

The very next day, Thaddeus hired a retired elementary school dean. It was to teach Naia the language and some basic common sense he may miss out on. 

He was very eager. Not only was it for her own adjustment, but also for his sanity!

At the very least, they have to be able to communicate semantically before he would be able to make moves without feeling like trash.

He had scheduled many classes for her, mostly for basic literacy classes, but also those she'd need to interact properly with the world.

Of course, he scheduled not forgetting to cater for her possibly short attention span and childlike personality. 

For now, she had classes for about three hours a day, with plenty of breaks in between, lengthening the class hours intermittently so as to not shock her. 

He took this time to start working on his doctorate thesis focusing on Ecological Dynamics of Coral Reefs Resilience, looking forward to the times they met in between.

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