
chapter 31

Chapter 49 Workhouse

Chapter 137 Workhouse

At around nine o'clock in the morning, there were very few customers in the cafe. Most residents in the East District usually finish breakfast after seven o'clock and start working or looking for work.

What did Zaratul show Miss Hunter? She became more active than before... With a plate with only leftover soup in front of him, Klein sat by the window and looked at the scene nearby.

According to the original arrangement, he wanted to take a day off and wait for Mr. A to fully recover before continuing the investigation of Gostals' whereabouts.

After returning from Zaratul's mansion in the West District, Miss Hunter's attitude towards Zaratul has obviously changed a lot. She seemed to have confirmed a certain suspicion in her heart that had been wavering in the past, and solved a certain misunderstanding...

After finishing the last piece of bread, Klein left the cafe.

He was walking alone, and there was always a cold feeling on the back of his neck. The sun was clearly in the sky at this time, and the sunlight was fierce, but his surroundings were still as shadowy as dusk, and the shadows were compatible with the scattered spots on the ground, and all this was unusual and untouched. Bystanders notice.

Klein walked faster and faster, leaving the edge of the East District where the crowds were relatively sparse and the security was better, and he continued to go deeper. It was not until he entered the relatively dense area of ​​​​the factory that he slowed down.

This place is close to the most prosperous dock area in the East District. Thousands of tons of different types of cargo are piled in the walls on both sides of the street. The horns of freighters entering the port sound from time to time, accompanied by a large amount of sultry steam drifting away.

The Zigman Party supported by the "Rose School of thought" exists in name only, and it has become even more uneasy recently... Klein suddenly stopped his right foot that was about to fall, and picked up a leaflet from under the shoe that had been blown away by the wind. .

The extreme racism in Gostars is very strong. He was born in the colonies and suffered the most direct persecution from the people of the Northern Continent. Morally speaking, there are few people more qualified than him to seek revenge on the Northern Continent. Humanity commits violence.

This kind of person will not care about how many innocent casualties his actions will cause in the Northern Continent, nor will he consider winning over the people from the plateau for their "recovery" like other senior leaders of the "Rose School" whose rationality has not been wiped out by the belief in evil gods. How many benefits will it bring to the great cause of the country?

The "devils" and "ghosts" who were previously responsible for supporting the plateau people's forces are dead. Gostars hates soft and long-term plans. It is certain that he will insist on the decision of the top leaders of the "Rose School", but he will definitely not Like his two subordinates.

The Zigman Party will be reorganized quickly in the near future, and there may be a new "executor" and a new leader with extraordinary power... At most, it will barely reach the level of Meursault, and it will not be any more. Gao...the focus is still on Gostals himself.

With his thoughts racing, Klein paused at the edge of a step and looked at the crumpled flyer in his hand. A recruitment advertisement caught his eye.

In the suburbs of Backlund, workers are being recruited for the construction of a new wharf... There is also a wharf to be built. Is there any idle land along the Tasok River far away from the western city of Backlund?

Suddenly, Klein felt a harmless gaze looking at him, and it seemed to have been staring at him for a long time.

He raised his head curiously and looked in the direction of his inspiration.

"It's you?"

At the bottom of the steps, Klein found an acquaintance. The middle-aged and elderly man whom he had rescued before was squinting his eyes and timidly approaching the direction where he was standing.

The other person was still wearing the same thick jacket as before, his graying hair looked greasy, and his beard was quite obvious, but his brows and eyes no longer felt as sleepy as last time, and his face was no longer so frighteningly pale.

"Good morning, we meet again." Klein greeted him generously and took the initiative to walk down the steps.

When the middle-aged and elderly man heard the familiar voice, his squinted eyes immediately widened and he revealed a friendly smile.

He hurried forward and said in surprise:

"Sir, I didn't expect it was really you!"

"I thought I was dazzled."

Klein smiled and nodded, pointed to the worker uniform he was wearing, and raised his finger in front of his lips to signal the other party to keep quiet.

"How did you find a job?"

"...Not yet." The man smiled awkwardly, and the loneliness and regret were vaguely visible in the curve of his mouth.

However, he quickly regained his composure and took the initiative to tell Klein about his recent experiences.

"With your help, I can finally have a good sleep, have a full stomach, and no longer feel so weak."

"I originally wanted to find a job like in the past, you know, making shoes in a factory, but in the past few years, factories have basically been replaced with machines, except for young skilled workers with particularly stable hands and those who can use machines. , they are unwilling to hire additional workers and don't want me anymore."

It was obviously about sadness, but Klein saw a heartfelt smile blooming little by little on the man's face.

