
Chapter 3- Tomioka-san

<3rd person pov>

As Renjiro Kamado hurtled down the mountain path, his muscles strained with the weight of his brother Tanjiro in his arms. The air burned in his lungs, and his heart raced with the urgency of their escape. Behind them, the faint echo of pursuit whispered through the trees, driving Renjiro onward with a desperate determination.

Suddenly, without warning, a powerful force struck Renjiro from the side, sending him tumbling through the air. He felt the impact reverberate through his body as he crashed to the ground, his grip on Tanjiro never wavering. Pain exploded across his senses as he struggled to regain his bearings, his vision swimming with stars.

Through the haze of pain, Renjiro glimpsed the figure looming over him, a silhouette cloaked in shadow against the backdrop of the moonlit night. Instinctively, he knew that this was no ordinary adversary, but a formidable opponent whose strength surpassed his own.

With a groan, Renjiro forced himself to his feet, his muscles protesting with every movement. Blood trickled from a gash on his forehead, matting his dark hair against his skin. His limbs felt heavy and sluggish as if weighed down by invisible chains that bound him to the earth.

Before him stood Giyu Tomioka, the Water Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, his gaze as cold and unforgiving as the steel of his blade. Renjiro had heard tales of the elite swordsmen who served as humanity's last line of defense against the demon threat, but never had he imagined that he would face one in battle.

With a grace that belied his immense strength, Giyu drew his sword in a fluid motion, the steel gleaming in the moonlight. His movements were swift and precise, each strike calculated to exploit Renjiro's weaknesses and leave him vulnerable to attack.

Renjiro gritted his teeth against the pain as he raised his axe in a feeble attempt to defend himself. But it was futile; he knew that he stood no chance against an opponent of Giyu's caliber. With every blow, he felt his strength waning, his resolve faltering in the face of overwhelming odds.

Desperation clawed at Renjiro's heart as he fought to protect Tanjiro, his brother's safety the only thing that mattered in that moment. But as Giyu pressed his advantage, Renjiro knew that he could not hold out much longer. His limbs grew heavy with exhaustion, his vision blurred with fatigue.

And then, just as all hope seemed lost, a glimmer of determination flickered in Renjiro's eyes. With a fierce roar, he summoned the last reserves of his strength, channeling his resolve into a single, desperate strike. The air crackled with tension as Renjiro's axe clashed against Giyu's blade, the sound echoing through the silent night.

For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still as Renjiro and Giyu locked eyes in a silent battle of wills. And then, with a final, thunderous clash, Renjiro collapsed to the ground, his body spent and broken, but his spirit unbroken.

As darkness closed in around him, Renjiro's thoughts turned to Tanjiro, his beloved brother whose life hung in the balance. With his last ounce of strength, Renjiro reached out to shield Tanjiro from harm, his hand trembling with the weight of their shared destiny.

And so, as Renjiro lay battered and bruised on the cold, unforgiving ground, he knew that the battle was far from over. But as long as he drew breath, he would fight on, for the sake of his brother, and the hope of a brighter tomorrow.


 "Don't touch my brother!" "Please I beg you do not hurt him, who are you? Are you a hashira, aren't you mean to protect us!"

"Shut the hell up you imbecile!" screamed Tomioka, going against his usual calmness. He continued letting the rage flow, "This little shit, probably killed your family, and you dare beg for a demon!" 

"No, he's my younger brother-" Renjiro persisted.

"Have you no shame, you grovel so easily, yet you don't try to fight what is that axe even for!?" cried Giyu.

<Renjiro's POV>

The man's words dug into my skin, he despised me because I would beg for my brother's life, but it means too much to me, and that is why I beg. My family, my mother, Nezuko, Rokuta! The last thing I told my little brother was a scolding, now I wonder how much they would've longed for someone to save them, which made me angry, where was this bastard when my family needed him, he was no demon slayer! A Coward!

I charged, my feet kicking up the snow behind me, I approached the man in the weird haori, which gave him a look of surprise, not because I charged, but because my axe was gone, and every second mattered as it boomeranged around the tree bark and returned to its owner, but at the last second the man with the sword, sidesteps allowing me to catch the axe.

I ran forward again this time, brandishing the axe, but I was intercepted by the man's blade, shattering my axe and piercing my chest. I kneeled in the snow, awaiting my death. But when I looked up he was gone, Tanjiro was still at the tree, covered slightly in a layer of snow, but he was fine. We needed to go, now!

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