
Potter vs. Flight

The next morning a tired Harry made his way to breakfast, he took his seat and immediately slammed his head on to the table.

"What's wrong with you?" Daphne asked

"I'm not as tall as I'd like to be" Harry answered with his head still on the table "I'm also arrogant, prone to violence, have a low tolerance for idiots, have done questionable things in bad judgment, cannot tame my hair and I enjoy causing other people suffering. Would you like some more examples? I'm pretty sure that Draco has a list under his bed"

"I meant why you slammed your head on the table"

"Oh" Harry lifted his head and looked at her "I just have this feeling that today is going to be a bad day for me"

"What makes you think that?" Tracy asked

"Just a hunch" Harry sighed, he began eating his food. Daphne and Tracy shot him worried looks but kept eating alongside him.

Eventually the three had finished eating, they all got up and began making their way out of the hall, however they stopped before they got to door. Tracy and Daphne looked at Harry who looked like the definition of angry, they followed his eyeline and saw what he was looking at.

Standing in front of them was a boy around their age, he had black hair and blue eyes, his body was the same build as Harry's but he was slightly smaller. He wore muggle shoes, blue trousers, a white shirt and he had just taken off a black leather jacket.

"Harry" The boy said in a loud voice "great to see you again"

"What are you doing here?" Harry dropped his bag on the floor and began removing his robes, looking at the boy as he did so

"I'm here to see you!" The boy said in a cheery voice and everyone in the hall began taking notice of him, including Dumbledore and the other teachers at the high table. "It's been a long time since we last saw each other"

"Not that long" Harry replied "now why did you come here? I know you didn't come here to chat"

"Too right" The boy nodded "father made me come"

"He's here as well?" Harry asked

"Of course he is" The boy smiled "he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to visit his favourite student, would he?"

"I thought I told you both to stay away Ryan"

"Yes, you did" Ryan's smile began fading "I remember, because you broke my arm and my leg when you did so" Daphne and Tracy were definitely shocked at that piece of information.

"I didn't break your arm, you broke your arm when you landed wrong" Harry replied in an emotionless voice, by this point the onlookers were definitely interested

"Details" Ryan tossed his jacket aside "I still owe you for that, how about it Harry? Want to go again?"

"You sure you want to do that?"

"I'm better than before" Ryan said "you won last time, this time I'll be the one who makes you bleed"

"You are such a drama queen" Harry shook his head and sighed "fine, on three?"

"One" Ryan started

"Two" Harry added

"Harry?" Daphne said

"Three" Ryan finished

The two boys ran at each other, when they met in the middle Ryan span around and tried to back hand Harry who raised his arms and blocked Ryan's strike and punched him twice in the face. Ryan grabbed Harry's left arm and tried to pull him but Harry hit him in the face with an elbow, Ryan let go and punched Harry in the stomach causing him to step back a little.

Ryan threw a series of lightning quick punches which Harry redirected or dodged, Ryan span around again and tried to hit him with another back hand but Harry blocked it once more. Harry struck Ryan in the face with his right hand, Ryan responded with a left hook and tried to follow up with a right but Harry dodged the second punch and kneed him in the stomach.

Harry's knee caused Ryan to bend and step back a little, Harry struck him in the leg with a kick which caused him to drop to his knees. Harry punched Ryan in the face and this time he managed to cause blood, Harry punched him once more and knocked out a tooth.

The teachers had finally registered what happened and made their way to break things up, while everyone else was either surprised by the muggle fighting or how quick the two boys moved. Daphne in particular, her eyes could barely keep up with Harry once he had started fighting.

"Break!" A voice commanded and Harry stopped himself from throwing another punch, he took a few steps back and looked towards the entrance. The teachers also stopped in their tracks, and everyone looked at the man that stood in the doorway.

He wore brown wing tipped shoes, blue jeans, a white shirt and a brown jacket. He had grey hair and a thin goatee, he had wrinkles covered across his face and shiny blue eyes.

"Old man" Harry said in form of a greeting

"Harold" The man nodded and slowly made his way over, he looked at Harry and examined his face "hmm, no bruises. Well done, glad to see you kept up your training."

"I see Ryan has improved" Harry commented

"Yes, he has the speed but he doesn't possess your natural talent for it"

"Hey" Ryan slowly stood up "I'm right here"

"I haven't forgotten" The old man smiled "in fact, I remember telling you not to challenge Harry to another fight"

"Sorry dad" Ryan mumbled

"I bet you are now" The old man replied

"Excuse me" Dumbledore said "who are you?"

"Professor" Harry spoke "allow me to introduce them, that bleeding idiot is Ryan"

"Mr Potter!" McGonagall said

"What? He's actually bleeding!" Harry pointed to Ryan who was missing a tooth and had blood coming out of his mouth.

"For that matter, why were you and him fighting?!" McGonagall demanded

"Well" Harry rubbed the back of his head "it's sort of…our thing"

"Don't worry yourself" The old man smiled "the two got into worse when they were seven. They fight nearly every time they meet"

"And this old guy is Jonathon Flight" Harry pointed to the old man, many purebloods in the room recognised that name. The Flights are a most ancient and noble house that was famous for producing warrior wizards.

"What are you doing here?" Dumbledore asked the old man

"I have come to talk to Harry, me and him have personal business we need to discuss" Jonathon replied

"You couldn't have used owls?" Snape asked

"No" Jonathon shook his head "now if you'll excuse us, I have business to discuss with Harry"

"I'm afraid I cannot allow this" Dumbledore said, he knew about the Flight family but he didn't know as much as he'd like to know.

"I'm sorry but you have no say in this" Jonathon looked at the headmaster "I am well within my right to have a discussion with my heir"

"You're heir?" Dumbledore blurted out in surprise, this meant that Harry was the heir to the most ancient and noble houses of Potter, Black, Peverell and Flight. The Flight family typically avoided politics, but Harry would be an dangerous force if he used all of his votes, he definitely needed to get Harry on his side.

"Yes, now excuse us. Come on Ryan, Harry" Jonathon turned and made his way out of the hall, Harry and Ryan slowly made their way to each other.

The two looked each other in the eye, everyone prepared for all hell to break lose and for the two to start throwing punches again, but it didn't happen. A smile slowly made its way on both of their faces and two pulled each other into a short hug. Ryan let go and made his way out of the hall, Harry turned to Daphne.

"I'll explain later" He said, he then looked to the Professors "well professors I will be with the old man and apologise for any lessons I may miss"

"Mr Potter" Snape spoke "who was that boy?"

"Ryan sir" Harry answered

"Why doesn't he attend Hogwarts?"

"Because he's a squib" Harry turned and left the hall.


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