"If I can't find a suitable job, I can only use your money to find a new bed in the house I rented in the past. After all, if I keep sleeping outside, my health will only get worse and worse, and it is even less likely that anyone will want me." I."

"Then I went to the neighborhood where I rented a house in the past." The man's tone became much more excited. When he got to the emotional point, he couldn't help but hammer his chest with his right hand. "To be honest, sir, I never thought about myself before." Your life can also be related to luck."

"It's true that I didn't find a job, but at least I don't have to worry about food and housing now!"

"Why?" Klein asked sincerely.

"It's His Royal Highness the Prince!"

The man hit his chest again, and this time Klein saw that the man was imitating a storm believer.

His Royal Highness, a member of the House of Augustus and a child of the present King George III?

Upon hearing this answer, Klein felt as if he was hearing some cold joke.

The man in front of him, a poor man who was a homeless man last week, actually got into a relationship with a prince who was born with a manor and a title, and thus solved the problem of food and clothing?

"Which prince is it? The royal family has established a new workhouse in the East District?"

Quickly discarding the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Klein asked rationally.

The man nodded vigorously.

"It is Prince Edsac, sir."

"But His Royal Highness did not establish a new workhouse..."

As he spoke, the man suddenly stopped. He was thinking about the words and didn't know how to describe it.

"That's right, it's very similar to the workhouse, but not everyone will be admitted. It depends on age. Someone will ask us, and then only those who pass the review by that gentleman will be eligible to live in."

"Well, once you move in, as long as you don't make any mistakes, you won't be kicked out, and you can find a job..."

"You can find a job, sir." The man repeated excitedly.

In 1258, welfare institutions officially appeared in Loen, which were run by the church and the government, were organized and protected by law, and operated in compliance with the "Poor Relief Act" approved by the parliament. From that time on, entering the workhouse meant giving up looking for help in the outside world. The right to work has also penetrated into the thoughts of every poor person who needs relief to maintain his life.

"A workhouse where you can go out and find a job?" Klein raised his eyebrows in surprise, "It's really strange."

Emperor Russell has a famous saying. Klein doesn't know whether this sentence is original or whether it comes from their common hometown like many of his "famous quotes", but he believes that this sentence does brilliantly expose the so-called workhouse. Nature.

"Don't go to the workhouse if you have the slightest chance."

The Poor Relief Act was not intended to provide relief to the poor.

In 1258, it was an important time for the countries in the Northern Continent to launch their voyages and march into the Southern Continent to fight for colonies. Gold mining, plundering, slave trading, reselling, and countless gimmicks attracted young people who had not inherited the family property at that time to join the kingdom. In their eyes, his maritime career, from poverty to wealth, seemed to be just a ticket to the Southern Continent.

The enthusiasm of these young people and the tangible rewards brought by the colonization of the Southern Continent successfully confused the government and some politicians. They scraped the gold shipped back from the Southern Continent and couldn't wait to declare that the kingdom of heaven promised by the gods had reappeared on the earth. The extreme ones shouted the slogan "There should no longer be poor people."

They believe that in this era where diligence and opportunities appear at the same time, as long as you are willing to participate in labor, getting rich is certain.

Steam engines continue to transform the continent, and sea ships conquer the violent sea. Whether you enter a factory or venture out to sea, you can easily make a fortune... The kingdom of heaven promised by God has arrived. As long as you are a devout believer, you will not Rejected from the land flowing with milk and honey.

Poor people are either lazy or unfaithful... Under this trend of thought, the "Poor Relief Act" of various countries came into being.

Parliament designed the bill to be what they wanted. People who lost their ability to make ends meet and work had no choice but to go to the workhouse if they wanted to survive. They imitated the prison and promulgated harsh rules in the hospital. The food there was poor and the living conditions were simple. The only thing that could be guaranteed was the deterrent effect. As for the life and death of the people being rescued in the hospital, they only occasionally considered it.

The managers of the workhouse regard the relief funds sent to the poor as a reward for laziness and bad habits, and will only intensify the torture of these poor people in order to force them to run away, return to the embrace of the factory, and give up the idea of ​​"giving up on themselves" .

In the official background, the government, the Church of Storms, and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, which also maintains a conservative attitude in the country, all regard the above as a guideline. Only the pastoral area managed by the Church of Night is relatively moderate.

Until now, people who entered workhouses were given a bad reputation and had to hide their past experiences when looking for work...

Prince Edsac is simply provoking the Parliament to build a workhouse where people can find jobs. He is subverting people's accustomed cognition and rewriting the order. Such an application for building a workhouse can be approved. Should he be said to be worthy of being a member of the royal family...

Klein noticed something slightly strange in the man's description.

In his opinion, Edsac's move was too good to be true!

