going on?!" She said clearly startled before instinctively grabbing her holy spear seeing me freaking out.

"Lute! Go back to heaven now! Tell Sera to send backup here now! I don't have time to explain just tell her Cain's on Earth and he's here for- FUCK!" I shout out before grabbing her and tossing her through a suddenly formed heaven portal and tossed her through as half of my house was suddenly bisected before crashing down on top of me.

"Ugh! Fucker!" I shout out before I made an explosion of holy energy as I blow the debris off and away from me as I grab a pair of pants and put it on before looking around and not seeing anything.

"Where are you?!"

"Right behind you." Is all I heard before I felt a heavy fist smash into me from behind as I crash and skidded across the ground before having to dig my hands into the ground to stop myself from going off and slamming into a boulder or something.

"Fuck!" I groan a bit before hacking up a bit of golden blood before spitting it out and pulling out my cut up hands from the ground as I wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand.

"Oh bravo! You were actually able to stop yourself, I guess this new look of yours isn't just for show." I heard him say sarcastically as he clapped his hands while walking out of the dust cloud that was created from when he hit me.

He then grinned before pulling out those fucking swords of his, "Hello 'Dad' your sons here to pay a visit." He says before forming them in the shape of an upside down cross, which not only pissed me off but also confused me as it seemed familiar.

Not only that I knew what to use in response before I pulled out my battleaxe and changed them into two hand axes and made a cross in return, "It's about time I put you in the ground for good." I say to which his smile just got wider and creepier as he showed off all of his fangs as his eyes went completely black with only red dots for pupils being visible.

"Oh am I going to enjoy fucking you up!"

"I'd like to see you fucking try!"

And with that said we leapt at one another with our wings unfolded as our blades clashed causing a shockwave of both holy and demonic energies to bathe the grounds we fought upon.


(3rd POV)

"SERA! We got a problem!" Lute rushed towards Seras office before bursting in, luckily Sera was alone while Emily was out spreading joy amongst the angels of heaven.

"Lute? What's wrong? Why are you freaking out?" Sera asked after putting down her tea she nearly spilled with Lutes sudden appearance as she watched Lute catch her breath as she basically rapidly dressed with what clothes she had at Adams house before flying like a bat out of hell straight to Sera's office.

"Adam he *heavy breathing* he's under attack! Cain! Cain is on Earth!" She said which caused Sera to stand up with wide eyes hearing about that as it's the first time ever that they heard of Cain coming to Earth himself.

They knew he had a hand in major events in human history, but never any concrete evidence he was there in person, reason being is whenever he came to the surface he could disguise himself as whoever he wanted and completely hide his demonic presence from the angels detection making it nearly impossible for them to detect him when he was topside.

Knowing the urgency of this she made a magical viewing sphere to see what was happening to Adam and well-

"ADAM!!!" Lute shouted out in shock as Adam was getting his ass kicked so onesidedly it's not even funny.

He was putting up as best of a defense he could but with him being pushed around by the sheer force of the attacks being sent his way as cuts were appearing on his body, but if one was really paying attention they could Cain was purposely not going all out so he can just Torture Adam.

"I knew that one day something like this would happen, but anyone that could help are busy, the only one who could get their the quickest is on a different continent, but he will have to do." Sera muttered before she made the call.

Meanwhile back down on Earth.

(If it's in italics it's Cain if it's in Bold its Adam)

"How pathetic, you know after all these years I'd have expected you to train your powers to be sufficient to be even possibly challenging, but to say I'm disappointed is an understatement." He said before landing a fierce kick on his fathers side causing several of his fathers ribs to crack and cause him to cough up blood as a result.

"GUH! I'll fucking kill you!" He shouted out in retaliation before summoning a large amouth of holy energy to his hands and sending it out in a beam straight towards his son.

"Really? I think you should worry more about surviving then trying to kill me." He said as he did the same thing but on a much smaller scale with only two fingers to make a beam of demonic energy to cancel out his fathers full force holy beam strike.

"GOTCHA!" He screamed out as he came slamming down from above with his axes only to effortlessly be blocked by his son.

"You know, I think I'll only enjoy this if I'm make this nice-" he said before rapidly disappearing and reappearing a short distance behind him.

*Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing Shing*

"GUHKAH!!!!" He cried out as many slashes appeared all across his body as golden blood began to flow down across his body as his son flicked of the blood from his blades before turning to look at him.

"-And Slow as I torture you to death for everything you had done to not only the people of hell, but for the fact you killed my wife and took her skull as a personal trophy." He said looking at his father with every intention of killing him in the most painful way possible.

"Guh… hehe, still hung up over that?" He asks as he slowly pulls himself up as one of his legs begins to shake as he is having a heart time holding himself up as he looks at him and sneers.

"…. On second thought I just have an even better idea, I'm not going to kill you." He says to the surprise of not only his father but both Sera and Lute that were watching as he put away his blades.

But he then grabbed Adam by his neck before slamming him right into the ground as Cain sneered at him.

"I heard you found yourself a new woman, how good for you, you know the next time I get the chance I'll make you watch as I slowly torture her to death while you can do nothing about." He just smiled the most evilest smile one had ever seen as multiple mouths and eyes began to form across his body while Adam was doing everything he could to push Cain off, but his punches weren't even phasing him as he began to laugh like a mad man.

But then he stopped before smashing his fist into Adams face, Breaking his nose, knocking out a tooth and leaving him half conscious before Cain stood up before turning towards the approaching company.

"Well hello Uriel, have you come to play with little ol me?" He said with a smile as he looked at the long haired archangel who was wielding his sword and pointing it at Cain.

"Your not welcome here on Earth Cain, go back to hell where you belong." Uriel warned but Cain just laughed at Uriel's warning.

"Alright, I'll go back, however I want to see the strength of a REAL Archangel instead this piece of shit!" He shouts out before kicking Adams nearly unconscious body into the air and right at Uriel who just waved a hand and a portal to heaven opened up which sent Adam through and out of Earth and back to Heaven.

"Fine, let me show you the difference between that upstart and a real Archangel." He agreed before rushing towards the grinning devil as a real battle began.


To any of you that thought Adam had even a slight chance at hurting Cain with no real training besides him just working out for a few months and not working on his angelic powers I need to point out their power levels from how people do power scaling

Adam- Large Building to small Hill Level

Cain's Earth Body- Large Mountain Level

Uriel- Large Mountain Level

Uriel (Unrestrained)- Medium Mountain Range Level (Cascade Range for Comparison)

Cain's True Body- Large Mountain Range(Rocky Mountains for Size Comparison) to half Continental Level

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