
The Purpose Of A Mother And Father

Katsu and Shelly get up and start following Dad. Shelly asks as they are running,

SHELLY: "Unk! Where is my father? Is he safe?"

They keep running, he doesn't give her an answer. Shelly knows why he didn't answer. 

Dad has tears in his eyes. They continue running until they reach the outskirts of the city's surrounding forest. A sign for the city's bunker can be seen 100 yards (90m) away.

DAD: "Everyone there it-"

He turns back to see a smaller version of the Icemen running at a fast pace towards them. Teeth and claws gnashing and waving. Quickly gaining ground towards the children. He looks back at Mom and she nods. It jumps after Shelly but it impales both Mom and Dad. They wer able to get to the child right in time. Dad and Mom both spit up blood. Then from their wounds their bodies start to grow crystal/ice and it starts to spread. Katsu watches in awe, shock, and terror as the larger Iceman from before rounds the corner. Katsu's father starts to crawl towards his wife. The smaller Iceman slowly approaches it's prey. His mom's purple eyes barely open but still alive. He grabs his wife's hand. A soldier running by sees the family and the situation. He grabs the kids and Katsu is over his shoulder. Kicking and screaming.


The two dying lover are breathing shallow breaths. The smaller Iceman sees the giant has claimed them as prey instead and backs off.

DAD: "I love you... to infinity."

She smiles and a tear falls down her cheek.

MOM: "And.. I will love you... to the beyond."

They are both covered in crystal/ice at the torso. The larger Ice man picks both of them up by their attached arms. Katsu watches both his parents get eaten in front of him. 

Their hands, rings still attached, and intertwined at the fingers, drop to the smaller Iceman. Katsu's scream is heard and earth is shown once again, with an asteroid blitzkrieg around it.

KATSU O.S.(CHILD): "Purpose…to life."

Episode 1 End...

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