It is too beyond the mainstream of society!

Is this really a decision that a prince has the courage to make? Klein was filled with confusion and asked the man:

"Can you take me to the workhouse where you live now?"

The man hesitated only for a moment.


"Are you going to investigate, or are you?"

"Just out of curiosity." Klein smiled and shook his head.

The man visibly breathed a sigh of relief and seemed relieved.

"I can take you there now. Visits are allowed there. Many reporters have been going there recently..."

He talked a lot and didn't add a sentence until the end.

"By the way, you can also call me Lao Kohler. It turns out that everyone in the factory calls me that."

The "workhouse" that Old Kohler refers to is not far from the dock area, only two kilometers away, close to the edge of the East District, east of the boundary line between the Backlund Bridge District and the East District.

The courtyard walls here are painted white, hidden among the rows of red brick buildings, making it difficult to spot from the outside.

Under the guidance of Old Kohler, Klein saw the door of the "Almshouse".

The royal emblem is painted with exquisite brushwork on the white courtyard wall, and the symbol of the "Sword of Judgment" is laid out in the pale white, which is particularly conspicuous.

"The manager of the hospital is Mr. Aigron. We heard from Dr. Bell that he used to be a soldier serving in the Kingdom's West Balam Regiment."

Entering the door of the "Almshouse", Old Kohler lowered his voice and introduced to Klein.

A former member of the West Balam Legion... Klein couldn't help but pause, hesitating.

The West Balan Legion has been stationed in the Kingdom's colony, an elite force that directly confronts the Second Empire Army of Trunsoest... Aigron is one of their members, isn't he an Extraordinary?

Thinking of this, Klein carefully used illusions to cover his surroundings, giving Old Kohler the illusion that he was still talking to him. He turned to Sharon, who had been following him in spirit form:

"UU reading book www.uukanshu.net. I guess there will be extraordinary among managers here."

The silent cold wind answered on Sharon's behalf. The shadowy reflection at Klein's feet became normal for an instant, and the spiritual "resentful soul" attached behind him tightened its disguise.

After being prepared, Klein lifted the illusion and followed Old Kohler into the deeper parts of the "Almshouse".

The two walked through a square with sparse vegetation and saw a smiling middle-aged man in front of a bungalow who was not wearing a "workhouse" uniform and squatting next to a group of children.

The man had a strong build, a pair of blue eyes as clear as the lake water in early spring, and only a thin layer of blond hair on his head. His face was angular and his facial features were profound.

"He is Mr. Agron."

Even though Old Kohler kept his voice as low as possible, it still alarmed the man who was squatting in front of several children and telling the story with a smile.

Aigron, who sensed someone approaching, stood up and looked around reflexively. The gaze in his eyes was as sharp as an arrow. His excessive movements caused the children who had previously listened to him tell about his past in the army to also look at Klein and In the direction where old Kohler was standing, a chubby little boy's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Klein.

He hid behind Aigron as if frightened. The tall and tall soldier stroked the boy's head while frowning, staring at the cramped old Kohler, and asked:

"Kohler, is he the guest you brought back?"

There is some information about the changed reality. Although it is difficult to imagine, this is what the British politicians thought at the time.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 49 Prejudice (Really, the title was wrong yesterday)

Chapter 138 Prejudice (Really, the title was wrong yesterday)

"Kohler, are they the guests you brought back?"

Administrator Aiglon looked at Klein from top to bottom with sharp eyes.

Agron's question made Old Kohler feel like he was falling into a hole in the ice. His panic-filled eyes hesitantly glanced between Klein and the administrator. It took a lot of effort to muster up the courage to admit.

"Yes, Mr. Agron."

"This gentleman once helped me. After he heard that I lived here, he was afraid that I would be deceived, so he wanted to come and take a look."

"Didn't you tell this gentleman that this is a welfare facility funded by His Royal Highness the Prince?" Aigron stroked the chubby boy's hand and patted the boy's head.

The smart boy understood immediately and ran into the flat floor behind with a few companions.

"I said it, but, but..." Old Kohler didn't know how to let the manager in front of him explain himself, so he stuttered nervously and stuttered.

"But this gentleman doesn't believe that there is a welfare institution that allows you to go out to find a job?" Aigron's clear and pure ice-blue eyes were like mirrors, as if reflecting the truth that old Kohler was choking in his throat and didn't know how to express. idea.

His eyes slowly shifted and lingered on Klein's facial expression. He paused for a few seconds and nodded slightly.

"Kohler, have you found a job?"

"Not yet, Mr. Agron." Old Kohler replied immediately.

"Then don't go out this afternoon. The children still need a few pairs of shoes for the winter." Aigron said, "You can go to Mrs. Bernard later to get the packed soles, leather and cotton. When they are finished, I'll pay you a commission based on the market price."

