
The Events Of The Last 38 Years

This chapter is basically a brief summary of the changes to history.

(Dragon Ball Calendar: Year 737)

Frieza returned to planet Vegeta after recovering from his fight against Ichigo. Just remebering that accursed Saiyan caused his blood to boil as he floated in space glaring down at the planet full of anger and insanity.

"Now then, time to keep my words. I will hunt down and torture every last saiyan across the entire universe. I hope your watching Ichigo. Watch and despair as you watch your people suffer!"

Frieza spoke to himself like a madman as he dove down into Planet Vegeta, and the first thing he did was to destroy all the space pods that still weren't used to prevent any of the saiyans still on this planet from escaping.

(Boom!) (Boom!)

The Saiyans that have chosen to remain on Planet Vegeta paled and trembled in horror as they witness Frieza looking down upon them with madness and insanity in his eyes.

Faster than any of these Saiyans could even react, Frieza already appeared before them as he gripped one of them by their throat, before plunging his hand into their chest and out from their back was their beating heart oozing and still beating as Frieza smiled as he spoke.

"I hope your fine eating your own heart."

Frieza's words were so gentle yet so terrifying that the Saiyan whose heart had just been ripped out of their chest pissed themselves whilst choking on their own blood.

"Dig in!"

Frieza shoved the Saiyans own heart into their mouth and forced them to chew on it. But when the Saiyan puked out their own chewed up heart, the contents that came out of their mouth struck Frieza whose face darkened before he shoved his entire arm down the Saiyans throat, and ripped out their intestines and began strangling them with it.

"How dare you vomit all over me! I'm Lord Frieza! You dare disrespect me and the flawless entity I am by getting all your disgusting stomach contents on me? You pathetic useless Monkey! If you want to blame anyone for your suffering, blame Ichigo! It's because she saved you all, that now you will all suffer a fate far worse than death!"

Those were the last words the random low class Saiyan heard, before they died not only due to quite literally having their heart ripped out, but being strangled by their own intestines as well.

The other saiyans froze in disbelief at what they had just witnessed. Some emptied their stomach's contents simply out of disgust at what they just witnessed, and other saiyans with mire tolerance towards the gruesome sight had all but ran away as fast as they possibly could.

Frieza watched them all running away as his eyes glimmered with sadistic pleasure, and insanity as he began his hunt.

-(Scene Break)-

Frieza sat in the throne room of Planet Vegeta. On the ground laid several unconscious Saiyan women as Frieza's eyes glimered with a hideous plan. Soon, a large spaceship descended into the planet, amd out of the spaceship came Frieza's father King Cold.

He assesed the situation calmly as he took notice of the few saiyan females sprawled unconscious on the ground, and his son who was bathed in crimson gore. Dried blood, and chunks of organ meat made him reek as King Cold frown and questioned.

"Frieza. You told me that you plan to destroy planet Vegeta and all it's remaining inhabitants. So, why are there still several Saiyan women alive?"

Frieza's eyes gleamed in sadistic delight as he answered.

"It's quite simple father. I am simply keeping them alive to use as livestock for my entertainment."

King Cold frowned as he questioned.

"You want to use them for sexual relief?"

Frieza shook his head and answered.

"No, no father. I want to use them to allow our soldiers relief. And when they are bred by our soldiers, I'll torture them into miscarriages, or if the child survives, force them to cannibalise their own infant!"

Frieza laughed madly as the soldiers of King Cold's empire shuddered in disgust at Frieza's words. King Cold was also surprised by his son's words, but he didnt really care much for what Frieza wanted to do with them.

'To think that all it would take was one saiyan woman that would cause my son to lose his mind.'

King Cold lamented sadly, but chose to ignore Frieza's torture plan. He's just glad that atleast Frieza hadnt gone completely insane to the point where he'd be a liability to his empire.

"Let's go now. We still have other planets to go to, and hunt down the saiyans. After all, it was a direct order from the God Of Destruction himself."

