
Meeting between Delegates

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Word Count 2920

Power Scaling Rant at the end of the Chapter. 


A few hours earlier

"Harry you are going to be late. How do you expect to arrive at Hogwarts on time? Are you going to teleport? Melina looked at Harry who was lying around 

"Relax, stress isn't good for women your age. And besides I have already called a Taxi."

Melinda was speechless. Besides the fact that they were in the middle of the ocean. How would a taxi get him on time to Britain from here even if it could fly?

"Harry have you been trying drugs on yourself? I know you said you wanted to expand in the Black Market but that's still dangerous"

Harry said nothing but just pointed to the sky. And almost immediately the sky began to rumble. She looked up to see a huge figure coming out of the clouds.

"Oh. That's how" Melina said dumbly as she was looking at the approaching figure

A big Quetzalcoatl was coming straight for their ship

"Hahaha Harry right on time as always" Vincent smiled at his talented student and then at the giant snake behind him

"I strive to be punctual." He turned to the snake behind him and hissed $ Thanks for the ride, Stella $

The giant snake bowed its head to Harry and hissed back $ Thank you for choosing Quetzal Airline. The best method of travel for Parselmouths. Please call us again when you decide to travel $ The snake said in a voice very similar to the the air hostesses on a plane.

To the public, it looked like Harry had owned and controlled the snake. But in reality, he just paid for a taxi.

The Quetzalcoatl were a very intelligent and secretive species. They saw that they were being hunted and fled in secrecy. But they still needed more than what they could hunt themselves. Along with some expensive plants for their young. Plants that mages and other magical creatures grew and defended.

So they made an agreement with the Order of Healers. They would transport their members around the world in exchange they wanted food, magical plants and potions to help strengthen their children while they grew.

The Quetzalcoatl named Stella flew away into the sky before opening a portal and leaving.

"Well let's get this thing going. I have to get back to my experiments. You have one hour" Harry started to walk to the large circular table.

Right as he reached his seat he stabbed the staff in the ground and walked forward. But his green coat started to float mid-air. He 'took off' his coat by just walking forward. Then the coat hung itself on the staff with the back of the coat facing the table. Everybody saw the giant 'Order of Healers' symbol. The big cross has a snake draped on it, along with detached wings and a crown.

'This is probably an attempt at King Arthur's Round Table. Maybe to appeal to my British heritage. Nice play by the way. But kinda stupid. The Round Table was a place where all the knights could sit in symbolic equality, with no one at the "head" of the table. The table represents Equality. Yet here are the British and American Ministry along with some extremely high-profile people. Dumbledore and Vincent are just a few. The Hogwarts staff was here as well. Remus too.

Harry had even spotted an extremely old man hiding in the crowd. One that looked very similar to the description of Flamel.

And interestingly enough. Professor Quirrell was wearing a turban. 'Heh. So Voldemort has already possessed him'

"Ahh Harry. It's a pleasure to finally have you among us." Minister Fudge said happily. He was a somewhat fat old man with rumpled gray hair while wearing a hat.

Harry just signed "It's Mr. Potter. Minister. Or going by your rules its Lord Potter"

This sent a wave of surprise to everyone.

"Hem, Hem. Mister Potter, I believe you are mistaken, after all, you are too young to be a Lord?" Umbridge said in an annoying high-pitched voice. She looked like someone tried to transfigure her into a frog but stopped halfway then the color changed all of her clothes pink

"Who the fuck are you?" Harry said with boredom in his voice

Umbridge's face grew red "How dare you. I am the Undersecretary of the Minister!" she shrieked slightly

Harry scoffed "Then your job is to take notes and push papers. I suggest you shut up and do so. And the goblins definitely gave you the information. Why you don't have it is none of my concern. A little more than a week ago I received my Lordship due to an Old Potter Charter."

