

Chapter LXIII: Preparations.

Last Time.

"Lex has you doing his dirty work? This guy's the reason I'm missing 8 years of my life, and my arm! Don't you get it? He didn't care if you rescued the Team! Or if you even lived! He was using you... As a distraction to lure Black Beetle away from the crystal key so one of his other pawns could steal it!"

"Mmm, Deathstroke's more of a bishop actually." Lex said before continuing. "But I'm not sure I understand the problem. You rescued the heroes and dealt a blow to the Reach. Isn't that exactly what I promised you?"

Tired of being used, Asami tosses the Father Box on the laptop, and blows both away with a chi blast.

"No more 'promises'." Virgil said as Asami put Naruto's headband around her neck, after putting on protective gear for skateboarding.

Fury saw this and smiled figuring her father got someone to train again.

Later, out in the wilderness, on a highway to the mountains illuminated by a starry sky, the five head out for parts unknown on skateboards, or sewer cover in Virgil's case.


The War World May 30, 10:36 UTC.

Black Beetle and Mongul continue to brawl, with Black Beetle starting to lose ground.

"I'm sorry your fellow prisoners and their saviors fled. I was looking forward to twenty-two against one!" Black Beetle said with a taunt.

"Your lust for needless battle alludes me!" Green Beetle said coming up through the floor.

Mongul kicked Black Beetle away before dashing towards Green who turned intangible to avoid a punch.

"Let us finish this!" Green Beetle said flying back to Black Beetle.

Both Beetles are able to outmaneuver Mongul and once again lock him inside a stasis cell.

"Mongul is neutralized." Green Beetle said looking at the cell.

"Forget Mongul. Only the key matters!"

With the conqueror locked up, Black Beetle turns his attention to the whereabouts of the crystal key. "The crystal key… is gone." Black said hovering in the room where the key was locked up.

"(Growl) Our priority must change to guarding the key chamber. So whoever stole the key, cannot use it to reactivate the War World."

"Agreed. But the Justice League already holds the chamber for that purpose." Green Beetle said looking down to where the Chamber is.

"And unfortunately, our Ambassador has no appetite for direct confrontation. We can only patrol the perimeter like mere security guards. It is galling."

"But as all Reach warriors..." Green Beetle trailed off having Black growl.

"We live to serve."

Blüdhaven May 30, 06:21 EDT.

The Bio-Ship reaches the makeshift headquarters, and the Team disperses after reaching the warehouse.

Kage turns on the TV showing Cat Grant reporting on the UN Secretary-General announcing his plan to award Blue Beetle with the international medal of valor for saving the Earth.

"We should probably speed up our plans." Naruto E. said walking down from the top as Wolf got on the couch.

"Yeah, I know. Let's give it a couple of days to look for the Warworld key." Naruto said as the Team left through the Zeta-Tunnel, or to the beds.

Gotham City June 1, 21:03 EDT.

Kage was busy fighting both Copperhead ad Tuppence Terror in the park after stopping them from robbing a local jewelry store.

"Come on Kage~! Maybe we could 'Tag Team'~" Copperhead sang in a sultry tone.

"A threesome?! Screw that! You already got to be with him!" Tuppence yelled as she held a fist at the snake themed villainess.

"Oh please, we could go at it all day and it wouldn't put a dent in Lover Boy's stamina. That one time, we went on until I couldn't take anymore and he wasn't even winded!"

"You do know I'm right here, right?" Naruto asked as he tried to turn the discussion away from his sex life.

"Yeah, yeah. Just wait until we work out who goes first!" Copperhead yelled back at the Ninja.

Ivy Town June 2, 23:00 EDT.

Ray Palmer was looking through a microscope before hearing his telephone go off. Looking back, he saw a corded phone before picking it up.


"Ray, Aquaman here. Listen, Kage has… actually come down with something." (1.)

"What? How?"

"We're fighting Chemo in Calais -!" (2.)

"Say no more!"

Ray put the phone down and looked to Karen. "Hang up the phone at the dial tone." Changing into his costume, Atom shrunk and went inside the phone line.

France, Calais June 3, 05:02 CEST.

The Atom came through the line and saw Kage laying against a post on a dock with a regular fox-sized Kurama.

"Why the hell haven't you fixed me?!"

"It's on a molecular level! Do you have any idea how hard it is to fix regular injuries?!" The Fox asked.

Only for Naruto to kick him into the water. All the while Chemo was fighting off boats from France's Navel Fleet.

"Say, 'aah'." Atom said as Naruto opened his mouth. Atom took a Q-Tip and placed it inside Naruto's mouth and pulled back. Revealing green goo as Kurama climbed back up.

"You're going to pay for that."

"You've been infected with a fast-replicating silicon virus. You need a medical doctor, I'm a physicist."

"Don't think I have the (Cough!) time to get to a doctor. I'll call for help with Chemo."

"The only thing to do is for me to go inside your body and destroy them at the source."

"I'll go along, too." Aquaman said before the Atom could speak, Naruto coughed.

"Take him. He has experience fighting in water, could be useful if you have to go into my blood."

