

Armin's eyes widened in pure shock. Suddenly, he heard the sound of steel slicing through the air, and before he could react, his eyes widened in pure shock. He didn't see it coming, but the blood gushing from his body was a good indication that something had gone terribly wrong. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. The sword had cut through with incredible speed. His titan vision was cut as blood splattered across the land. When did I get hit? Armin thought before everything darkened, his Titan body slamming against the ground with a loud thud.

"Arminn!" Eren shouted in shock and fear as Armin's titan was sliced in half; The glint of the blade could be seen from afar as it pierced through Armin's waist, all the way to his left shoulder in a 45-degree trajectory. Blood splattered across the barren land, painting a gruesome picture of the brutality of the Titans' attacks. Eren's heart raced with a mix of emotions - anger and fear - as he watched his comrade fall to the ground; thankfully, the blade hadn't come anywhere near Armin's nape.

With a loud Titan Cry, Mikasa was the first to come out of her shock before launching herself at Levi with incredible speed, but Levi again moved much faster than anticipated; Levi's fist collided with Mikasa's jaw with a resounding thud, sending her flying through the air like a rag doll. As it made contact with the earth, the impact shook the ground and sent shockwaves through the surrounding trees, shattering their trunks and branches into splinters.

Ymir felt herself sweating from the speed demonstrated by Levi. Still, his heart pounding and his mind racing, Eren knew that he couldn't afford to succumb to the overwhelming pressure of the situation. Despite what happened to Mikasa and Armin, Eren remained surprisingly calm and collected, his senses sharpening as he focused all his attention on Levi. With his Titan eyes narrowed and his head ringing like a bell, he carefully strategized his next move, determined to come out on top no matter what.

"Don't fight. Use your body to hold him down." Eren ordered Ymir and Historia, who nodded; Mikasa quickly stood up, she quickly checked, and saw that Armin's upper body was steaming; she turned to glare at Levi's Titan, who was eyeing them carefully.

With no time to waste, he quickly turned to Mike and barked out orders.

"Help Cadet Armin. He needs to transform again," Erwin commanded his soldiers, his voice ringing out with authority amidst the chaos of battle. Mike nodded grimly, his eyes glittering with steely determination as he sprinted towards Armin's location, his muscles coiled tight with tension.

With the sound of the thundering footsteps, Mike and Levi Squad leaped down from the towering walls of the castle using their high-tech ODM Gear to reach Armin's location quickly. The adrenaline rush was real as they soared through the air, moving swiftly and skillfully. Mike couldn't help but clench his teeth as he ran towards Armin, knowing their swords could do nothing to help against Levi's armor. Armin's bone plates had shown them that their blades were useless; if their blades couldn't damage the bone plates, they stood no chance against Titan Crystallisation.

"Mike, we should help the others," Petra suggested, briefly glancing at Levi's Titan, who stood before Eren menacingly; a part of her still couldn't believe her captain had truly turned into a Titan. His Titan looked barely like Levi; his Helmet covered his entire face.

Mike's voice boomed across the land as he came to an abrupt halt, turning to face the members of Levi Squad with a fierce determination burning in his eyes. The air around them was thick with tension as the group stood still, unsure of how to react to Mike's forceful declaration. "Absolutely not," he barked, his voice ringing out like a command as he stood his ground, refusing to back down despite the uncertainty that surrounded him. The members of Levi Squad all wore conflicted expressions, their faces etched with doubt and hesitation as they struggled to decide what their next move should be.

Oluo's eyes narrowed as he stared at Mike, his grip on the pommel of his swords tightening. "But, Mike," he spoke up, his voice laced with steely determination, "we can't just sit idly by and pray that Captain Levi regains control. We swore always to follow him, to serve him even if it means laying down our lives for him."

"And if he accidentally kills any of you," Mike spoke gravely, knowing the chance was there. Even if Levi would never do it, right now, he knew Levi wasn't in control of His Titan. He was extremely dangerous to everyone.

His words caused the Levi Squad to stop dead in their tracks; the thought shooked them; they hadn't thought of it, their captain could be harsh sometimes, but everyone knew he cared for his fellow scouts, for all of them. Petra looked ready to counter Mike's argument that Captain Levi would never harm them, but Mike wasn't done.

