
Chapter 10 : Little Girl and Next Test


(A/N: Congratulations!! we have just touched our first Power Stone milestone by passing 50 power stones!!!!

As a thank you, here's the bonus chapter I promised at the start!

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I was exhausted and fell asleep in my room, and when I woke up, it was already 9:30 PM. As soon as I woke up, I grinned seeing my private points after a week. While my roommate Okiya was taking a shower, the other roommate, Miyake, looked at me curiously.

Miyake: "Horagasaki, why are you grinning?"

Jin: "Oh, well, you see..."

Miyake: "What's up with you!?"

The room assignment for this trip was free for each class, so I joined this group that seemed harmless. Surprisingly, Miyake and I seemed to get along well, chatting whenever we crossed paths, and we even exchanged contact information.

After the special exam on the uninhabited island ended and three days passed, the first-year students of the Advanced Development High School were enjoying a luxurious vacation on an excessively luxurious cruise ship.

I was summoned by someone and headed to the top deck.

When I got off the elevator, there was a dazzling sight. Everyone seemed to be having fun.

Hirata: "Oh, Horagasaki, over here."

An attractive guy named Hirata called my name from the corner of my vision. I responded and went over to the seat. Ayanokouji was also there. Oh, you're here too?

Hirata was the one who called me out, and it seemed like he wanted to have lunch together.

I didn't really know Hirata's contact information, but the day after the uninhabited island test ended, he said something like, "Please continue to support the class," and we exchanged contact information at that time. For some reason, we became a group of three, and thanks to Hirata, the impression became refreshing, but it's a bit awkward to say this about myself, but the first impression Miyake heard from me was that I seemed bad in that environment.

Ayanokouji, on the other hand, was expressionless, and the combination of Ayanokouji and me seemed to give off a strong sense of insecurity, but with Hirata joining us, it was like, what can I say? People around us would find it easier to approach. It's pretty twisted, isn't it?

The restaurant offered light meals like sandwiches and French fries, as well as hearty main dishes like steaks, all depicted in the menu with images. While looking at the menu, Hirata slowly opened his mouth.

Hirata: "To be honest... I have a little favor to ask of you guys."

Of course, I knew it. It wasn't just about having lunch together, right? It makes sense. Hirata, the popular guy, wouldn't invite me and Ayakoji for no reason. What's with that, it's kinda overwhelming. Ayanokouji seemed to agree, nodding in understanding.

Hirata: "I want you two to act as intermediaries between me and Horikita-san. I think Horikita-san's presence is essential for D class to move up together in the future."

Ayanokouji : "But if it's a story where me and Horagasaki act as intermediaries and it goes well, then there shouldn't be any trouble. Horikita is the type who hates that kind of thing, right?"

Hirata's words made sense, but as Ayanokouji said, it all depended on Horikita...

Hirata: "I understand that. That's why I want you two to convert my thoughts into your own and convey them to Horikita-san. Without mentioning my name, please."

In other words, not as intermediaries to get closer, but as messenger pigeons.

Ayanokouji: "We don't usually argue with Horikita, so if we suddenly start asserting ourselves, we might be suspected."

Hirata: "But I can't think of any other way at this point. Personally, I don't have the confidence to persuade Horikita-san no matter what I do at this stage."

Hirata seemed a bit lacking in composure, or maybe it's just me who thinks that way.

Even on the uninhabited island, there were moments when Hirata lost his composure. When Ayanokouji set fire to the manual and Ibuki left, and Ayanokouji disappeared, Hirata's behavior was clearly odd.

Hirata, the ace of Class D, who could get along with anyone and handle anything smoothly, was somehow defective. I don't really understand it, but could that be one of the reasons why Hirata was assigned to Class D?

Jin: "Even if you do that now, I don't think it will make any sense... Look, that girl spits poison and she's scary, right? So maybe it's better to wait and see a little longer?"

Ayanokouji strongly agreed with my opinion.

You'd be dead if Horikita saw you in this situation.

Hirata: "...That's true. Maybe I was getting a little too impatient. We need to think carefully about the method."

