
The Academy [part 1]

Milhguard Academy was a fortress that stood in all its enigmatic glory on an island shrouded in mystery— the Sanctuary of The Crimson Shadow.

This isle lay at the very heart of the vast Central Plain, and it owed its existence to the eerie sea of smoke that lurked beneath it rather than a vast expanse of water.

Tra-el, the realm where it was located, recognized the island as one of its nine wonders— which consists of places where unexplainable phenomena defied human comprehension.

No matter how much scholars attempted to unravel the secrets behind these marvels, their efforts proved futile, for the wonders remained cloaked in mystery.

As the flying ship approached, Northern peered down from the deck, his gaze meeting the unsettling sight of crimson smoke creeping eerily below.

The academy itself stood fortified, surrounded by towering walls that enclosed its buildings protectively, safeguarding them from the creepy claws of the shadowy haze around it.

The height of these walls was staggering, stretching so high that even from the ship's lofty trajectory, the structures within it remained obscured from view.

Northern found himself pondering how they would gain entry, wondering if the vessel would need to ascend to greater heights.

As if in response to his curiosity, the ship glided directly towards the wall, and Northern watched, captivated, as the air sailors skillfully folded the colossal mast and maneuvered the vessel's wheels to direct its course.

With the mast folded, the ship appeared less imposing, liberated from its bulky rigging.

Suddenly, a section of the immense wall parted, revealing a cavity from which an extended metallic aerial bridge unfurled.

Simultaneously, a wide circular platform unfolded, and the ship slowly glided towards it, making a smooth landing.

The moment had arrived– it was time for Northern to enter the academy he had long anticipated.

His eyes danced with sparks of excitement as he envisioned the wonders that awaited him beyond the academy's formidable walls.

Just then, a young lady approached, her raven tresses flowing gracefully in the wind.

Her crimson eyes seemed to pierce through everything they beheld while exuding an intensity that hinted at a thirst for conquest.

Her skin bore a warm, flawless hue, and her jet-black bangs framed her forehead, stopping just above her sharp, defined brows.

Northern found himself momentarily distracted by the floral scent that lingered around her.

He turned to regard her, only to avert his gaze moments later.

The girl, too, met his gaze briefly before diverting her eyes, and together they stood silently, transfixed by the colossal wall that loomed before them.

"Just how did they build this thing?" Northern broke the silence, craning his neck in a futile attempt to take in the wall's entire visage.

The closer they drew, the more staggering its height appeared.

The wall, a testament to architectural mastery, had been erected by the most skilled craftsmen—drifters who had awakened non-combat, S-class talents and dedicated themselves to contributing to the civilization of the Central Plains.

Constructed using an indestructible metal forged from the rare Oregon mineral, the wall was smelted and molded through the fierce interplay of steel and fire by master blacksmiths.

Its erection took an astonishing seventy-three years, with the final structure reaching a staggering height of 9,448 meters and spanning a vast 10,000 square kilometers, making it large enough to be considered an empire.

All the seven kingdoms and two empires of the Central Plain had come together and relinquished this land, for none of them could breach the impregnable barrier.

Yet, the mystery persisted— how had the academy's founder crossed the sea of crimson shadows to this island in the first place?

Over time, the advent of flying ships and teleportation had made access to the island feasible, but the academy's origins remained shrouded in enigma.

Another perplexing aspect was the sheer height of the walls, and their true purpose; whether to protect the interior from the crimson shadows or perhaps the reverse, remained a matter of speculation.

Northern looked at the wall with a discerning eye, his thoughts racing.

"It looks like it's protecting the inside from the outside... or is it the outside from the inside?" He mused, his voice laced with intrigue.

As the ship touched down safely on the round platform, a harsh blast from the horn shattered the tranquil silence, its piercing sound nearly rupturing Northern's eardrums.

While he instinctively clamped his hands over his ears, the young lady beside him remained unfazed, stepping forward as automatic steps arranged themselves from the deck to the platform's surface.

One of the air attendants announced, "First stop, Milhguard Academy. If you are for Milhguard Academy, please retrieve your luggage from the cargo hold."

As the attendant's voice echoed, several people emerged from within the ship, clutching their bags.

That was when Northern realized that he was not the only prospective student who had embarked on this journey.

"Where have they all been?" He wondered, before concluding that, like himself, they had likely remained secluded in their quarters during the voyage.

Scanning the disembarking passengers, he failed to spot the alabaster-haired child and the protector he had encountered at the citadel.

At least he had Annette, the twins, and Gilbert on his side, a realization that brought him an odd sense of comfort that he promptly tried to shake off.

As Northern made his way towards the cargo hold to retrieve his luggage, Gilbert approached him with a smile, lifting one of the bags.

"This is yours, right?" He inquired amiably.

"Ah, yes it is," Northern responded, slightly taken aback. "Thank you," he added, politely taking the bag from Gilbert's grasp.

Falling in line with the other passengers, Northern surveyed his surroundings.

Most of his fellow travelers appeared to be between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, except for the tiny figure who immediately caught his eye.

The youth was not merely short in stature but also possessed blue hair and a cold, piercing gaze that hinted at a troubled disposition.

To Northern, the boy seemed out of place, as if he wasn't supposed to be present.

As Northern approached the cavity within the wall, he glanced around once more, but there was still no sign of Ruchsbourgh.

While his absence did not perturb Northern, he had expected the individual who had invited him here to accompany him on the journey. If not, how could Ruchsbourgh possibly teleport them into a place he had never been?

As Northern walked on, someone began matching his pace, and a boy greeted him with a slight bow of his head.

"Good afternoon. My name is Ellis... Ellis Ruthsworn."

Northern regarded him with a deadpan expression, offering no response.

"So what about you... what's your name?" Ellis pressed, undeterred by Northern's silence.

Northern sighed inwardly. 'Can't he take a hint?' Before answering curtly, "Northern."

Ellis studied Northern intently as if expecting more information.

"What?" Northern grumbled, growing impatient with the boy's scrutiny.

"You must be from the imperial family..." Ellis whispered conspiratorially.

"Are you trying to hide your identity? Don't worry, not everyone knows about the white hair of Luinngard Empire."

Northern arched a brow, his expression puzzled.

"I think you have the wrong person." He stated matter-of-factly before hastening his steps to put enough distance between him and the persistent Ellis as they entered the hallowed walls of the academy.

What sprawled out before his eyes was a sight more grandiose than anything he had ever laid eyes upon— the magnificent Milhguard Academy in all its glorious splendor.

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