

Chapter 15 - Showtime.

The largest meeting hall of Re-Estize capital's Adventurer's guild was filled to the brim with adventure team representatives and nations officials. At the central planning table stands guild masters of both adventurers' and magician's guilds. Opposite to them stands princess Renner and prince Zanac. Also, leaders of the Noble and Royal factions, marquis Boullope and marquis Raeven were present. Next to both royals stands Evileye, who is speaking on behalf of the rest of the Blue Roses, who, at the moment, are fighting to contain the demons.

Most prominent teams left one member in the meeting hall at all times and rotated out to give active fighters a chance to rest and recuperate from the battle. Next to Evileye stands Gazef Stronoff and Brain Unglaus, who are guarding the Royals.

Capital and kingdom at large were facing a problem unprecedented before. An archdemon was summoned and now had unleashed hordes of demons, that despite the best efforts of military and adventurers, continue to spread out from their origin location.

Marquis Boullope was one speaking in a loud and aggressive tone.

"Even with reinforcements coming from outside the capital, the demon-controlled ground is spreading. We need a solution now. What good is your adventurer's guild if they can't kill the demon causing all this."

The guild master responds with a grim tone, "As for now, there is no one capable of killing the archdemon. Even the strongest adventurers in the capital, the Blue Roses, couldn't stop it."

Marquis Raeven says, "I hired the team Darkness from E-Rantel and they are on the way to help with the situation, but their leader warned beforehand that they are unlikely be able to kill the demon of such power. Assuming that warrior captain is also weaker than this demon, we are out of options."

"Even with all the royal treasures, I would not put myself above the entire team of blue roses and I see no reason to not believe their report of this monster's power. But I think there are people who could help us, ones that saved me." Gazef says and is interrupted by Boullope right away.

"You, commoner, would suggest contacting those lunatics that dared to cause a scene in the royal castle. Know your place!"

"Marquis Boullope, unless you have some hidden hero who can save us, I suggest we swallow our pride as nobles and at least talk to them and ask for what price they could help us." Marquis Raeven says.

"You were there. You felt the monster's power. I think he called himself Lord Ulbert. You want to call on them again?"

"I prefer for our kingdom to not be swallowed by hordes of demons. I think you would want your son-in-law to inherit a prosperous kingdom, not demon-filled ruins." Marquis Raeven says, pushing on his rival's weak spot.

Boullope stands silent for a moment and then asks,

"How do we contact them?"

Prince Zanac takes out a simple scroll from the pocket of his vest saying,

"I have means of contacting them."

With nods of all present parties, the prince activates the scroll.

{ Greetings. I am second prince of Re-Estize, Zanac. I seek an audience with Lords of Ooal Gown. }

{ Prince Zanac, I am Ainz Ooal Gown. For what reason do you wish to speak with us? }

{ First, I want to apologize for the incident with your representative. }

{ From what I heard, you weren't the one to cause it in the first place. That said, I assume your kingdom needs our assistance? }

{ Yes Lord Ainz, we are facing a crisis and wish to hire you to help us. }

{ Very well, we will send our representative again. I hope this time talks will be more constructive. Lord Ulbert will arrive at your location within an hour. }

With that communication is cut, and Zanac informs the rest that the representative will arrive within an hour. With the insistence of everyone present, the entire Blue Roses team is called to guard the meeting in case of the throne room events repeat themselves.

After a nerve-wracking hour of wait, a dark void suddenly appears in the middle of the room and a man with pitch-black hair and top hat steps out of the void. Dressed in a dark suit with a cape over one shoulder, he flashes a polite smile. He is followed by a petite girl dressed in a white victorian dress and elegant hat. Her long, flowing silver hair reaches her lower back and her face is covered with a white mask. A pair of black eyes with red iris is drawn on the mask. She silently curtsies and stands beside the man.

Prince Zanac is first to react as he bows and says,

"Lord Ulbert, thank you for responding in such a timely matter in our hour of need."

"Thank you, prince Zanac, but let us skip the pleasantries. We are already aware of the general situation. There is no need to waste any more time."

Ulbert responds with a bow of his own. The Blue Roses stand battle-ready with nervous expressions. They expected the enigmatic lords to be powerful, but something was clearly off. Then Evileye murmurs quietly,

"They are not humans."

