
Chapter 190: The Final Battle (2)

Chapter 190: The Final Battle (2)

~Third POV~

[Outside Earth's Space]

[Time Limit: 60 seconds… START!]


All three soon rushed towards Ragyo as she grinned happily at what her daughters had become then Mash with an impressed expression spoke in a proud tone, "Interesting! You made a quilt out of the available life fibers to come here across time and space. Past and future. While your suitor has surprised humanity itself! But you all are too late though! Look at our planet, soon humanity will be converted into fabric!"


Waving her hand rainbow beams of energy soon attacked the trio with Mash scoffing seeing the world slowly but surely being cocooned in an annoyed tone, "Please. Such an action is an offense in my presence. [Gáe Bolg]."



Activating his [Gate of Babylon] having regained his abilities using his [Gensis Manipulation] creating an event to stabilize space and time momentarily in this short minute in his state. Multiple golden portals emerged revealing an eerie red spear radiating menacingly as they were shot out too fast for the normal eyes to see.

The Original Gilgamesh speed was 0.5 seconds to unleash his treasures but an empowered version on steroids in his original prime… 0.0000001… seconds was all it took to seemingly be instantaneous.




Each of the red spears pierced through the energy beams stopping their time and shattering on the spot as multiple golden portals opened Mash remained in place analyzing Ragyo's reaction to being pierced by the heart multiple times.

He only narrowed his eyes seeing her regenerate with Satsuki and Ryuko lunging straight ahead in their superpowered states. Satsuki yelled out loud in a defiant tone of her two-bladed spear intending to thrust into her, "Ragyo I swear I will end you doing anything possible to achieve my goal!!"

Reaching forward Ryuko lunged her Scissor Blade at Ragyo in a defiant tone, "Ain't no way in hell, we're giving up that easy!"



Satsuki and Ryuko both charged at Ragyo, swinging their blades at Shinra-Koketsu. But soon it was revealed both their blades weren't cutting through much to the duo's shocked expression as Ragyo explained confidentially, "Oh, what's the matter?! My foolish daughters, you should know that your weapons are made of hardened life fibers! When [Absolute Submission] is activated, ALL life fibers are powerless against it – ack!"



Appearing in lightspeed having her gut punched by Mash he simply spoke in a neutral tone to Ragyo both eyeing each other briefly, "Clearly speaking to you isn't working, gotta go all out to force you to kneel. Ea is beneath you, so I'll show you my final weapon. Come to me... Enki."


Ragyo as soon she was punched in the distance away a golden portal appeared near Mash revealing a pair of golden twin blades that are stored within Bab-ilu and often worn on his back.



Ragyo using her [Photokinesis] summoned a beam of rainbow light intending to vaporize the three of them. Mash simply smirked as he rushed forward ahead in the speed of light with multiple golden orbs appearing around him.



Differing from the [Gate of Babylon] ability to manifest them from ripples anywhere, [Bab-ilu: Key of the King's Law to Enshrine] has a circular pattern of ten glowing orbs that appears around him. While the [Gate of Babylon] is generally used from a standing, long-range position, Gilgamesh utilizes [Bab-ilu] while rapidly moving around and engaging in melee combat with Enki.



Each shot of those spheres pierced through Ragyo's rainbow beam much to her frustration as Mash swung his sword coated in magical energy…



Swinging Enki summoning its main ability summoning floods. Using those floods of condensed Magical Energy, he used it as a magic-based arc energy attack directed at Ragyo's stunned expression.

However, she soon began to use her [Life Fiber Manipulation] to have the flood vanish immediately as multiple strings tried to erase the floor. But shock filled her seeing her effects being undone due to [Genesis Manipulation] where Mash has full control over this event.


Being stubborn Ragyo shrouded herself in a rainbow light evaporating the flood of Magical Energy Arc defending herself growling in discontent. Mash soon changed Enki into its bow mode as he spoke to Satsuki and Ryuko gaining their attention, "I'll attack with my finisher. I need you two to just keep Ragyo occupied long enough for me strike. You both can do that much correct?"

