
Diplomatic Lessons

Two weeks passed and the initial excitement gave way to a more realistic pace for changing worlds. That didn't mean there was nothing to do.

Far from it!

The list was practically endless. As soon as Noble checked off something, a new task would reveal itself. At this rate, they would never leave.

One thing that the professor hadn't anticipated was that she and her children would receive diplomatic lessons. It made some sense–they were representing the government as a family. Fort was getting training of his own but in a different setting.

The children's lessons were short and sweet, lasting only a couple of days after school and mostly consisted of "here is what to expect" and "don't insult anything you see because it might offend someone."

Noble knew her children would adapt quickly. Blaze had read every book available to him on the Song Domain—and on Ravenheart in particular. His expertise was absolute, if only in his own mind.

Noble had told him many times, "You don't know what you don't know yet." But Blaze would just have to learn the hard way.

Although only periodic, Noble's lessons would take many more weeks, depending on the availability of the people who would impart their knowledge.

Today the instructor was named Adam, and he had been kind enough to meet her at the Awakened Academy between classes. They sat at a table in the instructor's cafeteria: Noble listening and her tutor patiently imparting his knowledge.

Adam was a historian of the Dream Realm. He had information that would never be found in any of Blaze's texts.

'Not that my son would believe I know more than the books on this.' Noble smiled faintly.

Just now, Adam had finished explaining how the geography of the Song Domain had affected its growth, progress, and the relationships between citadels.

Her tutor had done it well, even keeping her attention well despite the somewhat dry topic. Adam was a credit to his profession.

"When you get settled in, you may consider hiking. It is an excellent pastime. The icy plains around Ravenheart are reported to be some of the most breathtaking views in two worlds."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Noble wasn't sure how usable the tip would be. With her floating nature, especially her tendency to float away when she was asleep, the Master was unlikely to do much overland travel.

At least she hoped not to do much. If Ravenheart was where her family was going to be, then she would do her best to spend the bulk of her time in the human settlement.

"Now, as an ambassador for the government, it is very likely that your husband will have significant interactions with Clan Song…"

Noble knew this, of course. Fort was going to facilitate the development of infrastructure for mundane humans, but he was also there to maintain positive relations with Clan Song. If the government were to continue to remain neutral, it would need to remain on good terms with the Sovereigns and their clans. Fort was a vital part of that process.

"When Ambassador Fort is invited to meet the representatives of the Jade Palace for the first time, it is very likely that your presence will also be requested." Adam waited for Noble to process his words.

"Wait, why would I be needed? I am not really part of the coalition." Noble furrowed her brow.

"With Ki Song as Queen and her adopted daughters as the highest ranking people in all of Ravenheart, the culture of Song is matriarchal. They may decide to judge your husband based on you." Adam nodded.

"No pressure…" Noble muttered. "Tell me, what is the best thing to do if I meet them? Act strong? Meek? Respectful?"

"Do not try to be anything you are not. Be honest. One thing the Queen does not appreciate is dishonesty." Adam advised.

"That is one thing we have in common." Noble felt a little bit of relief that she wouldn't have to put up some facade. She would still be respectful, of course, but the thought of being like Queen Bee, aloof and unreachable, all the time sounded exhausting.

"I will be genuine in my appreciation of their hospitality, whatever that may look like," Noble assured her tutor.

"That's all the government can ask." Adam seemed satisfied with her response.

He passed her a packet of synthetic paper. "I printed this. We don't want information about the daughters of Song sent digitally, and I would appreciate it if you would properly dispose of that when you are finished."

"Understood." Noble thumbed through the pages quickly.

Nothing she saw was bad or demeaning, just informative.

However, a lot of it was simply not common knowledge. From what Noble could tell, the Song sisters were rather secretive. Except for possibly Beastmaster and Seishan, they wouldn't appreciate information about themselves being widely broadcast.

Noble looked over the names.

'Dark Dancer? Lightslayer? Saint Revel… all talking about the same person. So, why don't any of those names sound familiar?'

Noble felt a little ashamed that she couldn't name all of the Song Sisters off of the top of her head.

It wasn't that they were forgettable. Each was a memorable contribution to humanity and all but Seishan was a Saint.

It's just that up until now, they didn't have a huge impact on Noble's life, and she therefore didn't think about them often, if at all.

'That's about to change.'

Everything was.

While she didn't know what challenges would await them, Noble would do her best to prepare.

"Thank you. This is very helpful."

Adam smiled, "Good. You know what they say about history."

"Those who don't learn from it are doomed to repeat it. Hopefully, I won't repeat other's mistakes." The floating woman felt her companion's mood shift.

Leaning across the table, his face became serious.

"Based on all my research, I have two pieces of advice you won't find anywhere else."

Adam glanced around to see if anyone was listening. As it was midmorning, the cafeteria was largely empty.

Noble unconsciously leaned forward also. "I'm listening."

"First, try to never end up alone with any of the Song sisters. While nothing has been confirmed, some rumors are not easily ignored." Adam did not seem like a gossip, which made his words hold extra weight.

"What kind of rumors?" Noble couldn't curb her curiosity.

"People have a bad habit of disappearing around them, especially those who go too close to the palace, though the latter could be due to the environment."

Noble had so many questions, but Adam cleared his throat and warded them off. "Apologies for not being more helpful. I hope you will never discover if my assessment is accurate or not. But if you should find yourself at death's door, my second piece of advice is something to keep in mind."

Noble hid her frown.

What good was the advice if it wouldn't keep her alive?

"Whatever you do, don't die in Ravenheart. Get back to the Waking World before you meet your end. Otherwise, your soul may pass on to death but your body will belong to the Queen." Adam's words chilled Noble to the bone.

"What do you mean?"

"Simple. Her Majesty has powers beyond what most of us can fathom, and those who live in her domain are well cared-for. But those who die? They become Pilgrims. That is why in Ravenheart, no one disturbs the dead."

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