

Chapter 12: Engagement

"You're still weak." There was darkness everywhere as Naruto sat in the spotlight once again. Naruto looked up and saw the dark smiling face of that horned creature again.

"Yeah yeah how many times do I need to hear this from you? Or rather how much am I going to keep bashing myself?" He looked bored as the giant figure came down closer to him.

"As many times as I or we need to say it to get the point across. What kind of pup can't even use the power he has been given without hurting himself? And then lets it happen?"

"Hey I've gotten by so I deal with it for now."

"Kukuku so you are going to keep things the same until you need grow? That is procrastination at its finest. Are you going to just let yourself grow complacent using things as a crutch to circumvent your strength or are you going to take the next step in you development?"

Naruto sat there thinking for a while. A few seconds was all he need for his decision.

"Hehehe I have hit a wall haven't I? So I'll tell you what. I'll make the most of what I have for now, and when the time comes to make that sacrifice and take the next step I will take it in a heartbeat."

The giant being shrunk down to his size gaining the same body type as it wore a small smile. Its violet eyes shown with amusement.

"Well I guess thats as much as I'm gonna get out of you for now so you have my consent. But you sense it too don't you? Of course you do you are me afterall and you aren't an idiot."

Naruto put his hands behind his head as he started to walk off into the black enviornment.

"Yeah I can feel it. There is a storm coming and I will likely have to make the decision to change way sooner than I expected. But thats fine because that just means I will be that much closer to where I would have naturally been if I had waited till I was 18 to awaken the natural way. This early power boost was great but its not complete yet."

Naruto grinned to himself as he faded into the background as the figure behind him chuckled to himself. His thin tail waving calmly behind him.

"Whatever then other. I may have to wait a little more, but it won't be long."

- Bedroom -

Naruto could be see sitting on his bed. He was completely calm and froze as he meditated. His eyes slowly opened before he let out a breath. But they didn't open that far giving him a sleepy look. He ran a had through his downwardly spiking hair that was part out of the way of his eyes and leaving a few bangs between them, momentarily spiking his hair up before it calmed a few seconds later and fell back down again.

"*Sigh* I need a psychologist, or psychiatrist, or maybe an asylum because my brain is messed up. It can't be normal to have casual conversations with yourself. Whether its in a dream or not."

"Oh well that was a great weekend. Met the student council, jerked around their president, played dodgeball, destroyed them in that, went familiar hunting, ended up getting an entire population of hot monster girls as my contract, saw Rias, Akeno, and Koneko being molested and stripped by slime, banged my sisters with no regrets, upped my training, and got my inventing back up. Yep very productive."

He got off his bed and got dressed into his uniform as he got ready to go to school.

-ORC Room-

"...you need me to what?"

"I need for you to do this for me Naruto-kun."

"Why does it have to be me?"

"Can you think of anyone else who would be a better choice."

"Well no but..."

"Do you want to do it or not?"

"Hell yes!" Naruto could be seen standing out in a field next to the woods wrapping bandages around his arms. He stood in his black body suit and combat pants as the rest of the peerage except Rias stood infront of him on guard.

"You know if someone just walked in on the last part of that conversation they may think this was something sexual."

Rias rolled her eyes at this. "So you will be up in a fight against Koneko, Kiba, Issei, and Akeno. This will be an exercise to get them combat experience as well as to not just see where they stand but where you stand as well."

"Can I fight them all at once?" She blinked at this.

"Uh... well sure if you want to. If you think you can but they aren't weak you know." All Naruto did was point at Issei and look at her.

"Well not all of them are."

"I would hope not or I am going to be very disappointed."

"Oh and Naruto you can go all out if you want but I can trust you not to kill them right?" His history of fights here and overseas wasn't very comforting to that question. Naruto just looked at her innocently.

"I would never think of killing Koneko or Akeno."


"Fine the guys will stay alive as well..."

"No permanent damage either."

"Can we start!"

"Fine fine. Begin!" Her wings emerged and she took to the sky to watch safely. They were fairly out in the open but a spell was in place to hide them from human eyes.

"So... how are we going to-."

"I will be you down senpai then all the girls will want me!" "Issei wait!" But Kiba's shouts fell on deaf ears as Issei wildly charged at Naruto arming himself with his sacred gear. He cocked his dragon fist back and threw it straight at Naruto's face.

*Thump!* The others grew nervous when Naruto just stood there and took it.

"Hmm not a bad punch. Weak but still decent. So this is the boosted gear I've heard about? Seems like its full of flaws but I guess it has to have those to balance out a tool that can supposedly give you unlimited power. Which is bullshit by the way. I'm going to have to study this. Maybe its ability to double power every 10 seconds can be replicated. Even still this gauntlet has some nice density to it."