"How do you think Levi will react if he finds out he killed a fellow scout?" Mike's voice was laced with grim concern, his eyes flickering with worry. The mere thought of Levi's reaction made his heart sink in his chest. After all, Levi had always been the most skilled fighter among them, a true asset to the Scout Regiment.

"You know he will be devastated," he continued, his tone softening as he placed a gentle hand on Petra's shoulder. She looked up at him, her own expression mirroring his concern.

"You want to help, then help Armin to pull himself out of his Titan," Mike spoke confidently; his words filled Levi Squad with determination, and they quickly nodded in agreement.

"Yes, sir." They shouted as they used their ODM Gear to reach Armin's nape.

Mikasa moved to stand between Levi and Armin; surprisingly, Levi's Titan wasn't moving; the War Hammer Titan was simply observing them; Eren wondered if perhaps Captain Levi had taken control of his Titan. But that hope was quickly snuffed out when its massive feet stomped the ground with immense force, sending debris flying in all directions. Its eyes locked onto Eren, the only target in its sight. With a deafening roar, the War Hammer Titan charged forward, its speed defying its size, its feet pounding the earth with each step, creating a trail of destruction behind it as it closed in on its prey.

In a split second, Eren instinctively dropped into a crouch, the muscles in his legs tensing as he prepared to dodge the impending attack. With lightning-fast reflexes, he leaned to the right, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp blade that sliced through the air where his left ear had just been. As the sword grazed past him, he could feel the rush of wind on his skin and the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Ymir seized a brief moment of opportunity to unleash a devastating attack. With a fierce determination in her eyes, Ymir launched herself at Levi, her powerful jaws at the ready to tear through his impenetrable armor. She sprang into action, propelling herself into the air with impressive force, her sights set firmly on Levi's vulnerable nape. As she hurtled towards her opponent, she knew that this was her chance to strike a decisive blow.

Levi's free hand suddenly created a spear with incredible speed; Ymir didn't have the time nor the speed to dodge as Levi plunged his spear, piercing through her abdomen and emerging on the other side.

His attack against Ymir left him open for Mikasa to strike. In a swift and calculated move, Mikasa landed a powerful punch on Levi's right cheek, causing a deafening boom to reverberate across the land. The sound wave was so intense that the trees around them shook violently, their leaves rustling in the wind, and some almost falling off.

Mikasa lunged towards him, grabbing hold of his chest and pulling him down with her. As they fell, Levi swung his sword, aiming for Mikasa's head, but before he could strike, Historia intervened, grabbing hold of his arm and trying to stop him. Despite her efforts, Levi continued to struggle against them, determined to land a blow on his opponent. The air crackled with tension as the three of them grappled.

Eren was about to help Mikasa when he saw the center of Levi's chest shining; Eren's eyes widened in shock and horror as he witnessed the sudden and unexpected attack on Mikasa. The air was thick with tension and fear as a large spear, towering at an astonishing height of thirty-five meters, emerged and pierced through the body of Mikasa's 14 meters Titan. The sound of flesh tearing apart echoed through the battlefield as the spear penetrated her chest, causing blood to gush out of the wound and trickle down her body before finally reaching the ground with a sickening thud. Mikasa clenched her teeth angrily as she started biting the spear, hoping to destroy it.

Levi quickly swung his spear, yanking Ymir's Titan body away; her large body was sent crashing against the forest; the ground shook and trembled with each deafening boom as the Titan's massive frame collided with the surrounding trees, crushing them under the weight of her impact.

Levi quickly turned his attention to Historia, trying to use his spear on Historia's Titan, when Eren let out a roar; his 27 meters Titan grabbed his arm, stopping him, but Levi quickly used his leg to kick him in the stomach, sending him crashing against the earth.

Historia's eyes widened in anger, her fury building up inside her like a raging inferno. With a swift motion, she spread her wings, the sound of their powerful flapping filling the air. Without a second thought, she launched herself toward Levi with a fierce determination etched onto her face. As she flew towards him, she prepared her arm, her muscles rippling with strength, ready to strike. But her nails shattered on contact with Levi's nape, his white armor proving to be too strong for her attack. Undeterred, she gritted her sharp fangs, determined to leave her mark on him, but even they could only leave minor scratches on the surface of his armor.