Hirata's usual composure returned, and I felt a little relieved, but then my device in my pocket vibrated twice, signaling that I had received a message. While the two of them continued talking, I glanced at the screen, distracted.

The vibration turned out to be a message from Kamuro. It said if I could meet on the 4th floor now. 

Since Hirata's consultation seemed to be over, it should be fine now. I replied with an acceptance, grabbed the sandwich I ordered, and stood up.

Jin: "Sorry, something came up, so I'll head back first."

Hirata: "Sure. Thanks for coming. Let's eat together next time."

With that, Hirata waved goodbye, and I waved back before heading to my destination.

As I walked along the ship, instead of taking the elevator, I headed to the location I was summoned to via the stairs. On the way, I noticed spots forming on the corridor.

??: "Excuse me, sir! Please don't walk through the corridor while wet!"

Koenji: "Hahaha, it seems I've been found out."

Koenji brushed his wet hair back, splashing water droplets around, while the boy hurriedly wiped off the water droplets from the corridor and walls with a towel.

It's not like I've been found out! Are you playing some kind of game!?

I want to avoid being involved because I'm in a hurry, but as I try to slip past the two of them quickly,

Koenji: "Oh? Isn't this the Rich Boy?"

Fail. Too bad!

When I looked at the boy, his face was immersed in relief. 'I've been released.'

Hey, don't shift to me!

Since I was in a hurry, I decided to teach Koenji some trivia that came up in my recommended feed on the internet.

Jin: "Hey, Koenji, leaving your hair wet can damage it and make it look less beautiful, you know?"

In my words, Koenji's face lit up with a "Huh!" expression, and he grabbed my shoulders. What, why are you so scary?

Koenji: "Hahaha! You're saying good things, Rich Boy. Then let's try to fix my hair! Thank you. Well then, I'll take my leave!"

Saying so, Koenji quickly dried his hair with the towel, then briskly ran off.

The boy, on the other hand, had a very smiley face.

Wait a minute... I think I might have figured out how to handle Koenji.

The location changed to the 4th floor. This was the floor where the girls' cabins were located. Except from midnight to 6 in the morning, male access was not specifically prohibited.

Kamuro: "You finally made it. You're late, Horagasaki."

Jin: "Sorry, got caught up... hmm?"

I met up with Kamuro, and when I glanced next to her, there was a petite girl with silvery-purple semi-long hair wearing a black beret and leaning on a cane. The girl stared at me.

??: "You're Jin Horagasaki from class 1-D, right?"

Jin: "...Yeah, but what do you need?"

Using the cane in her hand, she turned to face me and bowed. The girl in front of me... she's kinda scary, like a final boss.

Although she's much smaller than me, the atmosphere she emits makes her seem bigger.

I'm somewhat on guard.

??: "Please don't be so wary. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I am Arisu Sakayanagi from class A. As you can see, I walk with a cane due to a congenital condition. My hobbies include drinking coffee at cafes."

Despite her atmosphere, she gave a normal self-introduction, which was helpful. I wonder why she knows about me...

Sakayanagi: "I heard about you because Masumi seemed to be having fun recently, so I asked and your name came up. It piqued my interest."

Yeah, I see. Damn you, Kamuro!

But why are Kamuro and such a big shot getting along...?

Sakayanagi: "I got your contact information through Masumi. Take a look at your device."

I was puzzled by what she was saying, so I opened my contacts on my device, and behold, there was Arisu Sakayanagi.

I kind of understood that Kamuro was being used so well, too, from this.

Jin: "Oh?... You're being taken advantage of because you were caught stealing alcohol."

Kamuro: "Gah... Shut up!"

I chuckled as I looked at Kamuro, and it seemed like I hit the mark because Kamuro blushed and turned away.

Meanwhile, Sakayanagi looked at me with interest.

Most likely, Kamuro called me because "Sakayanagi wants to see you," so there's probably no mistake.

But is this the end of my peace...

Oh well. I wanted to have fun for another two years.

Sakayanagi: "You have excellent insight. I had a meaningful time meeting you. Excuse me, let's meet again."

Regretting inwardly, Sakayanagi said that to me with a smile and left at a leisurely pace.

