
Good Reasons

"You...you want us to do what?!" Rain's voice cracked.

Surely she hadn't heard her parents correctly!

When the teen had arrived home, she had noted that her parents' moods were subdued, but at least they were talking again. Hugging again. Sharing weary smiles.

She had hoped that meant that they had come to a resolution about whatever was bothering them.

Having intended to ask them about it after dinner, Rain felt blindsided by the sudden announcement right after the food was served.

Passing a bowl of salad, Fort nodded. "We are moving to the Dream Realm. Ravenheart, to be exact."

"You can't be serious. Have you both gone crazy?" The girl's eyes opened wide as she looked at her mother. "You are ok with this?"

The corners of Noble's mouth turned up slightly. "Not at first. My initial reaction was very similar to yours."

Noble could understand Rain's feelings. Up until this afternoon, she had shared the sentiment. 

When Sarai had brought up so many valid points to counter Noble's objections, the professor had resented it wholeheartedly. 

But the attack on the citadel had completely changed her view. That was because the Corrupted Titan was unlike anything Noble had fought before.

The Hydra had been defeated by Jet, but just barely. Because Soul Reaper was already being called one of the foremost Saints that humanity had to offer, Noble wasn't sure that even Wake of Ruin could have killed the Titan on his own.

During their talk, Sarai had mentioned gates opening in the NQSC. If a Category large enough opened and allowed something like the hydra into the siege capital, would there be someone powerful enough there to stop it?

Eventually, yes, but in the meantime, the Titan would kill countless people and destroy more than just a wall. And in the Waking World, the odds of something like that creature slithering in were more likely with each passing day.

North America was already lost. Noble had witnessed that catastrophe herself. Now Antarctica was gone as well. Where would be next?

One thing was for sure. It wouldn't be Ravenheart.

The stronghold not only had powerful Saints residing there full time but also had an even more powerful being protecting it: one of the two Sovereigns.

And as much as Noble resented their late entry into the Southern Campaign, she could not deny that the Supremes had gotten results.

In the news, the daughters of Ki Song had spoken of the protective nature of their adoptive mother. According to them, she took good care of those within her boundaries.

That is what Noble wanted for her family. Protection and care.

Maybe that was selfish to shield them. Maybe it was wise to fiercely guard her personal happiness. Noble wasn't sure that she cared.

All she knew was that she wanted them to have a fighting chance at survival.

There was a second reason Noble had come to this decision.

Sarai had summed it up in a single word: choice.

Feeling little Sola's devastation over the loss of her uncle had been harder on Noble than she was willing to admit. Sola's question still rang in Noble's ears.

"Didn't I suffer enough in the Nightmare?"

Nightmares were meant to cause suffering. They were trials by fire.

Sola hadn't chosen to be infected by the Spell. Neither had Noble.

Both had been victims of the curse.

Rain might be able to escape the pull of the Spell, but the twins were far more likely to be infected because they were related to her by blood.

Because she had been pregnant with them as an Awakened, some had told her their infection was all but guaranteed.

Noble had ignored them at the time, but now…

Sola had looked so helpless! And so hopeless…

With this move, Rain, Brock, and Blaze had the opportunity to decide if they wanted to be infected. They would be able to select if or when they challenged a Nightmare.

Suddenly, that freedom to choose was worth far more than the creature comforts and Spelltech of the Waking World. It was priceless.

Noble would have to hear the 'I told you so' from Sarai later. For now, she needed to focus on her panicking daughter. 

"Don't worry. We aren't leaving tomorrow or even next week. It will be at least a couple of months, we may even wait until the end of the school year. We can discuss what the best timing is." Noble nodded at Rain across the table. "Moving to Ravenheart is the best decision for our family. For you." 

"You think going as mundane people to a place with no technology and living like they did before the dark ages is what is best for our family?" Rain raised her eyebrows incredulously. 

"It's where the future is," Fort said, surprising Noble with his statement. "The Waking World is having new problems every day. The Dream Realm is a fresh start. I think everyone will end up there eventually. We would be among the first mundane pioneers." 

"Wait...You aren't just pulling our legs. We are really going?" Brock plopped his fork on the table as his mouth hung open. 

Noble felt his rush of excitement before his whooping scream. 

"We are going to be like in the movies, Blaze! Two boys, roughing it in the wild as we find our way. Adventure around every corner. And danger in every shadow..." Brock laughed maniacally. 

"We won't exactly be in the wild. Part of the delay is to make sure we have a finished house before we arrive," Fort told his elder son. 

"Will we still be able to go to school and learn?" Blaze chewed his lip. 

"I will find a way to make sure you have access to education, even if it means tutoring you myself." Noble was a little surprised at her own assertion, but she realized that she meant it. 

"That's good enough for me. I'm in," Blaze smiled and raised his thumb in the air. 

"Are you saying all you needed to lure you to the Dream Realm was a few books?" Rain put her head in her hands. 

Blaze crossed his arms. "What can I say? I am a simple man." 

"I am going to need a better reason than poor plumbing and no communicators to convince me this is a good idea," Rain pursed her lips. 

"The lack of Spelltech won't be forever. You aren't the only one glued to your device. People will find a way to bring electricity and modern comforts over in no time. Then someday you can tell your grandkids how back in your day you lived off of the land with only your wits to survive." Fort offered. 

"You cannot guarantee when that will happen, if it happens at all." Rain tilted up her nose and sniffed. "Isn't Ravenheart in the snow of a volcanic mountain? We will either roast or freeze to death..." 

"Didn't you say you wanted to get stronger?" Noble raised one eyebrow at her daughter, catching the girl off guard.

"Yes..." The dark-haired teen furrowed her brow. 

"What better way to get stronger than starting a civilization in an unfriendly world? You will be able to overcome the elements and train in the same conditions as Awakened do. Maybe we'll even find an Awakened tutor who can bring out more in you than I can. Take all that and add in some solid survival skills and you will be able to take on just about anything you put your mind to." 

Noble could feel she struck a nerve. She swallowed. Had she pushed too hard? Or just the right amount?

Rain pursed her lips. She stared at her mother evenly. "Those aren't good reasons," she said slowly. Her eyes softened, "but they are a start..." 

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