As soon as he heard about the reasonable salary, the old Koller, who had been disappointed when he learned that he could not continue to look for a job in the afternoon, suddenly became energetic and clapped his hands loudly.

"Then don't wait any longer and go quickly!"


Old Kohler, who was urged by Agron again, took steps forward hesitantly and then stopped, looking at Klein with eyes filled with confusion.

"I'm just taking a look, you go and do your work first." Klein smiled and nodded.

He looked at Aiglon, who was standing upright, and raised his hat.

"Mr. Aiglon, would you like to introduce this place to me?"

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of drinking tea or smoking. There is only coffee here."

In the sparsely furnished office, Aigron, who was sitting behind a wooden desk, pointed to the chair opposite him.

Standing next to the only chair in the room besides Aigron's exclusive seat, Klein did not sit down in a hurry. Instead, he looked at it with interest.

A very ordinary house, with no abnormal spiritual brilliance, no smell of blood, and no malice or negative emotions perceived by the "poisoned wine brooch"...

The only thing that can be called strange... Klein sat opposite Aigron. Looking at the veteran who was staring directly at him, he couldn't help but feel an almost physical oppression.

There is a high probability that the person opposite is an Extraordinary, and he is definitely not a low-sequence person!

Klein subconsciously tightened the control of his facial muscles, and even raised his hands and spoke with much restraint.

"When I heard old Kohler tell me that a royal highness opened a 'workhouse', I really thought he had been deceived."

"Especially since he also told me that this 'workhouse' allows those who live in it to go out and find work instead of being locked up like prisoners in the hospital."

With a slight smile on his lips, Klein controlled the distance of the conversation and gradually relaxed and leaned against the back of the chair.

"I think you should understand. After all, this is more... you know... more inconsistent with the behavior of the kingdom's big shots..."

Klein's implicit joke did not shake Aigron's mood, and he glanced at Klein indifferently.


Aiglon said:

"When His Highness Edsac first found me and handed me this honor, I was also surprised. I even tried to persuade him to think about it again."


Klein was suddenly very curious about the identity of the administrator opposite him. It was impossible for an ordinary retired officer to be qualified to be invited by the prince himself.

Aeglon and Prince Edsac have a good relationship?

How dare he refuse an invitation from a member of the royal family!

Aigron nodded.

"Establishing a welfare institution that allows the poor to go out to find work, provides free accommodation and food, and does not serve the purpose of punishment or deterrence is contrary to the consensus reached by the Kingdom and the Church in the Poor Relief Act jointly formulated by them."

"If His Highness hadn't told me that His Majesty the King also intends to change the current society's misunderstandings about the poor and the sources of poverty, and is willing to support his good deeds, I would rather offend His Highness and accept the neglect or punishment from him than accept it. Undertake such a mission."

"His Majesty the King also wants to change the status quo?"

Seizing the key point of Aigron's words, Klein couldn't help but show a hint of urgency.

"Yes." Aigron said briefly.

Suddenly, he made a gesture and stopped Klein who wanted to continue questioning.

"Sir, after I have been so honest with you, do you think you should also tell me your name and who you really are?"

Aiglon glanced at Klein's upper body and his strong arms, and sneered without warning.

"Your body shape tells me that you have received certain training and fighting education, but it is not systematic enough."

"At the same time, the way you walk is not as powerful as your figure makes you feel. You are more like a scholar who has been immersed in the ocean of knowledge for a long time."

"Are you from Lemberg, or from Intis?"

With such meticulous observation...Klein was a little panicked when he was seen through in just one encounter.

You can see that my appearance does not match my insides. What kind of army did Mr. Aigron serve in the Southern Continental Army before?

"Cline Moretti" was still a weak college student two months ago. My fighting skills were basically inherited from the knowledge instilled in me by potions, so that in order to quickly master the proficiency, I also consciously moved closer to my normal behavior. It is not unusual for connoisseurs to see the changes brought about by magic potions.

But he mentioned Intis and Lundberg... He suspected that I was a spy from those two places?

That's right, the time of my appearance was too coincidental. The "workhouse" hosted by Prince Edsac had just opened its doors, and I happened to "visit" with a former homeless man I had a relationship with.

After being stunned for a moment, Klein shook his head in denial and explained with a smile:

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself to you."

"My name is Sherlock Moriarty, from the Sea."

"I used to be a student at Constance University. I really like the academic atmosphere there. I spend more time studying with professors on campus than working outside."

"I also learned my fighting skills from a history professor who loved exploring at that time."


Aiglon didn't know whether to believe Klein's words or not, so he just gave a perfunctory "Oh".