He raised his hand showing his Potter ring. The entire thing was pure gold. It had a big styled 'P' on it in red color while on the back were two Roman short swords. At the bottom of the crest were two tiny pots and plant vines came from them and went out of the 'crest' to decorate the entire ring in strange mesmerizing patterns.

The people there immediately realized what this meant. They weren't dealing with a genius child anymore. He was a Lord, completely in charge of his House and its decisions.

The reporters were quickly writing this down. It was a big scoop.

Most people from the British side were unhappy about the news. They had fewer options to get him to go to Hogwarts. He was a Lord who had already finished his education.

'No! How did that brat manage to do this? His accounts were frozen and in the first place, he wasn't even in Britain. I have a mole in Gringotts who gives me information. Why do I even pay that greedy little bugger if he doesn't tell me when Harry arrives. And now that he is a Lord I can't sneak in a marriage contract with little Ginerva' Dumbledore screamed on the inside

He wasn't even aware that the Potter Account Manager was dead. He was decapitated by the Director of Gringotts.

But Dumbledore still put up his mask. The kind old man persona. "Ahhh. That is excellent news, Harry. May I ask what old Charter did you use?"

Harry's eyes locked on Dumbledore as if daring him to do something "It's Mister Potter, Dumbledore. I will not be repeating myself again. And it's none of your business. What is your business is to return all of my family artifacts that you have in your possession."

Dumbledore was shocked, to say the least. He was not expecting Harry to be so aggressive towards him, and how much did he know? he still smiled "What artifacts do you speak of?"

Harry snorted " Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit a man of your position. I am speaking about all the little artifacts you 'borrowed' from my father and never returned. Books, trinkets, and most importantly the Potter Family Cloak. I want them all back"

'Damn it, how did he know I have it? Did Sirius tell him about it? I knew I should have killed him'

"Ahh yes. I will of course be returning them when I can"

Sadly for him, that excuse didn't go with Harry "You have 1 hour. If I do not get them by then I will be going to extreme measures which will include the ICW freezing all of your assets as collateral. After all, you are a wizard are you not? Just to your home and get them"

Dumbledore didn't even have to fake his shock. And this was all done very publicly. The people at this meeting were starting to mumble. His credibility was dropping. Fast.

'Damn it. I gave some of those trinkets to some important people for political backing at the ICW. Damn this Brat!'

"Of course. Give me a moment." Dumbledore raised his wand "Expecto Patronum"

A phoenix Patronus appeared. Normally you have to talk to it for it to go send a message. But Dumbledore has been alive for a long time. He knows a lot of tricks. He tapped the head of the phoenix with his wand and transferred the message

The Patronus flew off into the sky and disappeared

"There, the artifacts will arrive shortly" Dumbledore smiled and Vincent scoffed "They should have been with you from the start. If I was in your place I would have used this opportunity to give them directly with Harry" Vincent rubbed it in, discrediting the Headmaster even further. This was the most fun he had had in years.

Everyone saw that Harry didn't object to Vincent calling him by his first name and then they remembered that it was natural that they were close. After all, Vincent is his Potion's teacher.

"It had slipped my mind " Dumbledore said casually but on the inside, he was seething

"Dumbledore... why do you have another one of my family's Artifacts in your hand?" Harry started at the old man. He was not amused

"Excuse me?" This time he was confused. He looked at his hands only to see his wand. But then it clicked to him. The Elder Wand. Harry knows about the Deathly Hollows.

'He said my Family. It can't BE!'

Harry raised his hand again. Showing a Black Ring, on which you could barely see some lines. There was a circle inside a triangle then a straight line that cut them in half. The symbol of the Deathly Hollows. or rather the Peverell Family.

Harry had already gone to the Marvolo House. He had all of Voldemort's knowledge it was simple to disable the wards and get the ring. Harry gained another piece of Tom's soul which he consumed with the Green Fire.

"As you can see I am the Head of House Peverell. What you hold in your hand is the Peverell Wand" Harry's words caused instant chaos

"The Peverell Wand!!!"

