
The Hotels Staff

To make it clear both Adam and Cains personalities are still the dominant personalities compared to Johnny and Danny though Johnny has a bit more control over what Adam does as he gave Adam the motivation to change himself because of the merger of memories after all.

While as for Cain, Cain is still mainly him but it's like he got a wake up call on how bad he is with Danny's memories, but ultimately doesn't change who he is for the most part, and since Cain in this story is Bi don't be shocked when he gets flirty with other guys.

To be specific it's like this

80% Adam/ 20% Johnny

95% Cain/ 5% Danny


After we both looked at each other he turned back to deal with the intruder before he shook the Zepplin with his long shadow tendrils before a snake like man was tossed out from the Zepplin as he fell and crashed on his face before he flung it far off and away from the hotel.

"Haha! Thank you for such a forgettable experience, whatever your name is." Alastor said with a twirl of his microphone staff before tapping it on the ground while looking down at Sir Pretentious.

*Rip* suddenly a small piece of Alastors coat was ripped off, "Haha! I got you- oh shit!" Pretentious said before he saw Alastor go into his Demon form as he was irritated with what the snake just did.

And instantly he was wrapped up in one of Alastors shadow tentacles before being swung around rapidly and tossed off in the same direction as his Zepplin.

After seeing Pretentious was gone Alastor visibly calmed down as he looked down at his suit, "Oh darn, I ripped my suit! I wonder when that happened? I'm going to have to get a new one tailored for me, anyway, what were you saying about your uncle showing up here at the hotel?" He said as he acted like what just happened, didn't happen at all.

"…. Right, so my uncle just arrived, he wasn't looking for any big party or something like that but he just wanted to meet everyone and take a look around the hotel is all!" She said, also deciding to ignore what just happened, before excitedly talking about her uncle.

"Is he that absolute HUNK of a man that you have a picture of in the main hall?" Angeldust said with a smile as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Angel, please don't hit on my uncle." Charlie said with a pensive look on her face but that just made him laugh.

"No promises babe, I wouldn't mind having him have his way with me however he pleases." He said with a smirk as he hefted up his 'breasts' to prove a point that he doesn't mind having a good time.

"-And she didn't stop doing that until she was thirteen years old!" They hear as they see Vaggie and a newcomer begin to walk down the stairs from the second floor to the main foyer.

Hearing this genuinely made Vaggie laugh, but at the same time Charlie got nervous, "Haha…. Ahh what are you two talking about?" She says as we both look at each other before looking back at her.

"Just letting my little girls, girlfriend know a bit more about you is all." I say with a shrug but Vaggie just went over and comforted her.

"Don't worry about it babe, it's nothing that bad, if it makes you feel better I'll tell you some of my embarrassing past later alright?" She said before leaning on her with a smile.

"Oh, it brings a tear to my eye to see you happy, but besides that you have yet to introduce me to these fine gentlemen here." I say before turning to look at both Alastor and Angeldust, with the later now hanging himself over the couch as he looked at me in particular with a certain flirtatious look in his eyes.

"Oh right! Uncle Cain this is Alastor, you may have heard of him he is also known as the Radio Demon after all." Charlie said introducing Alastor to me.

"The Radio Demon! My it's quite interesting to put a face to the voice on the radio I heard oh so long ago, I haven't been up in the Pride Ring for a few years but I heard you were out and away for a time." I say rubbing my chin while Alastor himself kept smiling, but it seemed more of a smug smile, even if his smile stayed the same the entire time.

"Well, my voice is meant for Radio after all! Not that silly box called the television that everyone is hyper fixated on." He said giving his scepter a twirl before letting it hit the ground.

"Well Radio had to walk so Television could run after all." I say which he nods and agrees with.

"While that maybe true, the only true medium of entertainment people need is radio and nothing more, but people can like whatever they like so long as they don't force me to like that frivolous picture box or those phones everyone has, it's sad that most landlines for the telephone are no longer in service down here in hell." He says with a sigh of disappointment.

"Well it's good to meet someone who's willing to help Charlie with her dreams, and who is this fine gentleman you got here?" I say moving on from Alastor before looking at the man sitting on the couch.