Frieza nodded in agreement as he sent a ball of energy that completely obliterated the entirety of Planet Vegeta before Frieza, King Cold as well as his soldiers all returned to the ship to continue Saiyan hunting.

(Scene Break)

(Planet Earth Year: 749)

A young boy with black hair, a tail and wearing a blue martial arts gi, meets a young girl with blue hair. On the year 749 of the Dragon Ball calendar, Son Goku meets Bulma for the first time as they began their journey to find the dragon balls. Fighting foes, and making new friends along the way.

(Year: 754)

Five years after meeting bulma for the first time, Son Goku had destroyed the entire Red Ribbon Army at the young age of 13, and had continued his journey to grow stronger in preparation for the 22nd world Martial Arts tournament. He was now 16 years old when he joined the tournament before he ended up having to fight against the evil King Piccolo to save all of humanity.

(Year: 757)

Three years after the death of King Picollo, Goku returned to join the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament where he fought against and with great difficulty, defeated the child of the late king Picollo. And in an unexpected series of events, Son Goku proposed to a girl he fought against in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. Chichi. Daughter of the Ox King. And soon enough, they both got married, and even had a child in the same year.

(Year: 762)

After five years of living his new life as a father, Goku decided to finally introduce his son to his master and friends. And so flying on his nimbus cloud with his son sitting on his shoulders, the two headed off to the home of the Turtle Hermit Master Roshi.

Arriving on the island, Goku called out.

"Hey! Master Roshi! Are you home?"

The residents inside the island house came out and Goku was excited to see his old friends Krillin, Bulma, and his master the Hermit Roshi.

"Hey guys!"

Though they were all excited to meet Goku once more after five whole years, they were surprised to see the young boy in Goku's arms as Krillin questioned.

"Hey Goku. Did you pick up some kind of babysitting job? Who's the kid in your arms?"

Goku smiled broadly as he gently lowered the boy onto the ground as he answered.

"This is my son. His name is Gohan."


Everyone exclaimed in surprise before Bulma squatted down as she cooed.

"Oh my god he's adorable!"

Goku smiled proudly as he spoke to his son.

"Say hi to everyone Gohan."

Gohan looked at his father as he nodded his head before he bowed and spoke.

"Nice to meet you everyone."

The other three bowed back, surprised by Gohans mannerisms.

'He definitely didn't get it from Goku'

They all thought simultaneously, knowing full well that Goku didn't understand the meaning of manners. Master Roshi coughed into his fist as he spoke.

"I see you named him after your late Grandfather. He's a fine looking boy, I'm sure Gohan would be proud."

Master Roshi's pet turtle slowly approached Gohan who hugged his father's leg tightly before building the courage to outstrecth his hand when he noticed the turtle lowering it's head encouraging the young boy to pet him.

Gohan slowly reached his hand out, and slowly began petting the turtle before an excited smile graced his face.

"Hey Gohan, how old are you?"

Gohan lifted his hand and started counting on his fingers before he turned to Bulma and answered.

"I'm four and a half years old."

Bulma smiled as she asked him another question.

"So Gohan. Do you want to grow up all big and strong like your dad?"

Goku rubbed the back of his head as he spoke.

"Actually, Chichi has forbidden him from training."

Bulma looked surprised as she asked.

"So Gohan, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Gohan stopped playing with the turtle as he answered.

"I want to be an Orthopedist."

Bulma looked amazed and surprised by Gohan's words before Master Roshi cut them off as he ushered everyone inside his home to continue their talk. When they all entered Roshi's home, Goku took notice of what looked to be a picture book with the image of master Roshi laughing with what looked to be another martial artist. Goku questioned his master curiously.

"Hey master Roshi. Who's the old guy in the picture?"

"Oh him? That man is Jin Taejin. Formerly known as the Strongest, and most Skilled Man Alive."

Master Roshi's voice was full of melancholy surprising Goku who questioned.

"What happened to him?"

Master Roshi became slightly annoyed as he answered.

"The old gezer died."

Goku seemed confused as to why master Roshi seemed so annoyed, so he turned to look at Bulma and Krillin who both just rolled their eyes already having heard the reason he was annoyed.