Flashing a grin they both nodded as they rushed towards Ragyo as Mash built up Magical Energy into Enki. Ragyo noticing this makes all attempts to kill him before it is too late in an annoyed tone, "NO! Like hell I'll allow you to destroy the core of the Life Fibers! I'll destroy you!!!"


[Time Limit: 50 seconds…]

Rushing forward to greet Ragyo Satsuki and Ryuko clashed against her with their weapons halting Ragyo in her tracks much to her frustration. Ryuko spoke in a defiant tone putting her all to stopping Ragyo in her tracks, "Like hell will let you crazy bitch!! If the one who's going to be destroyed here is, you!!! Argghhhh!!!!"


Satsuki piercing her mother with her spear holds Ragyo back with Ryuko in a determined tone slowing their mother's mad dash, "Ragyo Kiryuin!!! Your downfall will happen today one way or another!! If not by my own then those who shall take my will!!! Today you shall fall!! Arghhhhh!!!!!"

Halting their mother's advance, they began to fight in close quarters as Mash finished building up Magical Energy into Enki in a proud tone, "Usually I have to meet a condition using you Enki but today with my new form won't matter. Now's the time to show your real power… [Sword of the End: Enki]."


Upon invoking its True Name, Enki takes the form of a longbow by connecting the two swords at their hilts. It generates an arrow that is fired at the ground to act as a 'tracer round' for his true trump card and is deployed high in satellite orbit above the earth. In this case around him in the process as he takes in a deep breath…

[Time Limit: 40 seconds…]

Having finished building up the magical energy needed Mash spoke to Ryuko and Satsuki using [Telepathy] readying his bow, 'Ryuko! Satsuki! Move now I got my shot!!'

Hearing this they both immediately backed off from Ragyo. Seeing this she narrowed her eyes but soon her whole being froze upon Mash's words in a proud tone witnessing a flash of light aimed at her, "Behold! The inferno of destruction fills the heavens! Come forth! The Surge of Utnapishtim! This is what it means to destroy the World! Ragyo Kiryuin, suffer the curse that the insolence of challenging the [King of Heroes] has brought upon ye! [Star of Destruction]!!!"


Upon unleashing the arrow from Enki surrounded by six bolts that converge around the sword in a spiral to become a spear that fly's toward Ragyo as a [Star of Destruction]. Upon reaching the area where Ragyo was, it disappears in the vacuum so space and deploys a giant Magic Circle that cleaves space to summon the [Surge of Utnapishtim].


The tsunami easily covers the entire area of space only seconds after emerging and with the capacity to destroy the world…


And said the attack was hit point blank range in front of Ragyo's face. The resulting clash left a blinding golden light from the attack with Ryuko muttering in a stunned tone, "Holy shit man!! Why don't you use that fucking often?!!"

Mash merely snorted as he asked in an offended tone informing the sisters with his arms crossed, "Tch. Please like I need to use a world-destroying weapon like that daily. Only for very special occasions such as these. And using Ea on her would be beneath me and a genuine waste of time."

Satsuki merely gazed narrowing her eyes seeing Ragyo's remains begin to regenerate from surviving what would be the equivalent of a supernova to the face, "Perhaps Bastion… but I can see she's starting to recover. If anything, we got from our mother it's her sheer willpower and stubbornness."

[Time Limit: 30 seconds…]

Mash frowned seeing Ragyo recover with disbelief written on his face as she began to regenerate in an annoyed tone, "Tch. That lady doesn't know when to fucking stay down. Ironically enough sounding quite familiar with two people here. But…"

Mash's expression soon changed into a cold smirk with his [Chains of Heaven] coating his fist rattling around with a smug grin spoke in a confident tone, "If she's that stubborn I know just the weapon for the job. In that case how about my [Chains of Heaven]… that can restrain any god in place."



The [Chains of Heaven] began to surround Ragyo as she glared hatefully at Mash's unpredictable nature fully recovering. But she soon teleported behind her daughters as they began to defend themselves from her attack, "You turned your blade to this grand cloth, the equal to ANY god! For that, you must be punished!"



Millions of spikes came from Shinra Koketsu made their way to stab the two. Fortunately, though they blocked in time with Mash summoning multiple golden portals responding to each spike clashing as they stood their ground. But they still got damaged as they recovered regenerating their wounds.