I can't even pierce it, Historia thought in horror as he lunged towards her and gripped her throat tightly; Historia was caught off-guard and struggled to break free from his grasp. Levi, with a swift motion, sliced off her wings, causing her to scream in agony. As blood dripped from her back, Levi lifted her up into the air; with a quick and precise movement, he aimed his spear toward his opponent's chest and thrust it forward. The sharp tip of the spear pierced the flesh and bone, causing blood to spatter across the green grass, but seeing that Historia was still alive. The War Hammer grabbed her head, trying to crush it, when a burst of yellow lightning distracted him.

To his left stood Ymir, who nimbly leaped from tree to tree with calculated precision, closing in on her target. In the distance, a bright bolt of lightning illuminated the sky, casting an eerie glow over the deadly confrontation. Suddenly, the War Hammer Titan's attention was drawn to a thunderous rumble. He turned to see Armin's Armored Titan charging towards him with a fierce determination, ready to deliver a devastating blow against Levi's Titan.

Levi swiftly pulled out his gleaming spear from the chest of Historia's Titan. Without wasting a single moment, he spun around and hurled her massive Titan Body towards Armin's Titan Body, the two Titans colliding with a deafening thud that echoed throughout the battlefield. The ground quaked beneath their feet, and dust billowed into the air; as his attention turned to the upcoming Jaw Titan, Mikasa finally bit through the large spear, keeping her up; she landed on her feet.

War Hammer Titan quickly formed a Large Hammer, swinging at Mikasa, who dodged it before grabbing Levi's face, making it stand still as Ymir jumped from a tree right at Levi's nape.

You're Mine, Ymir thought, ready to end this battle; the ground beneath them erupted with several sharp spikes, piercing through their bodies and lifting them off the ground. Ymir's eyes widened in disbelief as she felt the cold metal spike pierce through her chest, causing her to stumble and gasp for air. The pain was excruciating, and she could barely move as her opponent, Levi, towered above her with his massive hammer raised high, ready to deliver the final blow to her Jaw Titan.

I'm done for, Ymir thought, closing her eyes when a voice was heard that echoed throughout the landscapes.

"Stop," Eren shouted, running towards him, and The War Hammer Titan felt a jolt of electricity, his hands going limp, the hammer slipping from his hands before falling on the ground with a loud thud.

Why did it work? Eren thought but quickly took this opportunity as he ran at Levi at full speed. The War Hammer quickly gained back his control, turning at Eren with a furious look, Eren reached out his hand to grab something, but Levi quickly delivered a swift and powerful kick to Eren's Titan. The sound of bones cracking echoed through the land as half of Eren's face collapsed under the force of Levi's blow. Crimson droplets spattered the surroundings as blood and fragments of bone flew through the air like macabre confetti, but Eren smirked when he showed what he had grabbed.

In his hand was a crystallized coconut, and inside it was Captain Levi, who seemed to be sleeping.

Armin's eyes widened; he had never thought that instead of resigning in the nape for the War Hammer, it was out of his body. He wondered how Eren knew to grab it.

Eren smirked; when Levi had kicked him in the stomach, he had seen a small glance of what was beneath Levi's Titan body, and under his left shin came out a tube that went beneath the ground; it was well hidden.

With a firm grip, Eren reached for the spot where the tube met the coconut, and with a swift motion, he pulled it out. As he did so, a sudden surge of crimson liquid exploded out of the opening, splattering onto his hands and the ground beneath him. As the War Hammer Titan's body hit the ground with a deafening thud, the entire field trembled under the weight of its colossal form. The air was instantly filled with the cacophony of metal scraping against metal and the sound of shattering stone. Thick clouds of dust and smoke billowed up from the impact site, obscuring the Titan's body.

As Eren gazed intently at the crystal, his heart raced with anticipation, wondering if the grueling battle had finally come to an end. In the midst of his thoughts, a flicker of movement caught his eye as the figure of Levi, encased within the crystal, stirred. Eren barely had time to move as a colossal sword emerged from the earth, towering over Eren's Titan, and plunged straight through its chest, sending a sharp, searing pain throughout its entire body. As the sword sliced through the air, it effortlessly severed the arm that held the precious crystallized coconut, sending it tumbling toward the earth below.