The Atom shrunk himself, and Aquaman before both heroes descend into Kage's mouth and went into his lung.

"(Cough!) Guys, get ready to leave A.S.A.P.!"

Inside Naruto, the Atom and Aquaman walked inside Naruto's lung.

"Ah, the Lungs. Mother Nature is truly our greatest Architect." Atom said as Aquaman held onto what looked like a vine. "Look, Dendritic cells, Aviolie."

"How small are we?" Aquaman asked the physicist.

"About 15 microns. Just small enough to pass through Kage's cells without damaging him. And that's his cilia you're holding."

Outside, the Team was doing their best to keep Chemo from getting to a nuclear base just off the Coast as Killer Frost was helping Naruto by frosting his forehead. Pushing her breasts in his face.

"Do you have to do that? I'm sure having my heart race isn't good for the only virus that can infect me." Naruto said trying to ignore the bouncing breasts.

Inside, the Atom and Aquaman travel through the villi, looking for the silicon virus. They find one of the creatures infecting Naruto's body.

It's a grey worm.

(A/N: Look at Journey To The Center Of The Bat for a better picture.)

"I got it!" Aquaman yelled summoning a water sword.

"Aquaman, no!" Atom yelled as Aquaman splits it in half.

However, the split pieces grow into separate items.

The Atom produces an electro-shock gun and fires it at the viruses. He destroys them with several shots before Aquaman grabs him and they escape into a blood vessel.

"We should find the source of the virus!" Atom said where Aquaman telepathically summons a lymphocyte.

"How about that." Atom said as they rode the lymphocyte up towards Naruto's brain.

Outside, Chemo finally gets hold of a nuclear missile.

"Son of a-! Who's behind this?!" Naruto yelled out just as the Brain sends a message to him and the entire city and tells them to surrender.

Chemo swallow the missile as the Brain continued. "If the country of France doesn't surrender, Chemo will use his internal chemicals to eat through the missile and detonate it."

"Miss M! Can the Bio-Ship handle going inside Chemo? We should try to get the missile out!" Naruto asked Miss Martian who spoke on his Com-link.

"Yeah, but not for long!"

"Just dive in and grab the missile!"

Chemo marches ashore and assaults the city. Suddenly, the Bio-Ship, with a deactivated missile, came out of Chemo who fell apart.

"The Brain should be near, look for anything that's out of place!" Naruto yelled out to the others.

Inside Naruto's body, Aquaman and the Atom arrive at the brain and find the seed cell.

The viruses destroy the lymphocyte, angering the Atom.

"NO!" He launches himself at the viruses, sending them flying. He settles for punching out the creatures and Aquaman joins in. The Atom launches himself at the seed virus and slams his weapon into it, destroying it and its virus minions.

Outside, Naruto started to get better as he saw the Bio-Ship chase after the Brain who was in a submarine just as the Atom and Aquaman came out of him through his tear duct after telling him to cry.

Gotham City, June 4 20:45 EDT.

Talia, Jade, and Dinah, all in dresses stood a block away from a club called the Double Decker Club.

Talia and Jade in green dresses with Dinah in a red one with a slit on the left side

They're helping Naruto get Two-Face, who a few days ago stole an Egyptian cloak from the museum and Jade found out that he's going to auction off the cloak to the highest bidder in the club.

Suddenly, Naruto's red '11 Charger stopped by them before he opened the door, and walked out in his hero costume.

"Well, you all are certainly under dressed."

The women deadpan at him getting Naruto to raise his hands as a clone with black hair and brown eyes walked out of the passenger seat.

"My clone is disguised as my criminal alter ego, Menma."

"Okay. So what do we know of the cloak?" Talia asked getting Naruto's attention.

"The Cloak of Nefertiti is believed to have been a gift from the Egyptian cat goddess Bastet to Nefertiti, chief consort of Pharaoh Akhenaten in 12th century BC. It's rumored that the cloak gives each who wears it nine lives, like a cat."

"Which would explain why Jade is here." said Dinah, getting the cat themed former assassin to huff.

"I'll watch from the rafters as you three act as my clone's bodyguards." Naruto said disappearing into the shadows before jumping to the club's rooftops.

Inside, Two-Face begins the auction and shows off the Cloak.

Naruto crouched on a rafter in the middle of the room as the others walked in and sat down at the front of the room.

After getting a few bids, some mobsters double-cross Two-Face and prepare to take the Cloak before shooting at him.

Menma and the others attack as well to keep up appearances before several smoke and flash bang grenades went off.

Two-Face knocks out the head mobster and the smoke cleared to show Menma wearing the cloak in the back of the stage Two-Face was on.

"Uh, I'll pay you double what the others were paying you." He said to keep up the farce and got the workers to agree to work for him.

Gotham City June 11, 21:06 EDT.

Kage, Cheshire, Black Canary, and Talia stood on a rooftop.

Talia is wearing a green and black full body jumpsuit with matching gloves and boots, and a white belt.

It's been a week since Naruto's clone had to take the cloak and go on a crime spree to help bolster his alter criminal ego's reputation.

"He'll be at the Iceberg Lounge tonight." Naruto said looking at the club across the street.

