

Chapter Text

Class 1-A sat in class, and all took their seats a few seconds before the bell rang. Right as it rang, Aizawa walked in and looked around before humming and stepping up to the podium. "Alright, the first thing on the docket is something that will affect your lives while you're here from this point on."

The class gulped and tensed as their teacher stared blankly at them before saying. "You need to pick class reps."

The class sat there stunned for a moment before bursting out into cries for them to be elected. This continued for several moments until Tenya stood suddenly and shouted. "Settle down this is unbecoming of hero students. Obviously, we should hold an election to see who is best suited for the role of class rep and vice rep."

Mina chuckled. "You wanna hold your hand up a little higher, Iida. I don't think you're showing enough enthusiasm for the position."

Tenya blushed and cleared his throat as a few students chuckled. "Mr.Aizawa, would an election be a suitable method?"

Aizawa shrugged. "Democracy hasn't fallen apart yet, I guess. Just keep it quiet."

The class sighed a bit as their teacher disappeared behind his desk, and Tenya marched up to the front with several sheets of paper. He tore them into twenty strips and passed them to the front of each row. "We shall write our votes down, and if you are ok with it, I will tally them up."

The class agreed, and a few minutes later, Tenya stood there at the teacher's podium, looking defeated. Behind him, the board showed Momo with four votes and Izuku below her with three.

Aizawa sat up suddenly. "Yaoyorozu and Midoriya stay after classes are done, and I'll explain what responsibilities you have as the reps."

The two students gave an affirmative, and class continued on from there. It wasn't until lunch when Izuku could ask. "Who voted for me?"

Mina, Toru, and Momo raised their hands, and Izuku looked at Tenya, Ochako, and Kyoka, who pointed at Momo. Izuku sighed. "I voted for Yaoyorozu as well."

Momo flushed a bit. "What? Why?"

Izuku shrugged. "You have the respect of most of the class already, and you're a Yaoyorozu. It just felt right that you'd be in charge."

Momo puffed her cheeks up and huffed. "I told you I didn't want to be treated differently just because of my family."

Izuku bowed his head. "My apologies, ma'am. I'll strive to do better."

Their friend chuckled as Momo sighed. "I do hope so. I'll be relying on you to help with whatever class rep duties we have."

Mina leaned on Izuku. "Don't worry, Yaomomo. Izu is super reliable when it comes to serious stuff."

Toru leaned on Mina, pushing her into Izuku more, who groaned as he tried to eat his rice. "Yeah, we definitely wouldn't get any studying done if Izu wasn't so serious about us getting good grades."

Kyoka groaned. "Ugh, don't talk about studying. I never feel like it works."

"Perhaps you just need a new approach. If you want, I can help you study before our next test." Momo said as she placed a hand above her chest and looked like the perfect picture of grace.

Ochako shook off her blush and asked. "Can I join you? I'm really bad at studying by myself."

Kyoka blushed a bit as the bubble girl leaned towards her. Momo smiled. "Of course you can, Uraraka. Iida, do you need any assistance studying?"

Tenya shook his head. "No, I am quite alright. I tend to do better studying on my own than with others."

The group chatted for a bit before alarms sounded, and the students started to panic as they rushed for the exits. Things were chaotic, and Izuku really considered blasting them all with his quirk, but he felt like he might get in trouble for that, so he focused on working with Toru and Mina to keep each other from getting trampled or swept away. As they secured their spot, they saw Tenya float above everyone and fire off towards the door. He gave a rather compelling speech and calmed the crowd.

Classes were canceled after that, and that night, Aizawa came by and explained the duties of class reps to Izuku and Momo. The two took some notes and went over how to handle the responsibilities. Once they were done, the two went their separate ways.


Izuku sat at his desk and sketched. He glanced over as his door opened and smiled a bit as his girlfriends came in and sat on his bed. He turned back to his notebook as the two girls talked. Izuku focused on the sketch he was working on. He had just posted one of All Might he finished earlier, but this wasn't one he could post. It was less of a sketch and more of a redesign.

The bed creaked, and suddenly, Mina said from his shoulder. "Wow, Yaomomo looks hot, but that's not what her costume looks like."

Izuku jumped and looked at his pink girlfriend, who smiled. "Why ya changing her costume?"

Izuku sighed while Toru leaned on his other shoulder as she shimmered and turned visible. He struggled to pull his eyes away from her as she inspected his art. "I uh. Her costume is ok I guess, but I feel like it could be better. Once I'm done with it, I'll show it to her, and if she wants to use it, she can."