"Could you tell me more about him?"

Master Roshi sighed and answered.

"The man was the most stubborn person on earth. He was so stubborn not even the hands of death could hope to claim him."

Goku looked surprised as he questioned.

"He feared dying?"

Master Roshi shook his head and answered.

"Quite the contrary Goku. The man never feared anyone or anything. His bravery knew no bounds, and so did his strength. No matter who or what stood in his way, he'd conquer them all, either through unrivaled strength, or unsurpassable techniqe."

Bulma interjected as she spoke.

"I read the article written about the man. Five hundred years old, but he looks no older than fifty."

Master Roshi nodded his head as he explained.

"Jin Taejin wasn't just a Grandmaster Martial Artist, he was also a Grandmaster in Ki Understanding and Manipulation. His control over Ki was so great, he could stand behind you, and you'd still never be able to sense him. And not just in the Ki sensing aspect. His presence couldnt even be detected by most of your own five senses, and even your basic survival insticts. He was believed to have nigh absolute control over even the amount of Ki loss when he uses any Ki related tecniques is infinitesimally close to zero, making it impossible for him to run out of Ki normally."

Everyone in the room listened in awe as Goku questioned.

"Do you think I could have beaten him if he was still alive?"

Roshi snorted in amusement before he coughed apologising as he answered.

"Sorry to say Goku. But as you are right now, you couldn't even hope to match the man in anyway. If you are a Martial Art's prodigy, then Jin Taejin was a God."

Master Roshi's words sounded so absurd, Krilin, Bulma and even Gohan looked at him sceptically. Master Roshi didnt mind their scepticism. Afterall, he was once the same.

"You dont have to believe me if you dont want to. But the evidence exists here on earth."

They were surprised by master Roshi's words as Bulma questioned.

"Well old man? Where is this proof you speak of?"

Master Roshi gave them a bright smile as he responded.

"Why, it's Picollo of course!"


Everyone else in the room were surprised by Roshi's words as he explained himself.

"Three hundred years ago, King Picollo emerged as a tyrant that wanted to conquer the planet for himself. But Jin Taejin who was two hundred years old at the time, fought him alone and nearly killed him. Alas, his desire to fight strong opponents led him to not killing King Picollo in the hopes that one day, he'd grow strong enough to fight against once more. And for the next three hundred years after their fight, King Picollo never dared to show his face, afraid of fighting Jin Taejin. But when he passed, King Picollo immeadiately took advantage of his death to resume his conquest of earth."

Bulma frowned as she questioned the old hermit.

"If he was so strong, that he was deemed invincible, just where in the world is the logic that he'd die after simply consumating with his wife?!"

Master Roshi shrugged as he responded.

"Hey, that's what he told me in his final letter. He said he had just finished horizontal monster mashing his wife for an entire month straight, before he decided to simply die. My best guess is that he didn't want to pay child support so he went to get the milk permanently."

Krillin just shook his bald head as he responded.

"I'd like to think it's more of the fact that he's been waiting to pass his genes and receive an heir to his legacy before passing away because he simply wanted to maybe see what it's like to fight entity's in the afterlife."

As they all began discussing the late Jin Taejin's life, Master Roshi stood up with a grave expression on his face and soon, both Krilin and Goku did too.

"Master Roshi. This power…"

Master Roshi's once grave expression turbed calm and expressionless as he commented.

"That's right Goku. Wild and untamed with no self control and very arrogant. Unfortunately, whoever it is, it's not Picollo. We seem to have an uninvited guest approaching. Goku, Krilin, stay inside and protect Bulma and Gohan."

Everyone became surprised at Roshi's words as he calmly explained.

"Whoever is approaching has no fighting experience. They will deem an old man like me weak enough to lower their guard. And I'll be able to get a motive from them much more easily. Both Bulma and Gohan arent fighters. So do as your master orders, and keep them safe. In the worst case scenario, you two could ambush the assailant giving me enough time to escape with the others, and lessening the burden on yourselves."