He temporarily let go of his oppressive posture, and as he relaxed his shoulders, his whole temperament suddenly changed, becoming much more amiable and friendly.

"You asked me such a sensitive question as soon as I came up... I used to be a soldier and I am quite sensitive about this. Please understand."

"Of course." Klein also breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, I'm so good at talking about sensitive topics with Jerry Zaratul! He couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Fortunately, Aigron had no intention of continuing to pursue the matter, and just changed the topic and tried:

"But I'm still curious."

"Mr. Moriarty, it stands to reason that people like you who like to interact with scholars will often not interact with homeless people like Kohler, let alone understand their plight and be willing to care about them."

"I see that you seem to have your own unique opinions on the Poor Law. It seems that your relationship with Kohler is also good?"

Regarding this point, Klein had already prepared a draft. When Aigron asked, he answered according to the words he had prepared in advance:

"Sir, you are a bit stereotyped."

"Many laws in the Kingdom have not changed for a hundred years, but our society is constantly changing."

"Perhaps our knowledgeable predecessors who originally proposed it were also affected by the times, blinded part of their vision, and made wrong judgments."

"But in recent years, especially as more and more farmers have gone bankrupt and poured into cities, can't we still see the real problem?"

"Conston City is more industrially developed than Backlund. The number of workers there is more than double that of Backlund. How many of them can't afford to eat despite their hard work day and night?"

"Understanding the lives of workers, exploring how to solve their difficulties, and helping those who are hard-working but still poor are also topics that students like to choose here."

When Klein reached the "emotional" part, he waved his arms naturally.

"That's how Kohler and I met."

"Last week, I was doing research in the East District and happened to meet the unfortunate old Kohler..."

Behind the wooden table, Aigron sat upright and quietly watched Klein's performance.

Finally, after Klein finished telling his story about his acquaintance with the elder Kohler, his stone-sculpted expression changed a little.

"Thank you on behalf of Kohler."

"You certainly helped him in a difficult time."

As he said this, Aigron apologized in a less obvious way:

"When we were still in the Southern Continent, what we hated most were foreign scholars and reporters. Over time, we developed prejudices."

"I was being subjective when I questioned your purpose of coming."

I hate outside scholars and reporters... Klein is a little curious.

"Why is there such a prejudice, and who did what?"

It's a good thing he didn't mention it. When he mentioned it, Aigron suddenly let out a short sneer, and there was a hint of contempt in his ice-blue eyes.

"People always believe the facts they see with their own eyes, even if these facts are only one-sided. As long as they think deeply, they will notice the wrong logic that cannot be connected in series. They will not want to admit it for their own poor self-esteem, but will fight for their lives. to maintain."

"This is especially true for journalists and scholars from the Kingdom itself."

"I don't know how much you know about the Southern Continent." Aigron said with a cold smile, "The colony is completely different from what some people in China imagine. It is not a beautiful place, nor is it an ideal land where you can get rich easily."

As soon as his emotions started to explode, Aigron suddenly shuddered.

He stopped the topic rationally, quickly adjusted his emotions, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"So I'm back. I don't want to waste my life in that kind of place anymore. I want to make some meaningful contributions, such as helping His Highness Edsac help poor people like Kohler."

"I think your choice will be correct." Klein agreed.

"Correct?" Aigron couldn't help but laugh, and he opened his mouth, "I hope so. I hope the Lord can protect me and point me to the right path."

Like many followers of the Storm Lord, he made a fist with his right hand and beat his chest hard.

The administrator, who was a soldier, glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, stood up from the table, and said straightly:

"I have to meet with some newly recruited volunteers in the hospital later, and the new admission application also needs to be reviewed, so I can't continue chatting with you."

"It's okay." Seeing that the other party had reached this point, Klein didn't show any pretense.

"You keep busy, I was just taking a look."

After leaving Aigron's office, the two said goodbye at the corner of the corridor, and Klein headed toward the door of the "Almshouse" alone.

He was about to leave, but found that when he first arrived at the "workhouse", the little boy hiding behind Aigron had sneaked out at some point and stood under the white wall, with two dark, round eyes filled with water. Light, staring intently at himself.

"Uncle, you have to be careful lately."

When the little boy saw Klein looking at him, he reminded him with a cold smile.

The suburbs of Backlund.

A dozen white bones nearly four meters tall were digging into the soft soil beneath their feet, seemingly looking for something.

Wearing a black formal suit and a half-high silk top hat, Azik Eggers stared at the mountains in the distance and couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with the divination.

In the past two weeks, he followed the answers given by the divination and traveled through all the mountainous areas surrounding Backlund.