Ulbert turns his head in her direction right away as she flinches away from his gaze. Ulbert's face twists in a smirk as he says,

"You are right, young lady. I and the rest of the lords are of a race that, in this world, are called 'players'. We have heard some legends of our kind that came before us to this world."

There is no more pretense from his side. Both he and Ainz agreed it was time to show the world their true nature. While everyone just stares at him, either scared or confused. Evileye, realizing that everything may fall apart because of her slipup, tries to explain,

"Same as the thirteen heroes or the Six Great Gods." She deliberately avoids comparing the man present with the Greed kings.

Ulbert just continues, as if nothing had happened.

"I'll get to the point right away. We will help you out, but there are two things we ask in return. First, the kingdom of Re-Estize will officially recognize the entire forest of Tob as territory of the Empire of Nazarick, in full writing of course."

Marquis Boullope speaks up, "You can't just demand that entire territory."

"We are not demanding. The forest is already in our full control. We only ask for official recognition. I bet adventurers can attest to the fact that no monster has left the forest for a while."

Before Marquis Boullope can protest again, Marquis Raeven asks, "And what is the second request?"

"We want the village of Carne and its surrounding lands as payment for our help. I think one small village is a fair price to ask."

"So, in short, you ask for recognition of your empire and a village of Carne for your help. And in return, you will rid of the demon that has caused this crisis?" Prince Zanac asks.

"Yes, and to show our goodwill, despite our previous treatment, one of us, Shalltear, will help with containing the problem right away," Ulbert says while motioning at the girl beside him.

Hearing her name, Brain steps behind Gazef. He already suspected it was her, but hearing the name was a bit too much for him.

Prince Zanac says,

"Please give us a moment," and steps aside with two nobles where they discuss the options in hushed tones.

Meanwhile, the guild master of the magician's guild uses the opportunity and asks,

"Lord Ulbert, if I may, what was the spell you used to arrive here? I have never seen something like it."

"It's called the 'gate'. It is the safest transportation spell that exists."

"May I ask what tier spell is it?"

"Let's just say no one present can use tier high enough to cast it," Ulbert responds with a barely contained smirk.

Before anyone manages to ask follow-up questions, the prince and two nobles return with Zanac saying,

"Lord Ulbert, it will take some time to draw up the documents and sign them. Meanwhile, we will accept the help you offer."

"Excellent. I will inform our leader that an agreement is made. Once everything is in order, we will eliminate the source and then help clean up the remaining demons."


The Blue Roses escorted the slender masked girl to current front lines. Gazef convinced Brain to accompany them, and his unease spread to the Blue Roses as well. They have heard of a man who could rival the head warrior. For him to be so afraid of a girl who had done nothing or even showed her abilities was unnerving.

Shalltear, on the other hand, was trying her hardest to appear pleasant to her current 'allies'. She followed the group with graceful movements, giving the impression of a noble young woman. She enjoyed the unease she caused, but at the same time desire to not disappoint supreme beings was far greater.

Her father had asked to let her take part in this mission to Lord Ulbert as a favor. Shalltear knows that failure is not an option if she ever wants to be in the good graces of supreme beings. Ever since her previous failure, she had spent great effort on growing up. The hardest part of that wasn't to admit that Lord Ainz choose Albedo over her but to face Albedo and congratulate her on being the future head wife of the man Shalltear loved.

Brain's twitchiness was becoming more noticeable with every passing moment, so Shalltear finally turned to him and asked,

"Is something a matter?"

Direct attention from the monster makes Brain freeze on the spot. She sounded just as pleasant back then, her voice as sweet melody soothes and terrifies his mind at the same time. Something in him forces out the desire to confront his fears and speak up.

"No lady, I just remembered our previous meeting."

'Man, that got away! No wonder I could sense my touch on him.' As she looks at Brain silently for a moment, Shalltear tries to figure out how to respond. How would supreme beings act in this situation? The man was most likely not a threat to her master's plans, and she couldn't just openly kill him. She had seen her masters twist scene in their favor and she had an idea how to do that.

"Oh, you mean when I was sent to clean up roads from lowlifes?"

Brain's expression changes that of a shame, Shalltear hid a smirk behind her mask. Now the Blue Roses got involved as well with Gagaran asking.

