

Chapter XXXVII: Apex.

Last Time.

Naruto rolled his eyes at that before Batman dropped down and their earpieces went off with the Joker on the other end. "That's no way to treat a reporter lady, Kage." Naruto turned around as a clone took Vicki.

"What the hell do you want?" He asked before Joker replied after a moment.

"Now see what you've done? You've scared her off. And after she's had a terrible accident."

"That you caused, asshole," Naruto replied with a growl as Joker was taken aback by that.

"How dare you! I've never been so... Oh, what the hell? Yes, OK, it was me. I just needed a little time to guarantee that Harley got back to me with my delicious cure and, if you're a good boy, I might save some for Batsy. It's unlikely, I know, but I'm really your last hope right now, aren't I?"

Naruto sighed as the link ended before glancing at Batman. "Let's go." He said jumping up to the roof as Batman shot his grappling gun up after him.

After jumping over several blocks, Joker came back on their earpieces. "Hey Bats. Are you OK? I'm sorry I had Harley steal your cure. You were so busy with Freeze that she didn't have time to ask. But don't worry. As soon as that little minx is back here and I've had my share, I'll save some for you. You'll have to work for it but it will be here waiting for you. You probably won't believe this… But I really don't think I can sit back and watch you die."

"It's selfish really. But we need each other. Life would be so boring without you. Who would I talk to? Who would really understand me?" Naruto sighed at that before they continued.


Gotham, Joker's Funland; January 19, 03:00 EST.

Kage dropped by the platform beside the chimney as Batman landed beside him. "Well, the furnace is generating too much heat. We'll need to find another way in." Naruto said before putting a hand to his ear. "Miss Martian, can you find another route into the Steel Mill?" He asked Miss Martian.

"Let's see. I'm assuming you want the most dangerous route possible?"

Naruto smiled at that. "You know me all too well."

After a moment, Miss Martian spoke up. "Well, you're in luck. The only way in is via the heat exchange to the South of the building. I'll mark it on your map."

Naruto and Batman ran to the other side of the building and saw two snipers with several guards guarding a door. Naruto created several clones before he jumped behind one sniper. He applied a sleeper hold on him before slamming the man's head on the railing as the clones and Batman knocked out the other guards at once. Naruto dropped by the door just as Joker came up on the loudspeakers.

"Do I have to do everything myself around here? All I asked was that you stopped the stupid heroes! I managed to get a syringe of my blood in Batman's neck and I'm half-dead! What's your excuse?!" Joker finished as they walked inside and saw they were in a large cooling tunnel with flowing water.

Naruto saw three guards in front of them by the railing before Batman threw a freeze grenade at one. Naruto and Batman jumped over and knocked the other two out before punching the man that was frozen from the chest down. The ice broke before the man flew to the wall and was knocked out.

"We can use the grenades to make a makeshift raft on the water," Batman said as he threw a grenade in the moving water and created a large raft out of ice.

Jumping on, they floated to a large metal door before crouching to get past it to see another platform to jump up on. "Just got word from Barbara's dad, he's been summoned to City Hall. Strange is requesting that Emergency Protocol Ten be activated." Miss Martian said over the earpiece before Batman spoke up dropping down to the water on the other side.

"Does Gordon know what Protocol Ten is?"

After a moment, she replied. "Just that it's the worst case security measure Strange told the High Council he had failed to stem the use of illegal weapons within the prison."

"Weapons he provided. This was his plan all along." Naruto replied as they came up to a platform that was closed on the other side.

They jumped up and saw a vent leading to the left where a small group of men was standing in a room on the other side of the water. "It certainly looks that way. He made it sound like the inmates were planning an escape and attack Gotham. I'll keep you posted." She finished as they crawled through the vent and saw a large window as they walked out.

Naruto jumped across the water and shot an arrow that broke the window before kicking one man down and hit his head. Batman glided through the window and kicked another man down before blocking a punch from an armored man. Naruto quickly punched him several times breaking the armor and uppercuts the man in the air. Batman jumped up and piledrove him to the floor as Naruto shot three Taser arrows hitting the last three men.