His divination told him that Ince Zangwill was hiding in a deep mountain on the outskirts of Backlund City, UU reading www.uukanshu. nettBut the result was either a misjudgment, or the location of Ince Zangwill could not be accurately located, and the only way to do it was to rely on manual search.

However, this time Azik stayed in the mountainous area and did not leave immediately because he suddenly sensed some strange connection after discovering that he had lost track of Zangwill who kept "teleporting" in various mountainous areas.

"Did 0-08 mislead me in my divination? Or did Ince Zangwill obtain a sealed artifact of the 'Gate' path so that he can constantly move between different mountainous areas?"

Azik waved slightly, and a dozen bones that were digging with their hands as shovels stopped at the same time.

The only white skeleton that did not stop curled up with a huge body, half of its body buried in the ground, and handed the items unearthed from the soil to its owner like a crawler.

It was a fresh leg bone.

The breath of death awakened Azik's sleeping divinity. He silently stared at the leg bone held in the white palm for a moment. He just circled it once, and the countless soft earth around him cracked layer by layer, retreating to both sides like waves, revealing The vast expanse of pale skin was buried under the soil.

There are men and women, old people and children, fresh ones and old ones.

As one of the top "corpse collectors" in the world, Azik could tell that the oldest corpses among them were no more than ten years old, while the freshest ones were only a few days old.

"It doesn't look like a living sacrifice? Who is building the tomb?" Azik reburied these unknown corpses out of doubt.

Since losing his memory, he hasn't seen a similar scene with his own eyes for a long time.

I've been having a lot of sun lately, so please take care.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 50: Headache, almost gave up

Chapter 139: Headache, almost gave up

"Uncle, you have to be careful lately."

"How about it?"

"Did you notice anything about that 'workhouse'?"

The white-painted wall got farther and farther behind Klein. It wasn't until he was a certain distance away that he asked in a low voice to the air beside him.

"no problem."

No problem... Sharon's answer surprised Klein.

No matter how you look at it, the problems with that "workhouse" are not small. It goes against common sense of society and is related to the royal family. The manager once served in the colony. The children in it are so nagging that they still appeared at this time. Come...

Is there really no problem?

"How much do you know about Roen's Southern Continent Legion?" Klein suddenly asked.

From "travelling" to now, he has never met a soldier in the serious sense, and he is completely confused in this regard.

"It's been a long time since I left the Southern Continent."

Sharon's ethereal voice in the air seemed to come from afar, extinguishing Klein's expectations.

It wasn't that Sharon didn't want to answer Klein's question, nor was she intentionally avoiding it.

But when she left her hometown, the enemies she hated were still the famous "War Red" Legion of the Second Empire of Trunsoest, as well as the Intis Dragoons and Roen's Army Division 1, the Southern Continent. Legion is also an unfamiliar name to her.

She and Klein were also unclear about the fact that the so-called Southern Continental Legion that Aigron served in the past was not a unique designation of Loen. It existed in the armies of Loen, Fenebort, Intis, and Feysac. Among them, it was the consular force stationed overseas that was established by various countries one after another after the last indigenous regime in the western part of the Southern Continent took off its crown.

Their predecessors came from the expeditionary legion sent by the Kingdom of the Northern Continent a hundred years ago. During the hundred years when colonial rule became more and more stable, they continued to get rid of the influence of the parent legion and became independent. It was not until the past ten years that they had their own group. Number.

Miss Hunter means that she has never heard of the Southern Continental Legion?

Klein took a deep breath and continued walking without looking away.

As time goes by, more and more mysteries surround him, and more and more doubts pop up out of nowhere.

Sometimes, he himself is not sure why he really wants to stay in Backlund?


Looking for Ince Zangwill?

The real purpose of investigating Gostals?

Or help Zaratul confirm that the Loen royal family is planning the "Black Emperor" ceremony?

He set foot on the Capital of Ten Thousand Capitals with revenge in mind, but what he got in return was confusion.

Revenge... He had killed Lanruth within his power.

As for Ince Zangwill, a demigod who has mastered level 0 sealed objects and a demigod with dual pathways, there is no way he can match him, not to mention that he doesn't even know Zangwill's whereabouts.

Among the remaining two things, aside from the "Black Emperor" card that was completely unexpected, the investigation of Gostars was not his will, but more like Zaratul pushing the boat along with the reasons he could not refuse. A chain was added to him.

To be honest, two Sequence Fives and two Sequence Sixes, this combination would not be weak anywhere. It was considered a backbone that could not be ignored even in the Zhengshen Church, and they were all candidates who would have the opportunity to compete for high-level positions in the future.

But when their opponent is a demigod, another demigod who has been promoted through various channels, the so-called quasi-high-level officials without divine power suddenly become extremely ridiculous.

