
Chapter 98 Fire Gun, ah!

Outside the underground passage was an even more open domain. As Song Yin stepped out of the passage, his gaze fell upon the same bluestone-paved ground, which covered a vast area, surrounded by rock walls, and beside the walls, there was a large number of buildings.

These buildings were old and dilapidated, most of them were only remnants, but some still had half of their structure intact, revealing the shadows of various shops and residences, and in front...

"City walls?"

Zhang Fei Xuan and Wang Qizheng had also walked out of the passage and exclaimed in surprise upon seeing what was ahead.

Not far ahead, there was a damaged city wall, at its center seemed to be a city gate, which was broken down to its base, with only traces of the wooden gate remaining. On either side, the walls had cracked and been worn down to almost nothing at their foundations.

Combining this with the nearby buildings and the bluestone paved ground...

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