Suddenly a large TV. turned on showing a healed Joker. "Good Evening troops. This is General J with a quick update on what's going down here in Arkham City. As you can see, I'm looking much better. In fact... I think I'm looking better than ever." Joker brought up a mirror and looked at himself. "I can hear you now: 'How did this happen'? 'Can I get me some of that crazy cure'? 'I want answers damn it! Now'! Well, here's the thing: Answers don't give you everlasting satisfaction."

"Sometimes you need to brace yourself for disappointment. Think about it. Imagine your favorite TV. show. You've been through it all. The ups the downs the crazy coincidences and then: Bang! They tell you what it's all about. Would you be happy? Does it make sense? How come it all ended in a church?" Naruto sighed as the camera zoomed in on the Joker. "You guys just need to know one thing; I'm back. Back for good. Now arm yourselves, boys. We've got a prison break to plan."

"No hostages. No surrender. Oh, I know it sounds like suicide, but listen. Whatever happens. I'll be right behind you." The TV. shut off as they made their way out of a door.

They saw a Two-Face thug hung up above a molten metal kettle as two Joker thugs looked at him. Naruto sighed before jumping over and knocked the two thugs' heads together, knocking them out. Batman walked to a weak wall and applied explosive gel to it as Naruto let the Two-Face man down. Only to knock him out as he tried to punch Naruto. "That's gratitude for you," Naruto said before seeing another tunnel.

They dropped on two ice rafts before sailing down the tunnel. Dodging several mixer drills on the way. After passing a door, Naruto shot an arrow as they passed a hallway that was against the current. The arrow left a rope that started to reel Naruto and Batman who used his grapple gun to hold onto Naruto's raft in place before Miss Martian spoke.

"I've hacked into the Council CCTV. The council members are coming back. They don't look happy." Naruto saw the highway was broken before jumping to the other end as Batman used his line launcher to go over the current. "They're telling Strange that they are disappointed in him, that they never believed Protocol Ten would need to be activated."

Naruto nodded before speaking. "But they gave him permission, didn't they?"

After a moment Strange spoke up on the loudspeakers as they walked through the wall, plugging up busted steam pipes along the way. "Good evening. Protocol Ten will commence in 30 minutes. You all have your orders for the situation: Follow them."

Miss Martian sighed over the earpiece before speaking. "Do you still need an answer? Naruto, I don't like this. Be careful." Naruto nodded as they came to the water again.

"I always am."

They saw a door several feet ahead of them before Naruto jumped down and saw a breaker box on the other side of a fence beside him. Naruto shot an arrow, which exploded the box having the door drop down. Both he, and Batman dropped down on ice rafts and sailed down before coming to a hallway at the top of the ceiling. Naruto saw a bridge over the gap behind them before Batman saw a console by the opening.

Batman used the Cryptographic Sequencer to hack it, having the bridge fall and a door behind them open. They walked up to where they saw a mine cart on a track before walking to their right to a door. And saw a pipe heading for their heads.


Naruto grabbed the pipe and saw the doctor they rescued from Harley earlier in the night. "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry!" Naruto waved her off before creating a clone to take her back to the church. "They put things on the floor!" She said as The Duo walked in the door and saw the melting chamber with a group of armed men.

Jumping up on a gargoyle, Naruto saw one man covered in mines before seeing Batman dive down and knock one man out. Naruto saw two men guard the door on the other side before shooting two arrows that let out knock-out gas. Naruto saw one man walk underneath him before dropping down and brought him back up. Naruto let him hang upside down as he jumped to another gargoyle and then jumped to the last three men and took them out in quick subsections.

"Protocol Ten will begin in 20 minutes."

They heard as Batman used the R.E.C. Gun on the door letting them out. "Hold it," Batman said as a red laser went around the room.

"I got him," Naruto said, seeing a sniper in the other room before shooting an arrow behind the man.

Naruto flashed behind him before knocking the rifle down and chopped the back of the man's neck. Batman walked in before grappling up to an elevator shaft. Naruto followed and saw a tied-up Harley with duct tape over her mouth before Batman pulled it off.