Senketsu soon spoke in a worried tone about Ryuko healing her wounds, "Ryuko, are you ok?!"

Ryuko nodded with Satsuki even healing as Mash's eyes widened what she did in a stunned tone, "Satsuki did you…"

No words were needed as Satsuki became a [Life Fiber-Hybrid] the same as Ryuko with her eyes widening as she spoke in a determined tone, "Like I said before I'll be willing to do ANYTHING to stop Ragyo. And besides I can't leave my little sis be the only one we're family after all."

[Time Limit: 25 seconds…]

Mash's respect for Satsuki grew nodding her head in understanding with Ragyo speaking in a neutral tone towards the trio, "My husband's dying wish must have been such a burden for you two. For the outsider, must feel alone being lost in the multiverse with no one to love and no one to care."




Mash sent a death glare at her shouting summoning more golden portals weapons in response snarling at her in an offended tone, "Shut up already!"

Ryuko shouted in an annoyed tone pointing her weapons at Ragyo, "Don't act like you know us!"

Satsuki raised her weapon shouting in a defiant tone clenching her weapon tightly, "Don't speak as if you intended to care about us only for our existence to be lab rats!"

Opening her arms widely Ragyo spoke as multiple fibers emerged in small ripples across time and space at her call in an honest tone, "Look at that blue world, that shining sun, those twinkling stars! This is the cosmos and one day even this would come to an end! Since this Galaxy was born, creation and destruction have gone hand in hand! The life fibers are part of that ecosystem! They are part of the law of the universe!"


Ryuko and Satsuki both rushed against their mother with Ryuko yelling at her in a pissed-off tone, "When are you going to shut the hell up?!!! It ain't I was raised by you!"

Satsuki shared the same sentiment yelling in a pissed-off tone aiming at her mother's life, "No one asked for it to decide our fates!"



Summoning more portals Ragyo scoffed at her children extending both her arms open with Shinra-Koketsu with Mash extending his arm as his [Chain of Heaven] reacted to Ragyo's cold tone, "Ah yes! I admit it is my mistake! But it's one I'll gladly clean up for the sake of my dream!"





Then Ragyo warped Shinra-Koketsu around herself. Then bringing thousands of spikes to stab Ryuko and Satsuki. But the rattling of golden chains shot through from the golden portals with Mash scoffing in an annoyed tone, "It may be true that the life fibers are part of the law… But when have I said I allowed them the right to exist in my presence?"




Much to Ragyo's surprise each spike stopped dead in its tracks from his [Chains of Heaven] startling Ragyo. She tried to regain command as Satsuki and Ryuko attempted to stab Shinra-Koketsu but shouted in an outraged tone, "What…!! What are these chains you dare seal Shinra-Koketsu? These weapons of man couldn't – what are you doing!!"

[Time Limit: 20 seconds…]

Soon placing both their hands over Shinra-Koketsu Ryuko grinned as she had a crazy idea to Ragyo's face in a confident tone, "Oh yeah!! What if I absorb that [Absolute Submission] crap!"

Then parts of Shinra Koketsu were absorbed into Ryuko and Senketsu. Ryuko soon yelled out loud in a defiant tone, "My dad made a weapon alright! But it wasn't any scissor blade! It was me AND Senketsu! He gave us the power of [Infinite Absorption]!"

Hearing this Ragyo uttered out loud raising her hands to get rid of them, "That… that's impossible! Get – Ack!"



Multiple portals soon opened shooting more [Chains of Heaven] restricting Ragyo in place tightening the hold. Mash crossed his arms with a smug grin on his face and spoke in an arrogant tone looking down at Ragyo's face, "Hmph! You forgot I exist here mongrel. Now pay for the sins you have committed against me, myself, and I!"

The two girls simply laughed at his arrogant nature with Satsuki and Junketsu following Ryuko's example absorbing Ragyo's power grinning speaking in a confident tone, "I see… no wonder you formed that Fight Club Matoi. You used me to get stronger absorbing life fibers. I see what you did now to achieve such a task. Well done."

