

Chapter 14- caging a rat

Magnus had to really struggle hard not to grin. Finally, he could go after the rat now that everything had come together, and he had found a way to expose Pettigrew's location. Almost as soon as Andromeda had put the mirror back in her desk drawer Magnus was ready to go.

"Hold on a moment Magnus, I need to send a message to Professor McGonagall about this, as it involves one of her house" Andromeda told him before drawing her wand and with a wave of it and a muttering of "Nuntius Patronum" the next second the luminescent form of her patronus burst forth from the tip of her wand.

Magnus could not help but gape in shock as he saw a patronus incantation being used for the first time, it really was completely different from seeing them in the movies, though he was curious as to why the incantation was different.

Andromeda patronus took the form of a large female cat, a cheetah specifically, lean and fierce looking its eyes glowing brightly as it looked at him for a moment as it came to a stop before looking to Andromeda.

"Professor McGonagall, new information has just come to light about a possible serious threat towards and involving members of Gryffindor house, please meet us outside the entrance to the entrance of first year Gryffindor common room as soon as you can" Andromeda stated quickly before waving her wand and the patronus bounded into the air and took off, disappearing through one of the walls.

Magnus found himself realizing just then what he had witnessed, a messenger patronus, he had only seen it used once in the last movies when Kingsley has send a message to the Weasley wedding to warm about the fall of the ministry. He didn't know that Andromeda knew how to use it.

Seeing the look in Magnus eye Andromeda gave a small smirk thinking that he was in awe of her patronus, "I'll teach you that spell over the summer of you want, I learned it towards the end of the last war" she told him as she put her wand away and came around her desk heading towards the door, "right now we have pressing matters to attend to."

Coming out of his thoughts Magnus heard her and nodded quickly following his Aunt out of the room and towards the first year Gryffindor dorms.

As they neared the portrait of the fat lady they saw Professor McGonagall standing outside of it with a hard look on her face, her wand already drawn and at the ready. Clearly, she had received Andromeda's message and had not been impressed.

"What is this about a threat to my students?" McGonagall asked, her tone sharp as her Scottish accent made an appearance, showing her emotions.

When Andromeda's patronus messengers had arrived she had been in her office at the time marking assignments, and seeing a messenger patronus suddenly appear before her had startled her and brought back memories from the last war when such means of communication had been used within the order of the Phoenix. Such messages had often not bore good news and seeing one again after so many years had left her rather shaken though she would not dare to show it.

"Professor, the threat may not be imminent but the danger it possess is very high, please open the common room we need to go inside" Andromeda stated as they reached her, her tone serious as she drew her wand as well.

McGonagall nodded hearing her tone, her gaze flickered for Magnus for a moment but said nothing about him before she turned to the portrait and spoke, "Caput Draconis"

The fat lady gave a bow and the portrait swung open as the three of them quickly entered their presence quickly catching the attention of the Gryffindors who were inside.

"Where is Ronald Weasley?" Andromeda spoke up seeing they already had everyone's attention.

Percy who was there doing his duties as a prefect blinked when he heard them ask for his youngest brother and stood up from his chair, "what is this about?" He asked his instincts telling him that his little brother was in trouble.

"Answer the question Percy," McGonagall spoke time him, she was not yet sure what the youngest Weasley had to do with the threat but she knew Andromeda wouldn't have asked for him if there wasn't a connection.

Percy frowned but nodded to his head of house, "he's upstairs in the dorms last I checked, what is all this about?" He asked still concerned for his younger brother.

"Go and get him please, and anyone else in the room, bring them all down here" Andromeda told him.

"And if Ronald has a cage for Scabbers tell him to put the rat in it and bring it down as well" Magnus spoke up his tone hard.

Percy looked confused at both of their requests but a nod from McGonagall had him going up to the dorms to see to their requests after a few seconds of hesitation.

Once he was up the stairs McGonagall turned to both Andromeda and Magnus, "will one of you kindly tell me what this is about, and why did mister Black ask for mister Weasley to bring down his pet in its cage"

"We don't want to take any chances" Magnus stated as he kept his eyes on the stairs waiting anxiously.

McGonagall didn't look happy at his lack of explanation and was about to say so when Andromeda cut her off, "you will see shortly Minerva, please just humor us, I promise this will all make sense shortly"

McGonagall frowned but nodded, had it been any other former Slytherin student that she had taught she may have not, but Andromeda has shown her true colours back during the last war, she may have been a Slytherin but there was no doubt in her mind that Andromeda would have made a fine Gryffindor with the bravery she had displayed during the war. Though she hadn't signed up with the order she had more than once fought off death eaters when they attacked while others merely fled. She was a strong witch and a good parent, both of which counted for something in McGonagall's eyes.

