
Chapter 120: Assassin of Black (1)

Chapter 120: Assassin of Black (1)

~Third POV~

[Trifas, Fortress of Millennia]

After Ruler visited the Black Faction, the members discussed how an insider managed to come inside their Fortress of Millennia causing quite a ruckus of the whole ordeal courtesy of Mash.

After things settled down, Darnic spoke to Chiron and Fiore, discussing their missing Assasin of Black in a stoic tone, "… But something else worries me more."

Chiron answers Darnic question figuring out his concerns in a neutral tone, "… Assassin of Black, Jack the Ripper, correct? Have we still received no news from Assassin's Master?"

Darnic nodded his head leaning back as he explained to Fiore and Chiron present in a serious tone eyes narrowing, "No, nothing. Thanks to the spirit board we know for certain that Assassin was summoned and is still alive but, to summon Jack the Ripper as Assassn one of our Clan's Magi, Sagara Hyouma, went to a city in his far eastern homeland and should have performed the summoning ritual. But we've received no contact from him since then. Our clan's assassination squad 'Zugzwang', went to investigate but we've also lost contact with them."

Chiron nods at this expressing a frown seeing the spirit board speaking in a doubtful tone, "Some unexpected situation has happened."

Darnic nodded his head agreeing with Chiron's assumption frowning as he spoke in a concerned tone, "The worst case scenario would be if the Red Camp has both Assassins on their side –"

However, Darnic was soon interrupted by Fiore asking for a moment of their time in a serious tone, "Oji-sama, Archer, may I have a minute of your time?"

Handing them a newspaper article of recent murders Fiore explains in a serious tone eyes narrowing at the predicament unfolding, "A serial killer has appeared in the Romanian Capital Bucharest. The victims have been spreading northward from Bucharest to Sighisoara."

Chiron soon finishes realizing the same idea her Master has in mind in mild surprise, "… they're heading in our direction."

Darnic seeing the pattern agrees at the realization, "That's what it seems."

It only confirms their thoughts with Fiore providing them a key piece of information in a serious tone about the killer's methods pointing her finger at the missing people, "People have been calling this killer the 'Return of Jack the Ripper' due to their modus operandi… Please look at this, one of the victims. Her name is Pemetorekis, she's a Magus who studied in the same department as me when I attended the Clock Tower."

Darnic places his hand under his chin considering the possibility in a stoic tone eye narrowing at the news, "So this serial killer is skilled enough to kill Magi. Hmm…"

Thinking Fiore soon asked Darnic a request in a neutral tone eyeing her Head Leader, "We can't just ignore this. If this is the work of Assassin of Black, no Magi can hope to match them. Shouldn't we go ourselves?"

However, soon they got a call from Caster of Black alerting them. Caster gave them the news in a neutral tone Mash and Saber of Red departed retreating towards Sighisoara to their surprise with Chiron muttering equally as shocked, "Going there with this timing… they might be heading there to defeat Assassin of Black or perhaps form an alliance instead…"

Darnic eyes narrowed at either of those possibilities announcing in a cold tone through gritted teeth, "Either way, we can't just observe from the sidelines in this situation. Not when we already lost Saber of Black no thanks to that very same pair. Archer and Archer's Master, Fiore. Head to Sighisoara immediately. You will deal with Assassin of Black… and Saber of Red."

Both gazed at one another before Chiron smiled confidently causing Fiore to grin both replying, "… Understood."

Both left leaving Darnic alone with his thoughts heading towards the balcony of his Fortress trying to calm his nerves in a confident tone gazing at the starry night, "I spent 60 years preparing for this war. But in the end… the world never goes the way you want, I suppose. But that's fine, I was prepared to risk my life the moment I decided to secede from the Mage's Association. This much is within expectations."

Darnic remained silent closing his eyes. Then he opens them expressing a confident grin gripping his fist tightly glint of resolution in his eyes announcing loudly and proudly, "Many Magus families have died out without ever grasping a path to the Root, compared to that, we're unbelievably lucky to have been given this chance. Naturally, I have no intention of losing though, the one to win this war will be YGGDMILLENNIA!"


[Morning, Sighisoara]

The next morning, the members of the Red Faction returned to the Sighisoara where Mash and Mordred took a hotel to sleep. Of course, Mash modified the room for the time being what he called safety first and bringing Fou from Trifas inside the Gamer Hub.

With a quick morning breakfast, the two finally ate with Fou being treated to his plate peacefully being a freeloader with Mash pointing his fork at Mordred in an annoyed tone, "God damn it. Don't show me strange dreams Baeber."

Mordred merely huffed at her Master's comment taking a bite out of her bread and sausage and answering him, "… I don't get it, but is that my fault? So? Why did we come to this town… Sighisoara, was it?"

Mash nodded as he leaned to the back of his seat with Fou growling at the cat trying to take his food speaking, "Yeah. After dropping the identities of the Black Servants to the Red Faction they gave me news from the Mage Association. All the Magi we had stationed as a backup in Sighisoara have been wiped out. Soul eating with the Priest saying all Servants of Red are accounted for."

Mordred taking a bite of her food immediately realized what Mash was going towards with a grin spreading across her face, "Then the culprit is the only Black Servant that hasn't been seen yet…. Assassin huh? So, what are we going to do Master?"

Smirking and wiping his mouth Mash spoke in a confident tone standing up already coming up with a plan in mind, "Wait until nighttime. In the meantime how about, we enjoy some sightseeing in the modern world. What say you… Saber."

Mordred mood is now happy seeing her Master giving her the proper respect grinning at the prospect of sightseeing the modern world, "Great! Since I've been summoned in the modern world and all, I'll go do some sightseeing of this era."

