

Naruto: Shifts in Life

Chapter 7: Journey to Nami No Kuni

(The Next Morning…)

It was the next morning and Naruto was up bright and early going over his equipment. He knew he was probably overstressing things, but he felt that being over prepared for something like this was better than being under prepared. After all it was his first mission out of the village and it was important to make a good impression on their client. Even if said client was an old drunk like Tazuna.

Ugh, Anko's paranoia is getting to me,Naruto thought with a frown as he looked at all his equipment. He shrugged the thought off; paranoia could only be a good thing for a ninja.

"Let's see, Kunai scroll, check. Shurikenscroll, check. Ninja wire, check. Smoke pellets, check. Flash bangs, check. Food and camping equipment, check. Customized explosive notes." Narutogrinned as he patted the scroll holding his modified explosive notes. "Double check."

Finding all of his containment scrolls ready to go, Naruto grinned to himself and sealed all of the scrolls into a larger master scroll, which was then sealed into a containment scroll on the left hand side of his chest.

Finished with his preparations Naruto had only one more thing to do.

Naruto formed a ram seal and created a mental image in his mind. "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"he said, getting a puff of smoke. When it cleared it revealed two Naruto clones that were already transformed into Kian and Akira.

Naruto channeled chakra into a containment seal on his left hand and unsealed an ink brush and some ink.

"Alright, turn around you two." Naruto ordered.

Knowing what Naruto was doing his clones turned around. The blond went up to Akira and pulled her shirt down to expose the back of her neck. Sticking his tongue out in concentration, he began to write the only truly complex seal that was of his own make.

It was a seal that he had modified from a basic containment seal. This seal was designed to hold chakra instead of an item of some kind, and continuously release it into the person or object to help reinforce them or it. In this case it would continuously send chakra into his clone and allow it to last longer than a day, that way it could go work while he went on this mission.

It had been something he had been working on since he first got the idea of using henge'd Kage Bunshin to earn extra money. Knowing that his missions would take him out of the village, Naruto had realized that if he wanted his clones to keep their jobs he would need to find some way to make them last longer when he was out of the village.

When Naruto finished he checked, doubled checked and then triple checked the seal to make sure none of the ink was messed up. Satisfied he channeled enough chakra to create thirty KageBunshin's, it would be enough to last for a month, give or take a day.

He repeated the process with Kian. Before nodding to himself. "Alright done, I want you guys to keep a low profile while I'm gone. Don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry," Akira said in her soft alto tenor, giving her creator a beautiful smile. "You can count on us."

"Right," Naruto said with a nod. He had created these clones with a specific personality in mind that was nothing like his. Having read a few stories Naruto created Akira from a few of the girls he had read about in some of his manga. She was made to be sweet, kind and dependable, always willing to help out others.

Kian was created based off of what Naruto thought Sasuke's personality would be like if he ever got that emo stick out of his ass.

The process of creating clones that were in truth nothing like him had actually been rather complicated, at least the mental process had. In order to create the clones like that Naruto had been required to immerse himself in the mindset of the personality he wanted to impose on his clones, and then create the clones. It had required a long and drawn out process of changing his mindset, he had only been able to really make them perfect around two weeks ago.

It did not help that he had also been forced to use a seal-less henge on them in order for them not to freak out. He had learned early on that if they were not transformed into who they were, the clones would start to hyperventilate before dispelling, though this problem mainly came from Akira. Not that he could blame her, if Naruto were to wake up and suddenly find himself as a girl rather than a guy he would freak out too.

"Well then, I'll see you guys later." Naruto said as he left his apartment and made his way towards the gate where he was supposed to meet his sensei.

Like Naruto, Sakura was busy packing the things she felt would be important for her mission. Clothing, extra shampoo and conditioner, a luufa, her make-up, that cute little dress that she had been hoping to wear for Sasuke-kun. You know, the important things.

When she finished packing Sakura hefted her backpack over her shoulder. She walked downstairs and headed towards the door.

"I'm going out on a mission mom!" she said, not waiting for a reply as she left, heading down the street in high spirits.

Maybe now that we're going out of the village, Sasuke-kun and I can have some time alone together.Sakura thought with a giggle.

Uchiha Sasuke was packing his own belongings in his room in the Clan Head's home of the Uchiha compound. Despite the Uchihacompound being completely barren and lifeless, he continued to live it in. Of course he had been offered a place outside of the compound. However, he wanted this place to be a reminder of what he was, an avenger.

I'm finally getting a mission that can help prove myself as an Uchiha. He thought. I'll prove my strength and use this as a stepping stone to get stronger so I can get my revenge against Itachi.

After he finished packing his stuff, Sasuke lifted his pack and left his room and then the house and clan compound all together, heading for the east gate.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura all found themselves waiting around the front gate with their client Tazuna. Like always they had been waiting for nearly three hours.

"Where the hell is your Jonin-sensei!" Tazuna spoke in a disgruntled voice as he paced back and forth. "I thought ninja were supposed to be ready in a timely fashion!"

Narutosighed as he flipped another page of new his book, Intermediate Level Sealing Theory and Composition, By Namikaze Minato.

I should have realized that Kakashi-sensei would be late. I wonder why I thought he would be on time just because it was our first C-rank mission as a team.

"He'll be here Tazuna-san, however Kakashi-sensei is always at least three hours late to anything. In fact if he could, I'm sure he'd be late to his own funeral."

Tazuna looked over at Naruto with incredulous expression. "You can't be serious can you?"

"I'm afraid he is." Sakura said miserably, for once agreeing with Naruto. Just once I wish he was on time. She thought.

CHA! Maybe we need to beat the crap out of him to teach timely manners! Inner Sakura ranted.

