
Volume 0 (38): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 38 : Words have value Part 1.

After departing from Jericho, Marshack proceeds to leave the Ênphêris Galaxy.

He knows the name thanks to Cla'ryon, the Tsarina has made it very clear how interested she is in a relationship with the Apex.

Proving this fact by giving the knowledge of all Jitaris Stellar Maps so he is aware of how to reach the Sovereign wherever she goes.

The Hûrngöth cross the first of two Natural Tubular Connections to reach his future destination, Nevïs Galaxy, where the Confederation has its Congress on Nïvarth Solar Sistem.

This first NTC, as all of them, connects with three Galaxies, on this particular case, they are, Ênphêris Galaxy, cradle of the Jitaris, Êndêrphêris which is where the Combat Frigate of the Åwlön comes from, and the natal Galaxy of the Hûrngöth.

Which is the direction Marshack is advancing to his next NTC in the vicinity of Hûlfhednär.

The Hûrngöth natal Galaxy remains nameless because is insanely hard to travel using the Stream Flow, distortions and anomalies that lead to different Layers are extremely common, impeding for the majority of the population an appropriate travel outside a bubble of 215 Standard Light Years of extension around Hûlfhednär.

Passing through this inconvenience is only achievable by traveling Over The Flow, which is way slower than the Stream Flow, and that is the primordial reason the Hûrngöth hadn't encouter other Species on this regions for the moment, from whom learn more about this Galaxy they have lived in all this time.

The second NTC Marshack uses, connects with the Preëmethia Galaxy, which is the place where the Homeworld of the D'Kin is located.

However, the Apex goes in the opposite direction, towards the Nevïs Galaxy to engage in the extermination of the Ludbarian and Formickrean.

His Bride Duchess Delené is already performing this labor alongside General Crimcer and several millions of Hûrngöth in training with the new refitted Bio-Organic design of the Multitask Work Vehicles and Scoutships.

A few Standard Days transcurr, precisely on the Nevïs Galaxy, Carteon and Noble Niyeth wait for the beginning of the Meeting inside the Congress Hall on Nïvarth.

Both of them look much more intimidating than before with the lustrous metallic hair and relucent skin due to a way better alimentation and the [Active Adarga].

The vibrant silver glowing Epsidion eyes with two pupils employing the [Bicromy] makes them not different than a prowling predator ready to pounce to an incautious prey.

Furthermore, ther is another change, a clear advancement in the Bio-Organic technology the Hûrngöth previously possess, this is overseen by almost every Delegation, with some exceptions, including new possible Members of the Confederation.

The Mathirn, Jitaris, and Gnardim notices the astonishing improvement made by the Hûrngöth the moment they laid their eyes on them.

The Delegations of the newcomers have a wide variety of thoughts about the Hûrngöth and Mathirn Delegations.

Some are impressed by the apparency or technology, others feel fear for the same reasons, but those knowledgeable enough observe the pair of Hûrngöth and the trio of Mathirn with curiosity and interest.

—Nervous again?; Inquire teasingly Carteon, Noble Niyeth only remarks what she has expressed on several occasions —I am not prepared for this responsibility …

—You don't have to; Retorts firmly Carteon explaining his stance »—Everything you do is my responsibility …

She is about to reply but he stops her »—I know that you think this complicates more your actions, but you only need to back me up and follow my lead, after all, our labor here is simple, making friends, and that is our speciality, if something goes wrong, Bverxkka, Duchess Delené and General Crimcer are the ones to resolve that, "I" made myself clear about the matter Noble Niyeth?.

She nods meekly and he goes near her ear, whispering a promise »—After this day we can go and visit our closest friends, hopefully, they are completely healed by tomorrow night and ready to taste our new food.

This brings a smile to the Damsel, like everyone in Hûlfhednär, she lost a lot of acquaintances with Kern's City departure, and those who survived weren't in the best conditions, which led to its hibernation with the decision made by Marshack.

As the Meeting starts, the first event is outside the usual protocol, the now Ex Main Moderator of the "Shorns", an Anthropoid Goat Species, stepdown his position to the new three Main Moderators.

Designated Councilor Carteon from the Hûrngöth, Delegation Advisor Maw'wldler from the Mathirn and Designated Councilor Garktesy of the Jitaris.

The 4th Commander of the Mathirn Empire is the one taking charge of the podium as Main Moderator, the tall and menacing mantis like Individual is quite imposing, provoking immediate order in the Congress Hall.

*Tsk-Tsk-Tsk* ‡—Let's summarize the usual schedule with the "Introduction of New Species".

Each newcomer Delegation presents themselves respectfully and consistently, after all, aside the other two Main Moderators, who of the presents has the capacity to offend the Mathirn Empire and withstand the consequences, the answer is obvious, "No One".

This is a ploy proposed by Carteon, since he doesn't like conflicts, the Hûrngöth simply analyzed the most feasible way to keep everyone as calm as possible.

This tactic shows its might in the second part of the Meeting, the "Possible Additions" always causes problems due to political, historical or personal factors, but once more, civility remains in the Congress Hall.

Lastly, the "Subjects of Interest", the usual development of this part of the protocol is no different from a pitched battle, especially when the Main Moderator has to perform its job between enemy factions, to impede any conflict or avoid the escalation of those already ongoing.

However, the Current Sovereign of the Gnardim has a different perception, inquiring about the measures taken by the Confederation against the Formickrean threat.

The Main Moderator Maw'wldler answer with determinated disposition ‡—If your Species is suffering from starvation due to the defeat of the Ludbarian against the Formickrean and the subsequent lost of the producing Sector of food imbued with Blue Proto Plasma …

»‡—You should be taking action, leading your troops against the responsibles or ceasing your dependence on external trade and production, rather than whinnying for the other Members of the Confederation to solve the problems that your previous rulers caused to diminish your own strength.

The words of the 4th Commander of the Mathirn Empire are harsh but true, causing a silence that had not been present since he took possession of the podium a few Standard Hours ago.

*Tsk-Tsk-Tsk* »‡—Fortunately for your Species, the Hûrngöth will take care of the purge of Ludbarian and Formickrean on Nevïs Galaxy, The Main Moderator of the Hûrngöth will inform in more detail about this subject …

Carteon receives the word and without the slightest hesitation state confidently the progress of the Hûrngöth offensive »—Six Standard Days ago, we launch the initial wave of attacks on Ludbarian space, its defenses are mediocre but numerous, the same applies to the Formickrean, a second wave is going to ensure the extermination of both Species, this is going to be completed before the next Meeting …

»‡—We Hûrngöth don't have the need for more territories, still, leaving them inoperable is a waste, therefore, those who want a Solar Sistem or several, can discuss with us the free use in exchange of Stellar Maps and the permit of the Integrants of my Civilization to travel unrestricted over the domains that decide to accept our proposition, if any of you have doubts or questions, is the time to express it.

Laughs resound from almost every Entity present on the Congress Hall, the "Delusions" of the Hûrngöth are mocked openly, nevertheless, Carteon only say one sentence more »‡—Those who are interested can make their requests during the following reunion, we are going to allow all the devolved Species to interact with us …

Chapitre suivant