
Chapter 500 Hera Starts Livestreaming 3

[Susie: Let the Golden Gachapon Rain!! Wow, they are really making it rain! How much more is coming? Not that I'm complaining, but my fingers are starting to get sore from all this tapping—who can resist free money?!]

[DaddyGiveMeMore: Ugh!!! My screen keeps lagging, and I've only managed to gather $450!!!]

[ClimaxWatcher: Dude, @DaddyGiveMeMore, stop complaining! Mine is lagging so much that I've only managed to snag $30 so far. You're doing way better than me! Ugh, I need to upgrade my internet speed—this can't keep happening! Those supergifts could be my lifeline from now on!]

[Susie: Brother @ClimaxWatcher, even if you upgrade your internet, the lag is mostly because of the entire platform struggling with the flood of viewers and activity—not just your connection. That's only about 10% of the issue. Plus, it's not every day someone sends supergifts like this, so relying on it as a livelihood isn't the best strategy.]

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