
Prologue [2]

[The Trial will now commence]

After the Announcement Arya gets ready to fight the enemy, He tightly holds his spear.

From the end of the road, some creatures were coming towards the people.

They were Green Skin with blood vines that looked like they would burst at any moment

Height of 7-8 feet and roaring towards.

As if announcing that they had arrived for their meal.

These were the Zombies that the people had to defeat.

After the zombies came into view most of the children got scared, As they had never seen a beast or monster before and even those that came near the town got killed before they reached the town.

Though they trained with their Yantra to fight at this moment their subconscious mind took action and started running in the opposite direction.

One after the other most of the youth started running till only Arya remained, He wanted to run too but his training that he did, his promise to himself to become the strongest stopped him.

He knew that if he ran away today he would never be able to achieve his dream of becoming strong.

Will never be able to get to know the reason for his father's demise.

Will never be able to know what's written in the letter.

Then Arya decided he would not run, He would fight.

Then he started looking at his surroundings to use during the fight. He noticed the staircase present on a building.

He thought he could use it as if he fought in the open he would get surrounded by the zombies.

He started running towards the staircase climbed a steps and reached a platform that was about 10-11 feet above the road.

As the zombies notice everything is running away they get angry at how can their food run away.

So they too increased their pace to chase them. Many of the zombies noticed one of the food was standing on the stairs as good food should.

So few of the zombies started going towards the stairs.

Arya noticing that the zombies were coming towards him held his spear tighter and pulled back just as the zombies climbed the first few stairs and his head reached Arya's level.


Arya used a full power stab and thrust the spear into the Zombie's head and destroyed his head, After his head was destroyed the zombie fell back.

Noticing that their mate got killed the zombies got angry at the food and decided to punish him before eating and started running towards him.

Arya was surprised that the zombies were not that strong and that a human could easily destroy them. He noticed that other Zombies were coming towards him.

He readied his spear to attack.

As time passed Arya killed, killed, and killed, the zombies till he forgot to count.

He just had simple thoughts

Pull, Stab, Kill, Repeat.

As time passed Arya's hand started hurting, the staircase became red from the blood, and, the surrounding was filled with the corpses of zombies.

After Who knows how many hours later everyone heard the voice again.

[The phase of the first trial has ended everyone will get a rest of twenty-four hours, the Phase two will begin]

[Remaining Participants:5980]

[Remaining Participants in this sector:370]

[Three sectors will know merge and form a bigger sector and this will continue till all the sector merge]







After the announcement, all the zombies both alive and dead started disappearing.

Arya who was tired fell on his back and started breathing heavily. But on his face, there was a smile and a smile that appeared on his face after three years.

"I survived, hah hah hahaha."

He survived, and he didn't run away this has a larger impact on Arya than on others because he survived even. When everyone was running he believed in himself. And this will impact something that will help Arya greatly in the future.

As time passed Arya remained in his position, after 2-3 hours Arya got up and got the rest he needed.

He decided to roam around and do a few things like finding a place that could be his base for the next phase of resources that may be present in the surroundings.

After roaming around for a while Arya encountered something that he didn't notice when he saw a corpse fully destroyed.

From the looks of it, any person of. Was torn by the claw many parts were missing from the body. Arya stood in front of the body joined his hand and prayed that the soul entered the cycle of birth and rebirth and had a nice next life.

After roaming for an hour Arya finally found an alley between two tall buildings whose width was that a single creature could pass with only one entrance it was a perfect place to kill the zombies.

As it is around 20 hours before the next phase starts Arya starts checking the locality to find anything living or dead.

As this place was not that far from where he arrived, and most of the people ran away he didn't find a soul as for building almost every one of them were empty.

After a few hours of investigation, Arya returned, Arya returned to his base and started resting for a little bit as he knew that the next level would be at least tougher than this one.

How much tougher that no one knew.

And so the time passed and phase two began






[The second phase of the first level of the Trial will now begin]

[The Zombies will be two times stronger and the phase will be over after 12 hours]

[Let's The Trial Begin]


Author's Note: These two chapters were an introduction of sorts, from the next chapter the point of view will be mostly first person as here it was third person's Point of view 


Chapitre suivant