Mina hummed. "Speaking of costumes. Yours is different from what I was expecting."

"And what were you expecting?" Izuku asked, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

Toru spoke up at this point. "We thought you'd look more like Midnight, but you uh didn't have any of that ultra-thin cloth she uses."

Izuku shook his head. "No, I didn't. The pants are breathable and loose. The vents built into them will let me release my quirk from my legs, and I went sleeveless since I usually push my quirk out of my arms. I think it'll be enough; also, I really don't want to be seen as a guy version of Midnight. Midnight is mom's thing. I'm going for my own kind of hero, you know."

Mina hummed and kissed his cheek. "Yeah, I get that. I am glad you picked a compression shirt, though. You look hot in tight clothes."

Izuku blushed as Toru kissed his other cheek. "I think some people in class were staring at you during heroics."

Mina nodded as Izuku buried his face in his hands. "I saw that too."

His girlfriends giggled, and Izuku took a deep breath as he said. "It's a shame we couldn't take Toru's costume back to the dorms or have a private moment to see her visible self in it. That would have been great."

Toru blushed as Mina grinned. "Oh yeah. Just her figure looked so good in it. I can't imagine how she would look completely visible in it."

Toru groaned as her partners piled on the compliments. She retreated to the bed as she slipped back into being invisible. Toru groaned as she felt them lay on either side of her and kiss her cheeks at the same time. Eventually, the invisible girl pulled her head out of the pillows and blurted. "Mina's ass looked really nice in her hero costume!"

Mina's face turned lilac as she buried her face in the pillows. Izuku chuckled and said. "Yeah, it did, didn't it."

Mina groaned and kicked her legs. "I know it does but stop; it's so embarrassing to hear you say it."

Toru giggled and kissed her "oh, it's ok, Mina, we think your butt looks cute no matter what you wear."

The pink girl groaned again as her partners laughed. Eventually, she calmed down, and the three laid there with their limbs tangled and chatted about nothing important until the girls left to go to their own rooms.


Nemuri sighed as she sank into her couch. Hirooki smiled as they brought over some snacks and drinks. "The meeting wasn't that bad."

Nemuri looked at her partner, who smiled sweetly. Nemuri huffed. "Says you. I bet with that costume of yours you just took a nap while the meeting went on."

Hirooki chuckled. "No, I only sleep through the standard school meetings. I stayed awake for the post break-in meeting. Especially since they dug through All Might's files apparently."

Nemuri hummed and snuggled into Hirooki's side as they sat down. "You have rescue training with Izuku's class this Friday, right?"

Hirooki nodded as they started up a movie. "Yeah. Speaking of which, how are classes going?"

Nemuri chuckled. "Most of his classmates are baffled by how he doesn't react when I do my usual distractions. It was really funny yesterday when I sat on his desk, and he just moved his notes over and kept working. I think how casually he acts in my class helps trip them up."

Hirooki shook their head. "I wish I could mess with my students like that, but rescue work is too important. Can't have them messing up in real life."

Nemuri kissed their cheek. "Yeah, but enough work talk, we're off the clock tonight."

Hirooki chuckled and kissed the top of Nemuri's head. 'Yes, ma'am."


Izuku looked over the class as they loaded up into the bus. When Aizawa had shown up for homeroom, he told them to get dressed in their costumes and head to the bus parking area. They were going on a field trip to an on-campus facility to get their introductory lesson on rescue training.

It amazed Izuku how large UA was. He had heard Hirooki boast about the USJ before, and if that building was as large as Hirooki said, then it was impressive that it existed on the same campus as the main building and the mock cities.

Izuku handed off the roaster to Aizawa once everyone was loaded up, and their teacher stepped on as Izuku took his seat with his girlfriends on his right and Tsu on his left. Across the aisle from him were Denki, Minoru, Hanta, and Eijiro. The bus lurched a bit, and they began their trip. As they rode, everyone chatted idly, and eventually, Tsu said. "Midoriya, I tend to speak my mind, so I hope you don't mind me asking but do you have some kind of relationship with Ms.Midnight?"

That got everyone's attention, and Izuku sighed. He had never actually talked to Nemuri about if it was ok to talk about her being his foster mom. Sure Momo and his girlfriends knew, but they were the only ones who knew, and he only told Momo to mess with her and because he wasn't sure if he would ever see her again. He guessed until he could talk to Nemuri, he'd keep it quiet about that. "Hm, not really. I mean, UA isn't my first time meeting her."