He turned his head into the fist to lock eyes with Issei making him looked startled. One of Naruto's eyes were violet while the other stayed blue and they were both open uncharacteristically wide.

"So Issei-kun do you want to try again.~"

Issei jumped back before he regained his nerves

"Boost!" Naruto rose an eyebrow as Issei's power doubled. This was the first time he paid attention to see it in action.

"So it really does do that..." Issei ran up and threw a heavier punch at the side of Naruto's face again.

*Thump!* It blew some of his hair up from the impact but Naruto was otherwise unaffected as he glanced at Issei-kun when he jumped back again.

"Come on Issei I'm trying to give you a chance her. That gear of yours takes time to boost that is too long by my standards."


"...You need to at least for some kind of plan for that because you going in ham like that with your level of skill is only going to get you kille-"


Issei ran straight at Naruto at an even faster speed before and threw a hard punch at Naruto's face. *Bam*

The force was actually strong enough to knock Naruto back as he fell... for a second until his feet grabbed the ground and he froze leaning back.

"I tried to be nice... fuck it."

*Boom!* Next thing Issei knew Naruto suddenly leaned forward and Issei felt a force hit him as he was knocked into the ground with enough force to turn up rocks. Naruto had head butted him at blinding speeds. He didn't even have time to think on it as he fell unconscious.

"That one actually stung a little and I would have congratulated you if you hadn't kept interrupting me. Now you made me irritated." He walked towards the others now making it a point to step on Issei as he did.

"So whose next?" The three nodded before Koneko charged him with Kiba staying a little back.

"Oh Koneko-chan. I've been wanting to face you for a while now." Koneko got into her fighting stance as she held up her martial arts gloved hands. She ran at him and through a haymaker. Luckily Naruto knew she wouldn't do the same shit as Issei and took this more seriously.

As soon as he blocked her punch his eyes widened from the force as the ground broke up around them. As they were locked Koneko's blank expression looked straight at him and spoke.

"Senpai... why do your sisters have your scent on them more than usual lately?" He stumbled and almost lost his footing as he held back her punch. That reaction seemed to clue things in for her.

"Naruto-senpai... did you do something inappropriate to them."

"Koneko why are you asking this now." His expression went serious as he looked at her. He wasn't going to lie about it because he wasn't ashamed about it. Maybe a little embarassed but not ashamed. She looked down a little as her pressure on him eased up and she spoke.

"Did you get tired of me?"

"Konekoe-chan what are you-."

"You always pet me and showed me attention but then you went and mated them. And I know you have an interest in Rias to because of her scent and you've looked at Akeno as well. I just want to know if you actually care or if I was just a stand in for you till you got home to bang those vixens."

Though she hardly showed it her face was letting a little bit of frustration seep through which meant she was getting angry as she started to shake more towards the end and her eyes slit.

He didn't like that she was feeling bad right now but he also liked that she was basically spilling her thoughts. He leaned in close as she glared and grinned.

"Oh but I like treating you like a toy. You're my cute little Neko-chan after all.~" His sing song voice made her blush a little but also made her angrier. His expression though went sincere afterwards.

"But I do care for you Koneko-chan. I would even interact with you if I didn't. But you do know that with my status I have a lot on my plate and you can't keep me to yourself. You being a nekoshou and part of a near extinct species you should understand that." Her eyes widened at that.

"How do you even know that I'm a-."

"You should know by now that I know lots of things Neko-chan. But we can discuss this later. Just know that I won't toss you aside. You're too important to me for that." All of that combined with how close his face was caused her to blush even more and she felt her heart flutter a bit. After the moment past Naruto's grin went joker like making her recall where they were. The three watching from the sidelines were confused since the couldn't hear anything from the too when the became locked in as they lowered their voices.

"Now if you remember Koneko-chan we were in the middle of a fight! So bye bye!" He grabbed onto her fist before lifting her up and swinging her across the field into the trees.

"Hahaha cat stuck in a tree!" Koneko was un harmed because of her durability as she laid there tangled in the branches with leaves and twigs in her hair.


*Swoosh* Naruto leaned back as he narrowly avoided a blade that came out of no where.

"Huh?" He looked at Kiba who was holding a sword and smirked.

"So you're up now Kiba? Lets see what you've really got."

"If you insist Naruto senpai." He gave a test slash at Naruto who leaned out of the way to see how quick he was. Seeing that he could take it Kiba begun his pursuit as he increased his slashes. Naruto had to saw and dodge as Kiba attacked.

He swung for his feet, his head, his torso, all the while picking up his pace to try to catch him off guard. Naruto kept up the whole time dodging his swing fluidly.

Naruto's eyes widened when he felt a change and saw Kiba's footing change.

"Whoa!" The blurred out of sight with a gust of wind and reappeared quite a bit to the side. Naruto had caught Kiba's sword inches from his head by stopping it with his palms from the side.