"Hn," Sasuke said...er grunted.

Narutoflipped another page of his book. "Anyways he should be here in 3, 2, 1... Now."

"Yo!" Kakashisaid with a wave as he appeared in a puff of smoke.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura screeched, forcing everyone within a fifty foot radius were forced to grab their ears in pain.

"So what's the excuse this time Kakashi?" asked Naruto as he stood up. "Did a black cat cross your path, forcing you to take the long way around?"

"Close," Kakashi eye smiled. "There was actually a herd of black cats on my doorstep, so I had to wait for them to leave, then walk around my house three times before taking the long way around. You know, to stave off the bad luck."

"LIAR!" Sakura yelled, once again knocking everyone off their equilibrium as their ears rung in pain.

"Anyway, let's get going," Kakashi said, picking out his ear as he began to leave. The others soon followed him, however Kakashi stopped when they got several feet from the gate when he noticed they were missing one.

"Naruto?" Kakashi asked as Naruto had turned around and was looking at the gate. "Something wrong?"

Naruto shook his head. "No. Nothing's wrong. It just feels strange…this is the first time I'veever set foot out of the village…" He looked like he was about to continue, but shook his head and turned to face the others. "Well, let's get going."

Kakashi looked at Naruto curiously as the blond passed before shrugging and heading out.

The team began moving through the countryside of Hi No Kuni. Naruto in front, Sakura and Sasuke on the left and right respectively and Kakashi taking up the rear.

For a few awhile Naruto looked around at the environment, taking in all the sights he could. However, as time wore on his excitement about being out of the village began to fade. True he was out of the village, but everything looked the same. All he saw were trees, trees and more trees, eventually the green simply lost its splendor.

Of course, we're still in Hi No Kuni.Naruto clicked his tongue in annoyance. I should have suspected this…

Deciding to amuse himself Naruto looked behind him towards his teammates. Sasuke was brooding like he usually did, something that Naruto realized would probably never change. Kakashi was reading his porn like normal, the only noise coming from him being the occasional perverted giggle. And Sakura was chattering away, trying to talk to Sasuke and convince the raven-haired avenger to go out with her. Yet even that stopped when she seemed to realize that Sasuke wasn't even paying attention to her.

Naruto sighed. Gah! This is so boring! I thought being out of the village would be cool and exciting!

He knew he shouldn't be thinking that way. Shinobi were supposed to always remain calm, cool and collected, something Naruto had been striving to do ever since the Mizuki incident. But even he had his limits. And right now his were reaching the breaking point.

Trying to find some way to pass the time Narutoreached into his pouch and was about to take out his book again, when he stopped. Having spent as much time as he had with Anko in the Forest of Death, Naruto had developed what he had taken to calling his danger sense to a finely homed point. Even the most miniscule trace amounts of killing intent could be detected by him.

And right now there was a bit leaking from somewhere.

Looking around Naruto tried to find the source of the killing intent. It wasn't quite large enough to pin point, being fairly miniscule, so he was forced to really rely on his eyes. As he continued walking he spotted a puddle in the middle of the road.

Odd, it hasn't rained for several days.Naruto thought with a frown. He looked back to see Kakashi eyeing the puddle before moving on. Naruto shrugged and turned back towards looking in front of him, wondering if he was just being paranoid.


Naruto whirled around when he heard the shriek, and saw Kakashi with a pair of shuriken-linked chains, which were being held by two figures. The two ninja, who were obviously ninja by the headbands on their heads, yanked the cables resulting in Kakashi getting torn to shreds, sending body parts and blood flying everywhere.

For a split second Narutohesitated as he entered his first real battle. This gave the two shinobi, both of whom were wearing water breathing apparatus', tattered black cloaks and a pair of wicked looking claws with shuriken chains attached to them, to charge forward.

He watched as Sasuke threw a shuriken and kunai into the chains, making them stick to a tree, then running up towards the pair before he jumped up and kicked both of the two ninja attached to them in the face.

The pair released their chains and charged. Thankfully Naruto had been expecting some kind of attack, so even though he was surprised, he managed to snap out of the fugue state he had been in from seeing his sensei die. One of the Chunin charged at Naruto, attempting to take him out with his gauntlet covered hands. Naruto ducked under the claw swipe and struck the gauntlet's wrist, redirecting the attack. This seemed to surprise the man allowing Naruto to get in close.

Before the Chunin had a chance to react Naruto was in his face, grabbing his head with both hands before bringing the man's face down and smashing it into his knee. The man was sent stumbling back in a daze, his facemask dented from Naruto's blow.

It was because of the man becoming slightly disoriented that Naruto was able to close the distance again, smashing several hard punches into the man's rib cage. When Naruto sent a chakra enhanced double punch to the chest, the man flew backwards, smashing into the tree that was behind him and falling to the ground.

Naruto stared down at the unconscious man in a slight stupor. However, he was snapped out of it when he heard a voice somewhat behind him.


Turning around Naruto saw Kakashi standing there with the other ninja that had attacked them placed in a headlock.

"Kakashi-sensei! You're alive!" Sakura said in relief as she lowered her kunai.

"Of course," Kakashi said, pointing over to where he had 'died'. Naruto and the other genin saw the remains of a log.

He used a KawarimiNaruto realized with some shock. Then that means the blood and guts we saw was some kind of genjutsu to make it look like he had been violently killed. But what for?

"Excellent job in defeating the enemy Naruto, Sasuke," Kakashi said, turning his head towards Naruto. "Are you ok? I saw you freeze up there for a moment."

"Huh?" Naruto blinked a moment before the question registered. "Oh! Yeah I'm fine; I was just surprised that you had 'died' against these two." He gestured to the two unconscious chunin.