Sakayanagi: "It's fine if Masumi didn't come with me, you know?"

In the awkward atmosphere, I didn't know what to do with just Kamuro and me, so I just stared at Kamuro.

Kamuro: "...What are you looking at?"

Jin: "Well, there's nothing else to do."

Kamuro: "Don't look at me if you have nothing to do!"

I thought Kamuro was an energetic type, but just as I thought that, a loud sound came from my phone.

It was a mass-sent email from the school.

Announcer: "Just now, we sent a mass email to all students. Please follow the instructions stated in the email. If any student has not received it, please inform the nearest staff member. It is an important matter, so please make sure not to overlook it. I repeat..."

The email said that.

It said the following in the email:

Announcer: "The special exam will begin shortly. Please follow the instructions in the following sentences and act accordingly. Please gather in room 202 by 7:20 PM today. If you are more than 10 minutes late, there may be penalties. The required time is about 20 minutes, so please use the restroom and turn your device to silent or off before coming."

"Hey, Horagasaki. What did it say in yours?"


Since explaining it was troublesome, I handed Kamuromy device directly. In exchange, I received Kamuro device.

The content was almost the same. Same wording, but different gathering time and location. Kamuro was instructed to come to room 203 by 7:20 PM, the same time as me, but with a different room number.

Kamuro: "Why is only the location different?"

Jin: "I don't know, but I don't have a good feeling about this..."

Just then, I received a message on chat. It was from Ayanokouji.

(A/N: I will use "[]" for the dialogue on the phone)

[Ayanokouji: Did you get the email just now?]

[Jin: Yeah. What time were you given? Seems like it's different for each person.]

[Ayanokouji: Mine's at 6 PM. What about you, Horagasaki?]

[Jin: Mine's at 7:20 PM. Quite a difference, huh?]

[Ayanokouji: Yeah, Horikita seems to be at 8:40 PM, by the way.]

[Jin: I see.]

It looks like another troublesome situation is starting.


Sakayanagi: "Heheh."

As I parted ways with Horagasaki, Sakayanagi Arisu, wearing a smile, was laughing to herself.

Sakayanagi: "I never thought I would be interested in any D-class student other than Kiyotaka Ayanokouji... but he's quite interesting, that boy."

With a chuckle, Arisu headed back to her room


Head towards the room at the designated time, knock, wait for a response, then enter. First, Chabashira-sensei was sitting in front. Three chairs were arranged, and two of them were already occupied.

The first person was Miyake, the second was a student named Wang Mei Yu, nicknamed Mi-chan, who was from China. Since they were classmates, I nodded slightly to Mi-chan, who also smiled and nodded back shyly.

Uh, cute.

Chabashira: "There's still about a minute until the designated time, but since everyone's here, let's start explaining the exam. For this special exam, we'll divide the first-years into 12 groups and conduct the exam within those groups. The exam content is 'thinking'. We won't be accepting any questions at this stage, so make sure to listen carefully to the explanation first."

Chabashira: "The basic skills required for adults are broadly categorized into three: Action, Thinking, and Teamwork. While the deserted island test emphasized teamwork, this time it's about thinking. In other words, the ability to think things through is necessary."

That's how Chabashira-sensei explained it, but sorry, I don't get it at all.

Chabashira: "Any questions up to this point?"

No one seems to have any questions, so things proceed systematically.

Chabashira: "First of all, it's already decided that the three of you will be in the same group. And you guys are the Snake Group. Here's a list of all the group members. Takingout or photographing the list is prohibited, but you can take notes."

We received a paper about the size of a postcard from Chabashira-sensei, and upon seeing it, Mi-chan quickly took out a notepad. Uh, what's that? Cute. Then we were given papers to look at.

Summer Group-Specific Exam Explanation

In this main exam, each group will be assigned a task based on the person entitled to preferential treatment in the group. By answering in the prescribed manner at school, you will obtain one of four results:

- Send a mass email at 8:00 PM on the day the exam starts. Inform the "preferred candidate" at the same time.

- Hold discussions within the group twice a day at designated locations. However, discussions other than those specified are left to the students.