"Whew so you are fast. Nice try there. If this had been a week or 2 ago you probably would have gotten me with that speed but sadly it isn't enough."

Kiba just smiled at him. "Sorry senpai but now that your hands are full I got you right where I want you." Before he could question what the boy meant Kiba held out his hand and Naruto's eyes widened again when a sword materialized in it.

"What?!" Kiba swung at him while Naruto was confused and holding his other sword. Naruto's spider like reflexes however reacted fast enough. He twisted his body while getting off the ground. He went upsidedown as he threw the sword down and caught the other blade between his feet. He did one final twist of the flip and knocked both swords away in the opposite direction as well as knocking Kiba back several feet all in the course of a second.

As Naruto touched down on his feet again Kiba looked dumbfounded.

"What in the world was that!" Naruto just rolled his hands as his tired eyes looked at Kiba and gained a mischievous expression.

"I am basically a ninja-class free form gymnast, a master level prodigal martial artist, and someone who knows his way around a weapon so you've got bad luck right now. But the more important question is where did those swords come from?"

Kiba just held out his hands as multiple swords appeared.

"This is my sacred gear. Its called Sword Birth and allows me to makes swords." He grew confused when Naruto froze.

"Y-You have a gear that lets you make swords instantly?"


"You can make swords?"

"Thats what I said."

"As in you are someone who makes weapons."



Kiba flinched when Naruto was suddenly in his face blushing.

"Fufufu you made another mistake Kiba-kun." He jumped back in panic and tried to swing a sword at him as Naruto kept walking towards him. As soon as he did Naruto flashed a foot forward and yanked the sword out of Kibas hand before stomping him away.

"You just told an Armorer-." Kiba formed another sworded and changed at Naruto with a two handed grip. Naruto casually and swiftly parried it with one hand twice like it was nothing before kicking the blade out of his hand high into the air.

"-someone who is predisposed to have an affinity to all weapons." Kiba formed another sword quickly and swung a wide horizontal slash at him. Naruto handspringed backwards with one hand as Kibas sword sailed across him missing his abs by only inches before Kiba carried through on the strike to slash down. Naruto used his free arm to bring his new sword up to block Kiba.

"It's not surprising to say that we have a deep hidden fetish for real weapons and just touching one makes us hyper focus and multitask to our surroundings."

The sword that he had kicked into the sky feel back down on them. It was at this moment that Kiba realized that Naruto had lost his shoes at some point as he skillfully caught the blade with his foot. He quickly disengaged and jumped back as Naruto brought said foot down to slash at him as he twisted his body and spun in an impressive display of flexibility and acrobatics. A diagonal cut appeared on Kiba's uniform and on his chest as it started to bleed as he barely avoided that unorthodox strike. It was a shallow cut so he would be fine.

As Naruto spun onto one foot the sword in his foot disappeared. The sword in his hand vanished as soon as he started spinning. Kiba formed two swords at once this time and dual wielded. He charged Naruto now with swift precision making him sigh.

"And yet you keep making more swords. I swear if you were a girl I would have a hard on right now but since you aren't..." Dream over engulfed his bandaged forearms and hands in a shell as he held them up to block the two weapons. His wide currently heterochromia eyes looked into his with wild insanity.

"I'm getting pissed!" He pushed the swords back and quickly grabbed Kiba's wrists and twisted them getting him to drop the swords in pain before he spun and delivered a wicked roundhouse kick to Kiba's torso that sent him flying across the ground. It was heavy enough that his ribcage was cracked and he had brusing. Somehow Naruto was able to change more of that attack into knock back force instead of physical damage.

"You guys are lucky I'm not trying to kill you too bad or you would be in trouble."

*ZZSSSHAAPPP!* Pain coarsed through his body as he was struck by random lightning. After a few seconds he looked with one eye closed in irritation over at Akeno who was smiling at him and had electricity arcing on her fingertips.

"Ara ara did that hurt Naruto-kun?"

"I'm getting real tired of your shit Akeno."

He blinked when the a shadow appeared over him and the next second a large tree was slammed on him.


Koneko had bashed him into the ground with the large piece of wood as she now laid on it.

"You shouldn't be so cocky Naruto-senpai." The others started to walk towards Koneko as they thought they were done but stopped when they heard rustling.

"Hahaha maybe I shouldn't be so cocky!" Koneko grabbed onto the tree startled when it was slowly lifted off the ground and put vertical in the air. She looked straight down to see Naruto lifting it with his arms slightly bulged.

"Sorry Koneko-chan but I'm stronger than you at this point." Koneko yelled when he spun around and threw the log at Kiba who was standing off to the side. He had to duck to narrowly avoid being hit by it.

"Fufufu I think its time you were put down." He looked up and sighed as Akeno flew in the air above him. The next second he was hit by even harder lightning.