Kakashi nodded, "I'm glad to hear that. Also, you might want to take care of that wound." Kakashi pointed to a cut on Naruto's forearm. "Kiri ninja have been known to poison their weapons."

Huh? I must have gotten it when I swatted that guy's attack away.Naruto thought, cursing himself for being so careless. Sighing he pulled out a kunai and without any hesitance stabbed himself right in the wound to let the poison bleed out.

"Naruto what are you doing!" Sakura screamed as she and everyone else widened their eyes at seeing Naruto deliberately injure himself.

Naruto just looked up at them and tilted his head. "What? I'm just bleeding the poison out."

"Yeah but now you might die of blood loss," Kakashi deadpanned.

"Hahahaha!" Naruto laughed as he tore the now ripped bandages off his arm and pulled out some extra bandages that he kept in his pouch. "Oh you don't need to worry about measly little wounds like this sensei, I've had wounds worse than this…" Naruto shuddered as he finished wrapping his bandages around his forearm.

"Far farworse," he mumbled, remembering all the times Anko had tried to up his resistance poisoning by having her snakes bite him, as well as the innumerable injuries she had inflicted on him to help his…pain tolerance, as she called it.

With his hand fixed Naruto walked over to the two unconscious chunin, pulling out some ninja wire as he did so.

"I'll take care of these two." Naruto said as he grabbed both chunin by their wrists and dragged them over to a tree, where he proceeded to tie them up.

"Urg!" One of the Chunin groaned as he woke up as Naruto finished tightening the ninja wire around them. He blinked and looked around before realizing he was tied up.

"Well, welcome back to the land of the living." Naruto said with a joyous grin. "Did you have a nice nap?"

The Chunin glared at the blond. "How did you know of our ambush?"

"Are you talking to me?" The blond asked. "Cuz if you are I can honestly tell you that I knew next to nothing about your ambush." Naruto shrugged. "All I could feel was your killing intent, but I couldn't sense where it was coming from. Kakashi-sensei seemed to be onto you though." Naruto paused for a moment as he looked over at Tazuna, who was looking more nervous than usual.

Though them being here is starting to make sense, that must be why Tazuna has been so nervous,Thought Naruto, having watched the man pacing nervously out of the corner of his eye while the group had been waiting for his sensei.

"It wasn't that hard, if you know what to look for." Kakashi said with a shrug. "Since it hasn't rained in nearly a week, there was no way that a puddle could have lasted very long on a clear day, much less seven."

"Wait a minute!" Tazuna said, looking a bit disgruntled as he glared at Kakashi. "If you knew these ninja were going to attack us, then why did you leave it to the kids?" he asked, feeling a bit irked.

"I could have taken them out before any trouble started. But then I wouldn't have learned anything," Kakashi said as he turned a mild glare onto the man. "I wanted to know who their target was, and what they were after."

"W-What do you mean?" Tazuna asked with a stutter.

"I mean I wanted to know if they after us, ninja attacking ninja. Or if they were after you, the master bridge builder," Kakashi said as his eyes narrowed. "When you made your request to Konoha, you asked for standard protection, from bandits and highway men and the like. You never mentioned that ninja were after you. If we had known this, it would have been designated a B-rank mission or higher."

Tazuna looked down in guilt under Kakashi's withering gaze. "Our mission was to simply get you to your destination and guard you while you built your bridge. If we had known we would have been fending off attacks from ninja, we would have staffed a different squad and charged for the cost of a B-rank mission. Even if you had your reasons for doing it, lying about a mission is unacceptable. As it is, this task falls beyond the boundaries of the mission we were given."

"We should go back," Sakura said, the idea of fighting enemy ninja frightening her. "This is too much for us; we're not ready for missions like this."

Naruto looked over at Sakura with a frown. "You can go if you want, but I'm staying."

Everyone looked over at Naruto in surprise. "It doesn't matter if he lied about the mission; the fact is we've already accepted it. As Konoha ninja we can't go back on our word, not only would that be disgracing ourselves and Konoha, but it could also cause people to lose faith in our village if we run at the first sign of trouble." Naruto looked over at Tazuna, "You don't have to worry about me leaving, even if they do."

"Hn. You think you could protect him yourself?" Sasuke snorted. "Please, you would be lost without someone like me watching your back." I won't let this opportunity slip by; I will prove my strength here.

"So that mean you're in teme?" asked a grinning Naruto.

Sasuke just looked at the blond with a smirk. "Hn."

Kakashi looked between the two genin and sighed. Why was it that they only seemed to get along when it looked like a fight was brewing? "I guess that means we're continuing." Still the next enemy we run into won't be low level Chunin. It will be a Jonin like myself.

In the middle of a large forested area, there was a large fortified structure being held between two trees. Inside that structure two individuals were having an important meeting.

In a room, a tall man with bandages covering half his face lounged in a large thrown like chair. To his left was one of his subordinates, awaiting his instruction. In front of him was a rather short fat man in a business suit, with frazzled gray hair and sunglasses on his face, despite how dark it was inside.

"What!" The short suited man shouted. "You're telling me you failed! I paid a lot of money to hire your group! I thought you were supposed to be some hot shot former ninja assassins! If this is all you're capable of-"

"Quit your whining…" the tall man growled as he hefted a large zanbatou style sword up with one hand, even though it was nearly as tall as he was. Bringing it around he pointed it at the now pale businessman, "Next time I'll be going to finish them myself. And this sword, Kubikiri Houcho (Head Cleaver), will be the last thing they see."