It was the next few minutes that Percy came back down, followed by Shamus Finnigan, Harry, Neville and finally Ron came last taking up the rear holding a small cage in his arms with Scabbers inside.

The second Magnus saw the rat his eyes turned red and he flicked his wrist launching his wand into his hand from his wrist holster as he quickly took aim and shouted, "stupefy!" And launched an overpowered stunner towards the rat.

The force of the overpowered stunner went through the cage and hit the rat knocking it out immediately, while the force of the spell continued and knocked Ron off his feet and onto his backside.

Almost immediately after that all eyes turned to him in shock of what he had done, Andromeda was the only one who didn't turn to him.

"Mister Black, what is the meaning of this" Professor McGonagall demanded completely incensed seeing him attack another student unprovoked even if it was just a stunning spell.

"As I said before Professor, I'm not taking any chances" Magnus replied as he stepped towards Ron, who was groaning in pain and dazed from the impact, his wand still at the ready as he plucked the cage from Ron's arms and turned to Andromeda, "Andy?"

Andromeda nodded and aimed her wand at the cage and the rat inside before she spoke, "Revelare Animagus"

The spell shot from her wand and into the cage where Scabbers began to glow a bright blue, indicating that he was indeed as they had suspected.

Recognizing the spell Andromeda had used, McGonagall began to put together what they suspected and seeing Scabbers glow blue in confirmation she let out a gasp in shock, "sweet Merlin," she said with her eyes wide, "just who is that!"

Seeing the positive result Andromeda stepped forward and took the cage from Magnus, she saw his eyes were red and could tell he was barely holding himself together as it was, 'it's always harder on the younger ones' she thought as she remembered her younger years and how she had fought to keep from lashing out when the family magics felt slighted.

"someone who has a lot of explaining to do" she said looking at the unconscious rat for a moment before looking to McGonagall, "Professor, Aurors should be arriving at Hogwarts shortly, if I recall protocol is for them to enter by the Headmasters floo, could you go and meet them and lead them to the great hall so we can all get to the bottom of this"

Hearing that aurors were already on their way McGonagall nodded and quickly guided them out of the common room before she began to make her way to the headmaster's office.

Harry and Neville followed out a few seconds after she had gone, "Magnus what's going on" Harry asked in a hurry not understanding anything that was happening.

"Who is that" Neville asked pointing to Scabbers, "that spell it was..." he began to say only for Magnus to cut him off.

"Harry, Neville," Magnus said sharply in a harsh tone as he turned to them but stopped when he saw them flinch away from him, he sighed before closing his eyes to calm himself and took a few deep breaths to control his anger and reinforce his mental walls. When he opened his eyes again they were back to his usual grey, "I want to explain this to both of you, I really do but right now my aunt and I need to go and meet with the aurors who are on their way, trust me when I this is a good thing, and that I will explain everything about this as soon as I can"

Hearing him promise and understanding that he was in a hurry both boys nodded and let him and Andromeda walk off heading to the grand hall as planned.

Scene break

While all of this had been going on Dumbledore was sitting in his office pondering over recent matters. His efforts to handle the newest piece that had found its way into the board had, all as of late, been unsuccessful to say the least.

Magnus Black, was truly turning out to be more of a troublesome problem than he had first thought. First were his attempts to gain control of the Blacks wealth by controlling the boy, that had failed even before it could get off the ground, when it was revealed he already had a guardian in Andromeda. Next had been the honour duel with Malfoy and his refusal to bow to his demands to end the duel.

If he didn't know better he would have suspected the boy was acting against him, but immediately put that thought out of his mind, he was but a boy and until recently had not known of the magical world so that could not possibly be the case. Despite Magnus considerable magical talents that had been displayed so far everything could be explained by his heritage.

At first Albus had also been concerned that it would be that very heritage which might drive him down a darker path, and even lead him to join Voldemort when he would return.

But upon viewing Severus's memories of the duel and the before, he was relieved to hear how Magnus had spoken about Voldemort, though his language was far more crude than he would have used himself, it made it perfectly clear that Magnus had no current intentions to follow Voldemort ever. And Albus suspected that he might even blame him for the fall of house Black into its current state. No, it was clear that Magnus was no fan of Voldemort and would more than likely stand against him should he return.

That at least was something he could work with for the time being. Magnus was a smart boy from what he had seen of him, and despite being sorted into Ravenclaw, and his questionable friendships with the Heiresses from houses Greengrass and Davis, showed to have a solid sense of right and wrong evident by his apology to the young Longbottom heir for his aunts actions in the last days of the war. That and his apology to young Harry for his belief in Sirius's part in his parents murder also made him draw the same conclusions.