"The Elder Wand!"

"It's Real!"

"So that's why Dumbledore is so powerful!"

"It's because of the wand"

"Look at the Ring. It's a black stone!"

"Another Hollow!"

Voldemort was shocked 'He has MY RING! HOW! And how does Dumbledore have the Elder Wand!'


This continued for a full minute before the Principal of Salem Benjamin raised his wand in the air.

*BOOOM. BOOOM. BOOOM*. He created a few explosions high up in the air. And then cast a Soronus on himself

"Calm down please! So that we may move on. Mr. Potter has made it clear that he can only stay here for one hour. If that happens nobody gets anything that they want"

The crowd quickly quieted down but many people were eyeing the Wand and Stone with greed in his eyes.

Fudge turned to Dumbledore "Is that really the Elder Wand! The one forged by Death itself. And you never told the Ministry that you have an artifact like this!" his face was red. This could have been excellent publicity for Britain

Harry just let out a sigh "Really? Forged by Death? That was just a story the brothers made up to make themselves more famous. Someone later down in time made use of their bragging to turn it into a proper story with a moral lesson. I know I checked the Peverell Records.

The wand's bloody history came from people's greed. Ironically the Wand does increase the strength of the spells by a tiny bit. It can only shine in the hands of a True Peverell. I will be taking this back Dumbledore"

Before the old man could even object Harry raised his ring "By the command of the Head of the House. I order the Peverell Wand to return to the Head of House"

The ring Glowed in a black light. The Wand in Dumbledore's hands flew out at high speed. Like a blur seemed to suddenly appear in front of Harry. The green-eyed boy used the sharp part of the ring to cut a small line on his hand. He then grabbed the wand with the bloody hand.

The Wand glowed in a black-red light. Signifying that it accepted Harry as its rightful owner.

Lucius Malfoy cleared his throat "Lord Potter or should I say Lord Peverell? You said that the Deathly Hollows were exaggerated. What do you mean"

Harry looked at the man "The Peverells were experts in ritual magic and enchanting. The Wand, Cloak and Stone were created from the best material. Enchanted with special runes and spells and a ritual was used on them. For better performance. That is the secret of the Wand and Cloak.

The Stone doesn't actually even summon the dead. It summons their ghost. It's based on the ritual 'Speak to the Dead', which is commonly used to communicate with past ancestors in some parts of the world. But the ritual can only be done on Samhain and with some rare materials. The second brother wanted to speak to his deceased wife with his Son.

So he created a way to skip the day and the materials needed. He basically turned a ritual into a spell. That is what the ring is. Does this explain your question?" Harry raised an eyebrow at the man

Lucius just nodded "Yes, Thank you, It was quite,, enlightening"

And he wasn't the only one. The Tale of the Three Brothers is known worldwide. To hear the real history it was a big thing

"Pardon Monsieur Potter!" A French reporter called out, Harry turned to her "Madam Chloé Blanchet from Libé Magique."

The young woman was certainly surprised. It showed on her face "You remember me~? I am flattered. Ahh yes. So the second brother didn't die?"

Everyone turned to Harry. They were also curious.

Harry shook his head and petted the head of the snake that was laying around his neck "The brothers faked their deaths. The first brother really did die and his wand was taken from him, but it happened when he was quite old. The other two just died out of old age. It's quite silly. The Wand can be recreated, in fact, I'm sure that it was.

But this particular wand has caused too much damage over the years. Countless have died for it. What I have done earlier is change it with my Family Magic. It can now only be used by me and my children. So will the Stone and the Cloak"

This shocked other people. There was only one way to do this. A Blood Bind.

But blood magic and ritual magic was banned in Britain.

"Lord Potter." Amelia Bones from DMILE spoke up "Are you aware that blood magic is banned in Magical Britian" 

Harry just shrugs "No, it is not, It's just banned to use it without authorization. Blood Quills for example are used by Gringotts and the Ministry. And for your information, that little spell was Peverell Family magic. As I'm sure you are aware Family Magic can't be used as a reason for an arrest"

Madam Bones just nods. 