Ragyo's eyes were pissed off as she tried to knock one of Ryuko's scissor blades but couldn't because of the [Chains of Heaven] restricting her in place with Satsuki and Ryuko having absorbed enough commanding the Life Fibers much to Ragyo's shock.

All the Life Fibers soon got commanded by Ryuko and Satsuki marking the permanent end of their reign as they both spoke out loud in a determined tone, "Listen to you life fibers! People are people and clothes are clothes! So cut the shit and turn all the humans, back into humans!"

Then the covers started to return to the earth and release the humans. The trio soon turned their attention to facing Ragyo who was now floating in space. Mash soon got next to Ryuko and Satsuki as he sat cross-legged, while Ryuko was staring at her mother and Satsuki glaring intently at her.

Losing her powers she would either be given a chance to survive or perish in the vacuum of space as she spoke in a defeated tone in disbelief, "… no, this can't be happening? It's all returning to the way it was…"

[Time Limit: 15 seconds…]

Ryuko and Satsuki both stood before their defeated mother. Ryuko came to speak in a neutral tone, "Ragyo Kiryuin."

Ragyo gazing at Ryuko spoke in a weak tone slowly dying, "Come to… ack… gloat?"

Panting tired and defeated Satsuki spoke in a stoic tone, "No."

Ryuko took a few inches closer as Ragyo stared at her long-lost daughter as she spoke looking down at her in a calm tone, "It's over mother, you've lost. Earth won't ever become a Cocoon Planet. Surrender peacefully, and let's go back together."

Ryuko and Satsuki both offered their hands to their mother. After a moment Ragyo scoffed as her eyes lingered towards as she soon de-transformed Shinra Koketsu in its former glory. Waving her hands using the last remains of her abilities of [Life Fiber Manupulation] changed Shinra-Koketsu into a beautiful white coat gently going over to Mash on a whim.

The Sisters flinched waiting to act seeing the Shinra-Koketsu change following Ragyo's fingers but didn't react seeing it formed onto Mash's body as he spoke confused, "Why? Why hand this over to me…?"

Ragyo simply smirked giving the ultimate Kamui Shinra-Koketsu one last look before to the people that bested her in a mocking smile in a confident tone, "Take Shinra-Koketsu. It was designed to be the Ultimate Kamui it should be worn by the Ultimate Hero that conquered my daughter's hearts and… a true outfit for their suitor. Now…"

[Time Limit: 10 seconds…]


Ragyo then plunged her hand into her chest and pulled out her own heart in a determined tone speaking confidentially, "I shall decide how I die!"

The daughters were shocked by this outcome, but Mash spoke in a calm tone nodding his head as he closed his eyes in understanding but questioningly asked, "Very well. For what's it worth you have made a wonderful Kamui for me. But I must ask what is with your family and ripping out hearts?!"

Ragyo only smiled happily at his response with Ryuko uttering out loud in shock, "You're crazy!"

Ragyo gazed at her daughter's reactions as she explained in a confident tone clenching her freshly beating ripped-out heart, "This is not the end you three! The life fibers would keep advancing throughout the cosmos and soon more would return here! Count on it!"

However, all three stood ready to answer her question with Ryuko speaking in a calm tone, "We'll just have to beat them too!"

Mash soon spoke following Ryuko in a calm tone with a challenging grin, "If that's the case then I'll be here for our rematch any time any day."

Satsuki followed Mash in a determined tone defiantly gazing at Ragyo, "And people would go on being people, count on that!"


Ragyo before dying smiled happily at their answer crushing her own heart, causing her own her own body to disintegrate with Ryuko muttering sadly, "… mother…"

Satsuki placed her hand over Ryuko's shoulder providing support in a respectful tone for their departed mother, "Defiant to the very end… that is probably the only redeeming factor about her. The Kiryuin curse has finally ended but… at what cost?"

Their attention soon shifted to the broken reality coming undone but soon Mash spoke trying out Shinra-Koketsu in a confident tone, "I wouldn't say we're done yet Eyebrows. Gear Eyes. There's one new card we can play… one your mother left probably left a shred of humanity even if she was a horrible liar."

Their eyes drifted to Shinra-Koketsu with widened eyes surprised as Ryuko asked in a cautious tone looking worried, "Wait! You're gonna try out that monster...?! What if it takes– Hmph!"