*ZZZSSSSHHHHHHHHHH* But Akeno didn't let up this time as she had a pleasurable look on her face as she held the lightning on him.

"Come on Naruto-kun scream out! I want you to have just as much fun as I am!" She flinched when he stood up straight and looked up at her with insane excitement. His hands were covered in black again as he soaked his bandages in dream aura. He whip the wrappings out at Akeno forming black thread that wrapped around her waist. There was a pause before the lightning she was frying him with traveled up the line and electrocuted her causing her to scream out in pain as they were both lit up.

"Kyaaa!" She couldn't stop as it was like Naruto had her locked into the circuit but it was clear Naruto could take more than she could. He laughed as he swung her into the ground.

"Hahaha yes that's right now you scream out! Go on let me her it!"

"Yaaa! Naruto-sama please its too much!" She moaned and convulsed on the ground. She was breathing hard as a blush started to form on her face. He twitched at the display as it was kind of hot. Half of it wanted to indulge his sadistic tendencies more on this girl who obviously would enjoy it but then the other half remembered where he was and it was driving him crazy.

"Goddamnit Akeno why did you have to ruin it!" He released his snare on her making her able to stop her magic as the lightning disappeared. He was glad that the power of that lightning wasn't to high compared to what it could be or he may actually be concerned by how much Akeno got off on. Oh who was he kidding he got off on it too.

Rias decided it was time to stop the match before it escalated anymore.

"Alright that's enough guys. Its clear that you won't be beating Naruto as you are now especially not without better teamwork and taking his abilities into thought."

The others got up as Naruto walked over to Rias bored again.

"So Naruto-kun what did you think?"

"Well lets see. Koneko-chan, you have good strength and your speed isn't to bad because you're agile. You have high defense as well so you live up to your rook status. I would work on at least one of those things to make you an even better fighter. You're like a cat so getting a more agile fighting style could be good. Also if you increase your stamina that could help as well since you will be able to last longer in a fight if you can avoid getting hit and still keep going when you do. For Kiba... really not much I can say. He is a skilled swordsman who should have pride in his skills. You should just work a little more on your tunnel vision and just get stronger as usual. Your fine as long as you don't fight another Armorer then you're screwed. Akeno needs to stop playing with her food. I know you could have done way more damage but you tried to drag it out by torturing me. Your mistake there was that you underestimated my pain threshold. Also I would like to see more of what else you can do."

Rias nodded to him in agreement.

"Thats a great analysis Naruto-kun but aren't you forgetting something?" She pointed over at Issei who was dusting himself off the ground but looked embarrassed.

"Huh? Oh him! I honestly forgot he even did anything for a moment." Issei looked dejected at this. Rias chastised him a little.


"Yeah okay fine. Anyway Issei you're too brash, reckless, and have hardly any redeeming qualities in a fight. You were told that that gear of yours has the potential to kill a god and you no doubt let that go to your head. If you don't have the actual skill and capability to I doubt you will ever get to that point. You aren't that smart either so you should listen more when people are trying to give you advice. At this point you have to wait 10 seconds to boost your power which leaves you open to fast opponents. With no other skills or fighting ability you are more of a liability than a trump card at this point and the only way you can even be a trump is if you are used as someone who will only build up power while the rest of your team does most of the work while you come in and deal the finishing blow."

Issei felt really small right now as Naruto bluntly ripped into him.

"Issei while Naruto may have been harsh on certain parts I have to mostly agree. You don't have the ability or skill to be reckless. You would have to be someone like Naruto and Koneko who can take a hit and keep going. Or like Naruto and Kiba who have the speed to charge in and avoid hits. Or Akeno who has control of the air. You still fight too much like your average human."

Now Issei's confidence was being knocked down as the redhead criticized him as well. Naruto decided to say one more piece as he walked off.

"Hey I'm trying to be helpful her. I may be blunt but I could have said it way worse than I did. Still though Kiba fighting you was the most fun. Its been a while since I've been in my Armorer state even if I did hold back consciously on how much damage I did. Actually other than Issei all of you had something that I benefited from when I fought you."


Naruto was in his room sitting at his desk. He had headphones own listening to music as he drew his blueprints. He had a lot to work on lately. He hadn't trained much with his sisters lately but ever since he mated them they had been fighting a lot freer and fiercer. It made it harder for him to fight them but made it more enjoyable. Sure none of them went all out against each other but they did enough to kill up their skills. But not only was Naruto doing that, he had also upped his physical training. And since he wasn't training with his sisters as much he took that time to train with the pokegirls and work on his building which they also helped with. A great thing about their realm was that in there time could go as much as 6 times slower. That let him get in more training and he was already expanding his styles. Even his seal now at 25% he could control near perfectly. It would be time to up the level again soon.

There was a flash of red light behind him as someone teleported into his room. Without turning around he already knew who it was.

