
Chapter 101: Ozpin Begging!

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Ozpin's eyes went wide thinking he had one last trump card stowed on him by the gods.

"What is your plan then? If killing him, just reincarnates him," Raven asked.

I smirked, putting my hand into my inventory. Drawing my mythical weapon. It seemed to hum in anticipation. Like it knew that it was going to be used to slay someone.

Raven backed up from the blade, in fear. "W-What is that?" she asked, stuttering in her words.

"This? Oh, just a weapon capable of killing immortals," I said nonchalantly. Twirling the blade around effortlessly. Like it was a part of me. "Name is Backbiter. Since I promised you could kill Ozpin. I'm going to let you use it one time and one time only."

Handing the blade to her she picked it up like it was going to attack her. It vibrates in anger in her hands.

"It feels like it doesn't want me to wield it," she commented.

"It doesn't. I'm its master though. So, I'm forcing it to let you." I told her. Telling the truth because Backbiter was semi-sentient. At least to the extent of knowing who is using it and their attention.

She raised the blade above Ozpin's head. His eyes locked on the blade with fear.

"Please don't. I'm not ready to go yet. I still have work to do," Ozpin begged. Raven started bringing the blade down. "PLEASSSSSSS!-"

His pleas were interrupted by the blade effortlessly cutting him down the middle.

Raven's hands started shaking violently causing her to drop Backbiter. Collapsing to her knees she started hugging herself.

"He's gone. Finally gone." she started saying fears falling from her eyes. "Summer, I avenged you. You'll rest in peace now, right? I did good, right?"

Sighing, I put a hand on her shoulder. "Raven, I'm not really great with feelings and all that. So, I'm just going to say what I would want to hear in this situation." I told her, being honest.

"Summer probably would be happy that her family is protected, but disappointed that her... sister had to deliver the final blow. However, she would know that you could handle the burden." I told her trying to be sincere.

"I'm not worried about killing Ozpin. This isn't my first kill. It's that this was the only kill that was personal. All the others were for survival." Raven told me while still looking at the corpse of Ozpin. "I just wish I could know if Summer is happy now."

Not saying anything I got up and opened another portal. Turning back I told her how her wish could be answered.

"Grow stronger. Then you can speak with her yourself. After all, you share the Maiden powers with her." I said, grabbing my sword on the ground and walking through the portal knowing she would follow.

I entered through the portal coming out of a warehouse. Drawing attention to me from the people who were having a meeting. The fight with Ozpin must have been longer than I thought because Cinder was already there.

Getting on guard Cinder's eyes flashed red and her clothes started glowing. Mercury got into a martial art stance. While Emeral grabbed her revolver-sickles weapon. I'm going to grab them before I leave. Even if I don't use it often... okay not at all. I do have accuracy that rivals Deadshot.

"Who are you?" Cinder asked, on guard.

"Normally, I would play around with you, but honestly you're just not worth my time. I was told in advance you were coming, so I'm here to kill you." Being honest and not wanting to play around with her.

"Oh, you think you can defeat me? One I doubt you could even if I was by myself, but I'm not alone." She said, casting a glare at Neo and Roman who got as far away as possible from Cinder when they saw me. Mercury and Emerald come up to Cinder's side ready for a fight.

It was at this time that Raven answered not showing any signs of recently crying. Looking to be ready for a fight.

Cinder got on guard after seeing the infamous Raven Branwen.

"Oh, that was why you were cocky. Having the infamous Raven Branwen on your side to do all your fighting for you. Cowards like you don't make it far." Cinder smirked at me thinking I was going to let Raven do all the fighting.

When she said this I couldn't help myself. I did a slight laugh before going into a full-blown laughing fit. Gaining confused looks from Emerald, Cinder, and Mercury. Raven sighing at my actions.

"Idiot, you should have begged to fight me. Might have had a chance since I'm a little tired from my fight with Ozpin." Raven said, walking away from the fight and sitting on a box in the warehouse.

"What are you talking about? This weakling isn't going to be any problem." Cinder said, throwing a blast of fire at me. Enveloping me in flames. "See, now you are next."

Raven shook her head at Cinder pointing at the flames.

The flames started vanishing in front of her eyes, surprising her. Which caused even more surprise when she saw the flames going into my mouth. After clearing the flames, I cleared my throat before looking back at Cinder.

"One, your flames had a horrible taste to them. Two, that attack was rude. I was having a great laugh. Three, you said that I couldn't beat you even when you were by yourself, but I had no chance because you had allies on your side. So, I took the liberty of getting rid of them." I told her to drop two bright red objects on the ground.

[Thief's Respite added into Inventory.]

Cinder looked down at the objects and her eyes went wide seeing two still beating hearts on the ground. Her eyes went over to her allies and seeing them still standing she thought I was bluffing. However, after getting a closer look I noticed a hole in each of their chests and blood dripping down their mouths.


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