"You two know each other?"

Brain explains with a long sigh,

"I was part of a mercenary group that was nothing more than common bandits. I'm not proud of what I was or what I have done. One day she came and I, in my arrogance, thought that no one was my equal. When this lady stopped my ultimate attack with her fingernail, I realized the true scope of power."

Brain then bows to Shalltear and adds, "Thank you for letting me live back then."

Shalltear just tilts her head in small acknowledgment, not wanting to continue talking with Brain.

An unconfrontable silence sets again as the group moves towards their destination. Soon enough curiosity gets better of Lakyus and she asks Shalltear,

"Is there a reason for that mask? Does it have a special enchant or give power?"

Another question they did not prepare her for.

'I will not lose control. I will not lose control! It is just a question.' Again Shalltear deflects the question.

"Your friend is wearing one, too. Why such a question?"

"My mask helps me control my magic," Evileye says, not wanting to be put on the spot. It is a lie, but a convincing one. Her friends, of course, knew of her inhuman nature and logically didn't ask why she never takes off her mask.

Evileye could sense the smirk on Shalltear's face. Both of them had already sensed each other's vampiric nature.

Sudden sounds of battle interrupted any further questioning. The frontline was closer than before. Demons had gained few streets during the two hours the entire Blue Roses team was away.

Not a minute later, a brutal scene comes into view. Humans are losing the battle. Demon hounds tearing into the foremost soldiers. This part of the city had no adventurers joining the fight, and the ill-prepared soldiers served as a snack for rampaging demons.

Very few priests that remained in the Re-Estize are desperately trying to heal the wounded, but are already beyond the point of exhaustion.

The Blue Roses charge into action without hesitation with Lakyus shouting,

"Miss Shalltear, we are counting on you."

Shalltear casually walks up to the front line. Her shadow suddenly splits in four, making a cross. Shadow-like wolves, bats, and gigantic rats start pouring out of her shadow, tearing into the nearest demons. Demon onslaught is stopped in its tracks right away.

People just look with shock and disbelief at the slim girl in the white dress turning the tide of battle on her own. No one knew who she was, but her appearance together with the Blue Roses gave the start of rumors that the team had a new member.

With hundreds of Shalltear's beasts spreading out and battling demons, more and more soldiers could take a much-needed rest.

"Evileye, do you know what kind of magic she is using?" Lakyus asks, stopping in her tracks. By the elegant dress Shalltear is wearing, Lakyus expected for her to be some kind of caster, but the scene surprised even her, one of the most powerful adventurers in Re-Estize.

"No, I have seen nothing like this before. She summoned the entire army by herself." Evileye says with noticeable envy in her voice.

'That girl is vampire class way above me. How do they even control her?' Evileye thinks with growing fear inside. Her masters truly are gods. There was no doubt anymore. As loyal as Evileye was to the kingdom and humans, she was a pragmatist and survivor by nature. She easily comes to realize that she must never stand in their way and make sure her friends do the same, no matter what.

Within the first thirty minutes, the Blue Roses went from active combat to help the wounded and assisting in the evacuation. Shalltear on her own was pushing back demonic hordes, not requiring any assistance. Evileye served as a scout, flying above and observing the entire affected area. Demons were changing tactics. Instead of spreading out, a large group was gathering to amass an attack on Shalltear.

Evileye drops next to her, delivering the warning.

"Miss Shalltear, a large group of demons incoming within the next few minutes."


Her dismissive arrogance rubbed Evileye the wrong way, but she bit her tongue to not retort and just remained by her side to help if need be.

Soon enough, a large group of demons came into view. Evileye took a stance and prepared to cast crystal lance when Shalltear raises her hand and casts, "Light explosion," into incoming demons.

A brilliant flash of light detonates right in the middle of demons, incinerating the entire group. After a moment of silence, nearby soldiers loudly cheer at the display.

For Evileye, seeing a vampire using holy magic so casually is the last straw. She silently steps back and goes to assist the rest of her team, fully resigning herself from active combat for the day. Soon the masters of Shalltear will come and there was no doubt in her mind that they will destroy the archdemon with ease.