"Ymir, break that crystal right now." Eren roared at the Jaw Titan; Ymir charged towards the coconut with incredible speed, her jaw wide open and ready to shatter it into a million pieces. However, just as she was about to make contact, a sudden transformation occurred, and a new War Hammer Titan emerged from the coconut. Still, he was only 11 meters tall instead of 19, and the armor around his head and chest was missing. His face was now fully visible.

Eren quickly pulled himself out of his Titan's nape with a burst of steam, jumping down and biting his hand as he did; the war hammer formed a sword on his hand when Eren jumped at him from behind, holding his arms in a full nelson. War Hammer growled before forming a significant spike that came out from his back, piercing through Eren's body, Eren felt his grip loosen up, but his name wasn't damaged.

Ymir swiftly pounced towards her target, the armored right arm of her opponent. With a lightning-fast movement, she clamped her powerful jaws around the metal armor, effortlessly piercing through it and crushing it into pieces. The force of her bite was so intense that the entire arm detached from the body, tumbling down to the ground with a deafening clang as she quickly bit his bloody head off. Eren tried to find where Levi was hiding when he saw the tube coming out from the heel, going beneath the ground; with a quick move, he quickly cut off the damn tube.

The War Hammer's body fell down as Ymir bit the crystal surrounding Levi; slowly, it started cracking, little by little, before it broke down; Ymir made sure not accidentally kill him as his human body fell limp on the grass.

As soon as his body was visible again, everyone sighed in relief as Hange's agile fingers snatched the flare gun from its holster, eagerly anticipating the chance to signal her fellow scouts. She swiftly and deftly aimed the gun toward the heavens, taking careful aim to ensure maximum visibility. With a sharp, satisfying click, the trigger was pulled, and a bright green flare shot forth into the air, soaring through the sky in a vivid display of light. In response, the scouts around her sprang into action, activating their ODM gear and zipping through the air with effortless grace, each determined to reach Levi's location as quickly as possible.

By the time they reached him, every Titan Shifter had come out of their respective Titan bodies. Mikasa was helping Historia to walk since she was the most inexperienced one.

As Levi lay peacefully sleeping on his back, the lush green grass cushioned his every move while the tranquil sounds of nature surrounded him. The sun had momentarily disappeared behind a fluffy white cloud, but as it peeked back out, its warm rays illuminated the picturesque landscape around him. A gentle breeze swept by, bringing with it a refreshing scent of wildflowers and the soft rustling of leaves. Levi's chest rose and fell in perfect rhythm with the soothing melody of nature as Erwin turned at Eren and the other shifters.

"Thank you for the hard work, but I wonder why he wasn't aiming at anyone's nape throughout the fight," Erwin questioned with a finger on his chin; during the fight, he had noticed that not once had Levi tried to cut the napes of the shifters attacking him.

"I think it has to do with the Titan not being really smart. When Captain Levi lost control, his Titan simply attacked without reason. I don't think it possessed enough intelligence to know that attacking the nape would kill us, but he simply attacked with no real direction. That's why he pierced the chest or cut off limbs instead of destroying the nape." Armin explained, feeling a little lightheaded; his chest heaved up and down with each deep, ragged breath he took. His mind was still reeling from the intense experience he had just gone through, and he could feel a wave of dizziness wash over him, threatening to knock him off his feet. Transforming twice in a row was never easy.

As the dust settled and the smoke cleared after the intense battle with the War Hammer Titan, Moblit, with a concerned expression on his face, turned to the commander and asked with a hint of urgency in his voice, "Commander, what exactly will we do about that?" With a quick gesture towards the remnants of the fight, Moblit pointed out the aftermath of the conflict, the debris left behind by Levi's destructive prowess, including giant swords, hammers, and spears, scattered haphazardly across the battlefield. The commander, assessing the situation, knew that they had a daunting task ahead of them, one that required careful planning and execution.

"We will think about it later," Erwin answered, knowing the aftermath would probably be there for who knows how long as he turned to face Levi Squad.

"Very well," he stated firmly, his eyes sweeping across the faces of the members of Levi Squad. "Squad Levi put your captain inside," he ordered strictly, gesturing to the motionless form of Levi being carefully carried by his comrades. "We are done for today," Erwin declared, his tone firm but not unkind. As Levi Squad made their way towards his room, and it helped that he wasn't heavy.