If things continued along this path Albus believed that he would eventually return house Black to its former prestige. For now Albus decided it would be better to try and convince him that they were on the same side, it would be better that way rather than having to divide his attention between bringing him into the fold and his plans for young Harry.

If he could get Magnus to trust him, regardless of Andromeda's mistrust in him, he would be able to sway the young heir Black when it mattered and wouldn't have to be concerned that he might disrupt his plans.

However, as he was thinking just how to do so his fireplace filled with green flames and his old friend Moody stepped through into his office.

"Ah Alistair, may I ask what is the reason for your…" Albus began to ask but stopped when another two figures came out of the fireplace after him, Kingsley Shacklebolt and, much to his surprise, Madam Amelia Bones.

Seeing the director of the DMLE floo into his office personally made Albus stand up from behind his desk frowning when he saw them all come through uninvited, "Madam Bones! May I inquire as to why you have seen fit to floo into my office and Hogwarts uninvited and without my leave to do so as headmaster"

Albus was shocked at her actions, she normally showed more respect of his position especially in regards to his rights as Headmaster of Hogwarts, this was very out of character for her to just barge into his office like this and with no less than two senior aurors with her.

Amelia set her sight on Dumbledore as soon as she heard him, "I apologize for the rushed entry headmaster Dumbledore, but we have only just received an confidential missive from a reliable source here in the castle requesting for an auror presence to attend to a very serious matter of the utmost importance in the castle," she explained.

Albus found himself at a loss for a moment, someone from inside Hogwarts had contacted her and requested an auror presence here at the school. He found himself irritated that someone would do such a thing as legally speaking if anyone managed to actually make the request to report a crime or something along the same lines he had no power to stop them from fulfilling their duties while on the grounds, that was why every any such request was left up to him as headmaster because once they were here his hands were tied.

"I see, well I regret to inform you that I am unaware as to just why that would be the…" Albus was about to say, trying to turn them away to that he could get to the bottom of just why they were here, before he was cut off by his office door opening and Professor McGonagall quickly made her way in.

"Ah good, you are already here, quickly please, the culprit has been captured and is being brought to the main hall now, if you would," McGonagall told them much to Albus's confusion.

"Thank you professor," Madam Bones said as she nodded her head before looking to Dumbledore, "We will only be a few minutes headmaster then we will leave you to get back to your business" she said before giving a nod to both Moody and Kingsley as they both quickly began to leave the office.

Albus was speechless as he found himself completely clueless as to just what was going on and his attention turned to McGonagall, "Minerva, whatever is going on?" he asked wanting to get to the bottom of this, something told him that whatever it was he wouldn't like it.

"Oh Albus, the youngest Weasley's pet has been discovered to be an animagus by Andromeda and Mister Black, can you imagine it," McGonagall spoke with disgust in her tone, "someone has been posing as a pet and in the dorms all these years, I remember when young Percy first came here with that rat, to think its been a person all this time"

The second Albus heard that his mind began to run a mile a minute, how could this have happened. He quickly rounded his desk and began to make his way to follow the aurors trying to think, if he didn't act quickly this could possibly ruin everything he had planned.

Being the headmaster of Hogwarts he of course knew that "Scabbers" was not as he seemed, he had long ago altered the wards of the school to include an animagus detection ward in its design, after he had found out that three of his past students had learned the skill under his very nose and so knew exactly who the rat was but he had kept quiet so as to use the information at the right time.

Now it would seem that very secret was going to come back to bite him in a rather unpleasant place.

Scene break

Andromeda and Magnus had arrived in the great hall after only just a few minutes and were standing up at the head table as they awaited the arrival of the aurors. Magnus hadn't put his wand away the whole time and kept it trained on the rat inside the cage with another stunning curse on his lips ready at the first sign that the rat might wake up.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long after they had arrived before the trio of aurors arrived. Moody at the lead and giving Magnus an approving look as they approached. He had of course been giving the run down on just what was going on and wanted to get to the bottom of things.

"Smart lad, I knew there was a reason I liked you," Moody commented as they got closer and saw that the rat was stunned, "not one to take chances are you."

"Not when things are this serious sir," Magnus responded but didn't take his eyes or wand off the rat.

His words seemed to get marks of approval from both Amelia and Kingsley as they saw him and looked over the two of them and saw Magnus holding his wand trained on the rat.

Amelia's first impressions of the young heir in front of her was that he clearly meant business and that he was taking things personally, not that she could blame him. She'd barely let Ted finish his explanation at the time before she was out the door calling for two senior Aurors to follow her, and she only had slightly less of a stake in this matter than he did.