In a few hours situation in the capital shifted from hopeless to optimistic. More opportunistic nobles were already around the front line, playing the caring leaders for political gain. The Crown Prince Barbo being the main opportunist. Clad in enchanted gear he had recently purchased through his contacts in the Eight Fingers, the prince was inserting himself in the situation the most.

The Blue Roses was first to try to keep their distance from him. Mostly to not hit him in public for his unashamed boasting and almost moronic arrogance. Luckily he had enough sense to not go order Shalltear around but tried to give orders to the Blue Roses, who mostly just politely reminded him that the crown has no direct command over adventurers.

Not long after, the rest of the capital's nobility and royalty showed up, with the king leading the procession. The deal has been made and everyone wanted to see the Lords of Ooal Gown in person.

Once everyone had gathered in a small plaza near Shalltear's position, a black void appears. First come two stunningly attractive dark elves. Next comes what meany already recognizes as lord Ulbert and after him a man holding a golden staff. King dismounts and approaches the group with Gazef at his side. He stands before the man with the golden staff and speaks in a tired voice.

"Emperor Ainz, thank you for coming to our aid in this hour of need."

"King Ramposa III, we are happy to help the good people of Re-Estize," Ainz says in his usual regal tone.

With both leaders exchanging greetings, it was time to start the operation. All that remained was for the clown to take the stage and cause the scene. Princess Renner had sent a report that she had influenced her idiot brother to make a fool out of himself.

As on cue, Barbo got in the middle and loudly announced,

"I, the crown prince Barbo, will lead our guests to slay the monster attacking our very home."

Bukuma smirks and says while pointing towards the front line.

"Go on then, take a charge, we will follow!"

Suggestion stuns the arrogant prince as he, even with his new gear, clearly wasn't prepared to actually fight demons. Bukuma, however, had no intentions of letting him off the hook. It was all part of the plan.

"What are you waiting boy, every moment counts?"

"I… I am a prince, a tactical leader…"

Now Ulbert spoke up with a laugh.

"So you pup decided to just tag along and claim the glory with no work. To shame your family in such a way."

Words had the right effect. Many nobles were openly fuming, but this time they weren't facing commoners of their home but highest-ranking members of another country, so no one dared to speak up on the prince's behalf. Prince Barbo is beat red as he shouts,

"You dare insult me, I AM A CROWN PRINCE."

Ainz walks up to him and says with a calm voice.

"Crown prince Barbo, I would suggest to not talk with us in such a tone. A future ruler should know better than to cause an unnecessary scene. If you want to take charge, then do so properly. If not, please step aside and let us do what we came here to do."

Barbo is furious. Once again, these Lords of Ooal Gown made a fool out of him. But looking around, he sees that no one, even his allies, was stepping up to help him. There was a look of shame in his father's eyes.

Barbo turns around and walks off, defeated. Once out of view, he contacts his personal assassins and instructs them to kill the Lords of Ooal Gown once they have killed the demon. Even they should not be immune to ambush, especially after a hard battle.

Meanwhile, Ainz gives orders to his friends to clear the demons and make a corridor towards the mansion where the archdemon hides. Before they start, The Blue Roses approach them. Team bows politely to Ainz with Lakyus speaking on the teams' behalf.

"Emperor Ainz, I am Lakyus, leader of an adamantine ranked team, the Blue Roses. We witnessed the summoning of this archdemon and regretfully could do nothing to stop him. If we can help to stop this monster, we would like to aid you."

"We will gladly accept your help, but we can't ensure your safety during the battle."

"Thank you Emperor Ainz. We understand the risk."

With the Blue Roses tagging along, it was time for the show. Ainz and his team move towards the mansion, first reaching the Shalltear's position as she had held off the demon onslaught for a few hours with ease. Ainz puts a hand on Shalltear's shoulder and says,

"Excellent job. I knew we can count on you."

At that moment, all her mature and reserved demeanor melts away as she responds in a chipper voice, almost jumping on the spot.

"Thank you, Lord Ainz, I did my best."

Passing Shalltear Ainz team kills demons left and right with ease, making the impression they are out for a casual walk and not in what for everyone else would be a life or death situation. When Bukuma hits a large demon, making him splatter on the stone building, Gagaran can't help but comment,

"Even I would think twice before sparring with her." Bukuma overhears it, turns around, and winks at the Gagaran, making the giant woman fluster a bit.