Petra's voice trembled as she spoke in hushed tones, "The Captain will kill us if he finds out," and her words echoed through the empty hallways of the castle. She was nervous, her heart pounding in her chest, as she and her squadmates carried the injured Levi inside. They knew all too well that their captain would never accept being carried, even if it was a matter of life and death. He would rather sleep outside in the grass than be carried in by his own squad. The thought of facing his wrath was enough to make Petra's knees weak, but she knew they had no other choice. As they made their way through the dimly lit corridors,

"Well. I lived a good enough life. I'm prepared to die." Oluo spoke, nearly biting his tongue as he did. Eld rolled his eyes; they soon reached Levi's room, and with careful and gentle movements, they laid their captain, Levi, onto his bed. Despite the exhaustion etched on his face, he appeared to be at ease, his breaths deep and rhythmic, and his body relaxed. Surrounded by the familiar and comforting scent of his room, the squad couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and gratitude as they watched their leader rest peacefully. Petra looked around the room, as did the others.

"The room is clean, but if he doesn't wake up immediately, he won't be happy if his room is not cleaned once he does," Gunther spoke with a drop of sweat, knowing what their captain would be like if he found his own room not to be cleaned. All of them could already imagine it.

"You all are failures. You're a disgrace. I'm gone for a few days, and you let the filth collect around as if it owned the place. I feel disgusted. By all of you."

Petra hoped their captain would wake up soon, and now that he could transform into a Titan, she could imagine he would form a giant broom just to clean the place.

Eren Yeager

Several hours after the fight, Eren felt more rested; since Captain Levi was still sleeping, Mikasa had decided to sneak into his room; they hadn't been together for quite a few days. As Mikasa leaned in for a gentle kiss, little did she know that it would quickly escalate into a fiery make-out session, leaving her breathless with desire. Eren's touch was electrifying as he held her close, their lips locked in an intense embrace.

Despite the rush of passion, Mikasa was careful not to make a sound as Eren's fervent thrusts sent waves of ecstasy through her body, causing her to bite down on her lip to stifle the moans of pleasure that threatened to escape.

As the sunlight streamed in through the window, Eren slowly opened his eyes, feeling the sun's warmth on his face. As he stretched out his arms and legs, he felt the softness of the sheets beneath him and the weight of Mikasa's warm naked body pressed against his. Her dark hair cascaded over his chest as he played with it absentmindedly, enjoying the sensation of her presence. She was humming softly in her sleep, a contented smile on her lips, as she rested her head on his muscular chest, taking comfort in the steady beat of his heart. Eren closed his eyes again, savoring the moment, feeling grateful for the love and companionship they shared.

Eren enjoyed this moment; he could just relax and enjoy life with his loved ones. As Eren lay next to Mikasa, he couldn't resist the urge to run his hands across her bare skin. He trailed his fingers down her spine, feeling the softness of her skin under his touch. As his hands reached the curve of her lower back, he felt her body stir, and he knew she was awake. He continued to explore her body, his hands moving down to her hips, then sliding up to her waist. And then, finally, he found what he was looking for - her firm, round buttocks. He gave them a gentle squeeze, relishing the way they felt in his hands. Mikasa moaned softly in response, pressing her body closer to his, and Eren knew he had found the perfect way to wake her up.

Opening her eyes as she shifted her weight, she could feel the warmth of his body beside hers and the softness of the sheets beneath her. As she turned towards him, she could feel his manhood stirring from its slumber, aching for her touch. She was half tempted to grip it tightly in her hand, feeling its length and girth pulsing with desire as she lowered her mouth over it. But just as she was about to give in to her temptation, a sudden knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

As Mikasa was about to tell the unwelcome visitor to leave, a sudden commotion ensued as Ymir, with her signature sly grin, flung the door open, revealing the unexpected sight of Eren and Mikasa nestled together in the comfort of Mikasa's bed.

Eren arched an eyebrow, "What do you want, Ymir?" Meanwhile, Mikasa's heart raced as she quickly pulled the sheet over herself, a deep blush spreading across her cheeks. She couldn't fathom why Ymir would come into their shared room when she knew Mikasa and Eren were sleeping together.