"A-are you sure about that?" asked the now nervous man. "It seems that the target has a high level ninja guarding him, and now that the Akuma brothers have failed, they'll be on guard for another attack. It will take some extreme skill to…"

"Just who do you think you're dealing with?" The man growled, not lowering his sword as he glared at the small fat man. "I am Momoichi Zabuza, the Kirigakure No Kijin (Demon of the Hidden Mist)."

It was later in the day, and Team Seven along with Tazuna had found a small clearing off the road to Nami No Kuni to rest for the night. Kakashi had made his students split up and prepare the camp. Sasuke had been charged with getting lumber and starting a fire, while Sakura had been ordered to prepare the tents. Naruto was the one who had gotten them some food, catching a few fish from a nearby stream.

After dinner Kakashi looked at his students. "Since this mission is now more dangerous than we initially thought, we are going to be taking two hour watch shifts. Naruto, you're going first, Sasuke you go second, Sakura will go third and I will go last." This was a standard watch procedure, letting the students go first so they could have more sleep when they started off again.

"Sure thing sensei." Naruto stood up and went to perch himself on a large rock a little ways away so he could keep watch.

"The rest of you make sure to get some sleep while you can." Kakashi began moving to his tent. Soon everyone else had started heading off to.

Naruto put some his hands up in the ram seal as he sat down cross legged, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu." A few clones puffed into existence only to scatter as soon as they were formed, moving off several dozen feet away in all directions and henging into random objects and animals.

Closing his eyes Naruto began using a unique exercise he had learned in a book on chakra concepts and theories. The exercise was called Chakra Myaku (Chakra Pulse)and as the name suggested, the user sent out a pulse of chakrain all directions. This gave Naruto something a kin to a three hundred and sixty degree view similar to the sonar pings a bat used with sound waves. This had two purposes, the first was to allow Naruto to remain alert to everything around him, and the second was to use it as a basic chakra control exercise by slowly lowering the amount of chakra used while maintaining the amount of distance he could pulse his chakra.

It wasn't quite as effective in the middle of a forest as it would be elsewhere since the foliage reduced its efficiency; however that was what the clones were for.

"Can I help you Ojisan?" asked Naruto as Tazuna climbed onto the boulder he was sitting on. His eyes were still closed and he had not bothered to even look in Tazuna's direction as he remained perfectly still, something that had taken nearly two weeks to accomplish. "Shouldn't you be in bed by now? An old goat like you needs their rest."

"Hardy har har gaki." Tazuna grumbled a bit about disrespectful brats for a few moments, causing Naruto's lips to quirk upwards in a small smirk. He was silent for a moment before letting his curiosity get the better of him. "I was just wonderin'… why did you agree to come with me knowing I had lied?"

"Isn't that something you should be asking Kakashi-sensei?" asked Naruto.

"Your sensei wasn't the one who first agreed to continue the mission," Tazuna pointed out.

Naruto conceded the point with a nod. He was silent for a few moments and Tazuna was unsure if the blond would talk or not. Finally, "Forsaking and abandoning people in need is both dishonorable and cowardly. Below courage there is nothing. Those are the words from the Yondaime Hokage." Finally the blond opened his eyes and looked over at Tazuna, "They are words that I do my best to live by."

(Three days Later…)

When Team 7 got to the coast it was to find a thick fog had rolled in. Tazuna had led them to a man who had been willing to offer them passage across, and now the six of them were inside a motorboat to cross the waters and head into Nami No Kuni. Currently the motorboat was off however and the boatman was rowing, so as not to attract attention from anyone that may want to cause their group harm.

Naruto who was at the front of the boat was staring into the thick fog. There's something odd about this fog. He thought to himself. Even for morning fog it seems to be really thick. Of course, since this was his first time being in a coastal region, he supposed he might just be over thinking again.

"This fog is pretty thick," Naruto commented out loud, wondering what the others thought of it.

"Yeah, it's actually hard to even figure out where we're going," Sakura said, actually agreeing with Naruto. "I mean, the only thing I can even see is the water…" She looked off the side of the boat and into the rippling water.

"We'll be able to see the bridge any minute now," The boatman said in a quiet voice. "As soon as you set foot on the other shore, you'll be in Nami No Kuni."

As if on his words the fog parted where they were going to reveal the bridge. The group looked up as the shadow of it loomed over them. Even at the angle they were seeing it at, the large unfinished bridge was a sight for the group of genin.

Naruto whistled, "Alright I have to admit I'm impressed Tazuna-san."

"Thank you," Tazuna said with pride in his voice.

"I mean, I didn't think a drunk old man like you was capable of building something like this," Naruto continued.

Tazuna's shoulders slumped a bit. "…that wasn't very nice."

Naruto snickered.

"You guys need to keep it down," The man hissed. "The whole point of moving through the dense morning fog is so that we wouldn't be spotted. But it doesn't do any good if they hear us. Why do you think we're going like this? Turning off the motorboat and rowing?"

Naruto looked over at the boatman with a frown, "And who would 'they' be?" he asked.

"Naruto brings up a good question," Kakashi said as he turned to Tazuna. "I think we've been more than patient enough Tazuna-san. Before we reach the pier, I need you to provide some answers. The men who are after you, I need to know why." His voice took on a deeper tone, signifying how serious he was. "And if you don't tell us…I'll have to end the mission when we drop you ashore. That was the technical limit of this assignment, protecting you until you reach Nami No Kuni. Guarding you until you finish the bridge was left to my discretion."

Tazuna un-slumped himself and looked up at Kakashi, "Alright, I'll tell you…no I want to tell you. You are correct; this is beyond the scope of your original mission. The man who is after my life is very short man, who casts a very long and dangerous shadow."

"A very short man?" Questioned Naruto with a look of curiosity etched on his face. "So we're facing off against someone who would be better off in a circus or something?"