Before she could finish her eyes widened by a kiss from him shutting her up as he spoke in a confident tone crossing his arms, "Hmph! Gear Eyes have some faith and besides this would be the only time I try this transformation out, no? If not, I can fix it with my… other form…"

Trusting his judgment they left Mash to his own devices as the transformation slowly wore off, he spoke in a serious tone transforming with the Kamui Shinra-Koketsu for the first time thinking of a good transformation name, "Alright time to save my friend's world. No biggie right new guy or gal? Whew… [Life Fibers Command: Kamui Shinra Koketsu]!"


Rainbow lights soon covered Mash's body revealing a significant change to his appearance in the transformed state. His hair once black turned pure snow white with strands of rainbow color with the uniform looking originally like Ragyo's except for a few deuterations leaving his mid-section exposed and skin-tight leggings and opened shirt with long sleeves almost belonging to a kimono. Then the name appeared when his transformation was over granting his new form name.


The girls looked alarmed as he reverted into this new form testing it out eyes blinking in a surprised tone, "Huh? I thought it would reject me, but I guess it likes me huh? Now let's see about fixing the reality Shinra-Koketsu."

It wiggled happily agreeing tasting blood of his being addicted only wanting to drink. He checked his new item skills and was stunned to see the abilities of his new Kamui being called the Ultimate Kamui.

[Item: Shinra-Koketsu

Rarity Item: SSS

Type: Kamui (God Robe)

Description: Unlike Senketsu and Junketsu, which were both designed after sailor uniforms, Shinra-Koketsu is designed after a traditional Japanese wedding dress, featuring large, billowing sleeves and a hood. But since some life fibers were absorbed, it now changed into a fancy pure snow-white coat.

During the battle, Shinra-Koketsu from its form resembles a sleeveless gown, by saying [Life Fiber Command: Kamui Shinra- Koketsu] although it can spontaneously transform instantly with the user intent or on its own if they're in danger rather than a named form like those exhibited by the other Kamuis.

When transformed, the Kamui needs to feed on the user's blood/HP by 1 HP/Sec. The amount of blood required to sustain a Kamui's powers depends on how well the user accepts the garment - if fully accepted, a Kamui can function nearly indefinitely with the blood taken during the initial activation.

Wearing a Kamui grants the user immense power, compared to that of the Goku Uniforms. These garments have been shown to give the user the power to cause a percussion blast comparable to an atomic bomb. They also give the user enough power to leave craters in the earth and stone

[Life Fibers Manipulation]: The ultimate Life Fiber uniform, its full power can control Life Fibers and manipulate it to the user's will. Life Fibers are stronger than most materials in the world and can evolve. The user can create, shape, and manipulate threads and string, long, thin, and flexible forms of material Life Fibers.

[Infinite Absorption]: Allows the user to absorb any form of LIFE FORCE energy to refuel the HP/MP Bar or possibly absorb abilities depending on the target.

[Space/Time Immunity]: Due to evolving to a certain point Shinra-Koketsu is immune to space/dimensional/temporal/time-based powers, meaning they cannot be frozen in time, slowed, or even be affected by Time Travel and cannot be harmed by space or deleted entirely. They are also immune to Temporal/Dimensional Slicing and have their age controlled by time manipulators.

[Absolute Domination]: Shinra-Koketsu's main ability, allows the user to dominate other Life Fiber-based clothing, neutralizing their powers and transformations and leaving their users physically paralyzed. However, [human/Life Fiber hybrids] are immune to this power due to their status. When active, this ability makes the user immune to being harmed by Life Fiber-based weapons.

[Enhanced Physical Prowess]: Using Shinra-Koketsu, the user's various powers are even stronger than before. Grants +100 to all states except INT and LUCK when transformed.

[Shapeshifting]: Like other Kamuis and high-level Goku Uniforms, Shinra-Koketsu can alter its form for combat and support. It has a set of fragmented pieces on its back that resemble butterfly wings with the same eye pattern present on other Kamui, that the user can alter into drill-like malleable blades. The user could also alter the sleeves of Koketsu into the same kind of blades.

