
Chapter 741 The Replicas Are Better (1)_1

Five hundred taels of silver all at once, even if we took out everything valuable in the house, it would definitely not be enough, unless we sold the courtyard and all the land. Then our family would become utterly destitute!

Fang Hui absolutely wouldn't allow it! Her eyes glaring with venomous hate, she wished she could smash Pei Qian's mouth, "Dragging me to the Government Office!? I am your aunt, do you dare drag me to the Government Office!?"

Pei Qian spat fiercely, "You are nothing but an aunt! What good have you ever done for our family? What familial affection have you shown!? When we, your nieces, were bullied and struggling to survive, not having enough food, we never heard about any damn aunt! Seeing our family had money, you came leeching, first scheming against my elder sister, then shamelessly demanding our pickled cabbage recipe for nothing, why should we give it to you!? Just because you bear the title of an aunt, do we owe you anything!?"

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