Kakashi ignored Naruto's jibe as he looked at Tazuna, "A man with a dangerous shadow? Who is it?"

"You know of him. At least I'm sure you;ve heard of him," Tazuna sighed. "His name is Gato."

"Gato? Gato of Gato Transports and Shipping?" Kakashi asked, a slight widening of his eye the only sign of shock. "TheGato? Rumors place that man as one of the richest men in the world!"

"Yes. The very same," Tazuna spoke with a slight nod. "On the surface, he appears to be nothing more than a legitimate businessman…however underneath that, the man is one of the rulers of the criminal underworld. He is known for using gangs and hiring ninja to ruin countries and initiate hostile takeovers of other business. He uses his business as a cover for his black market operations, smuggling drugs, contraband…even slaves."

"This guy is starting to sound like a grade-A douchebag," Naruto commented with a slight growl at hearing the man smuggled slaves.

"He came to Nami no Kuni a little over a year ago," Taunza ignored Naruto'scommented as he gave Kakashi more information. "He had used his wealth and violence to enter our country, and before we even knew what was happening, he had managed to seize control of all our shipping and transport."

"That makes sense," Naruto mumbled, getting the attention of everyone else. He blushed a bit but continued none the less. "Nami is really nothing more than a string of islands. They haveno other way to trade and receive supplies other than their shipping routes. By taking control over that Gato effectively controls everything."

The night before team seven had set out on their mission he had gone over to the library and gotten a geography book and had looked up any information he could on Nami No Kuni. Anko had told him one of the times after their spars that it was important to gather any information he could before a mission began, because there was always a chance that the mission could go to shit and anything he learned about the mission, whether it was about the client, the climate both geographical and political, the terrain or any number of seemingly useless information could prove to be the key that got him and his team out alive.

It was at times like these that he was thankful Anko had quite literally beat information into his head.

Since when did Naruto get so smart?A shocked Sakura wondered. I've never heard him talk like this.

CHA! He's merely trying to make Sasuke-kun look badInner Sakura shouted. Don't fall for his tricks! He merely wants you to think he's better than Sasuke-kun! SHANNARO!

Yeah! You're right! Well it's not gonna work! Stupid baka!Sakura nodded her head in agreement with her inner… conscience.

Listen to the dobe, trying to sound intelligent.Sasuke snorted, not wanting to admit, even to himself that he was jealous of how quickly the Naruto caught that fact. Why does he even bother, all it does is make him look like a fool.

He really has come a long way,Kakashi thought to himself. He's seems to have put in a lot effort to change himself from how he used to be. The incident with Mizuki can actually be considered a blessing in disguise with how much Naruto has grown. I think you'd be proud of him…sensei.

"The gaki is right," Tazuna said with an imperceptible nod. "On an island nation the man who controls the sea, controls everything from finance to government, to our very lives. Anyone who even attempts to stand up to him…disappears. However, even Gato has fears…and the one thing he fears is the bridge."

"Which of course is why Gato is after you," Naruto said with a nod. "Once the bridge is complete it will connect Nami to the mainland, and you won't need ships to get supplies. Since you're the master bridge builder, you're in Gato's way and he wants to off you."

"That means that this Gato is the one who hired those ninja," Sasuke said, already planning on what he would do when more ninja showed up. This is my chance to prove my superiority as an Uchiha.

"That still doesn't answer my question," Kakashi said as he looked at Tazuna pointedly. "If you knew this was going to happen, knew that Gato was dangerous, why did you lie about the mission?"

"That's kind of obvious isn't it?" Narutoasked rhetorically as he thought over some of the things he had read on economics and political maneuvers that could be applied to this situation. "If Gato has been here for over a year, that means he's had a year to place a chokehold on all imports that come into Nami. And if he's even half as corrupt as Tazuna is saying he is, then chances are high that he's placed ridiculously high taxes on everything. I doubt this country even has enough for a B-rank mission. Am I right, Tazuna?" asked Naruto, turning to look over at Tazuna.

"No you're right," Tazuna said. "Our country has never been a major metropolis, and since Gato has come our country has been reduced to nearly nothing. We are poor to the point of emptiness, even our nobles have very little money, and what they and the rest of us have hangs in the balance of building the bridge."

Tazuna sighed, "As it is, we poor people are the ones who are paying for this mission; we simply don't havethe money to afford a B or higher rank mission. They were too expensive." Tazuna looked up at the group of Konoha ninja. "If you drop me off and abandon me when we get ashore, there will be no bridge. Gato will no doubt kill me before I can even get home."

A thick silence hung over the ninja as they digested everything.

"I don't think you need to worry about that Tazuna-ojisan," Naruto said, getting everyone's attention. "I think it was pretty stupid thing to lie about the mission. You knew you would be up against a man who was not adverse to hiring ninja, and that he could afford to hire ninja that were far more skilled then a group of genin. Had you gone to Hokage-jiji and been honest, he would have been able to arrange some kind of agreement to give you a team of Chunin or even Jonin and set up some kind of payment plan." Tazuna looked down at hearing that.

Naruto sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "That being said I can at least understand why you didn't say anything. You had no way of knowing whether or not we would have helped you if you had been honest, and since we've already agreed to take this mission, and since Emo-The-Wonder-king over here," Naruto hiked a thumb up to point at the scowling Sasuke. "Was so adamant about us getting a mission, we can't afford to go back without a large black spot on our record."

Once again everyone was silent as Naruto spoke; sounding so different than what Sasuke and Sakura remembered him being at the academy.

"Well…I suppose we can continue the mission." Kakashi said at last. "However, if at any point I feel we're out of our league and I order us to abandon the mission, you three will follow my orders to the letter. Are we clear?" he asked in a commanding voice.