Both Goku and Krillin were very hesitant. But they eventually agreed. Master Roshi stood calmly on the edge of the small island as he thought to himself.

'Compared to Taejin, you are nothing. I was foolish to be scared at the beggining. Now come, show me who you are and what are your motives.'

Soon enough, a young man with extremely long, spiky black hair with a prominent widow's peak, brown and black colored Battle Armor with boots, armored wristguards, and an odd green looking device on the side of his face. With arrogance just oozing off his person, the unknown man seemed to be speaking to himself.

"An old man? I see. Kakarrot must be inside that building. Maybe he sent the old man out to get a general grasp of the situation? Oh well, it doesnt matter anyways."

Still completly indifferent to the young man's words, Master Roshi spoke.

"Young man, may I ask what it is that brings you to my humble abode?"

Raditz snorted in disdain as he answered.

"Listen old man, I'm here searching for my younger brother Kakarot. Inside of this building lays the second most highest battle power after that green weakling I met earlier. And loathe as I am to say it, that battle power must belong to Kakarot."

"I see. Unfortunately, there is no one in this house that goes by the name of Kakarot. You might have gotten the wrong person."

"I know that my brother is in that house old man. Have him come out, or I'll make you do it."

Master Roshi shook his head in apparent dissapointment as he spoke.

"Goodness, so quick to making threats now are we? Unfortunately for you, even if you "Tried" making me bring out the other people inside that house of mine, you wouldn't be able to."

Raditz's face scrunched up in anger at Roshi's words as he pressed the device on his ear as it beeped before showing a number.

"One? You have a measly power level of one and you dare stand before me? My power level is one thousand five hundred. If I wanted to, just breathing could kill you. That's how great the difference in power between the two of us are. So, bring Kakarot out while I'm still being merciful."

"I thank you for trying to give this old man a chance. But as I said earlier, there is no one in my house that goes by the name Kakarot. Though maybe you could give me a description of the person your looking for. If it is someone I've met before, then I will tell you where you might be able to find him."

Raditz was starting to get really annoyed, but the values his mother instil- *cough* beat into him calmed him down enough to give a description. Since regardless of if the old man before him was lying or not, he'd still force everyone else inside the house to come out even if he had to beat this old man up.

"Fine then. I'll humour you. Kakarot should look similar to our father. He should have a spiky black hairstyle and dark-colored eyes. He has three bangs hanging to the right of his forehead and two bangs hanging to the left. His hair also stands up in the front with four spikes and three bangs in the back."

Master Roshi nodded his head as he spoke.

"I do know of someone that matches your description. However, his name isn't Kakarot as you claim. His name is Son Goku."

Raditz frowned as he spoke.

"Then, might you know of the location of this Son Goku? If he isn't the one I'm searching for, then I will willingly leave this planet without causing any harm to everyone on it. How does that sound?"

Master Roshi sighed as he spoke.

"Your words are laced with obvious lies. But if it will allow as little blood to be shed, then I will tell you the location of Son Goku."

Raditz smirked as he replied.

"It seems like you aren't as senile as I had thought. That's good, it wouldnt have been very entertaining to fight one as old and fragile as yourself."

Master Roshi said nothing before he called out.

"Goku. Come out of the house. Alone. The rest of you stay inside. This is none of your business, so no matter what dont leave the inside."

Raditz raised an amused eyebrow as he questioned.

"Couldnt that be said to yourself as well old man? This is none of your business as well."

"I've decided to involve myself."

Raditz shrugged and responded without care.

"Suit yourself."

Soon enough, Goku walked out of the house with a serious expression as Raditz spoke.

"Ah. So it is indeed you Kakarot. It's good to see your still alive."

Goku frowned as he replied.

"I'm sorry. But it's as master Roshi said, my name is Goku not whoever this Kakarot person is."

Raditz got extremely annoyed at Goku's words as he questioned.

"Do you not remember who our father was? Bardock? Or our mother Gine?"

Goku shook his head as Raditz asked him a different question.

"Tell me Kakarot. Did you ever hit your head at any point of your life?"

