

Jules' pov

I could barely focus on the questions I was currently staring at. A few hours into today's class, the Physics teacher had announced a revision test, one which had almost everyone groaning in protest.

I didn't understand a thing the more I stared down at the questions and I began to wonder just how this was even supposed to benefit students in the first place. Back at my old school, aside from everything concerning magic, we were taught English language, literature, and the likes related to it…and that was all. This is something completely foreign to me, which is why after trying my best to come up with answers to the test, I ended up giving up.

I chewed on my pen while absent mindedly glancing around and in no time, my mind returned back to the party last night and the entire thing that had gone down in it.

That particular image of Blaze was yet to leave my mind like I had predicted. We had only locked gazes for about a few seconds but I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to forget the glint in his dark eyes.

After I closed the door on those four people huddled together on the bed stark naked, who had invited me to join them, I had gone back to the arena where the party was going on and had come in contact with Josh. Relief had flooded me almost immediately and I made sure to cling to him as he put a call through to Taylor.

As Josh called Taylor, he kept peering down at me and once he was done with the call, he asked if I was alright, probably because he could see how worked up I was from the look on my face.

When Taylor finally arrived, he looked quite disheveled as he bounced towards us. His hair was scattered and his lips were swollen, there were a few marks dusted over his neck as well, and he smelled so much of a werewolf.

Of an alpha.

He took one look at my face and grabbed my hand. "You alright, Taylor?"

I nodded my head vigorously in response even though I most certainly wasn't.

It didn't seem like Taylor believed me but he gave a nod of his head and suggested we leave before beginning to tug me towards the entrance of the club, with Josh falling into step behind us.

As we rode the elevator down, I folded my arms around my middle and felt bile build up in my throat as I got reminded of how those two vampires had caged me between their bodies against my own will.

As we trekked towards our dorm, Taylor randomly blurted out an apology for leaving me alone without protection even though he had promised me he was gonna stay with me throughout at the party but I reassured him it was okay. It felt embarrassing to be regarded as defenseless to the extent that my classmate would appoint himself as my bodyguard out of pity.

Things like this have never happened to me before until this period that I was living a different life, and I completely loathed it.

I was still deep in my thoughts when a quiet murmur went through the class. When I glanced up in curiosity, my breath slowed to a stop in my chest and my eyes almost bulged out of my eyes in shock.

Blaze was casually making his way into the classroom. He didn't get questioned by the teacher for being late. Instead, the teacher bowed at him a little in greeting as Blaze walked past him.

My heart harmmared against my ribs as I stared at him closely. He was dressed in the school's dark pants, but he had on a white tank top and had his school shirt hanging over his shoulder like a gym towel. My mouth dried up and I hastily ducked my head before he could catch me staring at him… or worse, for our gazes to lock once again.

He walked past me, all the way to the back of the class, and everyone's gazes followed him until he was seated. Before he could glance up, everyone were back to staring down at their books in a heartbeat.

I bit on my bottom lip as I finally sucked in a deep breath. His scent lingered in the air thickly and I let it slid through my lungs. He smelled of wolf, of intoxicating sandalwood which was so Alpha— but, he also smelled of danger. Of mind numbing danger, one which made my heart race with different emotions.

I tried not to think back to the image from last night which was yet to exit my mind and I silently wondered how those people hadn't been too scared to be kneeling before someone like that.

I slowly glanced behind my left side and to my shock, I realized that Malachi and his two friends were blatantly cheating for the test without bothering to be secretive about it. One glance at the teacher told me that the teacher was well aware, but turned a blind eye to it. That instantly rubbed me off the wrong way, because it's frankly unfair how other students get to work hard in this cursed class while some get to have it easy like Malachi and his friends.

I glanced back once again and saw Malachi and his friends still cheating. I looked around the class to check if there was any other group of students doing the same thing. I found none, but I ended up locking eyes with Blaze.

This was the closest we've even been before and this time, I noticed the twinkling piercing at his right eyebrow and a second piercing at the side of his lips, glistening like the blackness of his eyes. His face was emotionless once again, he was leisurely leaning against his chair and was slowly tapping his fingers against the edge of the empty desk in front of him, and that was when I realized that unlike everyone who was given a paper for the test, Blaze wasn't. That made confusion consume my mind as I turned back to my empty paper.

When the teacher announced time up and began to retrieve the test papers, I raised my hand high in the air. The teacher paused for a moment.

"Yes, Jules?"

I got to my feet and squared my jaw.

"Why was everyone else doing the test fairly but some students like Malachi and his friends were blatantly cheating and you were well aware but didn't try to stop them. Why is that?" As soon as I was done speaking, murmurs filled the entire class at once.

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