Ymir's voice dripped with sarcasm as she gazed at Eren with a mixture of amusement and desire. "Ohh, Eren," she exclaimed, "you have completely forgotten about me. I thought we had something special," she added, her hand pressed to her chest as she pretended to wipe away fake tears. Eren, who couldn't help but be amused by Ymir's theatrics, rolled his eyes playfully, his lips twitching upwards in a grin, as Mikasa slowly peeked her head outside of the sheet. She was still refusing to look at Ymir.

"Do you want to join us?" Eren suggested with a sly smirk; Ymir was tempted to accept his invitation, she wouldn't mind seeing someone as gorgeous as Mikasa naked, and she hadn't been with Eren for quite a few days, but that could wait until they returned back to the training corps.

"While tempting Eren, Hange asked for you and Historia. They want to get blood and spinal fluid from the two of you." Ymir informed them with a frown, crossing her arms as she did. She made it clear that she wanted to wait longer, but Armin reasoned that perhaps they didn't have as much time as they thought they did. And Historia had yet again reminded Ymir that she made the decision herself and they would support her.

Eren's smile wavered slightly; taking his spinal fluid wasn't costly, but taking Historia's blood, she was weak for an entire month, and now they wanted more blood. He understood it was necessary to create more Semi-Titan Shifter Syringes, but that didn't mean he liked it. But he would support Historia; it was her decision, and he would respect her decision.


Hange listened as Ymir listed all the things that were happening to Historia during the first after taking her blood; what she heard made her concerned for her well-being; despite what some people thought of Hange, she wasn't heartless and sadistic, at least not to a huge extent. Moblit was quickly writing everything in his notebook.

Hange wondered if they needed to wait longer, but Historia quickly said she was ready.

"Historia, we-" "Ymir. I understand, and as I said. We are not delaying this, I'm fine, and they will take less blood this time." Historia interrupted Ymir, who looked a little dejected, before reluctantly agreeing with her decision.

"Who will have the second syringe?" Eren asked, slightly changing the subject, knowing the decision was made and there was no point in them discussing it any further.

"The second one will be used on our scout Mike Zacharias. He's our second strongest soldier." Erwin spoke before anyone else could, his voice clear and authoritative; this earned a shocked look from the rest of the scouts present, even from Mike himself.

"But Erwin, you're our Commander. You-" "I'm expendable, Hange." Erwin interrupted with a solemn look on his face as his eyes looked at Mike.

"I might be the commander, but right now, we need the best to possess this ability; Mike is our second-best soldier. Him having one of the Titan abilities will be important for the future of Humanity once the others have this ability as well. I will take it." Erwin informed his scouts, who looked at him, some with awe and some with even more respect than before.

Erwin turned to look at Mike, who had stood up. He looked like he wanted to protest but knew Erwin had already decided.

"Do you accept it?"

"I do."

An hour later, Historia and Eren turned into titans; Hange injected enough blood and spinal fluid to create three more syringes. Just like last time, Historia was exhausted when she was pulled out of her Titan. Ymir slept beside her that night in case she needed help.


Captain Levi had yet to wake up; Armin was the first to notice that he was acting very similarly to how Mikasa acted when she first transformed. When he brought it up to Hange, she said that maybe Levi and Mikasa were special somehow, perhaps a connection since both of their Titans had abilities of more than one titan. Hange made a mental note to check on both of their backgrounds later in case she found something that connected them.

Once again, the time came for Mike to inject himself with the syringe. He was standing sixty meters away from everyone else. Mike watched the green flare flowing through the sky with determination before looking at his arm. "For the Future of Humanity," Mike spoke before. With a quick motion, he injected the serum into his arm, feeling the cold metal against his skin. At that moment, he felt a surge of energy; he had never felt it before in his life.

It was as if every cell in his body was electrified, and he could feel the power coursing through his veins.

Again, Eren felt the same electricity as if he was transforming, despite being a Titan. Why is this happening, first with Captain Levi and now with Mike? Eren pondered as a bolt of yellow lightning struck Mike.