With Ainz in lead, they reach the manor in no time. The Blue Roses can help but just walk behind them and observe the impossible feats.

"Be on guard!" Ainz says and enters the building. They find an archdemon in the basement, sitting on an improvised throne, as a large dark portal is visible behind him. His face shows barely contained anger. He stands up and says,

"So you are the ones stoping my armies. You will pay for that!"

He then casts hellfire and shoots it towards Ainz. Bukuma steps in front of him and blocks the attack with her shield. Dark Flames explode, sending a wave of intense heat. The Blue Roses flinch away as Ainz remains unmoving for a moment and then says,

"My turn," and cast 9th tier explosion on the demon, blowing one of his hands cleanly off. Demons let out a haul of pain and screams,

"Bastard. I will get my revenge," and hop into the dark void that closes behind him.

After silence settles, Evileye asks.

"Where did he go?"

"Back to hell, a place from where he was getting his armies. Don't worry miss, unless someone summons him again he can't return." Ulbert says while looking around. His subordinates had done a decent job and have not left a single piece of incriminating evidence behind.

"We should clean up the rest of the demons quickly to finish this," Ainz says while walking out.

The moment he steps outside, an arrow hits his forehead and bounces off. Without hesitation, he says.

"Peros, could you get one who shot the arrow."

Peros nods, shoots a single arrow, and then blinks towards this target. A few seconds later, he blinks back, holding by the neck a hooded man who has an arrow stuck in his shoulder. Ainz leans in and asks.

"Who sent you?"

Man doesn't respond. Ainz grabs his head and casts mind control and asks again. This time man answers with a strained voice.

"I work for prince Barbo."

About ten minutes later, with Ainz in the lead, the group returns to King Ramposa and nobles. Without a word, Peros drags out the man by the neck and lifts him up, saying,

"Now tell them what you said to us!"

"I work for prince Barbo and was sent to assassinate Lords of Ooal Gown."

Gasps and murmurs can be heard as the man is dropped to the ground. Before there is a response, Ainz says,

"I could take this as a declaration of war, but I will write it off as an act of a fool who should not rule. My patience, however, is not limitless and I will consider any additional action against us as a declaration of war."

With those words, Ainz opens the gate and walks through it, followed by the rest of Lords and Shalltear.


During the last few days, the little village of Carne faced the biggest changes since its founding. First came the news that they are not part of Re-Estize anymore but were under the newfound Empire of Nazarick's reign. Right away, rapid construction in the village started and in its center, a town hall was built within a day.

The building wasn't anything impressive by itself, but compared to the rest of the village, you might as well call it a castle.

Enri and her husband, Nfirea, stood in the conference room of the town hall. Lupusregina had informed them that Emperor Ainz will visit them soon. Recently, she was voted to be the new village chief, and thus it was her job to welcome the new rulers.

There were way too many changes in her life recently. Some bad, some wonderful.

Her parents were murdered. Enigmatic strangers saved her and her sister. Townsfolk deciding to push the mantle of leader on her, even if she was against it. Marriage to the man she loved.

It seems like it was just moments ago when Enri was a simple farmer's daughter with nothing exciting happening in her life. How peaceful that was. But she would not trade her current life to get it back. Her beloved Nfirea stands beside her, just as nervous as she is.

Finally, the wait ended, and a black void appears in front of them. Both of them were already used to seeing that, even so, Enri's grip on Nfirea's hand tightened in nervous anticipation. Three figures step through. Emperor Ainz, Lord Tabula, and a beautiful angel with metallic wings.

Enri and Nfirea drop on their knees right away as Lupus and instructed them. Ever since the incident where Lord Tabula got mad at her jokes, she had changed her attitude towards Enri and Nfirea, treating them more than coworkers, not toys.

"Chief Enri, Tabula's apprentice Nfirea, you may rise," Ainz says.

Both get up and stand with their heads lowered. Ainz continues speaking,

"It is time for you both to know our true nature and forms. Please don't be afraid."

Enri and Nfirea look up as beings in front of them transform. Mere moments later, a skeletal face of Ainz, with the dark burning flames in his eye sockets, gazes at them. Beside him, Tabula is now in his natural brain-eater form. Both expected to see fear in the faces of the young couple that in their old world would still be considered kids.