Once his clone showed up and went inside, the group went to the back entrance, knocked out the guard, and went to the stage.

Suddenly, the lights came on as the curtains opened, showing the three women on stage.

"Oops!" Black Canary said looking at the room full of criminals.

"Any ideas?" Talia asked the others.

"(Sigh) Just one, hit it!" Cheshire said getting the band to start playing an upbeat tune.

Up above in the cat walks, Naruto blinked as the trio started to sing.

Good evening all you gentlemen, mobsters, creeps and crooks,

Cheshire started to sing before a spotlight came up on Talia who continued.

Men in tights come after you, and still you're off the hook,

A final spotlight came on Black Canary.

For those who scare and terrorize, it's the dawn of a brand new day;

The trio got close to each other to sing together.

You scum can just simply call us, the one and only Birds of Prey!

Cheshire then brought up her fist as the others sang back up

Green Lantern has his special ring! (Pretty strong that little thing!)

Black Canary then got in front of the group as the others sang back up for her.

Blue Beetle 's deeds are really swell! (But who will bring him out of his shell?)

Cheshire then got back in front.

Flash's foes, they finish last! (Too bad sometimes he's just too fast!)

Then the group started walking to the front of the stage.

While all the boys can always save the day,

No one does it better than the Birds of Prey! (The one and only Birds of Prey!)

While all the boys can always save the day,

No one does it better, no one does it better than the Birds of Prey!

Cheshire then started to sing as she walked in front of the group.

Green Arrow has heroic traits, that is when he's shooting straight!

Black Canary then brought her arms up to flex them.

Aquaman's always courageous, his little fish, less outrageous!

Then all three started to sing together again.

Plastic Man can expand, becomes putty in our hands!

While all the boys can keep you punks at bay,

No one does it better than the Birds of Prey (The one and only Birds of Prey)

While all the boys can always save the day,

No one does it better, no one does it better than the Birds of Prey!

The three then walked to the clone's table to continue singing with Cheshire leaning down to start.

Check out Kage's weapons, too many to count, always sneaking out…

Black Canary got on the other side.

His skills make all women shiver in delight what a sight to see, even in the darkest times he is the light...

Talia then got in front of the table.

He's always right there for the save, I'd never met someone that brave...

While Kage does things in his special way,

He'd do it better with the Birds of Prey! (The one and only Birds of Prey!)

They then walked back to the stage.

While Kage always seems to save the day,

No one does it better, no one does it better than the Birds of Prey!

Birds of Prey...

They finished the song while striking a pose.

Up above, Naruto grinned as he put away a small digital video camera. "That's defiantly going on YouTube. I can see it getting really popular." He said with a grin as Clones dropped down and surrounded the various criminals 10-1.

Metropolis June 13, 20:28 EDT. (3.)

A massive toy robot, is cutting a swath of destruction through Metropolis. The robot stops at the First Bank of Metropolis and raised its fist to break in it. Suddenly, Blue Beetle intercepts him and makes short work of the robot. After Blue Beetle is approached by Cat Grant for an ambush interview.

Blue was then joined by Green Beetle who credited the save to the Justice League instead of the Reach, breaking their 'character' of working for the Reach.

Suddenly, Kage and his daughters walked up to the two insect-themed heroes after the crowd dispersed.

Before anything could be said, the twins walk up to the Beetles and punch them both right in the gut, causing them to drop to their knees, coughing.

"What was that about?!" Blue asked holding his stomach as did Green Beetle.

"You jackasses put Conner in deliberate peril!" Fury yelled out.

"I wonder (cough!) (cough!) if all Earth females are this devoted to their mates?" Green coughed out.

"Just the Uzumaki's, or was that something to do with temper? I always get those mixed up." Naruto said standing behind his daughter's.

Blüdhaven June 14, 00:03 EDT.

Kage watched a report of Blue and Green about them helping the Justice League instead of the Reach, as Miss Martian and Lagoon Boy arrive. As M'gann went to pick up the Atlantian from Atlantis after he was cleared to leave their care for his broken leg.

As the Team who was staying got ready for bed to the beds upstairs and down, Naruto felt arms wrap around him as he felt something soft rapidly growing on his back.

Looking at the green hands, He smiled before turning to see Miss Martian grew her chest to a DD-Cup.

"I really love your shape shifting ability."

"Where's Kurama? I haven't seen him around for awhile." She asked as Naruto wrapped his arms around her.

"Lying at the house having Lian and Quentin pull on his tails."

Bialya June 14, 20:16 UTC+2.

At the temple, Queen Bee is talking with Devastation, Mammoth and Shimmer.

"We had expected them to come here and free Blue and Green Beetle. I guess they had another way to do so. No matter. Now, the Light's plan for the Reach, the League, and the Team… May proceed on schedule."

Washington D.C. June 15, 21:03 EDT.

Fury and the Outlaws looked at a computer monitor.

"Is it ready?" Oni asked as Fury nodded.

"Yep. Now all we gotta do is get it on board." She replied as they left. Once they were out of the room, the computer blinked as the monitor showed schematics for a bomb beside blueprints of the War World.

To Be Continued.

Chapitre suivant