Everyone shielded their eyes from the bright lightning, and the bones and muscles of the Titan formed; everyone noticed the unusual skin and soon found out why. In front of them stood a 21 meters tall Titan, The Titan's body was entirely covered in a luxurious golden-brown fur, the strands of which glistened under the sunlight. Its arms and legs were thick and muscular, each ending in sharp black claws that glinted menacingly. The Titan's tail was long and sinewy, with tufts of fur at the end. Its ears were also covered in fur, giving it a wild and feral appearance. With a unique face, it looked like an animal that none of them recognized, his entire neck up until his jawline was covered in the golden mane that seemed to shine under the sun's light.

"He's the beast titan, but which animal is he?" Erwin questioned Armin, standing beside him, as Eren and Mikasa went to subdue Mike's Titan, who roared at them with a very unusual roar.

Ymir, watching as Eren was dealing with Mike's Titan, turned to face the commander. "Even I'm not sure. I have never heard or seen an animal like this." Ymir chimed in as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Will Mike be alright?" Nanaba asked, concerned, as Eren slammed Mike's Titan on the ground, sending a wind wave around the area, small rocks flying around before falling to the ground. She was half tempted to go there and help somehow.

"Yeh, he's fine. Just wait until Eren fully subdues him." Armin said, his words reassuring Mike Squad to wait; the only one who didn't seem that much concerned was Gelgar, who was holding a wine bottle in his right hand.

Soon Mike came to his senses when Nanaba spoke to him.

"I guess this confirms the rumors," Hange murmured under her breath; they were rumors that Mike and Nanaba were more than friends and were a couple, but seeing that Mike gained back control the moment Nanaba spoke, that all but confirmed the rumors to Hange, who smirked deviously, ready to tease them to death.

"Mike, can you understand me?" Erwin called out as Mike saluted in front of them to show that he could control himself. This made everyone sigh in relief, especially Nanaba. They had one more Titan in their Ranks.

Six Days Later

After an entire week of sleeping, bringing him to the headquarters, Levi kept sleeping peacefully. Everyone had gotten concerned about when he would wake up. Erwin mainly had kept it secret, but many scouts were asking about Levi's whereabouts.

Levi Squad had made sure to clean the room he was sleeping, saying their captain would want it to be clean once he woke up.

'As the night drew near, the members of the highly disciplined Levi Squad took it upon themselves to tidy up the quarters where their esteemed captain was scheduled to rest, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to ensure that every nook and cranny was spotless and pristine. Their unwavering commitment to excellence and attention to detail were unmistakable as they meticulously dusted, swept, and polished every surface, taking great care to make sure that everything was in order and nothing was out of place. Fully aware of their captain's high standards and expectations, they spared no effort in their pursuit of perfection, knowing that a clean and organized environment would not only facilitate a peaceful and restful night's sleep for their leader but also reflect positively on their own professionalism and dedication.'

At that moment, Hange found herself in the spacious yet cozy room of her fellow comrade, Levi. The room was quiet except for the sound of her turning the pages of the book she had brought with her. She glanced up from her reading and admired Levi's serene expression as he slumbered soundly on his bed. Even though she knew he could not hear her, she spoke to him softly, enjoying the way his sleeping form elicited a smile from him. As she continued to read, she found herself unable to resist stealing glances in his direction, admiring how his peaceful visage transformed him into an endearing and adorable sight.

Right now, she was reading about her latest meeting with the commander of the Military Police and the other important people on the walls. It seemed their activities hadn't gone unnoticed, many had reported seeing yellow lightning in the middle of the day, but Hange was hoping they wouldn't be detected yet.

As she sat quietly engrossed in her book, her delicate fingers carefully turning each page, a low, guttural grunt drew her attention away from the words on the page. Startled, she looked up, her curious eyes scanning the room until they landed on the source of the noise. There, in Levi's bed, she saw him slowly rousing from his slumber, his tousled hair falling haphazardly across his forehead as he rubbed his eyes and let out another groan. As if sensing her gaze, Levi's eyes flickered open, and a small smile spread across her face as she watched him stretch out his limbs and hold his head with his right hand as if trying to shake the sleep from his mind.

As Levi sluggishly opened his eyes, he could barely make out the details around him in the dimly lit room. The world was still a blur to him, his vision hazy and unfocused from the deep slumber he had just emerged from. It seemed as though he had slept for an eternity, and he couldn't recall the last time he had felt so well-rested.

