
A little landlady

The whole time when Alix and Wang Ming were talking, one of the men that Alix assumed were lawyers as well was typing quickly. He would pause when they stopped talking and resume as soon as conversation picked up. The man was like a court stenographer recording everything that was being said and she occasionally peeped at him as she wondered what he was typing.

If Jacob Hai had an audio recorder then what was the written record for? 

"Look, this one recently learned a new dance at school. She has been calling me often to show me how it's done." Wang Ming told Scarlet.

He was showing her a video. Even madam Qian had craned her neck and she was watching it with a smile.

Caishen, like Jacob had watched enough of the friendly exchange so he bit the bullet and said, "I hate to be the one to break up this friendly atmosphere but the lawyers have another place to be." 

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