Nfirea just looks at his master with curiosity and wonder and there is strange serenity and almost relief on Enri's face. She understands why there was this unease each time she saw them. The memories of the moment she was first saved rushed back and with a strange cracking feeling showing the true faces of her saviors and how her memories were altered to erase the fear that, despite the effort, still lingered.

"Now I have a task for both of you. Talk with the rest of the village and explain to them what you just saw and reassure them they will not be harmed. Additionally, if anyone doesn't want to be under our rule, they may leave the village for Re-Estize kingdom." Ainz says.

Enri and Nfirea leave the room with polite bows. Ainz doesn't have to wait for long as about ten minutes later both return and inform that villagers have gathered, and no one wants to leave.

Once Ainz steps outside, the small crowd of people bow, lowering their heads. Many show fear and uncertainty All their lives they knew undead hated living, but now their ruler was one. None could deny that, what they considered monsters, treat them better than their previous rulers, who only took from them giving nothing back.

Ainz looks at the crowd and then speaks.

"Good people of Carne I, as your emperor, promise safety and prosperity to those who will follow our laws and will work hard for the glory of the Empire of Nazarick. Return to your duties and know I will watch over you."

Ainz then waves his hand, and in a black mist, a lich with fifty skeletons appears. There is a noticeable fear and panic on people's faces. Ainz just ignores it and says to the lich.

"You are under the direct command of chief Enri, unless it goes against the laws of the empire. Treat her word as mine." Ainz then takes out a small book and hands it to Enri, saying,

"Here are all the rules of empire. Come walk with me."

Enri takes the small book in her hands with care, as if given an artifact, and walks along Ainz. Once some distance away, Ain speaks up.

"I see the worry in your face Enri if there is a problem, tell me what it is so we can fix it."

"There is no problem, Emperor Ainz. But I'm just a simple village girl. I'm worried I'm not the right person for this responsibility."

"I have read all reports Lupusregina sends. You are an excellent leader who cares for her people. Don't doubt yourself. The lich I gave will help you with planning day-to-day tasks. And if there is a problem you can't solve, talk to Lupusregina. She will relay it directly to me."

"Thank you Emperor Ainz. I will do my best."


With the recent event in the kingdom of Re-Estize, the emperor of the Baharuth Empire Jircniv has called a council to discuss the empire's reaction to the event. Although Jircniv is half laying down on the sofa, his expression is anything but lax. Next to him on a comfy chair sits Fluder Paradyne, the imperial court wizard who has served the empire for six generations.

A man of immense magical power. As the only known human capable of casting sixth tier magic, he is also considered the empire's trump card and thus is treated with respect even by the emperor. He is slowly stroking his long white beard, lost in thought.

Opposite to him stands Loune Vermillion, the scribe and secretary of the emperor. A thin man with already greying hair. Next to him stands the spymaster with a stack of papers in his hands.

Finally, a blonde, blue-eyed man in dark plate armor sits on the sofa opposite to Jircniv. He is sitting in a rather relaxed pose but his sharp gaze gives the impression of him being ready to jump in a fight with moment's notice. Baziwood is the leader of four imperial knights. He rarely left the emperor's side.

Jircniv adresess Fluder first,

"Gramps, what's your take?"

"Fascinating. They use magic even I do not know of."

"Do you believe they are from this 'player' race?"

"There is no doubt about it, even the girl serving them reportedly used summoning magic unseen before."

Jircniv then addresses anyone in the room.

"Is there even the smallest chance we can win against them in open conflict?"

"If they use magic, even gramps don't know about, I surely would avoid fighting them," Baziwood says casually.

"Good point. For now, it may be better to ally with them." Jircniv says, sitting up, and then turns to Loune.

"Prepare an introductory letter with an offer to start a diplomatic relationship. We will send an envoy to the only know human settlement they own."

Next, Jircniv addresses the spymaster,

"How we go about gathering information in the newfound Empire of Nazarick?"

"Your majesty, direct spy network may be too risky at first. We should indirectly hire few teams of workers and use them as first scouts. Their semi-legal nature allows us to deny any involvement."

"But if they are traced back to us, it will damage chances of proper diplomacy. A risky move."