The three genin nodded at their sensei's words.

"Thank you," Tazuna mumbled as he looked at the group.

The boat continued to move silently as they made their way closer to Nami.

"We're almost there," The boatman said. "Just under this archway and past the mangroves and we'll reach the pier."

Everyone snapped to attention as they made their way under a large archway, passing through it and coming out on the other side to a small inlet lake. There were several buildings around the bank, and a few sparse trees located around and in the water.

As they got closer to the shore the group found that the buildings were mostly rundown, with rot and fungus spreading along them. Some of the buildings even looked burnt out, no doubt from Gato's thugs using violence to bring the population under Gato's heel.

The boat made it to the dock and the Konoha ninja plus one master bridge builder got off. After Tazuna and the boatman exchanged farewells the group set off again. For the most part it was silent, only the breathing of the group being heard. Naruto was taking point again, while Sakura and Sasuke were located on either side of Tazuna. Kakashiwas taking up the rear, his book safely stashed away in his pocket due to the seriousness of the situation.

As they continued moving Naruto stopped and looked into a bush that rustled a bit.

"Naruto?" Kakashi asked, looking at his student. "Something wrong?"

"… No." Naruto shook his head and continued moving. They stated moving again, with Naruto paying extra attention to their surroundings.

As they continued walking Naruto paused and threw a kunai into a bush, startling the other genin and Tazuna.

"What the hell Naruto!" Sakura hissed. "Why do you have to try and scare us like- huh?"

Naruto walked right past Sakura and moved the bush branches aside, only to see a small white rabbit shaking like a leaf with a kunaistuck right above its head.

"Naruto-baka! Look what you did to this poor rabbit!" Sakura finally yelled, grabbing the rabbit and attempting to sooth its rattled nerves.

"Hn. Stop trying to act cool dobe." Sasuke commented, "It only makes you look even more like an idiot."

"Shut up teme," Naruto said, not giving Sasuke the chance to respond, the blond turned to look at Kakashi. "Um…sensei, I could be wrong about this but, isn't a rabbit's fur supposed to be brown this time of year? We have the same type of hare in Konoha, and they have a brown coat this time of year." He should know after all, he had skinned at least thirty of the critters.

"Yes it is," Kakashi said his mind a whirlwind of activity. A white rabbit at this time year means it was raised in doors. That could only mean that someone used it for a…Kawarimi.

Both Naruto and Kakashi who had been using chakra to enhance their senses heard a whoosh.

"Get down/ hit the dirt!" The two shouted at the same time. Kakashi grabbed Sasuke and Tazuna, pulling them to the ground, while Naruto did the same with a shocked Sakura.


The group looked up to see a large zanbatou stuck in a tree with a man standing on top of it. Said man was shirtless, with two cameo style armbands and pants. His face was half covered in bandages up to his nose and his head band was tilted slightly like Kakashi's, except not covering his eyes, holding up spiky black hair. The symbol of Kiri displayed on the head band with a slash mark running across the center.

"Well, well if it isn't Hatake Kakashi," The man said, in rough sounding voice.

Kakashi stood up and glared at the man. "Momoichi Zabuza, The Kiri No Oni. I never would have expected someone like you to be working for scum like Gato."

Zabuzashrugged, "It pays the bills. Besides it's all worth it if I get to fight an opponent like you. You know back when I was in Kiri, you were listed as an A-rank ninja with a kill-on-sight order in our bingo book. Hatake Kakashi, the man who copied over a thousand jutsu."

I had no idea that our Sensei was so famous. Sakura thought.

"Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, why don't you hand over the old man and I'll let you and your genin squad go," Zabuza suggested.

"I'm sorry but you know we can't do that," Kakashi glared at the missing ninja. "It wouldn't look very good for Konoha if we just let you have him without even putting up a fight."

Zabuza shrugged, "Don't say I didn't try diplomacy first." Grabbing onto the hilt of his blade, Zabuza kicked off the tree. He landed on the lake a little ways away, and made a hand sign. "Let's see how well you can do Kakashi, Kirigakure No Jutsu (Hidden Mist Jutsu)."

A thick mist spread across the land, blanketing the already misted area so heavily that no one could see more than a few feet in front of them.

"Defensive Formation you three!" Kakashi ordered his genin squad, causing them to surround Tazuna in a frontal triangle formation with Naruto as the point, Sasuke on the left and Sakura on the right.

"Zabuza is a master of the Muon Satsujin Jutsu (Silent Killing Technique), if you're not careful you'll be dead before you even know it. Protect the bridge builder and leave Zabuza to me…" Kakashi turned back towards the lake and began to lift up his head band. "It looks like I'm going to need this."

"Ah! The Sharingan," Zabuza voice came from within the mist, his outlined form barely even visible. "It's an honor to be facing it so soon."

How did Kakashi-sensei get that! Sasuke thought in shock. Only members of the Uchiha clan - my clan, can possibly have the Sharingan! Could he…

If Kakashi-sensei is using the Sharingan then this guy must be really strong.Naruto thought to himself, Damn, I wish I had gone over that Bingo book Anko gave me! At least then I would know a little bit more about this guy.

"Still we both know that the Sharingan is useless if you can't even see," The mist began to thicken even more, making Zabuza disappear completely.

Damn it, this mist cuts down the Sharingan's effectiveness.Kakashu cursed, trying to peer into the mist.

"Eight points…" Came the disembodied voice of Zabuza, causing the three genin and Tazuna to freeze as an intense killing intent filled the air. "The liver, lungs, spine, clavicle vein, jugular artery, brain, kidney and the heart. Now, which one shall I choose first?"