Goku nodded his head as he answered.

"Yes. Back when I was young, I had hit my head."

"I see. It seems like you really dont remember your own family, or even your own race now do you."

Raditz searched Goku for something before his eyes widened in disbelief as he questioned furiously.

"Kakarot! Where is your tail?!"

Goku was surprised at Raditz's furious tone as he answered.

"My tail? It got cut off a long time ago, and never grew back."

Raditz's face became even more furious as he spoke.

"How could you simply let it get cut off?! Don't you know that a tail is proof of your saiyan heritage?! Not only that, our tails is our greatest power! It allows us to transform into our great ape form! It is what has helped us saiyans conquer other planets on Frieza's behalf. Well, atleast when we used to serve him."

Master Roshi took Raditz's words calmly, but Goku was more confused.

"Planet conquering?"

Raditz paused for a bit before speaking.

"That's right. Us Saiyans are a race of conquerors. We go from planet to planet conquering them, and then we sell the planet off to the highest bidder, or just destroy the planet if it's of no use to us. Originally, the only reason you would have been sent to this planet would be to kill off all it's inhabitants and conquer it for our people."

Goku was shocked hearing Raditz words. But Raditz paid him no mind as he continued.

"However, that plan changed when Frieza attacked planet Vegeta. If not for the intervention of lady Ichigo, the entire saiyan race would've gone extinct."

Raditz words caused a slight jolt from master Roshi, but he stayed silent and allowed Raditz to continue.

"I must admit Kakarot. Despite losong all your memories of who you truly are, you were actually fortunate to have hit your head and lose your memories. Otherwise, you'd have been hunted down and killed by Frieza and his empire's forces when they eventually take notice of the destruction your bringing upon this planet."

"Tell me young man. What is your true purpose in coming to find your so called "Brother"?"

Raditz gave Master Roshi a look of irritation as he answered.

"To bring him along with me join prince Vegeta, and to help find our parents and the remaining saiyans to form an army to attack Frieza and destroy his empire. More than half of the Saiyan race have been hunted down, tortured, and turned into livestock by the Frieza empire. We can't simply stand idly twindling our thumbs hiding forever. I'm certain if the remaining saiyans gather together under the leadership of Prince Vegeta, we are certain to achieve overwhelming victory."

Master Roshi shook his head as he spoke.

"What idiocy."

Raditz was taken aback by Roshi's words, as the turtle Hermit continued.

"Your down to less than half of your species, and you still believe yourself powerfull enough to take down an entire empire? Does this Prince of yours even know that you've come to earth?"

Raditz didnt answer Roshi's words as he continued.

"You said your species is being hunted down by this Frieza, and you still came to this planet on your own in a possible vehicle that could be tracked. All because you wanted to recruit more allies to destroy an empire who's leader once enslaved your entire species? You've been given the oppurtunity to start a new life and instead choose the reckless route of trying to start a war against an empire you will most certainly lose to. And, now you've possibly brought the attention of this tyrant to our planet all because you didnt bother using your own head to think of the possible consequences of your actions."

Raditz got extremely furious at Master Roshi's words as he rushed the old man preparing to turn him into paste.

"Ah. Ah. Ah."

Master Roshi wagged his finger as he dodged Raditz attack shocking both Goku and Raditz. Raditz snorted in annoyance as he spoke.

"That was pure luck that you managed to dodge my first attack. You won't be so lucky a second time!"

Raditz charged at Master Roshi before sending another punch that Master Roshi mamaged to dodge once more frustrating Raditz even more as he spoke.

"That calm look of yours is really irritating to look at. Do you really think that your better than me?!"

Master Roshi nodded his head as he answered.

"Oh absolutely. The difference between the two of us is increadibly vast young man."

Raditz even more furious now charged at Master Roshi throwing wild punches which he avoided as he spoke.

"You lack Discipline, Control and worst. Your Sloppy."

Then before the surprised gazes of Goku and Raditz, Master Roshi had dissapeared from their sights before Raditz fell to the ground as his arms and legs felt like lead.

