
Who's the Culprit?

Enduring the excruciating pain, Dominique focused his attention on Athena.

"Athena, are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" Dominique asked her worriedly, his eyes checking her for possible injury.

Athena finally returned to her senses after that life-threatening incident. She just found herself engulfed by Dominique's arms. He was lying on the floor while Athena was on top of him, being secured by his embrace.

She gazed up only to see Dominique's worried look. And at the same time, he appeared to be in pain but she didn't pay more attention to it. Instead, Athena blinked in surprise. She didn't expect to be saved by Dominique. 

'Sigh… Of all the people who could save me, why did it have to be him?' Athena didn't want to owe him anything.

"I'm fine," Athena nonchalantly responded as she tried to get up. Ashton immediately assisted her to stand up.

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