

"How quickly after that did you get married?" Sarai handed her empty plate to Larry as he cleared the table. 

"Not too fast. At least from my perspective, I would say that things moved very naturally," Noble tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Once the wall between Fort and I had been broken down, I found that I did not want to spend time apart from him. He confided that he felt the same way. So three months before I graduated from the University, Fort proposed and we were married the week after I received my degree. 

"Perhaps twenty-two was a bit young to be plunging into marriage, but looking back, I wouldn't have had it any other way." Noble seemed so lost in her memories that Sarai had barely felt the need to respond at all. 

The fiery Awakened listened intently to each and every word. It was nice to hear her friend really open up. 

Most of the time, the professor kept her personal thoughts and feelings to herself. With her second ability being so potent, Noble always tried to be cautious not to force her feelings on others. 

Seeing Noble's animated retelling of the past was something new for Sarai, and she did not want it to end. Which led her to the next obvious question. 

"So you got married, and then I assume you followed through on your promise to Seb, right?" Sarai put her elbows on the table and rested her chin on them. 

The light of the room reflected in her eyes, giving her a particularly childlike expression as she paid rapt attention. 

Accepting a cup of digestive tea from their dutiful server, Noble nodded. "The paperwork was all in order ahead of time so the metaphorical ink wasn't even dry on our marriage license before we finalized the adoption. You may not know, but it is no small thing to adopt a child, even when that child is already family. The licenses and money required. The hoops we had to jump through. We almost couldn't manage it in time. But nothing was too good for Seb.

"So on the day we wed, Seb officially became our son and a true citizen of the NQSC. My mother was more than happy to watch her new grandson while we went on our honeymoon. When we got back, we bought the house where we currently live and settled into our lives together. For a while, everything was perfect.

"Fort made enough income so I was able to stay home. Despite my husband's best efforts, raising a child and a full-time job was very difficult for him. As a result, Seb was behind both in school and in his nutrition. With my undivided help and some additional tutoring, my son not only caught up with his classmates but moved to the top of the class. And with my cooking, Seb shot up to be taller than I was in no time. It was amazing! 

"I couldn't have asked for a better life. Sure, we had our fair share of troubles, but a walk in our favorite park could patch up almost any family squabble we had."

"Sounds like a dream," Sarai said with a smile.

"It was. We got three years of wonderful memories that I truly treasure." Noble sighed. She took a sip of tea. Its earthy taste soothed her dry mouth. 

"Only three years. That is so short! What happened? If you don't mind me asking, that is." Sarai suddenly felt very presumptuous. 

"I don't mind. The Spell took him. I didn't see it coming. I really thought we would have more time. But three days after Seb turned sixteen, he became exceptionally tired. I hoped it was some other sickness, but it was clear very quickly that he was about to be taken into his first Nightmare. We told him we loved him and remained with him until he fell asleep. After that, I stayed by his side for days. But even with his valiant striving, he must have failed the trial." Noble went quiet. 

Sarai knew what happened when an aspirant failed. They released a hideous creature into the waking world. Sarai wondered if Noble had had to kill the Nightmare Creature herself or if another Awakened had been there to do the job for her. 

By the forlorn expression on Noble's face, the answer was easy to guess. The pain of losing one's child only to have to kill the thing that took their place…it would be more than most people could bear. 

The fiery Awakened felt tears sting her eyes. Even though she had never met Seb, after hearing all about the young man, she felt the loss of him keenly. 

"I'm sorry seems like an empty thing to say," Sarai admitted. "But it is the only thing I have. I am so sorry, Noble. I wish I could do more."

"It is not your fault. It is not mine either," Noble reminded herself as she rubbed her forehead. She looked up apologetically. "And just you listening to me ramble is more than enough. I know logically that it has been eleven years, but it still feels like yesterday. I miss him, you know? It should never have happened." Noble shook her head slowly. The world was very, very broken.

"I know the boys were too young, but does Honey remember him at all? She would have been three around then, right?" Sarai changed the subject slightly. 

"No, they never met, actually." Noble chuckled softly as a small smile graced her face. "Though I suppose you could say that in a way, Seb is responsible for introducing us. I wish I could thank him for that."

"Introducing you? I am afraid I don't follow." Tilting her head quizzically, Sarai pouted. 

Noble glanced at the clock. "Hm, that is a whole other story. How much time do you have?"

Sarai called their faithful server over. "I think we are ready for dessert. Which one takes the longest to make?" 

"We make our chocolate souffles fresh, so it takes about thirty minutes. Most people order that when they begin their meal so that they do not have to wait," the serious waiter seemed confused by the question. 

Sarai nodded. "Good. We will take two of those."

Larry hesitated. The two women had eaten quite a bit. Although he was pretty sure they would not leave without paying, he was hesitant to let them stay when the dinner rush would soon be coming. "Are you sure? If you like I can have something else packaged up to go, ma'am." 

Feeling his anxiety, Noble intervened. "Don't worry. I am paying and I will make it worth your while for using the table for so long." 

"Understood, Ma'am," Reassured, the young man scurried off to put in the order. 

Sarai leaned back in her seat and held out her open palms with a relaxed grin. "Now that that is settled, we have all the time in the world. You were saying?" 

Noble took a deep breath. "Well, after Seb died, to say I was upset would be a gross understatement…"

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