"Herr Potter. How did you acquire your Familiar?" A reporter from Germany asked

The snake on his shoulders perked up. It hissed a few times and the two other snakes came out of the green robe that was hanging off the staff. Surprising quite a few people 

Harry raised an eyebrow at them "I got my familiars in India during my training with the Order of Healers. I picked up quite a few"

"Familiars? Plural!" Fudge looked like he had found gold.

Dumbledore was also excited while Fawks was an excellent familiar. A few more would boost his fame. He clapped his hands "What an excellent discovery Lord Potter. I'm sure many wizards and witches around the world would love to get a familiar for themselves. This will be quite the event when you share the method" 

Harry just frowned

"No, I will not. Mister Dumbledore don't spread misinformation. It doesn't suit a man of your position. I haven't said a single thing about sharing this magic. This magic will remain as Potter Family magic. Only usable by me and my family."

"Mr. Potter. Surely you can reconsider. after all a boy and quite a famous one at that. A celebrity of your stature shouldn't be so selfish and narrow-minded. Think about the wizarding kind" Lucius says politely with a smile

Lucius tried to steer the conversation that Harry was being selfish and not thinking about the wizarding kind. Inwardly he was cheering with glee. A familiar was more than just a magical pet. It was a symbol a status. That you are a powerful wizard. He has been trying to get one for years

Harry turns it around and faces him "Then why doesn't House Malfoy share theirs? After all, you have been bragging about how powerful and useful your family magic is. It is one of the main reasons why the House of Malfoy is so rich in the first place"

Malfoy was stumped "Well.. I am afraid I cannot due to some family oaths" he managed to say with a slightly embarrassed look. Acting the part of a nobleman whose hands are tied

"That's too bad. Well, I guess House Potter will also be making a few oaths. Now then we have wasted enough time. Let's get down to the real reason I am here while I wait for Dumbledore to return my belongings."

Harry looked at Dumbledore and Fudge "Why in the name of Merlin would I want to go back to Hogwarts?"

~A/N LONG RANT- Power Scailing Rant I planned to explain it later in the fic. But the comments just don't stop xD

That's all for this chap. Negotiations start the next one. I like how Harry downplayed the Deathly Hollows. 

In my fic those will be made with countless people used in sacrificial rituals. That's what makes the hollows so strong. 

In my mind. The philosopher stone is the same. (just like in FMA: Brotherhood)

And I know about the thing with Grindelwald. But i still don't buy it. Protego Diabolica is a defence spell first and foremost. And that spell has the power to destroy Paris? Doubt it. Even if he used FiendFyre to do it. It would take a while for the flames to spread across Paris. 

The way Classes are done in DxD is how much power you can dish out at once. 

Hence Low Class- Destroy a house or two. (Think Issei and Wizards)

Mid-Class (Basically Rias Level at the start of DxD) A mid class being can easily destroy a Street Block. (So lets say around 15-20 houses. It must be casually done.)

So Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Voldemort. Mana wise they are about a bit better than Rias. But they have a lot more experience than her and can easily beat her. All three of them can easily destroy a Street Block and still have a lot of juice left. I know they can destroy a Village or City. But its going to take them time. 

Destroying a few City Areas is a High Class for me.

Affecting am entire city is just the Entry Level of Ultimate Class.

Destroying a whole City is a sign of a True Ultimate Class.

That's how I decided to rank the Classes. So when people say why Grindelwald is Mid-Class. This is why, he can dish out High-Class attacks. But not easily. Can he destroy Paris. Yes. Can he do it easily? No. 

And I have to take in mind the DxD world. Do you think people are just gonna let a bunch of wizards destroy Paris? Some changes must be made in HP History to fit in the DxD world. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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