
Chapter 17: To tell the truth or to sell a Lie

What was Draco doing there?

Time goes back to the dinner party.....

Although the table on the Slytherin side was also lively, due to the personalities of the little snakes, it was far less cheerful than that of Gryffindor.

While the bored Malfoy was eating, he was thinking about whether to use Halloween as an excuse to scare Harry Potter and the little lions who caused him to be punished by Professor Snape.

'Hmm? Why is that idiot trio not here..?'

However, when he looked vaguely towards the Gryffindor table, he did not see the shadow of those annoying people.

Of course, Malfoy didn't suspect anything at this time.

After all, Gryffindor was different from Slytherin, who had to pay attention to the order of seats when eating. Those guys who didn't understand etiquette always went into the gaps wherever there were seats. Uncivilized! And he didn't dare to look directly at Gryffindor, otherwise other little snakes would find out and think he was going to betray the academy!

Once a person has an idea in his heart, it will soon be turned into action.

Before the dinner was over, Malfoy had already made up his mind that he must let them see how powerful he was tonight.

Even if you get caught, it's a Halloween tradition and you're unlikely to be fined.

Therefore, when the dinner was over, he simply did not follow the Slytherin team but sneaked into the Ravenclaw team.

Then, the previous scene appeared and that takes us here....

Although he didn't know who was responsible for the prank, Malfoy felt that the other person was a genius!

That's right, Malfoy actually thought it was a prank now.

Last time in the stadium, Slytherin suffered a big loss. Of course, there will be people who want revenge! Especially Marcus Flint, who was hit by a pimple curse, and his face was almost completely humiliated.

Of course, he had heard about the legend of 'the Chamber of Secrets', but would a half-blood Harry, a Pureblood Shame, Ron, and a Mudblood Hermione, open the Chamber of Secrets left by Slytherin, one of the majestic Four!?

Noway, right?

Therefore, Malfoy naturally thought it was a prank. Of course, this does not prevent him from adding another fire to it!

To this end, he immediately read the writing on the wall aloud, causing a commotion, preferably making others think that the murderer was Harry Potter and his little followers.

Being watched by hundreds of pairs of eyes, the panic on the faces of the Golden trio could hardly be concealed. Harry already regretted that he didn't listen to Ron and left this hellish place quickly, but it was obviously too late now.

Malfoy's voice first attracted Filch, the poor and hateful old man who was now hugging his cat like crazy.

Harry had no doubt that Filch would be willing to let him pay for his cat's life if possible!

"You! You killed my cat! You killed Mrs. Norris! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to—"


Dumbledore arrived on the scene, followed by many other teachers. In the blink of an eye, he was past Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and unhooking Mrs. Norris from the torch holder.

"Come with me, Argus," he said to Filch, "and you, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger."

"Ah! Mr. Dumbeldore~", Lockhart stepped forward eagerly.

"My office is closest to here, it's upstairs - if the principal wants we can go there—"

"Thank you, Gilderoy," said Dumbledore.

The silent crowd parted to let them pass. Lockhart was very excited and looked very proud, and hurriedly followed Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall and Snape also followed behind them.

Only a few hundred Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students who didn't know what to do were left looking at each other.

"That's amazing. Why didn't we think of getting rid of this cat?" Fred said.

"Maybe it's because we have a secret weapon?"

"What secret weapon?" Lee Jordan came up.

"O-Of course, it's a dung bomb!" the twins replied in unison.

"That thing can indeed hinder Mrs. Norris's sense of smell." Lee Jordan nodded with approval, and then added, "I really don't know what will happen to Harry and Ron. They shouldn't stay here after doing this kind of Crime!"

"What do you think, Ginny? Isn't that Ron your brother?" In the crowd, Colin turned to ask Ginny,

"I don't think the murderer can be Harry, he can't do such a thing. He is the Harry Potter! It would be so sad if he is kicked out. I-I had written a letter to my brother and he also wanted to meet Harry Potter when he comes to school."

He spoke quickly.

Now, Ginny was a little distracted because she was worried about the situation of Ron, Harry and Hermione.

"Do you think the secret room is real? I've never heard of it. The blood stains don't seem to be completely dry yet, so the cat probably died not long ago. You came a little late today. Did you find any traces of the murderer?"

"What?" Ginny's eyes widened.

What does it mean that you came a little late?

She wanted to ask more carefully, but Percy and the Ravenclaw prefects had already reacted to the noise and began to organize discipline. Ginny had to keep her doubts to herself.

"Okay, stop arguing! Get in line!" Percy shouted, "And you, you should go back to Slytherin, or I will somehow deduct points from you!"

After driving away Malfoy, hundreds of footsteps continued to move forward, but the discussion in the crowd was something that Percy couldn't stop no matter how hard he shouted.

"Okay, Percy, let them go." Penelope Clearwater couldn't help but say.

When they returned to the common room, Ginny was still thinking about what Colin had said. But there were too many people in the lounge, and everyone was discussing what had happened. Rumors of the secret room immediately began to spread.

'Mr. Riddle seemed to say that he knew the locations of many secret rooms. Could it be that Slytherin's secret room was among them? '

She doesn't doubt Cyrus at all. Her "Mr. Riddle" won't do such a thing.

That possibility never came to her mind.

Ginny was just eager to know if Cyrus had seen the real murderer or had any clues when he controlled her body. If only he knew where Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets was!

So she returned to the dormitory alone, spread out the diary on the bed, and closed the bed curtains, and started writing.

"Mr. Riddle, do you know about Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?"

"Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets? Why do you suddenly ask this?" Cyrus asked.

Ginny slowly wrote down what happened after the dinner.

"I would like to know, Mr. Riddle, if you have found any clues, or if you know anything about Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?"

"Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets..."

Tell the truth, or hide the truth?

Cyrus is now caught in this dilemma.

He didn't know if Tom in the original book had ever told Ginny about this, and speaking out was obviously risky.

But Riddle in the story couldn't wait to show his memories immediately after meeting Harry inside the chamber.

To say or not to say, that is the question.


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