Shit! Naruto cursed. This killing intent is unreal! Way more than anything Anko ever produced! And it makes it even worse with this mist, I can't see and I can barely think straight!

The blond began shaking a bit before catching a hold of himself. Got to remember what Anko taught to counter act the affects…

Taking a deep breath Naruto pushed out his chakra to counter the killing intents effects like Anko told him to do. He instantly felt a little better, though it was still affecting him some.

This…this killing intent,Sasuke thought, struggling to breathe against the killing intent the two jonin were producing.

Is this what a high level battle between two jonin is like? This suffocating feeling…Sasuke began bringing a kunai to his throat. I don't think I can take much more of it!

"Sasuke! Calm down!" Kakashi said as he noticed the trouble his genin were having. "I won't let any of my comrade's die on me."

Sasuke seemed to calm himself down, lowering his kunai.

"You're all talk Kakashi," Zabuza appeared right in the midst of the genin and Tazuna. Just as he was about to cleave them all with Kubikiri Houcho however, Kakashi appeared right next to Zabuza and stabbed him in the gut, only for the Zaubza that he had stabbed to turn into water.

"Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone)!" Kakashi exclaimed right before Zabuza appeared behind him and cleaved him in half, causing Sakura to scream. However, much to Zabuza's surprise, Kakashi turned into water as well.

"It's over," Kakashi said as he appeared behind Zabuza and brought a kunai to the other ninja's throat.

"I see," Zabuza chuckled as he turned his head to look at the copy ninja. "You created and switched yourself with a Mizu Bunshin when you made your speech didn't you? That eye of yours is quite impressive; however…this battle is far from over!"

Zabuza swung his sword arm around, forcing Kakashi to duck under the powerful swing. Planting his sword into the ground, the mist ninja used the leverage it granted him to launch a powerful kick in Kakashi's face.

Kakashi flew through the air with Zabuza following after him. The silver haired Jonin threw some Makibishi spikes as he fell into the water, forcing Zabuza to stop.

"Makibishi spikes?" Zabuza sneered beneath his mask. "Come on Kakashi, are you even trying!"

Kakashi broke the surface of the water and gasped for some air, "There's something wrong with this water…"

"Hah! Now I've got you!" Zabuza appeared right next to Kakashi, going through a set of hand seals, "Suiton: Suirou No Jutsu (Water Release: Water Prison Jutsu)!"

Kakashi cursed as he found himself trapped within a water prison. He looked over at his students and began to make orders. "Run! Take the bridge builder and go!"

"Oh they'ree not going anywhere Kakashi!" Zabuza chuckled as he made a Mizu Bunshin to deal with the genin.

"Get out of here!" Kakashi yelled at his students. "This battle was over the moment I got caught!"

He can't seriously think we can run does he? Sasuke wondered. Even if we managed to escape now, he would just kill Kakashi and come after us.

Sasuke ran towards the Mizu Bunshin in an attempt to surprise it. However as soon as he got in range the Zabuza clone kicked him in the ribs, sending the young raven-haired Genin flying back.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelled in shock and fear at seeing her crush hit so easily.

Sasuke gasped out in pain as he landed on the ground and the air was forced from his lungs. He was about to get up when Zabuza appeared next to him and stepped on him, making the raven-haired Genin scream in pain as the Kiri nuke-nin began to grind his foot into Sasuke's ribs.

"You kids think you're ninja?" Zabuza sneered at the pathetic sight of Sasuke under his foot and screaming in pain. "None of you are worthy of the title ninja. When you have stained your hands with as much blood as me, then you can be considered ninja. When you-"

"Fuuton: Renkuudan!" Zabuza's speech was cut off as a cannonball-sized ball of wind smashed into the Mizu Bunshin, forcing it to disperse back into water molecules.

"You alright Sasuke-teme?" Naruto asked as he ran over to his teammate and pulled the raven haired Genin up.

"…yes." Sasuke said, only slightly put off that Naruto had just saved him.

"Listen I got a plan, when I tell you I want you to launch the biggest fireball you can." Naruto said, looking over at Zabuza.

"So we're going to be working together now?" Sasuke asked with obvious sarcasm.

"Just get ready to launch your fireball." Naruto said, ignoring the sarcasm in Sasuke's voice. "Oi! No-brows-Ojisan! Are you done rambling now!"

"What did you call me you brat!" Zabuza seethed at the blond who dared mock him.

"You heard me you eyebrow-less freak!" Naruto shouted with a grin, it seemed Zabuza was sensitiveabout his lack of eyebrows. "You know if you're sensitive about your lack of brow hair, I know someone who can help you with that, he's got more than enough eyebrow to spare!"

"You little piece of shit! I'll kill you!" Zabuza shouted as his face turned red. He created half a dozen Mizu Bushins.

The Mizu Bunshins surged forward, running across the water.

"Sasuke I could use that fireball!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke nodded as he went through some hand seals and sucked in a deep breath."Katon: Goukakyouu No Jutsu!" A large fireball came out of Sasuke's mouth.

Before the Mizu Bunshin could jump out of the way, Naruto finished his own hand seals. "Fuuton: Daitoppa!"

Sucking in his breath, Naruto blew out a large gust of wind that hit the fireball, turning it into a large firestorm.

The Mizu Bunshin didn't stand a chance as the hailstorm of fire hit them, dispelling them and evaporating the water used. Zabuzacursed as he was forced to release the water prison and drop into the water as the massive firestorm washed over his position.

"Did we get him?" asked Sasuke as he looked into the water.

Naruto scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous, a Jonin of his caliber would take far more than that to defeat."

"You're right about that brat!" Zabuza shouted as he jumped out of the water, charging over to the two genin. Before he could close the distance Kakashi jumped in front of him.

