
Chapter 4: Shadow of the Serpent

Peering through dense foliage obscuring the cavern's edge, the team witnessed a blasphemous scene that shook them to their cores. Dozens of robed figures surrounded a towering onyx monolith, their lilting incantations echoing eerily amid stone pillars. On the monolith's polished surface writhed nightmare entities reminiscent of Revelations' beasts, projected through occult techniques as offerings were made below.

The party withdrew silently, hearts heavy with foreboding. Gathering out of earshot, Caleb stabilized shaken faith through urgent prayer and reminding of Christ's victory. Though repugnant evil festered in darkness, spreading truth in love would eventually vanquish all manner of deception. Taking counsel, they agreed further investigation held dangers better faced with backup. Contacting Susan for aid, she agreed to join after coordinating with pastoral heads.

Awaiting Susan's arrival, the team pondered revelations amid worried discussions over mugs of coffee in their lodgings. Daniel noted occult geometries' symbolism corresponded to satanic hierarchies described by repentant former members, showing secret societies' domination ambitions extended beyond isolated nations.

That evening, Susan arrived after an exhausting trip, embracing each member in turn. Sharing what was witnessed brought chilling comfort, knowing they weren't alone facing such darkness. Together, in the Lord, nothing could defeat them. After nourishment and rest, they resumed delving into the labyrinth together.

Deeper underground, torchlight revealed arcane etchings and artifacts of human experimentation, feeding horrors long dormant. Halting at an iron-bound portal, Daniel cracked its seals through algorithms unlocking profane encryptions. Within lay foul alchemical laboratories outfitted for aberrant transformations of soul and flesh, signs of the order delved to depraved extremes in lust for forbidden power.

Retreating from that blasphemy, an earthquake shook the tunnels! Rocks tumbled, cries arose, and the order sensed intrusion and sealed exits. Torches guttered in the rockfall's dust as darkness crushed in. The team huddled, praying and reciting Psalms for strength as tremors subsided. Finally, a glow appeared ahead, lighting gaunt faces emerging from the rubble.

Rescuers from a Protestant community miles away had been alerted by Susan and dug laboriously to save God's servants. Though exhausted and shaken, the party gave thanks for being delivered from that hellish maze and returned safely to the surface. Reflecting afterwards, they saw the hand of Providence protecting believers uniting to spread light in an ever-darkening world.

"The fundamental principle of Christianity is to be what God is, and he is light." John Hagee

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