"May I suggest using our pawns from Re-Estize? They are already in a shaky relationship with Nazarick. We spread rumors that there are wast treasures hidden in the forest playing on their unreasonable greed."

"Make it happen, but leave nothing that can be traced back to us."

Fluder, even lost in thought, notices weird movement in shadow for the briefest of moments.

'Could they be watching us even with all the anti-spying wards?' He asks himself with unease. A healthy amount of paranoia is helpful, after all. Still, his tired mind didn't let him accept the possibility of always being watched.

Bonus Story - Errand boy.

'I had to open my big mouth and brag about being the fastest around'. Lakrut grumbled to himself. His master, Lord Peros, had made him into an errand boy of late. Not the worst job, but it gave the look into his master's private chambers and it was a hard trial to remain calm in presence of all the half-naked concubines living in Peros' chambers.

From the vampires and succubi walking around in underwear, to a slim naga girl who was always topless.

It would not be so bad if he himself wouldn't be single for so long. Few attempts to flirt with Narberal ended up rather badly, as she still disliked Lakrut, even as an elf. At least some homunculi maids were more friendly, but for now, none of them showed open interest.

His first stop was Laby Bukuma's quarters. Simple delivery of official, written request.

With a sigh, Lakrut knocks on the door. A maid opens it. Long hair, beautiful face, and flat as a board. With short horns on her head, clearly a succubus.

This is one of Bukuma's private maids, her rumored harem. Lakrut wasn't a judgemental man. If his master's sister was into women too, it wasn't his business.

Maids lead Lakrut deeper inside, where Bukuma lays in her underwear as one of the maids massages her feet and another stands with a tray of drinks and snacks beside her.

It was Lakrut's first time into another Lord's private chambers, and he did his best to not stare at her body. Bukuma looked at him with a small, sadistic smirk. She knew exactly what she was doing.

With a gulp, he takes out the letter and says,

"A request from Lord Peros."

Bukuma motions for the maid to take the letter. Maid besides Lakrut takes a letter out of his hands and brings it to Bukuma, saying in a masculine voice,

"Lady Bukuma."

The voice sounds weird and then it dawns on Lakrut that all the maids around the Lady Bukuma are males. He does his very best to keep a neutral face as a drop of sweat appears on his forehead.

Bukuma, meanwhile, opens the letter and reads it.

"A request from my brother to allow him to pick soldiers from armies for his units. Lakrut, tell him he can choose whatever he likes besides the officers."

Lakrut bows and with words, "Yes Lady Bukuma, I will report it to Lord Peros." quickly leaves her quarters.

Once outside, he takes a deep breath and walks back to his next destination.

'I need a woman and fast to keep my sanity in check.'

After a short walk, he knocks on another door.

"Come in," a melodic voice calls through the door.

Lakrut opens the door to the Overseer's office and bows right away. Despite her beauty, Lakrut was absolutely terrified to be anywhere near Albedo.

"Lady Albedo, I bring a report from Lord Peros."

Albedo extends her hand over the table to take the report without saying anything. Lakrut quickly hands the report and leaves her office without saying a word.

His last stop for a day is a small village on the sixth floor. Clementine is getting new weapons specially made for her. Interaction with her wasn't the most pleasant thing, but compared to Albedo, she felt harmless.

He hadn't been there before, but from what he heard, it was a village of former slaves rescued by Nazarick.

A walk through the forest was quiet and pleasant. To call it a village was an overstatement. Just five houses and small gardens around them.

Few young women worked in gardens and seeing Lakrut approaching froze on the spot.

Lakrut puts on his best smile and says,

"Don't mind me, pretty ladies, I'm just looking for Clementine."

One he guested was about twenty-five gives him a small smile and point towards the woods. He waves and bows to them as he walks away. Many of them were rather pretty, not Nazarick pretty, even so, the girl's smile had risen, Lakrut's pulse a bit. Maybe they would fancy and charming elf?

Clementine was sleeping on a thick tree branch like a lazy cat. Lakrut walks up to it and shouts,

"Clementine, the boss sends new weapons for you."

She opens one eye and jumps down from the tree with of expression of a kid who is just about to open her Christmas presents. Not wanting to be the first target dummy of Clementine's new toys, he quickly gives her the pack and leaves.

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