
The Goliath Shambler (1)

Sebastian was startled by a menacing growl as the group hurried towards the castle.

A Goliath Shambler, a tier-2 fanged, emerged from the corner of a building and obstructed their path.

This time, even Sebastian could not keep his usual demeanour, and he panicked a little.

The Rune Master knew he could not kill such a powerful beast. He was a tier-0 thespian, close to being able to make his first compression level, and weirdly able to take on tier-1 fangeds on the weaker side, but a tier-2 fanged was simply preposterous.

Thoughts on how to overcome that problem rushed through Sebastian's twisted mind.

<The city guards accompanying Mayor Reed might stand a chance, but many will die against the fucker.>

Yet there seemed no way to bypass the creature. The Goliath Shambler's presence meant it had found out Sebastian's illusions to be fake, and he doubted he could keep using them to distract the monster.

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