- Answering time is limited to the period from 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM after the exam ends, and only one answer per person is accepted. Answers can only be sent to the school using your own terminal.

- "Preferred candidates" have no right to answer.

- Answers to groups other than your own are invalid.

- The final exam results will be emailed to all students at 11:00 PM on the day the exam ends.

These are the basic rules. Prohibited actions include harassment of those who exchanged contact information. Some of the results were also listed.

Result 1... If all members of the group, except for the preferred candidate and those from the same class as the preferred candidate, answer within the answer time and all answers are correct, everyone in the group will receive 500,000 points, and the preferred candidate will receive 1,000,000 points. Members from the same class as the preferred candidate will also receive the same points.

Result 2... If all members of the group, except for the preferred candidate and those from the same class as the preferred candidate, answer within the answer time and one person answers incorrectly or does not answer, only the preferred candidate will receive 500,000 points.

What is this, an exam? Well, at this stage where only two results have been revealed, every group is undoubtedly aiming for Result 1.

Moreover, the preferred candidates are significantly favored as the name suggests. It's certain that they'll receive over 500,000 points once selected.

Jin: "So... what about the remaining two results?"

Chabashira: "First, have you understood the rules up to this point? We can't proceed if you haven't."

Miyake: "No problem."

Chabashira: "And you, Wang?"

Mi-Chan: "Y-yes. I'm fine."

I've never had any interaction with Michan, but given that Miyake and I have a delinquent vibe, Michan, who's more of a pure type, might feel quite uncomfortable.

Chabashira: "Now I'll explain the remaining two results. Turn over the paper."

We followed the instructions and looked at the back.

Result 3... If someone in the group answers correctly before the end of the exam and without waiting, they will receive 500,000 points, and the class to which the correct answerer belongs will receive 50 points as class points, while the class where the preferred candidate is will receive a penalty of 50 points. At this point, the group's exam is considered complete. Also, the answers of members belonging to the same class as the preferred candidate are invalid.

Result 4... If someone in the group answers incorrectly before the end of the exam and without waiting, their class will receive a penalty of 50 class points, the preferred candidate will receive 500,000 points, and the class to which the preferred candidate belongs will receive a penalty of 50 class points. At this point, the group's exam is considered complete. Also, the answers of members belonging to the same class as the preferred candidate are invalid.

I see, it's set up like that. Rules for betraying. And it even affects class points. With just these two additional results, the nature of the exam has completely changed.

Chabashira: "That concludes the explanation for this special exam."

Snake Group

Class A: Masumi Kamuro, Yahiko Tozuka, Masayoshi Hashimoto

Class B: Asako Amikura, Chihiro Shiranami, Susumu Tsuzuki, Teppei Yokoi

Class C: Daichi Ishizaki, Hiyori Shiina, Albert Yamada

Class D: Jin Horagasakii, Akito Miyake, Wang Mei Yu

Just as the clock struck one minute before the start of the exam, members of the Snake Group began to enter the room one after another.

As I looked at the people entering the room, there was a familiar face. In Class C, there was Shiina, who became friends with me in the library during Sudou's false charge incident, and Albert, who had a physique that didn't seem like that of a high schooler.

In Class A, there was Kamuro and the flashy blond-haired guy who tied his hair back, Hashimoto, the leader of the deserted island test, Tozuka Yahiko.

And Class B was also complete.

Chabashira: "Well then, please begin the initial discussion."

Finally, the exam began.


An hour later, the initial discussion was over.

After the simple self-introductions required by the school, the flow of the discussion was led by Amikura of Class B, and the discussion proceeded smoothly.

However, Class A proposed not to participate in the discussion at all. However, it seemed that only Tozuka had made that suggestion, while the other two didn't. Probably because there's a split between Sakayanagi's faction and Katsuragi's faction. Since Totsuka is under Katsuragi's jurisdiction, it's highly likely that the proposal was made on Katsuragi's suggestion.

Look at Hashimoto's face when Totsuka was talking. What's up with him? Does he want to get close to me?

If they don't hold discussions, the preferred candidates won't be exposed, and inevitably, it will result in either Result 1 or 2, which won't affect class points. It seemed like everyone in the group was leaning in that direction as well.

