
The Truth

"Hand me that one." Noble stuck out her tongue slightly as she received the desired page and placed it in the proper location. 

"Don't forget this one," Nickel picked up another page of his notes. "I don't think either of you have this covered." 

A few more minutes passed with feverish working and reworking of the order of things. Some things in the journals had been presented out of sequence due to when the king thought to report his musings, so a few of the events could only be properly settled after a lively debate. 

With a final movement, the three stepped back from their handiwork.

"There, I think that about does it." Sarai tilted her head to look at the papers arranged on the ground. "Wow, that is a lot of information." 

Noble had used her ability to move all the furniture to the walls so they could piece the unconventional puzzle together. Some pages were ripped to remove info that had seemed important at the time but later turned out to be useless. The rest was patched together until the full picture was revealed. 

The entire floor of the sitting room was covered with pages like a massive rug. The sheer size of the story map they had created was nothing short of humbling. 

"Not as pretty at the [Mindweaver's Tapestry]," Sarai smiled remembering the gift she had gotten in the Dreamscape, "But it does paint a pretty clear picture of how things happened."

Nickel grunted. "Not exactly a masterpiece if you ask me. More of a horror story than a fairy tale."

Noble scanned the pages, her face grim. "It reads exactly as I would expect. It's a nightmare..."

What Noble had found in the first book months ago was where the incredible story of King Kraai began.

For that was the name of the King in the Mountains.

When Kraai had sworn to Cron of Crestfall that he would find out the truth about how to win Mandra's love, it had not been an empty promise.

Thankfully, out of love for his daughter and concern for his kingdom, Cron had paid the King of the Mountain's personal servant a hefty bribe to give detailed reports of his master's progress.

Among other things, those private communications were included as part of Cron's journals.

The first letters of the correspondent spoke of Kraai's desperation and determination. The spurned lover was going to call on his patron to help him.

But his patron was not a god.

It was a demon.

And after a time of searching, Kraai was successful.

The scribe, who did not sign any of his letters, described the interaction.


"The Demon met my master in the Jade Court. I hid, not wanting that fateful gaze to find me. 

'You would like a favor?' the Demon asked. The voice alone filled me with dread beyond measure. 

Somehow my master was able to withstand the burden of the noise. 

'You were good to my ancestor once, giving her a great gift.' 

The king did not mention what the gift was, only looked about the room. 

'I remember the queen and the gift,' the Demon answered. I could not tell if the voice was pleased or angered by the reminder.

'Like her, I have served you faithfully and now I come asking for something no less precious. Perhaps even more so.' King Kraai could not hide the excitement in his voice. 

I think the Demon could sense it too. 

'What is it you require?' 

'I need to find the true way to my love's heart,' my master's placed his hand on his chest. 'I seek the truth.'

There was silence for a long time. If I had not been peeking between the pillars, I would have wondered if the powerful being had left. 

'Are you sure?' the Demon's words cut at me like a knife. I could hear the screaming warning in them not to continue.

But my Master had no reservations. 'I am sure.' 

The Demon looked around the room as if remembering something. A sigh filled the room like a rushing wind. 'Very well.' 

The Demon opened one hand and a small black ball appeared in it. My king stared at it for a moment, confused by the strange gift. 

Before His Majesty could question the powerful being the Demon dropped the ball into my king's hand.

His whisper seeped into every corner of the palace. 'The truth is not always beautiful, but it is always powerful.'

With that, the Demon left. 

That was three days ago. My master has not left his room since. 

I overheard the servants who brough him dinner gossiping that he has not figured out how to make the ball work and is begging the Demon to return with instructions. I cannot say for sure if this is true. 

I will let you know when I have more information. 


"Well that does settle it once and for all, doesn't it? My suspicions were correct." Nickel chewed at the inside of his cheek.

The two women stared at him, unsure of what conclusion they were missing.

"The Jade Court doesn't ring any bells?" The thief sighed. "King Kraai lived in Ravenheart."

 "Oh!" Sarai's eyes shone with excitement. "That means if we can get a map that shows the old king's castle, then we can pinpoint where we are as well!" 

That was something, though Noble wasn't sure how useful the information would be unless Nickel or Sarai had more knowledge of the topography than she did. 

Still, any additional information was helpful. It just wasn't always comforting. 

As expected, Cron had felt uneasy about the news from his anonymous correspondent.

A Demon interfering with human affairs was a rare thing! 

And since Kraai had valued the Demon even above the gods, the king of Crestfall was concerned that such a rare gift would bring calamity on her dearest Mandra. 

Months passed, but just as Cron was beginning to hope that nothing would happen, another letter arrived to confirm his worst fears. 

"My master has learned how to use the ball, but he believes the wretched bauble was only given to him to mock him. No matter which way the tries to word his questions toward the magical orb, the answer is that the Princess of Crestfall will never be his. He does not accept this conclusion. He plans to try for a few days more, but if he cannot get the answer he seeks, he will march on your kingdom and take the princess by force."

Based on other writings, Noble knew the region which the people of the Mountains controlled was much much larger than the simple city-state where she currently resided. 

The forces coming against Crestfall, if properly organized, would be completely overwhelming. 

Cron knew his daughter. Mandra would never agree to marry the monstrous man that lived in the Jade Palace. So the king did what he thought was best.

Cron prepared for battle to defend both his kingdom and his family. 

In the end, the king of Crestfall got a war. He faced it ready to fight until his dying breath.

Noble turned her gaze to the next scene, watching the story unfold in her mind's eye. 

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