"Well, look who it is. What do you want? Come to stick the knife in some more? Well, go on then. I don't care. I ain't tellin' you nothin'!"

Naruto rolled his eyes before taking out a knife and cut her out. "Nothing like that, Harley. Just get out of here before Protocol Ten starts." She didn't move causing Naruto to sigh before creating a clone that pulled her over his shoulder and flashed out of the room.

They made their way through the elevator shaft before coming to the room where they found the Doctor with three men by the door with 2 snipers in Joker's room. "I got the snipers," Batman said grappling up to the ledge and pulled them down as Naruto dropped into the group.

He kicked one man across the room before knocking the two heads together knocking them out. Naruto jumped up into the room and saw arrows leading to another door. Opening it, they saw a large room with the Joker one floor above them applying makeup as he looked at a mirror. Naruto looked and saw that in the mirror, Joker still looked sick. "Where is it?" Batman asked as Joker fixed his tie.

"Manners cost nothing, Batman. A please wouldn't go amiss... I mean, if you wanted to be cured so easily..." Joker said before he turned around showing his healthy face. "All you have to do is ask." Joker laughed before jumping down to them. "It looks like I have to teach you some respect." Batman ran over and punched Joker down.

"There's nothing you can teach me, Joker." Joker brought his hands up and pleaded.

"No, please! I give up!"

Naruto felt the room shake a little before a large group of men dropped down with Mr. Hammer and a Kobra Venom-infused man. "Shit." Naruto quickly went through hand signs before electricity covered the floor.

Joker quickly went up to the second floor as the men minus the Kobra Venom one fell unconscious from electricity Naruto hit him with a large Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere) having the man go through the wall. "Odama Rasengan! (Big Ball Spiraling Sphere!)"

Joker chuckled before hearing something. "What are you waiting for?"

Suddenly the ceiling caved in on the heroes before Joker walked over with a switchblade. "Any last requests?" He asked looking down at the bruised faces of the duo. "How about a joke?" Joker asked putting his blade to Batman's mouth.

Only to stop as a female spoke up. "How about a trade?"

"Talia? No!"

Naruto said coughing up blood as his ribs healed. "Stop moving, Kit! I can't heal anything like that!" Kurama said through their link as Talia with Ra's sword walked over.

"Let them go... Take me in their place."

Joker looked at Talia for a second before speaking. "I'll handle the jokes around here."

"I represent Ra's al Ghul. Head of the Demon, and master of the League of Assassins." Joker rolled his eyes at that.

"Well, bully for you." Talia stared at him for a moment.

"Free them and I offer you the secret of immortality."

Naruto groaned before speaking. "Talia, no! He'll be too power-OOF!" Naruto stopped as Joker stepped on his ribs.

"You mean she's telling the truth?"

Talia handed the sword to Joker before looking down. "Sorry, Batman. Na-Beloved... We offered you both this chance, but you both have turned it down. Now follow your heart." She placed her hand over her bust having Naruto see a blinking chip on her jacket. More debris fell, having Naruto groaned as Batman blacked out.

"I hope Jade is doing better than I am." He said looking at the night sky from the hole in the ceiling.

Earlier Hotel; Cheshire And Catwoman, Arkham City January 19, 02:45 EST. (1.)

Cheshire sneezed awake as she saw that she was still wrapped up in Ivy's vines. 'I'm so glad Naruto's not here to see this... I don't want to give him any ideas.' She thought before Catwoman spoke up.

"Are we done yet, Ivy? I told you, that thing with the flowers wasn't my fault. You know it. Cheshire knows it. I know it."

"You should have watered them! You said you would water them. Now there's only one left and Strange has it locked up in his vault." Ivy said glaring at Catwoman before turning to her flower throne.

"Well, in that case, I think we can strike a deal. I need a way into his vault and I think you're just the girl to help, if you get me in there, I'll get your plant. Deal?"

Ivy was silent for a moment before turning to face them. "I should kill you." After a moment, Ivy dropped them. "FINE!" The duo got up and dusted their shoulders off as Cheshire looked at the rips in her costume from the thorns.

"No kiss? I'm kind of disappointed." Catwoman said before turning to the exit.