"What did you do to me?!"

Raditz furiously yelled to which Master Roshi spoke.

"It's called accupuncture. Despite the fact that your an alien race, your physical charecteristics are quite similar to us humans. So, I tried a little accupuncture to stop you from doing anything reckless. I'm glad it worked."

Goku watched in awe at how effortlessly Master Roshi dealt with his so called "Brother". But he was still curious as he questioned the paralysed Raditz.

"Raditz right? You claim to be my brother, and that I look like our father. Do you have any proof? Like maybe a family photo or something similar?"

Raditz glared at Goku as he spoke.

"Unfortunately, I dont. You'll just have to take my word for it."

Goku frowned before Master Roshi spoke.

"Goku. I believe that this Raditz fella is telling the truth."

Both Raditz and Goku took a look at Master Roshi who continued.

"Your Grandpa Gohan once wrote me a letter telling me about how one day whils't on a hike, he saw something crashed into the woods. When he investigated, he found a space pod and inside of the space pod was a child."

Goku's eyes widened as Master Roshi continued.

"He told me that the young boy was extremely agressive, and unusually powerful for his age. Then, one day during a hike up the mountains, the boy fell off a cliff and hit his head. Gohan was afraid he had lost the child he raised, but miraculously the child survived a fall that would've killed anyone else. After the child made a full recovery, his entire personality became different. He became more kind, caring and loving. I believe that you should already know where this story is headed. Unfortunately Goku, you aren't human at all. And the other piece pf proof that the two of you are related is that he also posseses a tail like you did in the past."

Goku took all of Master Roshi's words and let them settle into his mind. After a few minutes, he let out a smile as he responded.

"That's alright master Roshi. Even if I'm not a human, it doesn't change the fact that this is the planet where I was raised. My friends, my family. They all live here, and nothing will ever change that fact. So Raditz, if you truly are my brother, then how about you stay here on earth? Throw away all your pointless desire to conquer this planet, and instead choose to start a new life here."

Raditz was furious at Goku's word's as he spoke.

"I refuse! How dare you claim your only family lives on this pathetic excuse of a planet?! What of our father Bardock?! Or our mother Gine?!"

"I'm sorry. But I can't consider them my family when I dont even know either of them. However, should they one day arrive on earth, I'd be more than happy to help them settle down and hide from this Frieza person. Who knows, maybe they might even enjoy being here."

Raditz went silent fir a few seconds before he responded.

"So, in the end your answer is still no?"

Goku nodded his head as he spoke.

"Live a new life Raditz. If your truly my brother, I dont mind helping you settle down on this planet."

Raditz closed his eyes as he responded.

"I see. Then, I guess I'll be taking you back by force!"

Raditz eyes opened up and a massive torrent of energy rushed out of him freeing him of his paralysed state as he threw a punch towards Goku's face.

"Goku no!"

In a split second, Master Roshi had transformed into his more muscular form revealing his true power which Raditz's scouter read one thousand two hundred as he stood in front of Goku with his arms crossed as Raditz punch struck him knocking the old hermit out, and sending both himself and Goku crashing into his house where Bulma, Krilin, Gohan and the turtle watched in horror.

The young Gohan immeadiately rushed to his father as Raditz clicked his tounge and spoke.

"It seem's like I had underestimated this planet. To have someone with a power level of one thousand two hundred. You would've been but a minor inconvinience to the saiyan race. But out of respect for your power, I will not kill you and the rest of the other vermins in the house. Hmm?"

Raditz took notice of the young boy with the tail who was trying to help Goku stand up calling him dad. Raditz smirked as he approached the group and spoke.

"Goodness Kakarot. To think that I had a nephew that you didnt bother telling me about? Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Raditz arrived before the group as he picked Gohan up by the back of his shirt and spoke.

"Nice to meet you young man. I'm your uncle Raditz. Be a good nephew and dont struggle will you?"

Gohan began crying causing Raditz to click his tounge in annoyance as Goku yelled.

"Gohan! Let him go!"

Raditz smiled as he spoke.