"Heir Black, if you don't mind, we'll take it from here," Amelia said gently but firmly as she drew out her own wand and gestured for him to step away.

Magnus hesitated for a moment before he nodded and stepped back a fraction but didn't take his wand off of the rat, getting a grin and a nod of approval from Moody as the scared Auror did the same getting a sigh from Amelia as she aimed her wand and levitated the cage off the table and onto the ground between all of them before with a wave of her wand enlarged the cage to seven foot tall by four foot wide.

With that job done Moody took the privilege of casting the animagus reversal charm and they all watched as the rat shifted and changed until the very next second an unconscious and cramped form of Peter Pettigrew lay on the floor of the enlarged cage.

"Peter Pettigrew," Andromeda said in a low growl with narrowed eyes as she glared at the rat faced man, which got a look of surprise from Shacklebolt who trained his wand on the now revealed Peter as well.

And upon pronouncement of the name a gasp was heard from behind them as Dumbledore and McGonagall arrived on the scene.

"Peter, but he… he's supposed to be dead," McGonagall said before turning her eyes to Dumbledore in shock who looked just as concerned but for different reasons, he had been too late to stop Peter being revealed.

Magnus from his position looked down at Pettigrew in the cage with anger in his eyes, this was the bastard who had framed Sirius and got him locked up for all these years, who had betrayed the Potters and got them killed all because he was to much of a coward to stand beside them and fight. If it wasn't for the aurors around him and all of the witnesses Magnus had no trouble believing that he would happily make this rat bastard pay for what he had done, he felt his magic surge inside him and his emotions threaten to spill over his reinforced mental walls wanting nothing more than to rip this worm apart.

After closing his eyes for a moment to regain control of his anger and emotions, Magnus opened his eyes again now calm as he looked over the rat, and as he did he noticed a familiar white tip protruding from one of his pockets and he instantly realized what it was.

"Expelliarmus" Magnus cast a second after adjusting his aim, his spell was true and the next second the white Yew and phoenix tail feather wand, that all potter fans know about, shot out of Peter's pocket and into his left hand, he didn't hesitate for a second and returned his own wand to his holster before taking the wand between both his hands and snapped it with a satisfying crunch.

All of that happened in the space of a few seconds and his actions got looks of shock from all of those around him.

"mister Black," Madam Bones said a moment later, "that was rather sudden."

Magnus looked to her and then back to Peter, "apologizes Madam Bones, but considering who this man is and the last time he was seen, I have no intentions of letting him keep a wand on his person if there is even a chance that he could escape with it" he stated, also he was not about to let the chance to destroy Voldemort's wand escape him, nor give this rat any tools to escape with, he knew that Peter was one of the main reasons for Voldemort's return, he was going to damn well make sure that there was no way for this worm to get free to slither off to bring back that bastard.

Moody gave a bark of laughter, "Nicely done lad, you'd make a fine auror, ever consider joining the force when you graduate" he smirked.

"A question for another time I think Sir, right now we have someone else to question I think." Magnus stated gesturing to Peter.

"Aye, right you are lad," Moody murmured as his magical eye swirled to Magnus and then back.

Amelia sighed as much as she wanted to she couldn't blame him for his rash actions, she would have done the same at his age, "as much as questioning him is a priority, doing so right here and now is to risky, it would be best if we were do so back at the DMLE," Madam Bones said at that, "Moody, portkey him to a magical suppressing holding cell for the time being, Headmaster, if you would be so kind as to open the wards temporarily to allow us to take the suspect in for questioning"

Albus frowned at the request but knew that he would have no grounds to stop them from interrogating Peter and simply nodded as he gave the mental command for the wards to temporarily drop.

Seeing the nod Moody took out a Knutt from his pocket and tossed it into the cage and on top of Peter as he spoke out, "Guilty" and the next second Peter disappeared from the cage

Magnus let out a sigh when he saw that Peter was gone and everyone began to put their wands away. Amelia turned to him at that, "Mister Black, Andromeda, If you might be so kind to come with us back to the DMLE, we have questions for the both of you as well concerning mister Pettigrew and how you became aware of him"

Andromeda nodded, "We will be happy to cooperate and answer all the questions you have," she agreed, as Magnus nodded as well knowing this was coming.

Dumbledore wanted to stop them and attempt to take things back to his office but knew better, Amelia was a dedicated woman she wouldn't appreciate him interfering in proper procedure and so had no choice but to let them go before he left to back to his office, he had floo calls to make and favours to call in if he had any hope in fixing matters before he lost control of things any further.

Chapitre suivant