"Levi, it's so good to have you back. We were worried sick for you." Levi heard the annoying, shitty glasses talking to him, but her loud voice next to his ear didn't help with the headache he was having.

As Levi slowly regained his sight, he commanded Hange with a stern tone, his eyes fixed on her, "Quiet down, Four Eyes. I need you to explain to me right this moment. What in the world just happened?" His voice was laced with a mix of confusion and anger as he struggled to remember what had happened.

As the morning sun poured in through the window, casting a warm glow over the room, Levi sat on his bed. His eyes fixated on the steam rising from his teacup. The delicate aroma of the tea filled his nostrils, and he took a deep breath, savoring the moment. Levi was tempted to drink a cup of tea, but first, he needed to remember what had happened.

The last thing he remembered was injecting himself with the damn serum. He felt a knot tighten at the pit of his stomach, a dreadful feeling that spread like wildfire through his entire being. He tried to shake off the feeling, but it was no use. His mind raced with thoughts of the worst-case scenario, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had accidentally killed any of his friends.

Hange seeing his serious face, quickly explained what had happened the last week. Every detail, and how now they had three new syringes ready to be used, how Mike turned into a Beast Titan, and how from their experiments they found out Mike could run really fast on all his four when he was a Titan.

The room fell silent as Levi, having heard everything that was said, stood there deep in thought, pondering over the words that had just been spoken. Suddenly, he started sniffing his hands, his face contorting into an expression of disgust as if he had touched something repugnant. Hange, who had been watching him curiously, wondered what was going on with him when Levi turned to look at her with the deadliest glare she had ever seen. It was as if all the fury and anger that had been brewing inside him had finally erupted like a volcano, and poor Hange, taken aback by his sudden outburst, could not help but take a step back in nervousness.

"Oi. What is it, Levi?" Hange asked nervously as he kept glaring at her as he opened his mouth to speak.

"So, you're telling me I hadn't had a bath for an entire week. That I'm filthy," he said, his voice trembling with disbelief. The thought of going an entire week without bathing made his skin crawl. He was known for his impeccable hygiene, and the mere notion of being dirty was enough to send him into a rage. His nostrils flared as he glared at Hange, who had dared to convey this information to him. Levi was a man of high standards, and cleanliness was one of his top priorities. He could feel the anger boiling inside him, and he looked ready to kill someone. His fists clenched tightly.

Hange blinked several times; she was completely taken off guard, which was a hard thing to do.




After minutes of silence, Hange finally responded with a nervous smile, "Maybe." Her eyes flickered between Levi's stern gaze and the floor, unsure what to do next. Levi swiftly threw off the blankets and stood up from the bed, his muscles rippling under his shirt. He marched over to the door and flung it open, revealing Erwin standing on the other side, a look of surprise etched on his face.

Erwin opened his mouth to ask Levi how he was feeling when Levi shoved past him with such force that Erwin stumbled backward. Levi didn't even bother to glance at him. Instead, he stormed away without a word, leaving Erwin standing there, feeling confused.

Erwin arched an eyebrow as he turned to face Hange, who had an amused smile on her face.

"What happened?" Erwin asked casually, leaning against the doorframe.

"Levi just found out that he hadn't taken a bath for an entire week," Hange answered right away, with a mix of surprise and amusement in her voice. Erwin, who had known Levi for years, couldn't help but chuckle at this revelation.

Levi was marching towards the bathrooms, carrying a dark aura of death around him. When his Squad saw him across the corridor, they all smiled joyfully to see him awake—even Oluo.

"Captain, are you feeling-" "Get out of my way if you know what's good for you," Levi ordered his team, interrupting Petra; they all quickly moved away from his path; they simply stared as he burst inside the large bathrooms of the Scouting Reign Headquarters, The slamming of the door behind him reverberated through the halls, a clear indication that Levi had a mission to complete, and nothing would stand in his way until it was done.

Levi Squad looked at each other, puzzled, quickly realizing their captain hadn't bathed for an entire week. Usually, he bathed every single day, sometimes twice a day.

"How long do you think he will be there?" Eld wondered out loud, ready to make bets.

"Knowing our captain. I would say around three hours." Gunther answered nonchalantly.

It took seven hours for Levi to finally come out from the shower!

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