
Chapter 157: Mohawk Menace (3)

Chapter 157: Mohawk Menace (3)

~Ryuko M. POV~

[Honnouji Academy, Courtyard]

Easily dealing with the idiots that took my friend changing my Scissor Blade size I spoke in a bored tone, "This club was full of weak losers!!"



Changing my blade to a small size Mako rushed at me giving me a hug for saving her. Soon we eventually sat on the chains of the school chilling a bit in the courtyard as Senketsu got my attention, "Ryuko…"

Blinking a bit surprised I replied in a whisper to Senketsu since I didn't need people to see me as a lunatic, "What is it, Senketsu?"

He soon spoke in his usual stoic tone from his one eye getting my attention, "Your blood is tasting a little salty lately. Perhaps you're getting a little cocky."

Gazing down at my sailor uniform I asked curiously with a raised eyebrow how he could tell by tasting my blood, "You can tell something like that from the flavor of my blood?"

Weird ability overall. Soon Senketsu explained to me in a stoic tone and incredibly blunt in the process shocking me, "You and I are one now, Ryuko. I am sensitive to changes in your physiology. That includes your weight and BMI."

What? My BMI!? I couldn't help but yell out loud in an outraged tone of invading my being and info, "Hey, that information's private!! Mind your own business!"

That's fucking invasion of privacy Senketsu! However, before I could speak further he soon had to speak about my emotional state in a blunt tone, "Calm down, Ryuko. Impatience isn't good for you… and neither is your love life."

Okay, that pissed me off!! I grabbed onto my scarf of Senketsu trying to strain him as I growled in a pissed-off tone, "SHUT UP!! Do you want me to smack that smug look off your face?! I'll show you…!!"

Contrary to what I expected though he had to retort back in a smug tone at my futile attempts to beat him up, "Good luck with that, since I don't technically have a face…"

Then that was when Mako was amused by my comedy act. At times I know she means no harm and she's cool understanding me, but I also see her mention how weird I am talking to my Senketsu.

To me and Senketsu, it's normal. But to everyone else, I come off as a crazy lunatic with a few screws loose. I know she doesn't judge me that harshly but when it comes to him he gets and understands me.

Even when I talk to Senketsu in his home he understands me. He gets what I'm going through and is probably one of the only good places to talk to Senketsu without looking like a lunatic losing her mind…

I frowned as Mako spoke in a cheerful tone handing me one of her bento boxes and sharing her meal trying to cheer me up, "What a close call! Thank goodness you rescued me! If they had cut open my belly all my lunch would have fallen out, here let's share!"

Taking a moment to close my eyes my gaze turned to Mako as I spoke in a tired tone but my eyes widened seeing my friend get shot by needles, "Maybe you should worry less about your food and a little more about your life. If you're not careful, the next time someone attacks you it could prove – FATAL! MAKO!!"


Seeing my friend get shot I immediately thought the worst as I checked her body searching for a pulse in a frantic tone, "Hey, Mako! Answer me! Mako!!"

Before we could start eating, Mako was shot with dozens upon dozens of needles, pushing her off the chain we were sitting on and onto the floor. Oh, shit please don't be dead…



Checking for a pulse a man with a red mohawk came walking out of the shadows my gaze turned to this mysterious figure spoke in a stoic tone, "That should keep her quiet a little while. Don't worry she's not feeling any pain. The positioning of the needles will grant an effect similar to acupuncture. By the time she regains consciousness, all of her stress, exhaustion, and minor ailments will be cured. She'll awaken feeling fully rejuvenated and refreshed."

I blinked confused by his actions voicing out to him in an awkward tone rubbing the back of my head, "Oh… well thanks, I guess…"

However, that was when this guy pulled out a weird-looking gun in the shape of a needle gun directed at me startled, "But…! I will show no mercy to your uniform!!"


Senketsu soon yelled at me as he shot needles at me, "Run, Ryuko!!"




Avoiding the barrage of needles directed at me I fell when one caught my shoe punning me down in the process. My eyes were alarmed by the mohawk menace pinning me down as I asked confused and angry, "GRRR! What club do you belong to?!"

He didn't say anything as we locked eyes but in a deep tone demanded, "Take off your clothes."

… What? No seriously WHAT!!!

I felt my face turn beat red at such a dumb request as stuttering at such an absurd request in an outraged tone, "WHAAA?! What the hell are you saying?! Are you part of the pervert's club?! Yeah, that must be it! You sure look like a pervert!!"