Mash soon realized something scratching the back of his head that Mordred saw explaining himself, "Ah! But wait, this town is in the medieval structures… any other areas would you like to go? You know I can teleport us freely. Any place you have in mind?"

Seeing his smile Mordred thought for a bit with Fou being perched by his side finally responding in an excited tone, "Really now? Hmm… I always wanted to see what skyscrapers myself. Nothing is exciting or novel about the buildings where tourists gathered."

Mash laughed seeing her bored reaction extending his hand as she took it with an embarrassed expression and said, "… I figured. This town's main tourist attraction is its medieval townscape. As someone who comes from the medieval era, you wouldn't find anything interesting about it."

Shaking his head and setting a timer on his phone Mash spoke giving Mordred a deadline time limit in an excited tone, "I'll give us 6 hours to sightsee the attractions this world has to offer. I'll show you what this world has to offer on this date Baeber."

And Mash killed the mood with Mordred teasing her with an angry expression but sucked it up for the chance to view the world, "I swear to god I'll kill you Master… but for now you're my ride so show me the world then stupid asshole."

Both simply left after paying for the food with Fou perched over Mash's shoulder soon showing Mordred what the world has to offer. She took it making sure to not be viewed by others taking their time.

While they left Mordred eyed her Master since they both had dreams of their life. She saw glimpses of him in other worlds fighting with a knowing frown, 'Master the dreams work both ways… I saw glimpses of your travels fighting Monsters that would be impossible and won. Wit or strength you've overcome them. I know you can do it if you put your mind in order Master. Yet I don't quite understand why you allow yourself to hold back…'

With those lingering thoughts Mordred saw images of Mash's battle against the White Whale, Bowel Hunter, and Holy Knights in her dreams. The more she saw her Master's dreams the more she thought about her own with a fleeting thought gazing down, 'My dream is pulling the sword to best my father but… is that what I want?'

She shook her head and focused on the sightseeing in the world. Both are excited because it would be the first experience for them.


[Sighisoara Church]

Shirou finished discussing with the other Masters of Red tricking them to transfer the Master's Rights to him with a knowing grin and spoke confidently, "This Great Holy Grail War is becoming rather is to overcome now knowing our opponents. Who knew that the Saber of Red and Master of Red Mash Bastion was this capable."

Shirou could only shake his head shrugging his shoulders with his Assassin of Red Semiramis crossing her arms with disdain, "The Master of Red Mash Bastion was within the enemy territory and could've killed them if need be. I'm annoyed with the fact he DIDN'T kill the Masters of Black winning the war."

The Priest could only remain neutral about his choice as he spoke recalling the info they obtained thanks to them in a neutral tone, "Perhaps but he's still a young kid that Archer of Red seems to like his choice. Despite being the Wizard Marshal's apprentice, he has done enough to identify the Servants of Black. I like it if he eliminated them, but he seems to… 'human' in his approach."

Semiramis could only snort that Mash Bastion held his human ideal in the Moonlight World with clear annoyance eyes closed, "Tch. If he was a Magus, he would've killed them on the spot regardless of their identity and won. But I suppose we can't expect our way of things to go our way as that might complicate your plans."

Shirou nodded but held his faith that despite knowing the enemy Servants of Black identity he was happy with the results shown. Shirou had complete faith that the lord was on his side for when he obtained the [True Third Magic] his plan for the salvation of humanity would come true.

He simply needed to pray and continue his work. After all, he spent 60 years waiting for the chance and wouldn't waste it. No matter who's his enemy or ally to get in his way he'll dispose of them all the same.


[Worldline: Fate/Stay Night]

[Random Battlefield]



At another end of the world, a certain individual was taking sniper shots from the distance with a hollow expression on her face. After the events of Fate/Zero with Kiritsigu Emiya and his assistant Maiya surviving the previous war they both fled away from Fuyuki City.

Eventually, one day the infamous Magus Killer soon or later died on a battlefield leaving only Maiya bearing his title and Family Crest. In Kiritsugy Emiya's final moments, he made a deal with Alaya to continue being the 'Hero of Justice' becoming a member of the Counter Force in the process.

Fast forward to the future Maiya Hisau is currently, on the battlefield clearing the enemy with a bored cold gaze in her eyes.

Holding her rifle up again seeing the desolate wasteland of what a battlefront was she entered the destroyed building. Having a handgun on hand she searched for private documents long destroyed.

She only frowned seeing that her goal of locating her family dwindling as she muttered in an annoyed tone, "Sigh… another dead end. If it's not there…"


Before she could move another person entered the building with her drawing her pistol shooting and asking questions later.



But she was stopped immediately by the intimidating lading holding a rapier demanding in a cold tone stopping her blood, "Tell me are you the Magus Killer assistant? The one they call Maiya Hisau the current holder of the [Magus Killer] from the previous Holy Grail participant Kiritsugu Emiya?"

Maiya slowly analyzed her foe asking in a cautious tone steadily readying her combat knife unwavering in the situation, "If I was why would the head of the Barthomeloi Family come after me unless you want a hit on someone…"

The head of the Barthomeloi family only had a neutral expression on her face as she spoke in a confident tone, "No. But I would need your participation for the next Holy Grail War with the Leylines in Fuyuki City being at its prime. The Holy Grail would need at least 10 years to reform according to the Magus in the Clocktower and info regarding your encounter with the individual known as Mash Bastion?"

Maiya narrowed her eyes at the head of the Barthomeloi Family Lorelei Barthomeloi but the temptation did earn her interest listening to the lady in front of her out…

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