"So, your name is Gohan? It's alright at best. For now, you will come with me."

Krillin charged straight at Raditz as he yelled.

"Oh no you dont! Put Gohan down right now!"

Raditz rolled his eyes as his tail lashed out striking Krilin across the face knocking him out instantly as he spoke.

"Consider yourself lucky that I've decided to show some mercy. Now Kakarot. I'll give you until tomorrow to come find and join me. If not, then my dear nephew Gohan will follow me on your behalf."

Leaving Goku with those words, Raditz flew away with the still crying Gohan as Bulma and the turtle helped Goku stand before laying him on the couch. And before anyone could speak, a familiar green skinned individual appeared before him as he spoke.

"Goku. You look terrible I must say."

Goku looked surprised as he questioned.

"Picollo? What are you doing here?"

Picollo looked irritated as he spoke.

"I wish it didnt have to come down to this, but we both have to fight against your "brother" if we want any hopes of beating him."

Goku, Bulma and the turtle looked shocked hearing Picollo's words as Bulma exclaimed.

"No way! Picollo of all people wants to join forces?! Did Goku struck you too hard all those years ago?"

Picollo's eye twitched in annoyance at Bulma's words, as he spoke.

"Don't get me wrong. I hate all of you with a burning passion. However, Raditz is too big a threat for me to deal with alone. If what I heard was true, then him still being here, still being alive is the biggest threat to this planet. So Goku, will you help me kill Raditz tomorrow?"

"If it's at all possible, I'd prefer not to kill him. But if the situation calls for it, then I wont hesitate."

Picollo nodded his head as he spoke.

"For now, rest up and prepare for tomorrow. Hopefully the old Hermit will have awoken by tomorrow. I sensed his power earlier when he protected you. And though it's still weaker than Raditz, but he's definetly stronger than us both. If he wakes up by tomorrow, are chances of beating Raditz wont be as slim as it would be with just us two."

Goku nodded his head and began resting worried about his sons safety as Picollo sat outside meditating.

-(Scene Break)-

Somwhere near the mountains, Raditz stood impatiently wondering if his baby brother had cowered out of fighting him as Gohan was trapoed inside of Raditz space pod. But a few minutes later, his thoughts were proven wrong when his scouter picked up on the readings of two individuals.

"Greeting's Kakarot. I take it you've decided against accepting my offer?"

Goku nodded his head as he questioned.

"Where is Gohan?"

Raditz pointed his thumb towards his space pod as he spoke.

"In there. However, if you want to see him, you'll have to follow me."

Goku shook his head as he began taking of his shirt confusing raditz before he took notice that Goku's power level had increased to four hundred sixteen. And the same with picollo whose original power of 322 increased to 408.

"You do know that one of us may die in this fight right Goku?"

Goku nodded his head as he spoke.

"That's fine, if either one of us dies, we'll use the dragon balls to wish either of us back to life."

Raditz was intrigued by Goku's wirds, before he watched the two get into their fighting stance and charged Raditz starting a fight that ended thanks to Gohan's rage induced assistance that allowed both Goku and Picollo the chance to kill Raditz at the cost of Goku's own life.

Yet unaware that the entire time, on an unnaned planet, there was a single saiyan who had listened in on the entire situation as he pondered his next course of action. His hair is black and spikes upwards. This saiyan also has a prominent widow's peak and possesses defined eyes with a consistently stern look to them. It was none other than the prince of all Saiyans Vegeta

"These Dragon Balls seem to have the ability to wish the dead back to life? If that's the case, I might be able to either use them to Kill Frieza once and for all. Or even ressurect Lady Ichigo. And if that cannot be accomplished as well, maybe I'll search for either Jin Mori, or wish myself to be immortal. Alright then, I guess it's time I paid Raditz's brother and Nephew a little secret visit."

(An: Next will be Saiyan Saga. Then the other chapter will be namek arc till we finish Buu to continue with the battle of Gods. Or do yall want me to skip everything and just focus on the battle between mori and beerus?)

Chapitre suivant