Hanta whistled, and Izuku noticed Mineta looked jealous, but when the short boy saw Izuku looking at him, he clamped his mouth shut as Hanta asked. "How'd you manage to meet her?"

"Total accident. I was taking a shortcut home and ran into her. She thought I needed help and ended up walking me home just to make sure." Izuku rubbed the back of his neck. "I started using that shortcut to get home more and ran into her a few times. With my quirk being similar to hers, I was a big fan of hers. Don't get me wrong, most of the time, I walked home alone, but every so often I would get to speak with Midnight, but that was only when I was in my last year of Junior High."

Izuku felt a bit bad about lying, but if Nemuri said it was fine to be open about their relationship, he'd apologize and tell the truth. Tsu hummed. "So you're basically desensitized to our art history teacher and her... sexy way of acting."

Izuku chuckled as a few of the class staggered at Tsu's bluntness. "I guess you could say it like that."

With Tsu satisfied, the conversation moved on to quirks, and Izuku frowned slightly as Eijiro talked down his quirk, claiming it wasn't that flashy. Izuku sighed. "Flashy isn't the best you know."

Izuku looked over at his red-haired classmate. "I mean, think about it, Kirishima, sure your quirk isn't super flashy, but no one here can take a hit like you. Heroes need to protect people, and sometimes that means physically being between them and the villain. You'd be the best at that."

Mina nodded. "Like an unmovable wall to keep people safe."

Eijiro chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "I guess you got a point there."

The bus came to a stop, and Aizawa stood up. "We're here, come on."

The class got up and filed out and stared up in awe as they saw the USJ. Izuku felt like Hirooki had undersold the scope of the USJ. Speaking of Hirooki, Izuku spotted them coming down the steps. "Hello, class 1-A; welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or the USJ for short."

A squeal caught several people's attention, and they looked at a blushing Ochako as she realized how loud she had been. "S-sorry, it's just it's Thirteen; they're my favorite hero."

Her friends chuckled a bit, and Thirteen said. "Glad to see I have a fan, but we have a lot of work to do today, so come on, let me show you around and tell you some things before we start class."


Somehow the inside of the USJ felt bigger than the outside. As the class processed the size and scope of the area, Toru noticed Aizawa and Thirteen whispering about All Might and how he was supposed to be here. Toru nudged her boyfriend and whispered. "Did you see any news on All Might this morning?"

Izuku nodded. "Apparently, he spent a few hours rescuing people. Guess he went overboard and needs to rest."

Mina shook her head. "That guy."

Toru giggled quietly but quieted down as Thirteen approached the class and started to talk. They spoke about the damage that quirks could cause to both people and things. It was a good speech, really, but Toru had also heard it at least three times since meeting Hirooki. The invisible girl's eyes wandered, and as Thirteen's speech started to come to a close.

Something caught her eye. A speck of black and purple that quickly started to expand and twist, kinda like Izuku's quirk when he controlled the gas. "Um, Sensei's, what's that?"

The two teachers stopped and looked at Toru then to where her glove was pointing. Aizawa bit back a curse as a portal opened and villains poured out. Aizawa pulled his goggles up over his eyes as he said. "Those are villains. Thirteen get the students out and call for help. I'll hold them off until you're safe."


This chapter is shorter than usual but what comes next will either be a long chapter or two chapters.

also, I asked this in Feral Lady but I know not everyone reads all of my fics so yeah. I'm looking for ideas for an Izu/Camie one-shot. I want to write a couple because I can't find any Izu/Camie fics that aren't harem fics.

so I think back every so often to my collection of MHA fanfic ideas and some are small things without much thought beyond a quirk and background and possible pairing for Izuku like My Feral Lady. some are like Hypno and Watching Over You where I have some of a plot and all the previously mentioned stuff.

then there are two in my pile that sit above the others in complexity and how much I have thought about them. one is a kind of an OP Izumi Midoriya fic with the working title Izumi the Invincible. a lot of stuff is shaken up in this story. the other is my first idea for a villain Izumi Midoriya. also things are shaken up there. I don't know why but yeah they both ended up being female Izuku mainly because I haven't read a lot of female Izuku stuff that I like.

I have not actually typed out anything other than plot points and changes from canon. these two stories feel massive and like something I would need to tackle while nothing else is getting worked on. Not that the three fics I'm working on are gonna be done any time soon.

anyways if you've read this far be prepared once Hypno gets updated again there will be... things happening.

Chapitre suivant