[Photokinesis]: The Users can create, shape, and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of sight. In common with all types of EMR, visible light is emitted and absorbed in tiny "packets" called photons and exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as the wave-particle duality.

[Shinra-Koketsu-No-Okami (Second Form)]: By absorbing the Primordial Life Fiber the user can draw even more power from Shinra-Koketsu, transforming into its ultimate form. In this form, the outfit becomes more form-fitting like the battle armor attire of the god of creation. In this form, grants power even greater than before granting +200 to all states except INT and LUCK when transformed.

[Life Fiber Theory]: The user can see the strings that form reality floating around everywhere and change anything they wish by grabbing whatever the string is connected to and tugging it to how the user wants it to be. They can rearrange reality in ways they deem fit and alter it according to the strings that make up their existence. Only available in [Shinra-Koketsu-No-Okami (Second Form)] state.]

Ryuko and Satsuki gazed as Ryuko asked in a concerned tone about the new outfit having her Scissor Blade ready, "Hey Mash… everything alright? No come back from the dead shit taking over your body, right?"

Mash blinked a bit before shaking his head giving a thumbs up admiring the uniform and greatly appreciating the form in a grateful tone, "Nah I'm all here. But I have to say this is a good outfit though. Especially evolving to not dying in the vacuum of space. You know what? I take back all the bad things I say about you guys wearing Kamui's."

Ryuko laughed lightly at his easygoing attitude in a happy tone and said in relief, "Whew… you had both of scared for a moment. But welcome to the club!"

Mash nodded as he began to absorb the life fibers across space and time as he explained startling the two in a confident tone, "Alright girls Koktesu has the power needed to help fix your reality but first I need to charge up going into its super form like you. Can't have you one up in your ultimate state, right?"

Ryuko simply laughed as Satsuki smirked as she said in a confident tone trusting him completely leaning closer, "Very well then Bastion. We'll leave explaining the news to everyone but one more thing before we leave…"

Smacking lips to his face Mash didn't relent as they kissed making Ryuko furious gritting her teeth. Soon they let go as Satsuki licked her lips explaining herself in a stoic tone grabbing him by the collar, "Don't forget I'm still claiming you yet. Work fast and there might be something else~"

Mash shivered as Satsuki swayed her hips with Ryuko doing the same but blushing. They soon left the outer space of earth returning as Mash laughed with a red blush on his face in an embarrassed tone, "Hahahaha… man those girls are going to be the death of me… but they're my treasures I won't ever give up."


Focusing enough and gathering enough power Mash's eyes turned serious as he began to transform into a brilliant rainbow light in an excited tone, "Time to go overdrive Shinra-Koketsu! Ahhhh….!"

Yelling like anime fashion Shinra-Koketsu began to transform into its second form. The form began to suit Mash's needs providing a skin-tight body suit to cover half of his body and battle armor on the front as he yelled out loud in a proud tone, "Ahhhhh…! [Shinra Koketsu-No-Okami]!"



Transforming into its full glory multiple Life Fiber strings shot out into the fractured holes of the collapsing reality as Mash controlled them using Koketsu in a proud tone, "Alright it's time to stitch up this broken reality Koketsu!"

Each strand of the Life Fiber that was once used to destroy the world and reality soon became the instrument of salvation fixing the world using [Life Fiber Theory]. With everything soon fixed all that would remain was for Mash to complete his graduation from Honnoji Academy.


[You gained the title [Ultimate Hero]!]

[Title: Ultimate Hero

Description: By doing the impossible assisting in vanquishing the multi-dimensional threat of the Life Fibers threatening the Multiverse you gained this title! When equipped with this title you gain the passive skill [Heroes Might] dealing extra damage against anyone deemed by the user as enemies by 75% and a 50% boost to yourself and allies!]

Seeing this he only smirked as he continued restoring the reality of the Kill La Kill world as he pondered out loud in a curious tone, "I wonder what graduation is going to look like after this?"


A/N: Finally! I hope you guys like the chapter on how the fight ended. I did say the MC would be getting his own Kamui and it would be the most overpowered yet.

I even made it a bit longer for you guys hoped you liked it. Just the graduation and a epilogue for this arc and were done with the Kill La Kill Arc.

Chapitre suivant