"Rias-chan? What a surprise was there something you needed?" He didn't pay attention too much as he kept working. He stopped when Rias walked up behind him and took off his headphones.

"Naruto-kun?" He turned around to face her and went serious when he saw the look in her eye.

"What's wrong?"

"I need for you to take my virginity."

'Well that escalated quickly.'

"...huh?" She made him stand and pushed him onto the bed.

"Rias what are you-?!" He stopped when she started to undress until she was just in her underwear.

"I said I need you to take my virginity." The look in her eyes kept turning him the wrong way.

"I don't think thats what you need right now."

"Do you not want to? I thought you wanted this too? Are you saying I'm not good enough now!?"

"No Rias thats not what I meant." She grew assertive and climbed onto the bed clad only in her lacy white panties and and bra and sat on his lap. She had a light blush on her face as she spoke.

"I've given this a lot of thought Naruto-kun and there is no other way so please just do this for me." She started to unbutton his school shirt to get him out of his clothes but Naruto still wasn't sure about the nature of the situation.

"Are you sure?" She undid he bra and Naruto's eyes widen when the grew a bit from that. 'Damn how tight was her bra!?'

"Once its been known that I've been ruined I'll finally be free. Then I can be with you if you still want me to, so I am trusting in your ability to do this for me."

'Oh you'll be ruined alright...' "You still aren't telling me what I want to know but I guess if this will help you out then fine."

"Thank you Naruto-kun. You're a virgin too right?" When she saw Naruto go expressionless and look away she frowned.

"Your a virgin too right?"

"Rias you know my position. Expecting me to stay a virgin when you were indecisive isn't exactly fair." Her eyebrows furrowed at this.

"Who was it."

"Why do you need to know-?"

"Who was it Naruto-kun."

"My sister..." She blinked at him in a deadpan.

"...which one?"

"Both?" She stared at him a little longer before sighing.

"Well you are youkai and with your situation I shouldn't treat it like that big of a deal. I trust you know what to do then and for you to take care of me." She grabbed his hand and brought it to her left breast. It was more than a handful for him.

"You took that better than I expected. I guess I shouldn't keep you waiting anymore." She was thrown off when he suddenly flipped things around until he was the one over hear. Her blushed deepened when he threw off the rest of his shirt leaving his top bare.

"Please Naruto-kun, I'm a little nervous." His tail and ears came out as he gave her a charming grin.

"Don't worry Rias. I don't know what your other motives are but I can promise you that by the end you won't regret this."

Here heartbeat rose as he grabbed her hands and leaned in. As his chest went flush against hers he leaned in to kiss her. There eyes started to close as their lips were only inches apart. But sadly that was interrupt when with a flash of light a magical circle appeared in the room. It was like one of those dreams where you wake up right when you were about to get to the good part.

"*Sigh* I had a feeling it would be too late." A beautiful young woman dressed like a french maid who had long silver hair and matching eyes.

"Really Rias-sama you are deciding to do this with this low born?" She took a moment to look at Naruto's features. "Correction a mutt."

Naruto glared at her as he sat back off of Rias. 'This bitch...'

"Who the hell are you? Its rude to randomly enter the house of someone you don't know." She looked at Naruto for a second before ignoring him and looking back at Rias.

"At least he is attractive I will give you that. But Rias-sama you do realize Sirzechs-sama is going to be terribly disappointed in you."

"Grrr..." Black aura started to flicker over Naruto's wolf tail, ears, and back as he growled at this woman gaining her attention. He knew who Sirzechs was and had a feeling he knew who this woman was but being ignored in this kind of situation was irritating him. And the mutt comment irritated him a little as well. Rias put a hand on his chest to calm him.

"Naruto-kun." He eased back in confusion as she got up off the bed.

"Its my virtue and should be mine to do with as I please. How is it wrong for me to give it to whomever that I want? And another thing. I don't care if you are in my brother's peerage or not. I will not allow you to call Naruto-kun a lowborn or a mutt or what have you. It would be inaccurate anyway."

The silver head woman stared at Rias's look of defiance for a moment before taking her seriously.

"I will take note of that." She started to collect Rias's scattered clothes off the floor. "But think, you are the next head of the house of Gremory. Have some respect for yourself." The woman then turned to address Naruto who was watching all of this critically.

"Pardon the interruption, my name is Grayfia and I am also a servant of the Gremory family. We'll get out of your way now."

Rias sighed and turned to Naruto but the words she was going to say fell short when she saw his face shadowed.

"So thats what it was. This was what you didn't want you didn't tell me isn't it? Based on what you said and your actions I can deduce that you likely are in an engagement. Betrothed to someone that I guess you don't want to marry and you were going to use me as an easy way out?" She cringed slightly as it was sounding a little worse than she intended.

"Naruto-kun I-."