Later, Cheshire dropped down on a roof above a guarded manhole cover beside the vault as roots and vines came out of the asphalt. "TYGER command. We're in sector 2. We were attacked. The vault is compromised. We believe the attacker was Poison Ivy. Over." One of the three guards said before Cheshire heard the person over her earpiece from hacking them earlier in the day.

"Roger that TYGER 87. Hold your position and await orders. Over."

Both Cheshire and Catwoman dropped down on a guard before attacking the third together with a clothesline and sweep kick knocking him out. "Let's get this over with," Cheshire said as they dropped down and saw the vines in the tunnels breaking them and made them larger.

They ran into a room with a door before Catwoman spoke up. "Thank you, Red."

They opened the door and saw a large computer with several monitors showing 5 TYGER guards in the next room guarding the vault. "We'll need three keys to unlock the door. I'll get them... It'll be safer if only one of us goes in." Cheshire said before seeing a vent in the floor and crawled through it.

"Ugh... Now I know what Naruto was talking about with having to go through the Asylum's vents during the breakout Joker planned." Catwoman watched the monitors as Cheshire skillfully picked and pocketed three guards before she came back into the room. "Here." She said before they placed the cards into the keyboard having the door slide open.

Both Catwoman and Cheshire jumped up on the grated ceiling and crawled through a broken window into the room before each going above a lone guard. They each dropped down and applied a sleeper hold on their respected guard knocking them out. Catwoman knocked out another as two guards stayed at the door before a man spoke up on the loudspeakers.

"This is TYGER 54. We have confirmation that the targets are in the Steel Mill. I repeat: Batman and Kage are in the Steel Mill." After a moment, Strange spoke up.

"Good. Make them our first targets. Protocol Ten will wipe them and the Joker from this Earth. Now, let Protocol Ten commence."

They knocked out the last two guards as the building shook before walking into the vault as Cheshire dropped caltrops by the door. "I've got the plant, Selina." She said walking to a plant on a table as Catwoman walked towards two black suitcases.

Cheshire, picking up the plant noticed a golden glow from the corner of her eye before hearing men yell out in pain. Turning around, she saw a group of TYGER guards holding their now bloodied feet and had caltrops in their backs. "Always good to have a backup plan," Catwoman said as they walked out of the vault.

"All units. We have confirmation. The steel Mill is hit. Batman and Kage are down. I repeat, Batman and Kage are down."

They saw a monitor showing both Batman and Kage under debris before Catwoman sighed. "Damn it!" They ran back to the sewers before Catwoman dropped the suitcases as Cheshire put the plant on a vine that retreated into the ground. "You two better not die on us," She said as they made their way above ground.

Steel Mill, Arkham City; January 19, 03:45 EST.

Naruto groaned as Cheshire and Catwoman helped them out of the rubble. Naruto stood up and stared at Cheshire as Batman talked to Catwoman. "Well? When were you going to tell me Ra's was here? And that he and the Light had a hand in building this City?" Cheshire looked down at that. "Jade."

"I didn't know about building this prison! I just knew Ra's was planning to build a hideout here in Gotham and try to convince you or Batman to take over for him."

Naruto crossed his arms before speaking. "And did you know Talia's pregnant with our child?" By the shocked look in her eyes, Naruto guessed she didn't know about that.


Naruto raised his hand silencing her before speaking. "We'll talk about it later... Now go and get out of here with Selina."

She hesitated before following after as Naruto and Batman jumped up on the roof from a hole in the ceiling. Naruto's eyes widened at the multiple helicopters firing missiles inside the prison. "Miss Martian, Strange is launching missile strikes inside the prison from Wonder Tower! Shut this place down!"

After a moment, she replied. "I've kept more helicopters from coming with the League's help, but more are on the way!" Naruto looked to see more helicopters from outside the City.

"Leave Aquagirl and Tempest behind to keep an eye on Talia. Joker's with her thinking he'll get the Lazarus Pit. Have them keep a Zeta-Tube ready in case we can't get to them in time. As for the rest of the Team... Tell them to suit up!"

To Be Continued.

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