"Hey hot stuff, I'm Angeldust, if your looking for a good time just let me know Kay? Cause I don't mind spreading my legs if it's for you." He said with a raised eyebrow and a playful grin on his face.

"Heh, well if I wasn't currently with someone else that would cut my balls off if I went out and started fucking someone without giving her a heads up I'd gladly take you up on that offer." I say with a smile before being pulled away from the pretty boy by Charlie as we went to what appeared to be a bar.

"Huh, this area really sticks out like a sore thumb." I mention as it has green walls and floors compared to the rest of the hotels red aesthetic.

"Well this part of the hotel had an…. Accident and Alastor helped get it patched up in his own unique way." She said in her own cheery way, but I knew her well enough that she also felt the same way about it.

"You couldn't have had it painted red to match everywhere else?" I turn to Alastor who was keeping nearby while Angeldust was playing with his phone.

"I think it looks better this way don't you? It makes it very eye catching to the rest of the foyer so it will be noticed easier by those who come to the hotel." He said while defending his choice which I just shrugged.

"Well anyway, this is Husk, he's our bartender here at the hotel." She says while Husk was just cleaning a glass cup.

"Unless you want something then don't bother me." He said while being stand offish but I didn't take it to heart.

"Hmmm, this bar could use a better selection of hooch, most of this isn't even top shelf stuff." I say looking at the selection of alcohol.

"We don't exactly have the funds to have the good stuff, hell I'd love to have this bar full of the finest of alcohols but we are barely scrapping by as is." He said to me before putting the glass away as he grabbed a bottle before opening and drinking straight from it.

"Hmm, maybe I could help out with that, Charlie is this everyone in-" my eyes widen as suddenly I felt something crawling up my body before I looked to my left to see a small smiling cyclops looking at me.

"Hehehe, you smell like a Baaaad Booooy." She, I think it's a she, said before she began to smell me and laugh creepily.

I grab her and pull her off as I hold her by the collar of her clothes, "Charlie…. Who is this…." I felt uncomfortable holding her as she tried to grab at me while i kept her far away from me as possible.

"Niffty! You can't do that to people you just met, I'm sorry Uncle Cain, this is Niffty, she's our hotels maid and cook." Charlie said after taking her off my hands before putting her down, and luckily she didn't instantly try to cling to me once again.

"I can do all the household chores a good wife should know how to do!" She said before she began to laugh creepily again.

"Well besides the creepy factor she's got going on she'd probably make for a good house wife, but sorry girly I'm going to have to say thanks but no thanks, your a bit too young and Short for my tastes, but hey you want to play with my dog?" I say with a smile as my shadow subtly begins to get darker than normal, something Alastor noticed right away.

*Gasp!* "Did you bring Cerberus here Uncle Cain?!" Charlie said with a bit of shock but clear happiness in her voice.

"Of course? You think I wouldn't have him nearby so you girls can play with him?" I say with a smile before I put my fingers in my mouth and whistle.

"Cerberus! Come here boy!" I call out before my shadow begins to shift and morph before a rather large three headed dog emerged before coming over to me as I began to pet all of his heads.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!" All the heads barked happily as I pet him where Charlie and Niffty joined me in petting him, though if I was to notice, Alastor would be standing as far away from where the dog was in the first place.

And after petting him Charlie looked up at me while Niffty rode around on Cerberuses back as they played with each other.

"So what do you think?"

"Well you already know that you have full support of this plan of yours so of course I'll help you with whatever it is you need, but more than anything this place needs a bit of elbow grease to make it more presentable and at least one more staff member to fill out your main crews roster." I say with a nod before looking at Alastor.

"That is of course if your Hotelier is okay with me helping renovate this place while he uses his talents with the radio to broadcast to all of the Pride Ring as to what this Hotel is all about." I say looking at Alastor who adjusted his tie as he had his signature smile on his face.

"But of course! After all radio is my specialty, though I do request you keep your…. Dog, away from me if you would, I don't very much like dogs if the first place." He says as he turns to look at Niffty who was still riding Cerberus all around the place.

"So then we have a deal?" I say with a smile matching his as I held out my hand which he took and shook back, though unlike what was to be expected their was no binding contract or anything in the first place.

Now it's about time we fix this hotel up nice and proper.

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