"Your fight is with me!" Kakashi said, his sharing an eye glaring at the Kiri nuke-nin.

Zabuza glared at Kakashi before jumping back and placing his zanbatou on his back, "Fine by me! I'll just kill the brats after I kill you!" He began going through several hand seals, moving faster than any of the genin could follow.

However, Kakashi could see them, and was managing to copy hand seals that Zabuzawas doing with relative ease.

"Suiton: Suiryuudan No Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu)!" Both Kakashi and Zabuza shouted at the same time. Two large water dragons with glowing yellow eyes formed in front of the two shinobi, clashed against each other with a loud roar, canceling each other out.

Zabuza growled as he started doing more hand seals. As he did however he saw Kakashi begin doing his own hand seals. "What's this? It's like he can-"

"Read my mind?" Kakashi finished, copying Zabuza's hand seals at the same time Zabuza himself was dong them.

Zabuza snarled as he attempted to speed up his hand sealing. "I won't let some-"

"Copycat monkey like you beat me!" The two shouted at the same time.

As they continued hand sealing Zabuza stopped and stared as he found something behind Kakashi that shocked him.

"Is that me?" as his own figure appeared behind Kakashi in a wavy apparition.

"Suiton: Daibakufu No Jutsu (Water Release: Great Water Vortex Jutsu)!" Kakashi shouted, sending a huge vortex of water at a shocked Zabuza.

Zabuza was blasted through the air and only stopped when he hit a tree with enough force to the bark. Before anything else could happen several Kunai were launched at the Kiri nuke-nin, hitting him in his arms, left leg and torso. Zabuzacoughed up blood, staining his bandages as it leaked out of his mouth. A presence above him made him look up to see Kakashi crouched down on the tree branch with a kunai in his hand.

"Can you…see the future?" Zabuza asked, not quite sure why he had asked that, only that it seemed to fit with what he had seen.

"Yes." Kakashi said his mixed eyes staring at Zabuza, "and I see your death."

Before Kakashi could finish Zabuza off, several senbon pierced the man's neck. Zabuza's eyes rolled up in the back of his head as he fell to the ground.

"You were right," said a voice that came from Kakashi's left, turning he saw a young person whose gender was hard to tell due to the blue robes that covered his/her form. On the person's face was a mask that Kakashi recognized as a Hunter Ninja mask from Kiri. "This was going to be his final battle."

Kakashi grunted as he leapt off the branch and made his way over to Zabuza, checking the man's pulse.

"He's dead…" He mumbled, turning to look at the hunter ninja. "You're a hunter Ninja from Kiri?"

The Hunter Ninja bowed. "I am, I would like to thank you for stalling him for me. I have been after Momoichi Zabuza for a long time."

Kakashi sighed as he brought his head band back down over his Sharingan. His genin squad came up behind him, looking at the hunter ninja curiously.

The hunter ninja disappeared in a swirl of water reappearing next to Zabuza's fallen body. Bending down the hunter ninja picked up Zabuza, pulling the man's arm over his/her shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse me, this body has many secrets, so I need to go and destroy it."

Naruto frowned as he watched the hunter ninja disappear in another swirl of water. I get the feeling I'm missing something here…


Turning around Naruto saw Kakashi fall face first onto the ground, his one visible eye closed. Rushing over to him Naruto placed a hand on his neck.

"He's alive," Naruto said to Sakura who had come up to them. "He's just unconscious. Signs indicate chakra exhaustion."

Sighing Naruto stood and brought his hands in the ram seal, "Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"Two clones puffed into existence and lifted Kakashi by the arms and legs.

"Tazuna-san, we need to get to your home now. Think you can lead us there?" asked Naruto.

"Uh…yeah," Tazuna said as he tried to get his bearings. "It's just this way, follow me."

"Sasuke you take point," Naruto said. Sasuke looked at him for a moment before deciding to comply. Normally he wouldn't, but being point would allow him to prove his superiority (in his mind anyway). The three Konoha genin followed Tazuna as he led them to his house with the two clones carrying the unconscious Jonin following close behind.

Kirigakure No Jutsu (Hidden Mist Jutsu)- A C-rank supplementary jutsu. Normally used by Kirigakure (Hidden Mist Village) ninja, this jutsu creates a thick fog by having the user saturate his/her chakra into the moisture in the air. Some of the more experienced practitioners of this jutsu can create a mist so thick that even Doujutsu like the Sharingan and Byakugan can be fooled.

Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone)– C-rank clone jutsu. The user infuses chakra into the water in order to create a clone in the user's likeness. Unlike regular clones, this one is not an illusion but a solid copy made from water. The clone is always created with 10% of the user's strength no matter how many are made. Unlike Kage Bunshins this clone does not pass experience onto the user when dispelled.

Suiton: Suiryuudan No Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Jutsu)- An A-rank attack jutsu. The user creates a water dragon that will attack the enemy it is directed against. This jutsu is one of the few water attacks that are truly devastating, normally tearing through a person as if they were paper. The size and strength of the jutsu is relative to the control one has over water elemental manipulation and the amount of chakra they put into it.

Suiton: Suirou No Jutsu (Water Release: Water Prison Jutsu)- A B-rank supplementary jutsu. This jutsu is used to capture opponents by placing them in a circular prison made of water. In order for this jutsu to be used, the one casting it must always have at least on part of their body in the water in order to continuously channel chakra into it.

Suiton: Daibakufu No Jutsu (Water Release: Great Water Vortex Jutsu) - An A-rank attack jutsu. Creates a powerful vortex of water that can blast anything and everything in its path. This jutsuis extraordinarily destructive and can cause mass amounts of property damage and/or blunt force trauma to an opponent.

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