However, his stern glare frightened me lightly as he spoke in a serious tone disarming me with my means of transforming or fighting back, "Let me tell you two useful pieces of information. One: I am not a pervert. Two: you can't transform around me."


Pointing his needle gun directed at my face he spoke in a serious tone judging from his cold eyes glaring at me and demanded, "Strip now. If I shoot you at this range, you'll definitely die. You leave me no choice…"

Shit. Unable to do anything I closed my eyes fearing the worst being powerless to do anything in this situation.


However, I soon felt freer as I opened my eyes to see a needle stab into his hand turning around to leave I couldn't help but yell at him, "Hey!! Hold it right… there."



He briefly turned around shooting from his gauntlet feeling a few of my hair strands get cut in its path as the mohawk menace spoke in a cold tone, "I'll be back tomorrow… to strip you."

He left as I stared down at the ground in relief and a sense of fear. I was taken out that easily… he didn't even allow me to transform, which ironically enough would've been a smart call.

Note to self-find a way to transform if the enemy stops me from trying. But still, that guy is a big pervert.

Soon my thoughts were interrupted by Senketsu asking in a concerned tone in contrast to his usual stoic tone, "Ryuko are you okay? You're shaking and your heart rate is steadily rising."

Huh? Oh, I guess I was… shaking a bit uncontrollably I sighed trying to regain my composure. A thought passed me as I muttered in an unsure tone, "I can't let him see me like this…"

Perhaps I could say I'm sleeping over at Mako's place for tonight. I don't want him to worry about my issues. This is my finding my father's killer and I don't want him to see me this…. pathetic.


~Mash B. POV~

[Honnouji Academy, Courtyard]

Today seems to be very weird. I mean I took care of the Maiko Ogure and her gang stealing their Goku Uniforms. But then Gamagori had to but in and apologize explaining that our recognition of our club was backlogged because of her.

At the very least I figured out why we haven't been club members yet all thanks to that Maiko Ogure bitch stalling and wishing to get a shot at us to get a Three-Star Goku Uniform trying to usurp Satsuki.

That failed and Gamagori said he'll do the process while explaining to me the rules needed to join the club and what time. Hell with that I'll send a Demon Beast in my place to deal with the social school hierarchy crap. Or could be the best time to use my Authority of Gluttony, [Splitting] in action.

When I got out of the academy, I soon spotted Mako and Ryuko making their way home. I noticed that Gear Eyes had a downcast look while Mako looked very energetic as I asked in a curious tone, "Sup you girls, what's up?"

Mako greeted me happily as Ryuko on the other hand seemed to turn away from me. This smells like something happened while I was away.

Seeing her looked downcast or depressed I spoke in a calm tone with a raised eyebrow about her state, "Hey Gear Eyes you okay? Did ya got your ass kicked or something?"

Reluctantly she spoke in a tired tone as we continued walking out of the academy, "… Yeah."

I blinked a bit surprised as I asked curiously genuinely surprised, "Wait, what? Who was it?"

She only replied in a defeated tone not wishing to explain further on the subject, "Long story… and you don't mind if I sleep over at Mako's place tonight?"

Seeing this side of her I can tell with my Authority of Wrath, [Soulwashing] she's startled and scared. I decided to leave her alone to clear her mind in a calm tone nodding in understanding, "Okay then Gear Eyes. You need your me time to clear your head. But just know if ya want to talk about it, I'm free anytime."

She seemed taken aback by surprise by this and began to smile lightly as she spoke in a positive tone, "Thanks, Mash, I appreciate it."

I smirked seeing I managed to cheer her mood as I continued speaking crossing my arms together, "You're welcome, Gear Eyes. Just don't go overboard in Mako's place talking to Senketsu."

Snickering at my meaning she smirked as she replied in a bit chipper tone her gaze locking onto mine, "You can be a real jerk sometimes, y'know?"

I only laughed lightly knowing her well as I replied confidently heading to the One-Star District, "I know. But how else would I get to see this side of you? See ya two tomorrow."

Managing to see her blush she yelled at me turning my back to her usual self again making me smile at my work, "I'm gonna kill you one of these days you damn pretty boy jackass!!"

Hahaha… at least I cheered her up, that's a win in my book. Now comes the next day on the poor bastard that hurt my friend.

At least she's out of my way. Her wearing that get-up every day makes it very hard to control my hormones in that skimpy outfit. Tch. Puberty sucks for a Demi-Servant like me since finding out it last longer than normal. Why me…

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