The "Devil" has an excellent sense of malice and can accurately avoid all actions that are harmful to him. He is a natural hunter who wanders in the shadows.

He only needs a curse and a seemingly normal accident to easily kill Klein and his companions who are also tasked with investigating.

Zaratul sent his nominal granddaughter here and asked Mr. A, the youngest and outstanding among the twenty-six divine envoys of the Aurora Society, to be my bodyguard... What was his true purpose in leading me to Backlund?

Once again, Klein once again felt the suffocation of his destiny being grasped by an iron fist. It was as if a month ago, he was living in a hazy way in the script compiled by 0-08, like a puppet with a desperate comeback, like a nightmare. Caught up with him.

When he thought of this, Klein, who had to take small breaths while walking in the haze, felt even more pungent in his mouth and nose. His shoulders suddenly became extremely heavy, and his legs felt like they were filled with lead, making him unable to lift them up.

"What's wrong with you?"

Sharon's figure, wearing a complicated black dress, slowly appeared in front of his eyes, floating in the light yellow air, not quite realistic enough.

The red brick wall blocked the way forward, and the stinky trash can was almost overflowing with excrement. Klein himself didn't realize when he entered a dead end.


Klein stood blankly facing the nearly three-meter-tall brick wall, and only uttered one syllable for a long time.

"You look like you're hysterical, but I don't see any trace of a curse on you."


That's right, according to the native dialect, I felt like I had lost my soul just now... Klein closed his mouth that was open but unable to make a sound.

He pondered for a while and decided to tell the truth.

"Do you think there is a high chance that we will discover Gostars and destroy his secret conspiracy?"

Hearing that Klein was troubled by this matter, Sharon showed no signs of surprise, confusion, or any other emotions. She just glanced at the sky shrouded in light yellow and light gray with a pair of blue eyes. The clouds there, the direction of the wind and the sudden dampness all indicated that a heavy rain would come soon.

"It's small."

"Then tell me, what is the meaning of our current actions and investigations in the East District?"

Seeing that Sharon had the same view as him, Klein hurriedly asked.

"It makes no sense." Sharon's answer was still negative.

Pointless? This time Klein was stunned again.

But soon, he alone figured out the true meaning behind Sharon's negative answer.

The reason why Miss Hunter assists me is only because of Zaratul's order. On this point, she is the same as me.

I followed Zaratul's order not only to stabilize the former power of "Mystery" as much as possible, to prove myself to the true creators far away in the southern continent, in order to successfully inherit the legacy of "Mystery", with their support Get stronger, get revenge and try to go home and leave this world?

If Zaratul can't help me do this and can't threaten my safety, there is no need for me...

Ha... As he thought about it, Klein couldn't help but sneer and mock himself inwardly.

He found that after following the Aurora Society for so long, he had forgotten his original identity.

When will the "Nighthawks" consider the pros and cons before taking action, and stop taking action just because they are confused and allow evil to harm others?

Such an idea is neither a "nighthawk" nor in line with his self-perception!

He was never a devout believer. To this day, what makes him insist on his identity as a "Nighthawk" is not his cheap belief in the goddess of the night at all, but is deeply rooted in every member of the Tingen Blackthorn Security Company. The creed of "watching" from the bottom of my heart.

"Actually, it still makes sense," Klein said, looking at Sharon suspended in mid-air. "Aren't you and the 'Sexualists' who choose to fall and believe in evil enemies enemies?"

"Besides, His Highness Zaratul also made a promise. If the mission is successful, each of us can try to be promoted to demigod with his help."

Sharon, who was pale and delicate in appearance, looked at him, waiting for the next step.

"It's true that we can't catch Gostars' whereabouts alone, but it's impossible for him to do everything personally."

"Everyone you walk through will leave traces. Do you remember the serial murder case that was revealed the night Lanrewus died?"

The corners of Klein's mouth turned up slightly and he said:

"What a coincidence. It's the same as when I first discovered the 'Rose School''s secret attempt to win over the plateau people in the East District."

"We can start with these events that seem to have nothing to do with Gostars, but clearly contain traces of 'demonic' and 'alien' activities, and then dig out bit by bit all the information hidden in Backlund that is related to the 'Rose School of Thought' 'There are hidden dangers of contact.'

"When Gostals has fewer and fewer subordinates who can be used by him, until he has no one available, or when he is about to approach the limit of his resources, he will definitely become unable to sit still and show his weakness."

"At that time, our mission will be completed."

Sharon, who had light blond hair and a black palace dress, looked at Klein who suddenly regained confidence. Her blue eyes blinked quietly a few times, wondering what she was thinking.