But Class B seemed to have anticipated that opinion. From the perspective of lower-ranking classes, it was an act that hindered their chances of catching up with the higher-ranking classes. So it couldn't be said that there were no disadvantages, and they countered it.

While Amikura and Totsuka were leading the discussion, the content was probably different. Ichinose and Katsuragi seemed to be sparking off each other behind the scenes, unseen by me and the other students. The interaction between these two was very sophisticated.

In the end, Class A (only Totsuka) took an attitude of "if you want to discuss, do it on your own," and it was time for dissolution.

Kamuro: "Horagasaki..."

I was called out by Kamuro, and I responded.

Jin: "Yeah, what's up?"

Kamuro: "This guy seems to want to talk to you."

Then there was a student who seemed to want to shake hands with me or something. Oh, this guy's trying to be smooth.

Hashimoto: "I'm Masayoshi Hashimoto. I wanted to talk to you once, Horagasaki. Seems like we could get along."

Then Hashimoto whispered to me with a grin on his face.

Hashimoto: "Hey, have you hooked up with Kamuro?"

Jin: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

That perverted grin of his... I want to smack it off his face.

Hashimoto: "... Well, anyway, want to go to a cafe or something?"

When he invited me, I agreed, and Kamuro said, "I'm not going," and went back to the room.

Hashimoto: "Oh, are you going to treat me!?"

Jin: "Huh, you're going to pay for me?"

Hashimoto: "According to my estimation, you probably have a lot of points, right?"

Hashimoto seems like a pretty dangerous guy. I don't know why, but he seems to know the details of my points. But maybe he's trying to bluff me...

Jin: "...Well, okay."

With that, Hashimoto's eyes widened, and he smiled while patting me on the shoulder. Wait, are this guy and I friends? Or is he just trying to mooch off me? Hashimoto: "Thanks. Let's go then."

Saying that, Hashimoto started walking, so I followed him, and we entered the cafeteria on the ship. And when I ordered an iced tea and Hashimoto ordered an iced coffee, they were served right away.

After I took a sip of my iced tea, Hashimoto opened his mouth.

Hashimoto: "I've been hearing about you from Hime-san... Ah, I mean, I've been hearing about you from Sakayanagi."

Jin: "What are you hearing?"

I've already been asked this question several times, but I didn't expect to be asked by someone I just met five minutes ago.

Hashimoto: "I met Sakayanagi and immediately realized that Kamuro was his lackey, you know?"

Jin: "Huh? Were you there at that time?"

Hashimoto: "No? And hey, did you hook up with Kamuro ?"

Jin: "...Are you an idiot?"

Hashimoto: "No, you see, that girl Kamuro didn't really pay attention to me, so I asked if she even had someone she liked, and she got all red and left after I casually mentioned the name of a popular guy in our grade."

Wait, does that mean Kamimuro likes me not just as a casual fling, but romantically? Oh, I'm so happy. Am I really popular? But she said she didn't want romance... Anyway, now that I'm in a good mood, I propose something to Hashimoto. Wow, I'm simple-minded.

Jin: "Well, since we're already here, how about this? If you tell me about the current situation in Class A, I'll contribute some of my private points to you."

While Kamuro and I do have sex and have private conversations, we hardly ever talk about class matters, so I want to expand my sources of information.

Hashimoto: "Sure thing. So, what do you want to know about Class A?"

Jin: "Well, you know... Does Class A have factions or something? I'd like to know the details."

All I know is that there are factions in Class A: Sakayanagi's faction and Katsuragi's faction, and they are in conflict.

Hashimoto: "Sakayanagi's faction and Katsuragi's faction, huh... Well, there's not much major movement at school right now, so it's just a light clash for now. But they're currently trying to recruit members from the neutral faction, which has about ten people each."

Jin: "I see... Thanks, here's your reward."

I say that and send 20,000 pp to Hashimoto's terminal. Hashimoto seemed surprised or something and stood up from his chair.

Hashimoto: "Horagasaki, how much do you have!"

Jin: "I'm not telling you, idiot."

He laughed and we each went back to our rooms.


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