"Its's okay Rias-chan. I don't have a problem with that but did you really have to wait till the last minute to do this?" He looked up and smiled at her before sighing and getting up.

"Now that I think about it I may have been at fault a little here. You're being forced to marry someone you don't want to and here I was basically adding pressure to that by forcing you to make a decision to be with me by a small time limit that I set. In hindsight I guess I was a little impatient." He put his hands in his pockets before going to look out the window.

"It's not that big of a deal Naruto-kun." It was not her intention to make him feel bad when she came here.

"Don't worry as I said in the past if you need my help then you have it. If you can't get yourself out of this then I will do it for you." What he said was reassuring to her but also the way he said it hurt her. It was like he was trying to mask sadness that he had for the unfortunate situation and was trying to make the most of it.

Grayfia looked at the scene with interest.

"Your name was Naruto correct? As in Uzumaki Naruto? Rias-sama's rebellious piece? The one who is the nephew to Yasaka and a newly discovered hybrid of youkai and devil blood?"

She turned to look at her with some interest of his own. 'That's an interesting way of saying it. Though she didn't say anything that wasn't public knowledge so I won't be concerned.

"Yeah what of it?"

"I will take note of what you said Naruto-sama and what happened here." Rias being ready to leave spoke to Grayfia.

"I will listen to whatever else you have to say with Akeno at my headquarters. You don't mind do you?"

"Of course I don't mind if you have the company of the Priestess of Thunder. Its only proper that a noble devil have their queen by their side in times like these."

Rias walked over to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Forgive me Naruto-kun for springing something like this on you."

"Don't worry about it Rias." She leaned up again gave him a small kiss on the cheek but frowned when he was unresponsive and kept looking out the window.

"I will find a way to make it up to you."

As they left the room via magic circle he spoke again.

"I would hope so..."

A minute later his door opened and in walked Shio looking apologetic. He leaned against the window as she walked over to him.

"So you knew all along didn't you Shio-chan?"

"Hai, are you mad at me?"

"*Sigh* No not really. Irritated but not mad. Rias I suppose wanted you to keep it a secret for her so it was her secret to tell. Its good that she could trust you."

She got up next to him and started to button up his shirt.

"Gomen oniisama. She told me long before you returned so I wanted to keep my word." She patted his chest and smoothed out the wrinkles when she finished buttoning his shirt. "What are you going to do now? Are you going to give up on her?"

He just glanced down at her into her eyes.

"Do you want me to?"

"I would prefer that you didn't abandon her. I know you still like her and no girl wants to be forced to be with someone she doesn't want. Which is exactly whats going to happen if you do nothing."

He simply smirked at her having gotten an appropriate response.

"Then its a good thing I wasn't planning on staying silent then."

She smiled at him happy with what he said. She should have expected that. She then donned a playful expression.

"Thank you onii-chan~!"

"Hmhmhm well you certainly seem to no longer harbor any ill well towards her anymore. Can I guess the change?"

"You would probably guess right." She got on her tip toes and pulled him into a kiss. There lips met for a few seconds before she pulled back.

"She may have meddled in your blood and watched you almost get killed, but if she hadn't I wouldn't be able to do this so easily now would I? So yeah I'm over it." She let go of him and start to walk out the door. But not without swaying her hips and tail behind her as she glanced back at him with a sexy look on her face, and Naruto stared the whole time. It didn't matter if his expression didn't change while he watched just the fact that he stared told her he enjoyed it.

After she left he stared where she once was before pushing off the wall and going back to his work.

"Well my mood just got better again." He was gonna get that vixen later.

-ORC Room-

Naruto, Raynare, and his sisters walked into the Occult Research Clubroom. Everyone else including Grayfia was already in the room. He looked at Rias and gave her a small smile, but then his eyes shifted to the side and he noticed the blond male sitting next to her who wasn't Kiba and for some reason his slitted pupils narrowed to fine lines and his eyes widened.

Miso leaned up to whisper into Naruto's ear. "That's him."

Grayfia spoke up now that everyone was here.

"Since everyone is accounted for I think its time for the introduction. This is Riser Phenex. He is a pureblooded devil of noble birth and third in the line to the Phenex household. He is also engaged to the next head of the Gremory family. In short he is Rias's fiance and has been for some time." Just those words and Naruto mentally had a crosshair on the man's head.

When Akeno served him tea though most missed it Naruto noticed the look of lust he hardly tried to hide that was directed at her before he got too close to Rias for Naruto's liking. The sight made one of his fangs become prevalent out of his mouth. When Rias started to play with Rias's hair and rub her thigh his other fang jutted out and part of his seal cracked over. He felt relieved when it appeared Rias had enough and got up.

"Thats enough Riser. Let it go. Why don't you understand I have no intention of ever marrying you?"

"But my darling Rias with your families circumstances Riser doesn't believe you can afford to be so selfish."