Fortunately, in the end, the "resentful soul" lady didn't give any more negative answers.

She nodded.


In the churning Sunian Sea, the Blue Avenger was thrown high from time to time, and then fell back under the pull of gravity. His sight penetrated the glass window wetted by the sea water, and Alger, who was sitting firmly on the captain's chair, watched The sailors were staggering on the deck and had to use all their strength to avoid being swept into the deep sea by the waves. Among the various turbans staggering around, only a few close sailors of the church and the first mate who had accepted his favor were walking on the ground. They seemed to have nothing. Others are so embarrassed.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a muffled sound, and Alger, who was sitting firmly on the seat, was unwilling to get up. Taking advantage of the unique design of the captain's cabin and relying on the strong balance ability of the "Navigator", his body swayed with the ship's hull and was half on the seat. Turn around and grab the armrest in time.

Such armrests can be found everywhere on the Blue Avenger. A thick and short wooden pipe protruding from the edge of Alger's desk is one of the armrests he specially installed.

Perhaps the long period of jolting consumed a lot of energy. The second mate who knocked on the door in a hurry did not notice that his captain was still sitting on the chair and never got up. He just thought that as a more powerful extraordinary person, the captain's reaction speed was faster. It was a bit pretentious, and he didn't ask him to go to the deck to pull on the sail rope with all his strength. He was not willing to stand with them sailors for a while longer.

However, these little inner thoughts only stayed at the stage of thinking. In front of Alger, the second officer at the ninth level of the sequence lowered his head with a red turban and gasped:

"Captain, the church is just ahead of us. We are sailing completely against the ocean current, and the bastards on the deck are a little bit unable to hold on anymore. We need to dock at the church's port in front of us to avoid the wind and waves, and we can also replenish fresh water."

Listening to the second officer's report, Alger instinctively constructed an illusory navigation chart in his mind, and almost instantly understood the current situation based on spiritual feedback.

If you just rest for a day and avoid the strongest waves, it will not affect the transfer to the outer channel of the Rhoside Islands before next week... Although as the captain of the privateer ship of the Church of Storms, Alger is less restricted, but He still needs to change course from time to time according to the orders of the church.

The "Navigator" potion is almost digested. During the time when the ship docks at the Rhoside Islands to rest and replenish supplies, I can go to Bayam, sell the recent loot, and collect the money to exchange with Mr. "Fool"'s favored ones. Funding from the Zillingers Estate.

Within two weeks, Alger tried his best and finally saved up nearly 6,000 pounds, which was enough to buy the "Wind Blessed" attribute left by Qilingos.

As for another necessity required for promotion - the magic potion formula corresponding to the "Wind Blessed One"... Alger decided to take a risk and use a promise to find a solution from the "Magician".

Thinking of this, Alger looked out the only window in the captain's cabin at the rolling blue outside.

A three-masted sailboat with black sails was slowly sailing on the sea far away from the "Blue Avenger", and it had just emerged from the storm.

Black Death... Alger sighed silently, withdrew his gaze and looked at his second officer again.

"Let's go ashore first."

"In addition to replenishing fresh water and food, I also need to report to His Excellency the Bishop on our recent experiences."

He tilted his head meaningfully.

"UU read www.uuknshu.net especially those who have followed us all the way."

Backlund Street.

The galloping carriages passed quickly through the streets, weaving in and out of the crowds without scruples. Walking workers and homeless people all avoided them, for fear of being knocked down by horses or carriages, leaving them disabled, and completely losing hope of survival.

The unstopped carriage was like a wild wolf that broke into the village, wandering in the streets as if searching for prey.

Finally, after sparing the worthless middle-aged workers and disabled elderly people, it found a good "prey".

A pair of dark-skinned hands stretched out from the suddenly opened car door, acting as the bloody maw of the "wild wolf".

"It" focused on the girl who was walking quickly as she walked past the corner of the street, carrying a bucket of clothes waiting to be starched. The old skirt could not cover the steam burns on her skin, and quickly approached her.

This pair of hands came from a man wearing a heavy jacket and a gray and black peaked cap. They powerfully grabbed the panicked girl who was running away from the carriage in a panic.

He and his accomplice, another man dressed similarly to him, grabbed one of the girl's arms and pulled her into the carriage.

The bucket containing the clothes to be washed fell to the ground, and the dry black socks inside were scattered all over the floor. Several pedestrians passing by looked at the carriage that was still racing and getting further away, and then looked at the bucket on the ground which was still clean. Several items of clothing in good condition.


The loud sound of the car door closing came from a distance. At the corner where the girl disappeared, there were only a few pedestrians snatching clothes, and the carriage had long since disappeared.

I don't know why, but I almost slept to death on my own.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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