
Chapter 6:necessary

"If there were some other way I would try it, but all I can think of is to try and make him meek and subservient." Holding his head as if in pain, the old man explained.

"I can make his mind more open to the change, but you'll have to do the rest. You are unfortunately going to have to abuse him. Discipline him to the extreme, verbally abuse him, and generally treat him as a burden.

If you can break his spirit by the time he goes to Hogwarts, then I'll be able to build him back up into a better person."

His uncle looked sick. "I don't think I could do that. There has to be another way."

"I wish there was." The old man said. "With your permission, I will alter you and Petunia so that you'll be able to do what is necessary. No matter what, it is imperative that the boy stay here."

"Will it make us do horrible things to our sweet Duddykins?" His aunt asked.

His uncle looked horrified. "Petunia! You can't honestly be going along with this."

"We have to Vernon! Just look at Harry. He nearly killed Dudley last Christmas! Just now he almost killed me, and he's smiling. Smiling!" His aunt was laughing madly.

It was a nice sound. "I knew we never should have given these freaks a chance."

The strange lady made his aunt drink another juice and the nice sound stopped. Instead his aunt started talking in a real boring way. "Do it to Vernon, but I won't need it.

Your kind took Lily from me. You freaks ruin everything you touch. I tried to love him as if he were my own son, but the little freak is an abomination, and deserves to be broken."

"Now wait one minute." His uncle sounded scared. "You said with our permission, and I won't give it! We'll figure something out. We can take him to a doctor, or maybe..."

His uncle froze mid sentence, and stood still like a statue. The old man looked even more sad and pointed the stick at his uncle the statue.

"I'm more sorry than you'll ever know, but this is all for the greater good."

The stick lit up, and the light shot out into his uncle. Then the old man pointed the stick at him. The tip of the stick glowed with another bright light.


He complained that they weren't doing anything for his sixth birthday. His cousin said it was because he was a freak, and then pushed him down the stairs.

Tumbling down, he felt a sharp pain shoot through his arm as he felt the bone snap. His arm was bent funny, and he held it up to see it better.

"Enough of this then, you need to learn your place boy." His uncle said grabbing his broken arm and pulling him to his feet.

The pain of the bone breaking was nothing compared to the agony of it being forcibly tugged like that.

He screamed, and the next thing he knew, he was in his cupboard with a spider crawling over his face. The door was latched securely, and the bulb was missing from his light.

He picked up the spider, and placed it with the others on the wall. He watched them crawl by the light that came into his cupboard from around the door.

The spiders were his only friends. He liked them, and their kisses tingled funny. He was stuck with his friends for a while because his uncle had locked him in here.

He poked at his broken arm, and marveled at the feeling of pain that each touch produced. There wasn't much else to do but play with his injury.

The quiet of his cupboard was so much that he could hear his heart beating, until he heard his aunt talking with someone he didn't recognize.

"You wanted him broken. You wanted him this way, so don't complain now that we're doing it." She said to the stranger.

"My dear, I meant his will, not his body." The stranger sounded upset. "No one benefits if he becomes crippled, or worse, dies."

His aunt snorted. "I'd love it if he died. Then we wouldn't have to put up with him anymore."

Not particularly caring about the conversation, he started poking his arm again. Concentrating on the feeling, the conversation faded into the background, and all he thought about was how cool the broken bone felt through his skin.

He heard the latch undone, and looked up as the door opened. He blinked to let his eyes get used to the light, and the first thing he saw was a weird old man wearing a dress and holding a stick.

"Great Merlin!" The old man exclaimed. "Harry, what are you doing, and for the love of magic, why are you smiling?"

He looked down and noticed that the bone was now poking through. Blood was dripping off of his arm, and staining his mattress. His finger was picking at the now exposed bone.

"See! You see? He may not be trying to kill us anymore, but he's still insane. The freak likes the pain." His aunt said from just outside his vision.

"I'll see what I can do." The man sighed as he pointed the stick at him. "Do be more careful with him. I do need him in one piece. Obliviate."


"How long did you say he would be asleep mama?" Morticia asked while she looked at Harry's unconscious form draped across their table.

Granny Frump scratched her temple with a boney finger. "Hard to say. It depends on how many memories he's got locked up in there." Tossing the finger into her cauldron, she made a guess. "Soon I think."

Gomez sat down at the head of the table. "No sense in having Lurch move him then. Wednesday, why don't you set the table?"

"Of course father." She said as she picked up a stack of dishes. Setting them down on the table, she grabbed Harry by the collar and casually threw him off of the table and to the floor. "Where is Pugsley? I wanted to see how sharp my new razor is."


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