She looked back at him and glared.

"My actions will not bring my family to ruin! I don't care if you want our name or not my husband will be someone who I chose."

"Remember its important for Devils to remain purebloods. We are still recovering our numbers from the last war. Both your father and Sirzechs-sama decided on this agreement."

"My father, brother, and whole clan made this decision because they are in too great a rush. For the final time Riser, I will not marry you."

Naruto smiled at this but then gritted his teeth again when Riser grabbed her chin. The action caused his seal to crack a little more. He leaned in and spoke to her.

"For the final time Rias, Riser bears the reputation of the house of Phenex. Besmirching our good name is unacceptable!" Rias's and the rest of the club glared at him at this while Naruto's seal cracked a little more. He was starting to build a shell of killing intent around himself. The others were too far to feel it but Shio and Miso who were right next to him and Raynare behind him could feel it and were getting nervous.

"Why you..."

The phenex looked to address everyone now.

"Riser doesn't care if he has to incinerate everyone in this room. You will return to the underworld with me." His seal cracked a little bit more.

"And this is where Naruto says that that Rias won't be going anywhere. So this is how you say 'no' Rias? I have to say this clears up a lot." Rias looked over to Naruto and gave a grateful smile. She was wondering how long he would stay silent and after the other day she wasn't sure if he even cared enough to speak out anymore. Naruto walked up to them with his hands in his pockets barely holding back his aggression from being felt. Riser looked over at the blond and black haired individual and scoffed.

"And who is this low breed."

"Sorry but I'm going to be the one who is going to have to take Rias off your hands." He gave an animalistic smirk, just waiting for Riser to say something that would give him more of a reason.

"Peasants shouldn't think they have any sway over their betters. Everyone in here is your acquaintance right? Maybe I should go on and turn you all into ash while making the women my slaves?" Naruto's smirk turned into a grin now showing off his teeth as his seal cracked a little more.

"In fact I might just do that. I'm sure Rias would surrender her will onto me then just to keep at least the women alive." Naruto's grin widened and his seal cracked yet again.

"And those girls you came in with." Everyone tensed at this as they knew what would come next. Rias sighed and stepped a few feet back from Riser. "They resemble you so I would guess they are related to you in some way? Cousins perhaps? Maybe even your sisters? I haven't acquired fox girls into my collection yet. They may not be devils but they will certainly make good pets-." A crack split all the way through Naruto's seal.

*BOOM!* Rias didn't even see what happened. One second Naruto was standing a few meters away from Riser then it was like everything went black and white, and when the color returned Naruto was standing mid punch where Riser once was with Dream aura wafting off of different parts of his body and there was destruction going outwards.

Riser didn't even know what hit him as one second he was talking and the next a colossal force hit him that knocked him through the wall and dug a trench outside in the ground with his body. And it hurt him a lot more than it should have.

"Naruto-kun your arm!" Naruto groaned in pain as it was felt intensely when his arm started to burn up with the phenex's flames. With a swirl of flames Riser reappeared in front of them unharmed. He looked at the scene and laughed.

"This is your punishment for laying a hand on your betters."

Naruto growled before digging his hand into the top of his burning arm and everyone's eyes widened when with a pained roar Naruto messily ripped off his own arm in a shower of blood.


The club looked worried as the girls held their hands to their mouth. Rias's eyes started to water at this.

"Naruto-kun you..."

"It's fine Rias's I hit too hard so that arm was broken anyway. With that and the flames ripping it off was the best course of action anyway. " Raynare walked up to him and held out her hands as a green light appeared around his bleeding stump and started to heal the injury. Naruto looked appreciatively at Raynare with a smile and nodded.

"Thank you Rei-chan I probably would have bleed out." She just shook her head at him and gave a small smile.

"No thanks needed master I am just doing my job." She could say that all she wanted but she still liked being helpful to him.

"Here's what's going to happen pheshit. Rias isn't going to marry you and if you have a problem with it you can deal with me." Naruto finally stopped containing his killing intent letting him know just how serious he was. Riser grit his teeth at this upstart.

"You don't have a Right to make any demands!"

Grayfia decided to stop this before it escalated too much.

"There is no need for annihilation, incineration, or any more confrontation of any kind is not necessary at this point. Rias-sama, Riser-sama, Naruto-sama, as you know I was sent here by Sirzechs-sama and so there will be no further disruption of peace."

Riser backed down and turned to her looking official again. "When Riser is told such a thing by the Ultimate Queen even Riser can become somewhat fearful."

"Riser needs to learn when to shut up and stop speaking in 3rd person because he sucks at it." Riser glared back at Naruto who looked bored now as the skin and last bits of muscle grew back on his arm. Riser ignored the two and turned to Rias.

"Sirzechs-sama saw the possibility of a conflict like this occurring so he thought you two might want to settle this via a rating game."

Naruto already tired of the situation started to walk towards the window. "Well then if that's is the case then lets have it a week from now since I have something I need to take care of and will be gone for a while." Rias looked back at him confused.

"What? Where are you going Naruto-kun?"

He thought for a moment before looking back as he opened up the window.

"I forgot I only told Shio and Miso didn't I. Tama-chan is getting nears so I will have to fight her soon. Its best for me to go to her then since if I didn't she would be here in about a week anyway. I don't know how I'm gonna beat her anyway so its best If I took care of it before she comes her. Because she's worse when she is kept waiting and people would get caught in the crossfire.

With a few parting words he jumped out of the window and left but it was his last words that made them all worried.

- 5 days later -

Naruto could now be seen standing on top of a tall building in a baren city. It was basically one of the sandboxes of supernatural forces in the human world as it was wear one could do whatever they wanted without worrying about hitting innocent bystanders. As these places where hidden with magic humans rarely wondered into these places and those that did tended to disappear. There were a number of these places around the world and were general no man's lands. If you entered these locations you couldn't complain about your safety because you'd forfeited it. Infact places like Death Vally, Marianas Trench, and recently even Suicide Forrest were designated as Sandboxes. And the most famous sandbox was the Bermuda Triangle.

Naruto hadn't actually spent this whole time traveling. He actually spent 4 1/2 of these days training in the monster realm with the Pokemon girls. which meant he spent at most 27 days training. Which meant he made a lot of progress but he was still unsure of how much it would even do. After that he got them to transport him near where he wanted to go which was helpful. Latias of course had her top air speed to help him travel which was way faster than he thought. But there were others too like Banette who could move and jump through shadows which is what he used to get here.

He had changed his outfit for the occasion. He now still wore his battle suit, combat pants, and kept the bandaged arms but he also wore a grey hooded jacket with a high fur collar. He also had on his headphones that had a lit up ring around the ear parts.

He overlooked the dead city enjoying the peace before he turned around and saw a figure standing behind him.

"Looks like someone came to me this time."

The figure was obviously that of a girl or rather a young woman from the curves. He couldn't help but smirk as he saw this.

"Well you've certainly grown."

She was wearing a tight short sleeve black hoodie that hugged at the small of her midsection and her chest and had on a long lavender long-sleeved shirt under that. The woman wore tight black pants with cuts in the side to show off bits of her milky white skin and wore a pair of black fingerless gloves. She wore a long black trench coat tired over all of this open that went down to her feet and flowed in the wind in a phantasmic way. The wind blew her hood off exposing her long light gray hair tied in twin tails.

The girl gave Naruto a warm smile, or it would have felt warm if her eye's weren't always open so wide.

"Hello Naruto-kun its been awhile."

He smiled at her. "Yeah it has been a while, some things came up so I decided to meet you instead."

Her smile feel a little and crossed her arms. "So I suppose you don't have as much time to talk as usual and want to get this over with right?" Naruto walked up to her with open arms and smiled. "I don't see why we can't talk a little."

She smiled more until he got in arms reach of her and the next second there was a blur and he hit the wall hard enough to send spiderweb cracks all along it.

"Ow..." He got out of the wall and walked towards her the same way. There was a blur again and he found himself hitting the ground hard with the same amount of force. He got up off the ground and there was a rapid blur of actions as cracks appeared all across the ground before there was a low boom and Naruto found himself in a small crater on the ground.

"Tama-chan what the hell?" She walked up over him and had a smile on her face with her wide eyes that he knew this time was her insane gaze.

"You should have known that wouldn't work on me Naru-chan. A hug would have been fine if you didn't flare killing intent every time you got within arms reach of me and every time you got back up. That exchange though at least answered my question of whether or not you had awakened yet. It seems my present came early."

A javelin like weapon slowly started to fall out of her coat sleeve and Naruto started to sweat as he smiled nervously at her.

"Come on Tama-chan I was just playing around." She pulled back her arm ready to stab him through the head with the spear.

"And now I will play around with your life!~"

-5 days before present- ORC ROOM

"Naruto-kun I know that you both are armorers and that she is a little older than you. But you have become a threat in your own right because of your own talents and bloodline. What kind of hybrid could she possibly be such a threat to you?"

Naruto looked back at her from his place at the window and smiled awkwardly.

"The hybrid of a Death God."

-4 days before present - ORC ROOM

"Hello my darling Rias." Riser appeared in the club room with a clubroom with a whirl of flames. The only one's there were Rias, Grayfia, Akeno, and the twins. "I have just received news from Sirechs-sama that the date of the rating game will be moved up by 2 days."

This caused the girl's eyes to widen while Shio and Miso's glared. Grayfia's however's eyes narrowed.

'Two can play this game...'


Chapitre suivant